October 22
Contenido October 22 is the 295th (two hundred and ninety-fifth) day of the year—the 296th (two hundred and ninety-sixth) in leap years—in the Gregorian calendar. There are 70 days left to end the year.
- CenturyXXIIa. C. in China records a solar eclipse, the first known to be registered.
- 1383: In Portugal civil wars begin during the crisis of 1383-1385 when King Ferdinand I died without a male heir and would conclude with the strengthening of Portuguese independence after the Battle of Aljubarrota.
- 1406: Riada del Jucar, with numerous victims and losses. In Alcira (Valencia) it reaches unknown heights.
- 1575: Mexico founded the then village of Aguascalientes, the current capital of the homonymous state.
- 1633: in the Bay of Liaoluo (Fujian, China), the Ming navy of Emperor Chongzhen, led by Zheng Zhilong, defeats the fleet of the Dutch Company of the East Indies and pirates allies, in the Battle of the Bay of Liaoluo, one of the most important naval battles of the seventeenth century.
- 1702: In front of the coasts of Vigo (Spain), the Anglo-Dutch navy plunges much of the Indian fleet.
- 1768: in Spain, King Charles III dictates the calls Orders of Carlos III on army regime, discipline and services.
- 1797: In Paris (France), André-Jacques Garnerin makes the first parachute descent jumping from an aerostatic balloon over the Monceau park.
- 1810: In the village of Acámbaro (Mexico) the priest Miguel Hidalgo is named “General of the Americas”. Leave the cassock and wear the military suit. This forms the Liberating Insurgent Army.
- 1814: The first constitution of the country is enacted in Apatzingán, Mexico.
- 1844: The Great Chasco of the Millerite Movement that awaited the second coming of Jesus Christ. This was one of the factors that originated the Seventh-day Adventist Church. (See List of dates of the end of the world).
- 1854: in the province of Buenos Aires (Argentina) the current city of Chivilcoy is founded.
- 1859: Spain declares war on Morocco.
- 1867: In Italy, Giuseppe Garibaldi, who had succeeded in bringing together an army with unofficial assistance, crosses the border of the Pontifical States with the aim of completing the Italian unification.
- 1876: Inundaciones en las orertas de Murcia y Orihuela.
- 1879: the Pacific war between Bolivia, Peru and Chile ends.
- 1884: In Washington, United States, the International Meridian Conference establishes for international use that the meridian 0° is Greenwich.
- 1885: In Rome, an arbitral opinion of Pope Leo XIII recognizes the right of Spain to possess the Carolina Islands in the face of German claims to these Pacific islands.
- 1891: in the province of Buenos Aires (Argentina) the party of General Pinto is created.
- 1892: In Argentina, an electric tram works for the first time. This occurs in the city of La Plata, where the country's first steam tram had also worked.
- 1901: In Castellón (Spain) a large number of gold coins are discovered from the times of the Roman emperors Nero, Antonio, Nerva, Trajan and Adriano.
- 1904: In the North Sea, the Russian Baltic Fleet; on its way to the Pacific, in the framework of the Russian-Japanese war, opens fire at night near Doggerbank against British fishing boats, to which it confuses with Japanese torpedo boats.
- 1904: In Russia, during the call of reservists, there are numerous demonstrations in the cry of “Down with the Tsar!” and “Live Japan!”.
- 1905: In Chile, workers call for a rally in order to protest against the rise of meats, inflation, and in general the increase of the cost of living, during the presidency of Germán Riesco.
- 1907: In the United States there is an economic crack.
- 1911: constitutional guarantees are restored throughout Spain.
- 1914: In Prussia, the German Socialist Party (SPD) demands annulment of the electoral system.
- 1920: in Madrid, several carteros support a post office.
- 1922: in Italy the Government resigns. The king asks Benito Mussolini to form a cabinet, which gives rise to the fascist dictatorship.
- 1925: Greek troops enter Bulgaria.
- 1926: In Spain, the government decides to coin new coins of 50 cents, to replace the copper-nice calderilla.
- 1928: The Nanking government fires all Russian trainers in the army and officials in the state offices.
- 1928: in San Juan (Puerto Rico) the university fraternity Fi Sigma Alfa was founded.
