October 19
Contenido October 19 is the 292nd. (two hundred and ninety-second) day of the year—the 293rd (two hundred and ninety-third) in leap years—in the Gregorian calendar. There are 73 days left to end the year.
- 202 B.C.: in the vicinity of Cartago (present-day Tunisia) The African, Roman general, wins Aníbal Barca at the Battle of Zama.
- 439: In the north of Africa, the Vandals—leadered by King Genserico—take the city of Cartago.
- 1216: John I of England dies in Newark-on-Trent and is succeeded on the throne by his nine-year-old son Henry.
- 1386: In Germany, the University of Heidelberg made its first reading, becoming the oldest university in Germany.
- 1453: War of the Hundred Years – Three months after the Battle of Castillon, the French take the city of Bordeaux and strip England of its last territory in southern France. This is the last military operation of the war, so some historians consider it the end of this. However, peace was not signed until 1475 (Peace of Picquigny).
- 1466: The Thirteen Years War ends with the Second Thorn Peace Treaty.
- 1469: In the Palacio de los Vivero, in Valladolid, Spain, Isabel I de Castilla and Fernando II de Aragón are married, prelude to the unification of the crowns of Castile and Aragon.
- 1493: in the Caribbean Sea, the navigator Christopher Columbus up to the island of Puerto Rico.
- 1512: Martin Luther is a doctor in theology (doctor in Bible).
- 1649: The city of New Ross (in the Irish region of Wexford), surrenders to Oliver Cromwell.
- 1781: in Yorktown (Virginia), General Charles Cornwallis capitulates.
- 1789: John Jay is appointed as the first president of the history of the United States.
- 1805: the battle of Ulm ends where the Austrian forces led by Karl Mack von Leiberich are defeated by Napoleonic troops.
- 1813: In present Germany, Napoleon Bonaparte's troops suffer the most important defeat in the battle of Leipzig.
- 1816: the battle of Ibirocahy occurs, in the framework of the Lusobrasilian invasion.
- 1822: in Parnaíba, Simplício Dias da Silva, João Cândido de Deus e Silva and Domingos Dias declare the independence of the state of Piauí.
- 1845: Wagner TanhaüuserOpera went to Dresden.
- 1866: the Veneto and Mantua are annexed to Italy: in the Hotel Europa, Austria yields the sovereignty of the Veneto to France, which immediately yields it to Italy.
- 1868: In Spain the peseta is established as a monetary unit.
- 1876: The island of Cuba is hit by a violent hurricane.
- 1876: The foundation of the Salvadoran Academy of Language was approved by the Royal Spanish Academy.
- 1889: In Portugal, Carlos I became king.
- 1892: in Honduras, the Government makes the village of El Progreso a municipality.
- 1900: in his house of Grunewald, just outside Berlin (Germany), Max Planck discovers the law of black body emission (Planck Law).
- 1906: in Spain, on 1 May it is declared a national holiday.
- 1912: Italy takes possession of Tripoli (Libya) of the Ottoman Empire.
- 1914: As part of the First World War, the first battle of Ypres begins.
- 1915: The United States Government recognizes Venustiano Carranza as President of Mexico.
- 1921: in Lisbon (Portugal), Prime Minister António Granjo and other politicians are killed in a coup d'etat.
- 1922: at the Carlton Club (London), the British Conservative Party votes to break the government coalition that they hold with the Liberal Party of David Lloyd George.
- 1924: Hurricane Ten, in category 5. It runs the poorest area in the country, the province of Pinar del Río, where it kills some 90 people. The meteorologist José Carlos Millás Hernández (1889-1965) described him as the most powerful hurricane in Cuba's history.
- 1933: Germany withdrew from the League of Nations.
- 1934: the Revolution of 1934, a revolutionary strike movement that took place between October 5 and 19 during the radical-cedist biennium of the Second Spanish Republic.
- 1935: The League of Nations establishes economic sanctions on Italy for having invaded Ethiopia.
- 1937: In the context of the Spanish civil war, the republican aviation bombards Cordoba in an attempt to weaken the rearguard of the sublevado side.
- 1943: young microbiologist Albert Schatz (1922-2005), 20 years old, discovers streptomycin (antibiotic to combat tuberculosis). His boss, Selman Waksman (1888-1973), attributes the discovery, and will therefore win the Nobel Prize in Medicine of 1952.
- 1944: Under World War II, U.S. forces land in the Philippines.
- 1950: in Tibet, China, the People's Liberation Army takes over the city of Qamdo, which is commonly known as the Tibet Invasion.
- 1950: China joins the Korean war by sending hundreds of troops along the Yalu River to fight against the United Nations forces.
- 1950: Iran becomes the first country to accept United Nations technical assistance under the Point Four program.
- 1951: The Nuclear Energy Board was founded in Spain.
- 1956: in Moscow (Soviet Union), the Soviet Union and Japan sign a joint declaration of peace.
- 1960: The United States begins the economic and financial embargo against the Cuban government after it expropriates US companies on the island of Cuba.