- 1929: In France the government of Aristide Briand falls.
- 1931: The League of Nations requires the Japanese Government to abandon the occupied Chinese territories.
- 1933: in Rome, Italy, the boxer Primo Carnera beats Paulino Uzcudun after fifteen rounds, and proclaims himself world champion of boxing.
- 1935: In Valladolid, Spain, the Week against Immoral Cinema is opened.
- 1936: in the city of Valencia (Spain) they are summoned to represent the solidarity of the French intellectuality in the struggle against fascism—in the framework of the Spanish civil war—Louis Aragon, Elsa Triolet and two German writers.
- 1937: in Ecuador General Alberto Enríquez happens to Páez in the presidency.
- 1937: the Duke of Alba is appointed representative of the Burgos government in London and Sir Robert Hodgson, representative of the government of Great Britain in Salamanca.
- 1940: In the framework of the Jewish Holocaust, the Nazis deport Jews from Alsace-Lorena, Sarre and Baden to France.
- 1940: in Montoire, France, Adolf Hitler and Pierre Laval conversed.
- 1940: In Portugal, the military dictatorship warns that it will not allow the transit through its territory of the Jewish emigrants who escape the Nazis.
- 1941: In Germany, a group of Nazi soldiers shot 27 prisoners, including the young Communist Guy Môquet.
- 1942: In Italy—in the framework of World War II—the allies perpetrated two days of air strikes against the civilian population of Milan and Genoa.
- 1943: In the context of World War II, the German city of Kassel is bombarded by allies producing 10,000 victims.
- 1944: the naval battle of Leyte begins, crucial in the development of the Second World War, which lasted five days and in which the United States destroyed the Japanese naval power.
- 1945: The referendum law is passed to directly consult the Spanish people with matters of special importance.
- 1946: between the island of Corfu and the coast of Albania, two British destroyers clash with mines and sink. The balance is 40 dead and several disappeared.
- 1948: the PCE and the PSUC abandon the armed struggle.
- 1949: Spanish dictator Francisco Franco pays a visit to Portugal.
- 1951: at the Nevada nuclear test site, the United States detonates from a tower the tactical atomic bomb Able, which by mistake is very weak power (0,0004 kilotons). It is the first of the Buster-Jangle operation (which will expose some 6500 infantry soldiers to seven atomic explosions in a non-voluntary manner for a month).
- 1951: In London, UK, the protocol of entry of Greece and Turkey to NATO is signed.
- 1958: in an atmospheric nuclear test at 110 meters high, on the nuclear test site in the New Zembla Archipelago, Arctic Ocean, north of Russia, the Soviet Union detonates an atomic bomb of 2800 kilotons. It is nuclear evidence n. 78 of the 981 that the Soviet Union detonated between 1949 and 1991 that, measures in kilotons, represent 54.9 per cent of the total nuclear tests carried out in the world.
- 1959: In the Mexican states of Colima and Jalisco, a cyclone in the Pacific causes serious damage and more than a thousand victims.
- 1959: in Escorca Son Torrella (Mallorca) 536.5 mm are measured, the highest amount collected on 24 h by a Balearic station.
- 1960: In Louisville (Kentucky), Cassius Clay fights his first fight as a boxing professional, winning in the sixth round.
- 1961: in Jovellanos (of the Cuban province of Matanzas), the terrorist gang of Idmelio Rivera Chile—in the framework of the terrorist attacks organized by the U.S. CIA, under the orders of President John F. Kennedy—shoot a train leading a group of athletes. The stove and a number of young people are injured.
- 1962: In Washington, United States, President John F. Kennedy announces Cuba's blockade of the U.S. Navy until the Soviet Union withdraws the missiles installed on the island.
- 1964: the Movement for Self-Determination and Independence of the Canary Islands (MPAIAC) designs and begins to spread the tricolor canarian flag, symbol of Canarian nationalism.
- 1967: Great demonstrations against the Vietnam War are held in the United States, the United Kingdom and Western Europe.
- 1969: in Chile, General Viaux perpetrates a coup d'état, which is frustrated.
- 1970: in Chile, extreme right-wing militants attack the life of General Schneider, head of the army; and the state of emergency is proclaimed.
- 1970: in Venezuela, Metropolitan University begins its academic activities.
- 1972: in France the film is released The discreet charm of the bourgeoisieLuis Buñuel, Spanish filmmaker in exile.
- 1973: Yom Kippur War.
- 1975: the soviet space probe Venus 9 sits on the surface of the planet Venus and transmits images of its surface.
- 1977: In Spain, the Minister of Justice confirms the urgency of a democratic adjustment of criminal law.
- 1978: In the Vatican City, the Polish Cardinal Karol Wojtyła, elected Pope on the 16th of October, began his "pontificate" with the name of John Paul II.
- 1979: In Spain, the terrorist group ETA interrupts a program of RTVE to ask for "yes" to the status of Guernica.
- 1983: in Bilbao, Spain, more than 150 000 people manifest themselves against terrorism.
- 1987: poet Joseph Brodsky, a Russian dissident and a U.S. national, won the Nobel Prize in Literature.
- 1989: in Budapest (Hungary), the President of Parliament, Matyas Szuros, proclaims the end of the communist state established in 1948, and announces the establishment of a new democratic legality.
- 1995: In New York, the fiftieth anniversary of the United Nations is commemorated with the condemnation of Iran, Iraq, Libya and Sudan for supporting terrorism.
- 1997: In Hong Kong, the Bolsa suffers the greatest collapse of its history by falling 6.6%.
- 1998: In Italy, Massimo D'Alema becomes the first ex-communist to run a government in Western Europe.
- 1998: Brazil launches its artificial SCD-2 satellite.
- 1999: In Peru, a school breakfast donated by the Government causes death for intoxication of 24 children between 3 and 8 years of age.
- 2000: In Vitoria, Basque Country, the terrorist group ETA murders the prison officer Máximo Casado.
- 2001: Germany launches its Earth observation satellite BIRD.
- 2001: in Spain the first edition of Operation Triomphe (OT) is premiered.
- 2002: in Spain, Juan José Lucas replaces Esperanza Aguirre in the presidency of the Senate.
- 2002: in Maryland, John Allen Muhammad, the "Cashington sniper," kills a bus driver and evade the police lock again.
- 2003: In an anti-doping control, the British athlete Dwain Chambers, a 100-metre European champion, is positive for THG (new anabolizing steroid).
- 2004: The Russian Parliament ratifies the text of the Kyoto Protocol.
- 2004: in San Sebastian, Basque Country, the terrorist group ETA explodes, for the second time in a week, an explosive device (this time in a real estate).
- 2005: In Santiago de Chile, the first phase of Transantiago, the new public transport system, enters into operation.
- 2006: In the Brazilian Grand Prize, Fernando Alonso is the second consecutive year champion of Formula 1 World Champion.
- 2006: Panama votes in a referendum to approve the development of the Panama Canal expansion project.
- 2007: in Acámbaro, Mexico, on October 22, it is declared “National Party” according to the Official Journal of the Federation, due to the events of 1810.
- 2009: In the United States, Microsoft software company launches its new Windows 7 operating system.
- 2012: Disc released Red Taylor Swift.
- 2012: Disc released Good Kid, M.A.A.D City Kendrick Lamar.
- 2013: Disc released Prism Katy Perry.
- 2014: In Bogotá, Colombia, the SIMONU Bogotá 2014 (Simulation of the United Nations), the largest United Nations simulation exercise in Latin America and the second largest in the world with more than 2500 participants is inaugurated.
- 2021: the Korean survival program "Girls Planet 999" is ending, being trended around the world, leaving Huening Bahhiyih in the top2 being the most voted in 115 countries.
- 1071: Guillermo de Poitiers, aristocrat of the north, and first known Provencal troubadour (f. 1126).
- 1197: Togetherku Tennō, 84th Emperor of Japan (f. 1242).
- 1511: Erasmus Reinhold, astronomer and German mathematician (f. 1553).
- 1559: Jacques Sirmond, French Jesuit (f. 1651).
- 1587: Joachim Jung, German philosopher and mathematician (f. 1657).
- 1592: Gustaf Horn, Swedish politician and military (f. 1657).
- 1659: Georg Stahl, German physician and chemist (f. 1734).