- 1960: Spain entered the International Development Association.
- 1961: In the province of Cienfuegos (Cuba), Engelberto González Garnica's gang—in the framework of the terrorist attacks organized by the U.S. CIA, under the orders of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy—assail Lajas's cooperative, where the peasant Enrique Gazán Morales is assassinated and the militiaman Roque de León Machado is wounded.
- 1967: the Nobel Prize in Literature for Guatemalan writer Miguel Ángel Asturias is announced.
- 1969: In Tunisia, President Habib Burguiba appointed Prime Minister Bahi Ladgham.
- 1973: In the southeast of Spain, rains of up to 600 mm cause heavy flooding, with more than 200 deaths.
- 1973: In the United States, President Richard Nixon rejects the Supreme Court's appeal to hand over the Watergate case tapes.
- 1973: disc published Pin Ups David Bowie.
- 1974: the island of Niue is independent of New Zealand.
- 1976: Lebanon is waged in the battle of Aishiya.
- 1980: in Greece, the Government agrees to enter the NATO military structure.
- 1982: in Alicante (Spain), a precipitation of 220 mm causes some deaths and substantial material damage.
- 1983: On the island of Granada, Prime Minister Maurice Bishop is murdered by Vice President Bernard Coard.
- 1986: near the Lebombo mountain range (South Africa) a plane falls Tupolev 134. Mozambican President Samora Machel and 33 other passengers died.
- 1987: in New York (United States), the Black Monday happens: the Dow Jones index loses more than 500 points, the worst fall since the 1929 crack.
- 1989: a nuclear accident occurs at the Vandellós I Nuclear Power Station (Spain).
- 1989: Camilo José Cela gets the Nobel Prize in Literature
- 2000: Venezuela subscribes to the Caracas Energy Agreement with Ten Central American and Caribbean Countries: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Panama, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Jamaica and Belize, establishing that Venezuela would sell oil under preferential payment conditions, some of which were a year of grace and fifteen years of credit, with 2 % of annual interest rate.
- 2003: in the Vatican City, Pope John Paul II beatifies the Albanian nun Teresa of Calcutta.
- 2005: the Constitutional Court of Colombia declares the constitutionality of the proposal of the immediate re-election, promoted by Alvaro Uribe.
- 2005: Iraq begins the first trial against Saddam Hussein.
- 2006: in Bogotá, Colombia, a car bomb explodes in the parkadero of the Higher War School.
- 2007: the Argentine rock group Soda Stereo starts its successful Latin American tour Me Verás Back, which brings them back to the stage after 10 years of separation.
- 2008: Mexican pop group Jeans finishes his career after 13 years of career.
- 2015: Canadian federal elections 2015: Canada's Liberal Party, led by Justin Trudeau, wins the absolute majority in the House of Commons.
- 2016: in Lima (Peru), three firefighters from the Volunteer Fire Company Rome No. 2 die trying to quench a fire in the District of El Agustino.
- 2016: In the UAM (Spain) hundreds of students participate in an escrache to Felipe González and Cebrián.
- 2017: In Hawaii, at the Haleakalā Observatory, Canadian astrophysics and astronomer Robert Weryk, discovers through the Pan-STARRS telescope the first known interstellar object within the solar system. He was formally named 1I/2017/U1 "Oumuamua".
- 2019: The president's campaign closure and candidate for re-election Mauricio Macri, in front of the Obelisco of Buenos Aires, brings together a great concentration of people.
- 2019: In Chile, the Social Slope begins with the call for a Plebiscite to change the Constitution.
- 2020: In Argentina, as part of the CoVid-19 Pandemic, a million positive cases were overtaken.
- 1276: Prince Hisaaki of Japan (f. 1328).
- 1433: Marsilio Ficino, Italian philosopher (f. 1499).
- 1469: John Fisher, English clergy (f. 1535).
- 1562: George Abbot, English Archbishop (f. 1633).
- 1582: Zarevich Dimitri Ivanovich of Russia, son of Ivan the Terrible (f. 1591).
- 1605: Thomas Browne, English writer and doctor (f. 1682).
- 1610: James Butler, English aristocrat (f. 1688).
- 1612: Nicolas Chaperon, French painter (f. 1656).
- 1613: Carlos de Sezze, religious and holy Italian (f. 1670).
- 1633: Benedetto Gennari el Joven, Italian painter (f. 1715).
- 1697: Claude Pierre Goujet, a French religious and writer (f. 1767).
- 1704: Felipe Bertrán, a Spanish religious (f. 1783).
- 1718: Victor-François de Broglie, French marshal (f. 1804).
- 1730: Louis Felix Delarue, French painter (f. 1777).
- 1742: Pedro Lucas de Allende, a Spanish merchant (f. 1801).
- 1774: José de Fábrega, a Panamanian military, a procer of the Independence of Panama (f. 1841).
- 1779: Pedro Velarde, Spanish military, hero of the Spanish Independence War (f. 1808).