- 1689: Juan V de Portugal, Portuguese king between 1706 and 1750 (f. 1750).
- 1701: Maria Amelia of Austria, Archduke of Austria (f. 1756).
- 1729: Johann Reinhold Forster, Polish naturalist of German origin (f. 1798).
- 1761: Antoine Barnave, French statesman (f. 1793).
- 1778: Javier de Burgos, politician, journalist, playwright and Spanish translator (f. 1848).
- 1781: Luis José de France, dolphin of France (f. 1789).
- 1783: Constantine Samuel Rafinesque, a naturalist and American archaeologist of Franco-German-Italian origin (f. 1840).
- 1806: Hilario Lagos, an Argentine military who participated in the civil wars of his country in the Argentine federal army against the unitaries of Buenos Aires (f. 1860).
- 1811: Franz Liszt, Hungarian composer (f. 1886).
- 1818: Leconte de Lisle, French Parisian poet (f. 1894).
- 1832: Donato Guerra, Mexican military and political (f. 1876).
- 1844: Sarah Bernhardt, French actress (f. 1923).
- 1844: Louis Riel, Canadian politician (f. 1885).
- 1847: Koos de la Rey, politician and military South African (f. 1914).
- 1854: Mother Mary, an Argentine religious and healer (f. 1928).
- 1858: Augusta Victoria of Schleswig-Holstein, the German Empress and Prussian Consort Queen (f. 1921).
- 1859: Luis Fernando de Baviera, prince of Bavaria and infant of Spain, husband of the Infanta María de la Paz de Borbón (f. 1949).
- 1861: Juan Balestra, Argentine lawyer (f. 1938).
- 1863: Adamo Boari, Italian architect (f. 1928).
- 1864: José Sánchez Rosa, defender of the Andalusian workers' movement, anarchist and master of the workers (f. 1936).
- 1870: Ivan Alekséyevich Bunin, Russian writer, Nobel Prize in Literature in 1933 (n. 1953).
- 1870: Lord Alfred Douglas, British writer (f. 1945).
- 1881: Clinton Joseph Davisson, American physicist, Nobel Prize in Physics in 1937 (f. 1958).
- 1883: José Navas-Parejo, Spanish sculptor and goldsmith (f. 1953).
- 1885: Giovanni Martinelli, Italian tenor (f. 1969).
- 1886: Xoán Vicente Viqueira, a Spanish writer (f. 1924).
- 1887: John Reed, journalist and U.S. communist worker leader (f. 1920).
- 1893: Ernst Öpik, astronomer and astrophysical Estonian (f. 1985).
- 1893: Luis Otero, Spanish footballer (f. 1955).
- 1894: Mei Lanfang, Chinese singer (f. 1961).
- 1896: Francisco Gómez de Llano, Spanish politician (f. 1970).
- 1896: José Leitão de Barros, director, screenwriter and Portuguese actor (f. 1967).
- 1896: Mikhail Jozin, Soviet military (f. 1976)
- 1898: Dámaso Alonso, Spanish literate and philologist (f. 1990).
- 1899: Salvador Salazar Arrué, a Salvadoran writer and painter (f. 1975).
- 1903: Curly Howard, American actor and comedian (f. 1952).
- 1903: George Wells Beadle, American geneticist (f. 1989).
- 1904: Constance Bennett, American actress (f. 1965).
- 1904: Saul Calandra, Argentine footballer (f. 1973).
- 1905: Karl Guthe Jansky, American radio engineer (f. 1950).
- 1905: Joseph Kosma, Hungarian composer (f. 1969).
- 1906: Aurelio Baldor, Cuban lawyer and mathematician (f. 1978).
- 1907: Jimmie Foxx, American baseball player (f. 1967).
- 1907: Günther Treptow, German tenor (f. 1981).
- 1908: José Escobar Saliente, Spanish artist (f. 1994).
- 1911: José María Díez-Alegría, priest and Spanish theologian (f. 2010).
- 1913: Robert Capa, a Hungarian-born war photographer (f. 1954).
- 1913: Billono Đochai, the last emperor of Vietnam (f. 1997).
- 1913: Hans Peter Tschudi, Swiss politician (f. 2002)
- 1915: Issac Shamir, an Israeli politician (f. 2012).