- 1781: Juan Pedro Aguirre, militar y política argentina (f. 1837).
- 1784: James Henry Leigh Hunt, British writer (f. 1859).
- 1784: Mariano Valimaña and Abella, Spanish composer and writer (f. 1864).
- 1787: Pedro Mom, French marine (f. 1869).
- 1793: Carl Traugott Beilschmied, German phytogeographer (f. 1848).
- 1794: Juan José Olleros, militar y política argentina (f. 1857).
- 1795: Pedro Blanco Soto, Bolivian military and political, president between 1828 and 1829 (f. 1829).
- 1800: Pedro Alcántara Herrán, a Colombian politician (f. 1872).
- 1802: Pedro María de Alcántara Salvadores, militar y periodista argentina (f. 1840).
- 1813: Vicente Bascuñán Vargas, politician and Chilean domicile (f. 1888).
- 1814: Theodoros Vryzakis, Greek painter (f. 1878).
- 1822: Vicente Alcober and Largo, Spanish linguist (f. 1887).
- 1822: Louis Ménard, French writer (f. 1901).
- 1824: Fernando de Borbón and Braganza, Spanish aristocrat (f. 1861).
- 1827: Charles Cordier, French sculptor (f. 1902).
- 1830: Paul Amédée Ludovic Savatier, a French physician and explorer (f. 1891).
- 1838: Mariano Rius, Spanish entrepreneur (f. 1894).
- 1841: Juan J. Navarro, Mexican military (f. 1934).
- 1846: Eduardo Jusué, Spanish historian (f. 1922).
- 1851: Myeonseong of Joseon, Korean queen (f. 1895).
- 1851: Manuel Ramos Rejano, ceramist and industrial spanish (f. 1922).
- 1854: Jean-Baptiste Ernest Lacombe, French architect (f. 1922).
- 1854: José Nicolás González Balcarce, Argentine politician (f. 1916).
- 1855: Domingo Laporte, Uruguayan painter (f. 1928).
- 1856: Edmund Beecher Wilson, American zoologist (f. 1939).
- 1858: George Albert Boulenger, a Belgian naturalist (f. 1937).
- 1862: Maurice Janin, French general (f. 1946).
- 1862: Augusto Lumière, French inventor of the cinematographer (f. 1954).
- 1864: Georg Albertshofer, German sculptor (f. 1933).
- 1864: Luis Bermúdez de Castro, a Spanish military officer (f. 1957).
- 1871: Walter Cannon, American physiologist (f. 1945).
- 1872: Johan Ivar Liro, a Finnish biologist (f. 1943).
- 1875: Arturo Ambrogi, journalist and Salvadoran writer (f. 1936).
- 1876: Adolpho Ducke, Italian biologist and ethnologist (f. 1959).
- 1882: Umberto Boccioni, Italian painter and sculptor (f. 1916).
- 1882: Vincas Krėvė-Mickevičius, philogue and Lithuanian writer (f. 1954).
- 1882: Norbert Wallez, a Belgian religious and journalist (f. 1952).
- 1885: Sanford Myron Zeller, American mycologist (f. 1948).
- 1889: Eusterio Buey Alario, Spanish writer (f. 1965).
- 1891: Asja Lācis, Latvian theatre director (f. 1979).
- 1891: José P. Saldaña, historian, writer and Mexican military (f. 1992).
- 1895: Lewis Mumford, American historian and philosopher (f. 1990).
- 1896: Pedro Luna, Chilean painter (f. 1956).
- 1899: Miguel Angel Asturias, a Guatemalan writer and diplomat, a nobel prize for literature in 1967 (f. 1974).
- 1900: Erna Berger, German soprano (f. 1990).
- 1902: Theodoro Valcárcel, Peruvian composer (f. 1942).
- 1903: Tor Johnson, fighter and Swedish actor (f. 1971).
- 1905: Pedro Antonio Ramos, Venezuelan musician (f. 1977).
- 1906: Pedro Estrada, Venezuelan politician (f. 1989).
- 1908: Angel L. Cabrera, a Spanish-Argentine botanist (f. 1999).
- 1908: Olga Lengyel, nurse and Hungarian writer (f. 2001).
- 1909: Marguerite Perey, French physicist (f. 1975).
- 1910: Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, an American physicist of Hindu origin (f. 1995).
- 1910: Paul Robert, Lexicographer and French Publicist (f. 1980).
- 1913: Haxhi Lleshi, a Albanian politician (f. 1998).
- 1913: Víctor Manuel Mendoza, Mexican actor (f. 1995).
- 1913: Vinícius de Moraes, a Brazilian musician, one of the pillars of the bossa nova (f. 1980).
- 1913: Vasco Pratolini, Italian writer (f. 1991).
- 1913: Santiago Vera Izquierdo, politician and Venezuelan engineer (f. 2006).
- 1914: Juanita Moore, American film, television and theatre actress (f. 2014).
- 1915: Farid al-Atrash, a Syrian musician and actor (f. 1974).