- 1917: Joan Fontaine, American actress (f. 2013).
- 1918: Rene de Obaldia, French writer (f. 2022).
- 1919: Doris Lessing, a British novelist of Iranian origin (f. 2013).
- 1920: Timothy Leary, American writer and psychologist (f. 1996).
- 1921: Cuthbert Sebastian, doctor and politician from Sancristobaleño (f. 2017).
- 1921: Georges Brassens, French singer (f. 1981).
- 1921: Harald Nugiseks, Estonian military (f. 2014).
- 1922: Carlos Estrada, Argentine actor (f. 2001).
- 1922: Juan Carlos Lorenzo, footballer and Argentine coach (f. 2001).
- 1923: Bert Trautmann, German footballer (f. 2013).
- 1924: Elcira Olivera Garcés, an Argentine actress (f. 2016).
- 1925: Slater Martin, American basketball player and coach (f. 2012).
- 1925: Robert Rauschenberg, American painter (f. 2008).
- 1928: Nelson Pereira dos Santos, Brazilian filmmaker (f. 2018).
- 1929: Lev Yashin, Soviet footballer (f. 1990).
- 1930: Estela de Carlotto, an Argentine activist.
- 1930: José Guardiola, Spanish singer (f. 2012).
- 1931: Ann Rule, American writer (f. 2015).
- 1933: Carlos Alberto Sacheri, an Argentine scholar and theologian (f. 1974).
- 1933: Helmut Senekowitsch, Austrian footballer (f. 2007).
- 1934: Donald McIntyre, New Zealand singer.
- 1936: Peter Cook, English architect.
- 1937: José Larralde, Argentine singer of folk music.
- 1938: Derek Jacobi, British actor.
- 1938: Christopher Lloyd, American actor.
- 1939: Joaquim Alberto Chissano, a Mozambican politician.
- 1939: George Cohen, English international footballer.
- 1939: Jean-Pierre Desthuilliers, French writer and poet (f. 2013).
- 1942: Bobby Fuller, American singer and guitarist (f. 1966).
- 1942: Annette Funicello, American actress and singer (f. 2013).
- 1943: Jan de Bont, Dutch filmmaker.
- 1943: Allen Coage, professional free struggle and Olympic medalist (f. 2007).
- 1943: Blas Emilio Atehortúa, composer, conductor and Colombian teacher (f. 2020).
- 1943: Catherine Deneuve, French actress.
- 1945: Tom Lupo, psychoanalyst and Argentine poet.
- 1945: Sheila Sherwood, British athlete and Olympic medalist.
- 1945: Leslie West, American singing guitarist.
- 1946: Jaime Nebot, Ecuadorian politician.
- 1946: Deepak Chopra, doctor, writer and Indian lecturer.
- 1946: Elizabeth Connell, South African soprano (f. 2012).
- 1947: Haley Barbour, American politician.
- 1947: Godfrey Chitalu, former Zambian footballer (f. 1993).
- 1948: Pierre Lartigue, a French rallis pilot.
- 1949: Stiv Bators, American musician (f. 1990).
- 1949: Arsène Wenger, French football coach.
- 1950: Donald Ramotar, Guyanese president.
- 1952: Jeff Goldblum, American actor.
- 1953: René Arce Islas, Mexican politician.
- 1955: Susana Roccasalvo, journalist and Argentine television driver.
- 1956: Alejandro Kuropatwa, Argentine photographer (f. 2003).
- 1957: Henry Lauterbach, German athlete.
- 1957: Daniel Melingo, Argentinean musician.
- 1958: Bobby Blotzer, American musician.
- 1959: Pedro Barthe, Spanish journalist.
- 1959: Roberto Navarro, an Argentine economic journalist.
- 1959: Marc Shaiman, American composer.
- 1963: Brian Boitano, American skater.
- 1964: Mick Hill, British athlete.
- 1964: Craig Levein, soccer player and Scottish coach.
- 1964: Dražen Petrović, Croatian basketball player.
- 1964: TobyMac, American Christian singer.
- 1965: Piotr Wiwczarek, Polish guitarist.
- 1966: Valeria Golino, Greek-Italian actress.
- 1967: Rita Guerra, Portuguese singer.