- 1915: Lyuba Berlin, a Soviet parachutist (f. 1936).
- 1915: Alfredo Fernández Simó, Dominican writer (f. 1991).
- 1916: José Charlet, architect, sculptor and French painter (f. 1993).
- 1916: Jean Dausset, French immunologist (f. 2009).
- 1916: Emil Gilels, a classic Soviet pianist (f. 1985).
- 1916: José María Revolv Prieto, Spanish politician (f. 2006).
- 1917: Yevguenia Antipova, a Soviet painter (f. 2009).
- 1917: Ismael Rodríguez, Mexican filmmaker (f. 2004).
- 1918: Russell Kirk, American writer (f. 1994).
- 1918: Bob Sweeney, American actor and filmmaker (f. 1992).
- 1918: Arturo Durazo Moreno, militar, police and Mexican politician (f. 2000).
- 1919: Micheline Francey, French actress (f. 1969).
- 1919: David Pritchard, British writer (f. 2005).
- 1920: Guadalupe Dueñas, Mexican Cuentist (f. 2002).
- 1920: LaWanda Page, American actress (f. 2002).
- 1921: George Nader, American actor (f. 2002).
- 1921: Gunnar Nordahl, Swedish footballer (f. 1995).
- 1922: Alfredo Dias Gomes, Brazilian playwright (f. 1999).
- 1922: Carlos López García-Picos, composer of Spanish academic music (f. 2009).
- 1922: Shanta Shelke, Indian writer (f. 2002).
- 1923: Karl Olov Hedberg, Swedish botanist (f. 2007).
- 1924: Carlos Blasco de Imaz, Spanish politician (f. 1996).
- 1924: Patricio Bunster, dancer, choreographer, actor, and Chilean political activist (f. 2006).
- 1924: Rakhimzhan Qoshqarbaev, Soviet military (f. 1988).
- 1925: Raymond Impanis, Belgian cyclist (f. 2010).
- 1925: Emilio Eduardo Massera, militar, argentina (f. 2010).
- 1926: Arne Bendiksen, Norwegian musician of schlager (f. 2009).
- 1927: Pierre Alechinsky, Belgian artist.
- 1927: Pedro María Arsuaga, Spanish footballer.
- 1927: Jorge Bellizzi, Argentine writer (f. 2002).
- 1928: Lou Scheimer, American animator (f. 2013).
- 1929: Raul Solnado, Portuguese humorist (f. 2009).
- 1930: Luis Batlle Ibáñez, a classic Uruguayan pianist (f. 2016).
- 1930: Aldo Neri, a doctor and an Argentine politician.
- 1930: Héctor Ríos Ereñú, Argentinean military (f. 2017).
- 1930: Sergio Vuskovic, a Chilean politician and writer (f. 2021).
- 1931: Manolo Escobar, Spanish singer and actor (f. 2013).
- 1931: John le Carré, British novelist (f. 2020).
- 1932: Mariano Grondona, Argentine writer and professor.
- 1932: Robert Reed, American actor (f. 1992).
- 1933: Geraldo Majella Agnelo, Brazilian cardinal.
- 1934: Flurin Caviezel, Swiss writer (f. 2008).
- 1934: Yakubu Gowon, Nigerian military, head of State of Nigeria between 1966 and 1975.
- 1934: Glória Menezes, Brazilian actress.
- 1935: Agne Simonsson, Swedish footballer (f. 2020).
- 1936: Eliana Araníbar Figueroa, Chilean politics (f. 2013).
- 1936: Sylvia Browne, psychic and American swindler (f. 2013).
- 1936: Beatriz Día Quiroga, Argentinean actress of radio and television (f. 2016).
- 1936: Tony Lo Bianco, American actor.
- 1936: Aleida March, Cuban guerrilla, former wife of Che Guevara.
- 1938: Eugenio Montejo, Venezuelan poet and essayist (f. 2008).
- 1940: Larry Chance, American singer of doo wop, of the band Larry Chance and the Earls.
- 1940: Michael Gambon, Irish actor.
- 1940: Juan Carlos Maccarone, Argentine bishop (f. 2015).
- 1941: Eddie Daniels, American jazz musician.
- 1941: Luiz Felipe Lampreia, a Brazilian sociologist and diplomat.
- 1941: Pedro Felipe Ramírez, Chilean politician.
- 1942: Iñaki Gabilondo, Spanish journalist.
- 1942: Andrew Vachss, American writer.
- 1943: Adolfo Aristarain, filmmaker and screenwriter of Argentine cinema.
- 1943: Adam Martin Menis, Spanish industrial and political engineer (f. 2010).
- 1944: Mohammad Ali Tashiri, Iranian clergy and diplomat (f. 2020).
- 1944: Peter Tosh, Jamaican musician of reggae, of the band The Wailers (f. 1987).
- 1945: John Lithgow, American actor.
- 1945: Angus Deaton, an American economist of Scottish origin.
- 1946: Robert Hue, French politician.
- 1946: Ernesto Palacio, Peruvian tenor.
- 1946: Philip Pullman, British writer.
- 1947: Giorgio Cavazzano, Italian hysterist.
- 1947: Barbara Jacobs, Mexican writer.
- 1947: Leonardo Posada, Colombian leader (f. 1986).
- 1948: Carmen Fraga Estévez, Spanish politics.
- 1949: Jürgen Croy, German footballer.
- 1950: Mike Barr, American basketball player.
- 1950: Carlos María Bonaparte, a French politician.
- 1950: César Bono, Mexican actor.
- 1950: Patrick Cowley, American musician.
- 1950: George Fenton, British composer.
- 1950: Nestor Jofré, a Chilean businessman and politician.
- 1951: Julio Dittborn, Chilean politician.
- 1952: Verónica Castro, Mexican actress.
- 1953: Lionel Hollins, basketball player and American coach.
- 1954: Sam Allardyce, footballer and English coach.
- 1954: Joe Bryant, American basketball player.
- 1954: Ken Stott, Scottish actor.
- 1955: Ricardo Salinas Pliego, Mexican businessman.
- 1955: Lonnie Shelton, American basketball player.
- 1956: Aron Claudio Bitrán Goren, Chilean violinist.
- 1956: Sunny Deol, Indian actor and director.
- 1956: Bruce Weber, American basketball coach.
- 1957: Magaly Espinosa, Chilean economist.
- 1958: Dario Franceschini, Italian politician.
- 1958: Michael S. Steele, American politician.
- 1959: Nir Barkat, Israeli politician.
- 1959: Riccardo Nencini, Italian politician.
- 1960: Ignacio González González, Spanish politician.
- 1961: Eugenio Masías, Peruvian evangelical pastor.
- 1961: José Rosas Aispuro, attorney and Mexican politician.
- 1961: Juan Carlos Navarro, a Panamanian politician.
- 1962: Tracy Chevalier, American writer.
- 1962: Álvaro García Linera, Bolivian politician.
- 1962: Evander Holyfield, American boxer.
- 1962: Marco Aurelio Odio, Bolichista costarricense (f. 2008).
- 1963: Mauricio Montero, Costa Rican footballer.
- 1964: Katie Viqueira, Argentine tango singer.
- 1965: Brad Daugherty, American basketball player.
- 1965: Ty Pennington, American television character.
- 1966: Roger Cross, Jamaican-Canadian actor.
- 1966: Jon Favreau, American actor and filmmaker.
- 1966: Manuel Inostroza, a Chilean doctor and politician.
- 1968: Kacey Ainsworth, British actress.
- 1969: Pedro Castillo, Peruvian professor and politician, President of Peru between 2021 and 2022.
- 1969: Trey Parker, American actor and comedian; creator South Park.
- 1969: DJ Sammy, Spanish music producer.
- 1969: Erwin Sánchez, Bolivian footballer.
- 1970: Chris Kattan, American humorist.
- 1970: Fabian Roncero, Spanish athlete.
- 1972: Tinieblas González, Spanish filmmaker.
- 1972: Pras, American rapper.
- 1973: Jorge Alarte, Spanish politician.
- 1973: Hicham Arazi, Moroccan tennis player.
- 1973: Paulo Brunetti, Argentine actor.
- 1973: Daniel McDevitt, American fighter.
- 1973: HION LTURE Thu, Vietnamese singer.
- 1974: Pablo Bello, Chilean economist.
- 1974: Vicente Valcarce, Spanish footballer.
- 1975: Hilde Gerg, German skier.
- 1975: Carlos de la Mota, Dominican actor.
- 1975: César Sanmartín, Spanish basketball player.
- 1976: Joe Duplantier, French death metal guitarist.
- 1976: Mauricio Durán, Chilean rock guitarist, Los Bunkers.
- 1976: Omar Gooding, American actor.
- 1976: Desmond Harrington, American actor.
- 1976: Paul Hartley, Scottish footballer.
- 1976: Pete Loeffler, American alternative metal guitarist, Chevelle band.
- 1977: Habib Beye, Senegalese footballer.
- 1977: Jason Reitman, American filmmaker.
- 1977: David Rubín, Spanish hysterist.
- 1977: Raúl Tamudo, Spanish footballer.
- 1977: Joemy Blanco, Puerto Rican actress.
- 1978: Enrique Bernoldi, Brazilian Formula 1 pilot.
- 1978: Ruslan Chagaev, Uzbek boxer.
- 1978: Nicolás Peric, Chilean footballer.
- 1979: Marc Elliott, British actor.
- 1979: Mariano Pasini, Argentine footballer.
- 1980: José Bautista, Dominican baseball player.
- 1980: Albert Meyong, Cameroonian footballer.
- 1980: Benjamin Salisbury, American actor.
- 1980: Eloi Yebra, a Spanish comic.
- 1981: Christian Bautista, actor and Filipino pop singer.
- 1981: Heikki Kovalainen, Finnish Formula 1 pilot.