- 1967: Carlos Mencia, comediante and actor from Honduras-American.
- 1968: Shaggy, Jamaican musician.
- 1968: Shelby Lynne, American singer.
- 1969: Julio Borges, Venezuelan politician and lawyer.
- 1969: Hector Carrasco, Dominican launcher.
- 1969: Spike Jonze, American filmmaker and film producer.
- 1969: Helmut Lotti, Belgian tenor.
- 1969: Coque Malla, Spanish actor and singer, of the band Los Ronaldos.
- 1970: Gabriel Amato, Argentine footballer.
- 1970: Winston Bogarde, Dutch footballer.
- 1970: D'Lo Brown, American professional fighter.
- 1970: Javier Milei, an Argentine economist.
- 1971: Amanda Coetzer, South African tennis player.
- 1971: Kornél Dávid, Hungarian player.
- 1971: José Ángel Mañas, Spanish writer.
- 1972: Víctor Saldaño, an Argentine criminal sentenced to death in the United States.
- 1972: Saffron Burrows, British actress.
- 1973: Andrés Palop, Spanish footballer.
- 1973: Ichiro Suzuki, Japanese baseball player.
- 1973: Mark van der Zijden, Dutch swimmer.
- 1974: Tim Kinsella, American musician.
- 1974: Jeff McInnis, American basketball player.
- 1975: Martin Cardetti, Argentine footballer.
- 1975: Jesse Tyler Ferguson, American actor.
- 1975:Michel Salgado, Spanish footballer.
- 1976: Jon Foreman, American singer.
- 1976: Laidback Luke, producer and Dutch-Philippine DJ.
- 1976: Helen Svedin, Swedish model.
- 1978: Dion Glover, American basketball player.
- 1978: Chaswe Nsofwa, Zambian footballer (f. 2007).
- 1978: Christoffer Andersson, Swedish footballer.
- 1979: Doni, Brazilian footballer.
- 1979: Deivid, Brazilian footballer.
- 1979: Fredrik Björck, Swedish footballer.
- 1980: Kukuli Morante, Peruvian actress.
- 1981: Ligia Petit, Venezuelan actress and model.
- 1981: Olivier Pla, French racing pilot.
- 1982: Robinson Canó, Dominican baseball player.
- 1982: Mark Renshaw, Australian sportsman.
- 1982: Oleksandr Kucher, Ukrainian footballer.
- 1983: Byul, singer of K-Pop.
- 1983: Plan B, British musician and singer.
- 1984: Horacio Agulla, Argentinian rugby player.
- 1984: Aleks Marić, Australian basketball player.
- 1985: Federico Ágreda, Venezuelan musician.
- 1985: Hadise, Belgian singer.
- 1986: Kyle Gallner, American actor.
- 1986: Ştefan Radu, Romanian footballer.
- 1986: Akihiro Sato, Japanese footballer.
- 1986: Laure Boulleau, French footballer.
- 1987: Tiki Gelana, Ethiopian athlete.
- 1987: Park Ha-sun, South Korean actress.
- 1987: Donny Montell, Lithuanian singer.
- 1988: Parineeti Chopra, Indian actress.
- 1988: Katherine David, Bolivian model.
- 1988: Guilherme Milhomem Gusmão, Brazilian footballer.
- 1990: Jonathan Lipnicki, American actor.
- 1990: Mariana di Girolamo, Chilean actress.
- 1991: Paula Usero, Spanish actress.
- 1992: 21 Savage, American rapper.
- 1992: Sofia Vassilieva, American actress.
- 1993: Charalampos Lykogiannis, Greek footballer.
- 1995: Saidy Janko, Swiss-Italian footballer.
- 1996: B.I., South Korean rapper.
- 1998: Johan Vásquez, Mexican footballer.
- 1998: Ignacio Martínez, Uruguayan footballer.
- 2002: Cameron Dunbar, American footballer.
- 741: Carlos Martel, a palace steward of the kingdom of Austrasia (n. 688).
- 1383: Fernando I, Portuguese king (n. 1345).
- 1604: Domingo Báñez, dominico, philosopher and Spanish theologian (n. 1528).
- 1613: Mathurin Régnier, a French writer (n. 1575).