- 1981: Ken Niimura, Spanish hysterist.
- 1981: Gonzalo Pineda, Mexican footballer.
- 1981: Daniel Vega, Argentine soccer player.
- 1982: Ana Arias, Spanish actress.
- 1982: María Fernanda Neil, an Argentine actress.
- 1982: Gillian Jacobs, American actress.
- 1982: Pekka Lagerblom, Finnish footballer.
- 1982: Danny Pugh, British footballer.
- 1983: Jorge Valdivia, Venezuelan-Chinese footballer.
- 1984: Damián Malrechauffe, Uruguayan footballer.
- 1985: Marina del Pilar Ávila Olmeda, Mexican politics.
- 1986: Karlee Pérez, American model and fighter.
- 1987: Cristian Ugalde, Spanish basketball player.
- 1989: Miroslav Stoch, Slovak footballer.
- 1990: Janet Leon, Swedish pop singer, from the Play band.
- 1991: Colton Dixon, pianist and alternative American rock singer.
- 1991: Samantha Robinson, American actress.
- 1992: David Turpel, Luxembourg footballer.
- 1995: Sammis Reyes, a professional Chilean football player and basketball player.
- 1997: Edoardo Soleri, Italian footballer.
- 2005: Carmel Laniado, Israeli-American-British actress
- 993: Conrado III de Borgoña (n. 925).
- 1139: Godofredo de Namur, aristocrat french (n. 1068).
- 1179: Eudes de Saint-Amand, French aristocrat, great master of the templars.
- 1216: John I, English king (n. 1167).
- 1354: Yusuf I of Granada, king of Nazareth (n. 1318).
- 1553: Bonifazio Veronese, Italian painter (n. 1487).
- 1587: Francisco I de Médici, aristocrat Tuscan (n. 1541).
- 1593: Gómez Pérez das Mariñas, politician, diplomat and Spanish military (n. 1539).
- 1595: Philip Howard, English aristocrat (n. 1557).
- 1603: María de San José, a Spanish religious (n. 1548).
- 1608: Martín del Río, theologian flamenco (n. 1551).
- 1612: Juan Fernández de Recalde, magistrate and Spanish official.
- 1646: John of Lalande, religious and holy French (n. 1615).
- 1669: Domenico Fiasella, Italian painter (n. 1589).
- 1678: Samuel van Hoogstraten, Dutch painter (n. 1627).
- 1682: Thomas Browne, English writer and doctor (n. 1605).
- 1723: Godfrey Kneller, British painter (n. 1646).
- 1745: Jonathan Swift, Irish writer (n. 1667).
- 1810: Jonas Carlsson Dryander, Swedish botanist (n. 1748).
- 1810: Jean-Georges Noverre, French dancer (n. 1727).
- 1813: Józef Antoni Poniatowski, Polish leader and general (n. 1763).
- 1826: François Joseph Talma, filmmaker and French actor (n. 1763).
- 1832: Julián Sánchez, Spanish guerrilla (n. 1774).
- 1836: Just Santa Maria de Oro, an Argentine religious (n. 1772).
- 1845: María Tiburcia Rodríguez, patriot of Argentina (n. 1778).
- 1853: Miguel de la Bárcena, judge and governor of Argentina (n. 1778).
- 1853: Agathe de Rambaud, nanny of the Dolphins of France (n. 1763).
- 1857: Mariano Vejar, Mexican military (n. 1829).
- 1859: Mariano Quirós, a Spanish military officer (n. 1791).
- 1860: Ang Duong, Cambodian king between 1841 and 1860 (n. 1796).
- 1861: Mary Teresa of France, aristocrat of France, daughter of King Louis XVI (n. 1778).
- 1867: James South, British astronomer (n. 1785).
- 1871: Severo Catalina del Amo, politician and Spanish writer (n. 1832).
- 1875: Charles Wheatstone, British scientist and inventor (n. 1802).
- 1887: José Rodrigues, Portuguese painter (n. 1828).
- 1888: Lysius Salomon, president of Haiti between 1879 and 1888 (n. 1815).
- 1889: Louis I, aristocrat Portuguese, king between 1861 and 1889 (n. 1838).
- 1891: Fernando Guzmán Solórzano, a Nicaraguan military and political officer (n. 1812).
- 1892: Camille Rousset, French historian (n. 1821).
- 1893: Lucy Stone, American activist (n. 1818).
- 1894: James Darmesteter, antiquarian, linguist and French writer (n. 1849).
- 1894: Carlos Holguín Mallarino, Colombian politician, president between 1888 and 1892 (n. 1832).
- 1897: George Pullman, American engineer and magnate (n. 1831).
- 1905: Nicolas-Jean Boulay, a French biologist and archaeologist (n. 1837).
- 1905: Virgil Earp, American marshall (n. 1843).
- 1908: Marcel Georges Charles Petitmengin, American botanist (n. 1881).
- 1909: Cesare Lombroso, doctor and Italian criminologist (n. 1835).
- 1912: Julius Maggi, Swiss businessman (n. 1846).
- 1914: Robert Hugh Benson, British priest (n. 1871).
- 1914: Julio Argentino Roca, Argentine military, president on two occasions (n. 1843).
- 1915: Christian Wilhelm Allers, German painter (n. 1857).
- 1915: Benito Gómez Farías, Mexican politician (n. 1828).
- 1915: Juana Catalina Romero, Mexican aristocrat (n. 1837).
- 1916: Ioannis Phrangoudis, Greek general (n. 1863).
- 1918: José Alvalade, Portuguese entrepreneur, founder of the Lisbon Sporting football club (n. 1885).
- 1918: Harold Lockwood, American actor (n. 1887).
- 1918: Humberto de Saboya-Aosta, aristocrat and Italian military (n. 1889).
- 1920: John Reed, American journalist and worker leader (n. 1887).
- 1924: Soledad Román de Núñez, wife of Colombian President Rafael Núñez (n. 1835).
- 1926: Victor Babeș, Romanian physician and biologist (n. 1854).
- 1929: Antonio Bermejo, Argentine lawyer and jurist (n. 1853).
- 1932: Arthur Friedheim, pianist, director of Russian orchestra and composer (n. 1859).
- 1934: Alexander von Kluck, German military (n. 1846).
- 1935: Oda Krohg, Norwegian painter (n. 1860).
- 1935: John Montagu, British aristocrat (n. 1864).
- 1936: Lu Xun, Chinese writer (n. 1881).
- 1937: Pedro Chutró, Argentinian surgeon (n. 1880).
- 1937: Ernest Rutherford, British physicist and chemist, 1908 (n. 1871).
- 1939: Celestí Boada, Catalan politician (n. 1902).
- 1939: Achilles Cuadra, a Spanish lawyer (n. 1896).
- 1940: Umberto Caligaris, footballer and Italian coach (n. 1901).
- 1940: Carl Grossberg, German painter (n. 1894).
- 1943: André Antoine, French theatre director (n. 1858).
- 1943: Camille Claudel, French sculptor (n. 1864).
- 1945: Walter Cannon, American physiologist (n. 1871).
- 1945: Plutarco Elías Calles, Mexican politician, president between 1924 and 1928 (n. 1877).
- 1947: Manuel D. Benavides, Spanish journalist and politician (n. 1895).
- 1950: Edna St. Vincent Millay, American poet (n. 1892).
- 1953: Tobias Bolaños Palma, aviator costarricense (n. 1892).
- 1955: Francisco de las Barras de Aragón, botanist and Spanish anthropologist (n. 1869).
- 1955: Eugène Joseph Delporte, Belgian astronomer (n. 1882).
- 1955: Carlos Dávila Espinoza, a Chilean lawyer and politician (n. 1887).
- 1956: Isham Jones, American swing musician (n. 1894).
- 1957: Vere Gordon Childe, Australian archaeologist (n. 1892).
- 1958: Eduardo Arias Suárez, a Colombian writer and journalist (n. 1897).
- 1958: Samuel Lillo, a Chilean writer and journalist (n. 1870).
- 1959: Juan García Suárez "El Corredera", a Francoist opponent.
- 1961: Werner Wilhelm Jaeger, German philologist (n. 1888).
- 1962: José Aguerre, Spanish writer and politician (n. 1889).
- 1964: Serguéi Biriuzov, Soviet military (n. 1904).
- 1964: James P. Mitchell, American politician (n. 1900).
- 1964: Ebbe Schwartz, Danish sports leader (n. 1901).
- 1966: Elizabeth Arden, Canadian businessman (n. 1884).
- 1967: Angel María Garibay, Catholic priest, philologist and Mexican historian (n. 1892).
- 1969: Pedro Groppo, Argentine politician (n. 1886).
- 1969: Lacey Hearn, American athlete (n. 1881).
- 1970: José Álvarez Fernández, a Peruvian missionary (n. 1890).
- 1970: Lazaro Cárdenas del Río, Mexican military and political, president between 1934 and 1940 (n. 1895).
- 1971: Betty Bronson, American actress (n. 1906).
- 1971: César Girón, Venezuelan bullfighter (n. 1933).
- 1973: Luis Garrido Díaz, Mexican philosopher (n. 1898).
- 1974: Catrano Catrani, Argentine filmmaker (n. 1910).
- 1975: Cátulo Castillo, composer and poet of Argentine tango (n. 1906).
- 1976: Mario Abel Amaya, Chilean politician (n. 1935).
- 1978: Ramón Mercader, Spanish military and political (n. 1913).
- 1978: Jean Prouvost, a French entrepreneur (n. 1885).
- 1978: Gig Young, American actor (n. 1913).
- 1979: Tamara Garina, Russian-Mexican actress (n. 1901).
- 1981: Nils Asther, Swedish actor (n. 1897).
- 1983: Maurice Bishop, politician of the island of Granada (n. 1944).