- 1725: Alessandro Scarlatti, Italian composer (n. 1660).
- 1751: William IV of Orange-Nassau, Dutch prince between 1711 and 1751 (n. 1711).
- 1791: Teresa Herrera, Spanish philanthropist (n. 1712).
- 1853: Juan Antonio Lavalleja, a Uruguayan military and politician (n. 1784).
- 1854: Jeremias Gotthelf, a Swiss writer (n. 1797).
- 1854: José María Paz, Argentinean military (n. 1791).
- 1880: Salvatore Morelli, jurist, writer, journalist and Italian feminist (n. 1824)
- 1887: Juan José Baz, Mexican lawyer and politician (n. 1820).
- 1906: Paul Cézanne, a French painter (n. 1839).
- 1917: Bob Fitzsimmons, British boxer (n. 1863).
- 1921: Linda Malnati, trade unionist, suffrageist and Italian writer (n. 1855).
- 1922: Roberto Wernicke, doctor, bacteriologist, educator and Argentine researcher (n. 1852).
- 1923: Victor Maurel, French baritone (n. 1848).
- 1928: Andrew Fisher, Australian Prime Minister (n. 1862).
- 1941: Louis Marcoussis, Polish painter and engraver (n. 1878).
- 1954: Oswald de Andrade, poet, essayist and Brazilian playwright (n. 1890).
- 1954: George McManus, author of American comics (n. 1884).
- 1973: Pau Casals, violonchelista, director of orchestra and Spanish composer (n. 1876).
- 1975: Arnold J. Toynbee, British historian (n. 1889).
- 1978: Blanca Lagrotta, an Argentine actress (n. 1921).
- 1979: Duda Enginoev, Soviet military (n. 1919).
- 1985: Viorica Ursuleac, Ukrainian soprano (n. 1894).
- 1986: Albert von Szent-Györgyi Nagyrápolt, Hungarian physiologist, Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1937 (n. 1893).
- 1989: Ramón Trías Fargas, a Spanish professor and politician (n. 1922).
- 1990: Louis Althusser, Marxist philosopher and French writer (n. 1918).
- 1992: Pável Dubinda, Soviet military, Hero of the Soviet Union (n. 1914)
- 1995: Kingsley Amis, novelist, poet, literary critic and British teacher (n. 1922).
- 1995: Juan Antonio Jiménez "Jeros", Spanish singer (n. 1951).
- 1995: Mary Wickes, American actress (n. 1910).
- 1998: Angel Picazo, Spanish actor (n. 1917).
- 1998: Eric Ambler, British writer (n. 1909).
- 1999: Amílcar Vasconcellos, Uruguayan politician (n. 1915).
- 2000: Rodney Anoai, American professional fighter (n. 1966).
- 2002: Francisco Pino, Spanish poet (n. 1910).
- 2005: Tony Adams, American theater and film producer (n. 1953).
- 2005: Arman, painter and sculptor (n. 1928).
- 2006: Nelson de la Rosa, Dominican actor and humorist (n. 1968).
- 2010: Ali Chumacero, Mexican poet, editor and academic (n. 1918).
- 2010: Arturo Tuzón, entrepreneur and Spanish football leader (n. 1928).
- 2011: Antonio Chenel "Antoñete", Spanish bullfighter (n. 1932).
- 2012: Russell Means, American actor (n. 1939).
- 2017: George Young, musician, composer and Australian musical producer (n. 1946).
- 2022: Leszek Engelking Poet and Polish Writer (67)
- 2022: Dietrich Mateschitz billionaire and Austrian businessman (78)
- International Day of Consciousness on Tartamudez
- International Day of Natural or Traditional Medicine.
- National Day of the Foreign Minister
- Wombat Day
- Indonesia
- National Santri Day
Catholic saints list
- San Abercio de Hierápolis
- St. John Paul II
- Santa Alodia de Huesca
- San Benito de Massérac
- Santa Córdula
- San Donato Scoto
- San Leotadio de Auch
- San Lupencio de Chalons
- San Malón de Rouen
- Saint Mark of Jerusalem
- San Moderano de Berceto
- Santa Nunilona de Huesca
- San Valerio de Langres
- San Verecundo
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