- 1984: Jerzy Popiełuszko, Polish priest (n. 1947).
- 1986: Samora Machel, Mozambican politician, president between 1975 and 1986 (n. 1933).
- 1987: Hermann Lang, German racing pilot (n. 1909).
- 1987: Jacqueline du Pré, British classical cellist (n. 1945).
- 1988: Alejandro Blasco, Spanish hysterist (n. 1928).
- 1988: Son House, American blues singer and guitarist (n. 1902).
- 1990: Felix Pita Rodríguez, Cuban writer and journalist (n. 1909).
- 1993: Ernesto Feria Jaldón, doctor and Spanish writer (n. 1922).
- 1994: Martha Raye, American actress (n. 1916).
- 1995: Don Cherry, American jazz trompetist (n. 1936).
- 1996: Jacobus Landwehr, Dutch botanist (n. 1911).
- 1996: Manuel Mendizábal, a Spanish scientist and politician (n. 1905).
- 1997: Glen Buxton, American rock guitarist (n. 1947).
- 1997: Francisco Guerrero Marín, Spanish composer (n. 1951).
- 1997: Pilar Miró, a Spanish journalist and filmmaker (n. 1940).
- 1997: Stella Sierra, Panamanian poet and writer (n. 1917).
- 1998: Jonathan Postel, American engineer, one of the inventors of the Internet network (n. 1943).
- 1999: Nathalie Sarraute, French novelist (n. 1900).
- 2000: Kati Horna, a Mexican photographer born in Hungary (n. 1941).
- 2000: Karl Stein, German mathematician (n. 1913).
- 2001: Digna Ochoa, human rights defender and Mexican lawyer (n. 1964).
- 2002: Manuel Álvarez Bravo, Mexican photographer (n. 1902).
- 2002: Sebastián Martín-Retortillo, Spanish professor and politician (n. 1931).
- 2003: Alija Izetbegović, politician, activist, lawyer, writer and Bosnian philosopher (n. 1925).
- 2003: Michael Hegstrand, American WWF fighter (n. 1960).
- 2004: Kenneth Iverson, American mathematician (n. 1920).
- 2005: Eduardo Haro Tecglen, Spanish writer and journalist (n. 1924).
- 2005: David Ronald Marshall, British writer (n. 1916).
- 2005: Luis Adolfo Siles Salinas, politician and Bolivian president (n. 1925).
- 2007: Jan Wolkers, Dutch writer (n. 1925).
- 2008: Gianni Raimondi, Italian tenor (n. 1923).
- 2009: Joseph Wiseman, Canadian actor (n. 1918).
- 2010: Tom Bosley, American actor (n. 1927).
- 2010: André Mahé, French cyclist (n. 1919).
- 2011: Nena Jiménez, Colombian humorist (n. 1929).
- 2011: Edison Chará, Colombian footballer (n. 1980).
- 2011: Alfonso Cisneros Cox, Peruvian poet (n. 1953).
- 2012: Bartolomé Escandell, a Spanish writer (n. 1924).
- 2012: Mike Graham, American fighter (n. 1951).
- 2012: Esther Granados, Peruvian singer (n. 1926).
- 2012: Wissam al-Hassan, Lebanese General (n. 1965).
- 2012: Fiorenzo Magni, Italian cyclist (n. 1920).
- 2012: Manuel António Pina, a Portuguese writer and journalist (n. 1943).
- 2014: Alejandro Escudero, an Argentine actor in film, theatre and television (n. 1956).
- 2015: Ali Treki, a Libyan diplomat (n. 1938).
- 2016: Carmen Jiménez, Spanish sculptor (n. 1920).
- 2017: Umberto Lenzi, Italian film director (n. 1931).
- 2018: Osamu Shimomura, Japanese organic chemical and marine biologist, 2008 nobel chemistry award (n. 1928).
- 2020: Spencer Davis, British musician and multi-nstrumentist rock (n. 1939).
- 2020: Tony Lewis, British pop rock singer and guitarist (n. 1957).
- 2021: Leslie Bricusse, composer, musician, playwright, litrist, screenwriter, British poet and libretist (n. 1931).
World Breast Cancer Day
- Albania
- Mother Teresa Day
- Niue
- Constitutional Day, in honor of the country's independence (self-government in free association with New Zealand) in 1974
Catholic saints list
- San Antonio Daniel
- San Aquilino de Evreux
- San Asterio de Ostia
- San Canuto de Denmark
- San Carlos Garnier
- St. Etbyan of Brittany
- San Felipe Howard
- Santa Frideswida de Oxford
- San Gabriel Lalemant and colleagues
- San Grato de Oloron
- San Isaac Jogues
- San Joel (prophet)
- San Juan de Brébeuf and colleagues
- Santa Laura de Córdoba
- San Nadal Chabanel
- Saint Paul of the Cross
- San Pedro de Alcántara
- San Varo de Egypt
- San Verano de Cavaillon
- Blessed Ines of Jesus Galand
- Beato Tomás Hélye
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