October 16


October 16 is the 289th (two hundred and eighty-ninth) day of the year—the 290th (two-hundred and ninetieth) in leap years—in the Gregorian calendar. There are 76 days left to end the year.

October 16 is celebrated as World Food Day. This day was proclaimed in 1979 by the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations).


  • 456 (or 17 October): near Piacenza (now Italy), the soldiers of the Emperor Avito are defeated by the Roman-Iberian military Ricimero, who becomes the de facto leader of the Roman Empire of the West.
  • 690: In China, Empress Wu Zetian takes power by expelling the Tang dynasty and establishing the Second Zhou Dynasty (up to March 3, 705).
  • 912: in Córdoba, Spain, Abderramán III is proclaimed emir.
  • 1311: In the city of Vienne (France), 300 Catholic bishops meet at the Council of Vienne.
  • 1384: In Poland, Eduviges I is crowned as "king."
  • 1472: In Spain, the crown of Aragon recovers the Rosellion and the Sardinian (Paz de Pedralbes).
  • 1590: In the Palazzo San Severo the composer Carlo Gesualdo murders his wife María de Ávalos and his lover Fabrizio Carafa.
  • 1689: The election of the next pope is made in Rome. The Italian Cardinal Pietro Vitto Ottoboni is elected, who takes the name of Alexander VIII.
  • 1736: On this date British astronomer and theologian William Whiston (1667-1752) calculated that a comet would collision with the Earth, causing the end of the world.
  • 1737: On the Kamchatka peninsula (Russia) there is an earthquake of 9.3 degrees of the Richter scale. It is considered the second most powerful earthquake in human history.
  • 1780: In the Antilles Islands (Mar Caribe) it is the seventh and last day of the Great Hurricane of 1780, the first hurricane with the largest number of fatalities of which data are available (22 000 direct deaths, 27 000 total deaths).
  • 1793: In Paris, Marie Antoinette, a widow of Louis XVI, is a guillotine in the framework of the French Revolution.
  • 1793: the battle of Wattignies ends in a victory of the First French Republic.
  • 1805: In Ulm (Germany) France and Austria face the battle of Ulm.
  • 1813: In Leipzig there is the greatest armed confrontation of all the Napoleonic Wars, and the most important defeat suffered by Napoleon Bonaparte (Leipzig Battle).
  • 1817: In the Valley of the Kings (Egypt) the tomb of Seti I is discovered.
  • 1817: in the Plaza Mayor de la venezolana villa de Angostura (today Ciudad Bolívar), General Manuel Carlos Piar is shot by order of General Simón Bolívar.
  • 1829: in a section of the Liverpool-Mánchester line (in England) the first race of locomotive speed is celebrated, whose winner turned out to be George Stephenson (the inventor of the locomotive) and his The Rocket.
  • 1834: In London (England) the fire of the Palace of Westminster occurs, destroying most of the building, which will then be redesigned and rebuilt by Charles Barry.
  • 1841: The University of Queen is founded in Kingston, Canada.
  • 1843: the scientist William Rowan Hamilton has the idea of quaternions (a non-commutative extension of complex numbers).
  • 1846: In Boston, USA, Dr. William Thomas Green Morton first employs ether as an anesthetic, giving rise to painless surgery.
  • 1847: The novel "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Brontë is published in London.
  • 1854: In Buenos Aires, Argentina, Governor Pastor Obligado grants the status of municipality to the Party of La Matanza.
  • 1859: John Brown, an American abolitionist, temporarily takes over in the town of Harpers Ferry, West Virginia.
  • 1862: Francisco Solano López is elected president of the Republic of Paraguay.
  • 1869: in Cardiff, United States, the George Hull ponder «discovers» the Cardiff Giant, one of the most famous boulins in the United States.
  • 1869: In the UK, Girton College was founded, the first female university in England.
  • 1875: In Provo (Utah), Brigham Young University was founded.
  • 1886: President Antonio Guzmán Blanco opens the first currency house in Venezuela with the name of Casa de la Moneda in Caracas, thus creating the First Coin Acuñada in Venezuela.
  • 1905: In India, the governor-general of India, George Curzon orders the first partition of the province of Bengal. Due to the high political unrest generated by this territorial division, both sides of Bengal were assembled in 1911.
  • 1906: at the Köpenick City Hall (near Berlin), the German scammer Wilhelm Voigt disguised himself as a captain and stole 4000 frames. He will be imprisoned ten days later, and finally amnested by Kaiser William II.
  • 1909: In Ciudad Juárez, Porfirio Díaz and William Howard Taft meet at the first official visit of a U.S. president on the ground of Mexico, escape for little of the murder.
  • 1910: The fourth day of the Five Day Cyclone is recorded in Cuba. Kill about 700 people. In Havana, he breaks the trunk. It is considered one of the worst natural disasters in Cuban history. It was very controversial, because the United States Meteorological Service claimed that they were two separate cyclones, while the Cuban meteorologist José Carlos Millás Hernández (1889-1965) said it was only one, which could prove by taking the observations made by several ships. This type of loop was called “Millás Recurve”.
  • 1910: Between England and France the first crossing of the streak channel is carried out.
  • 1916: in Brooklyn, New York, Margaret Sanger opens the first family planning clinic in the United States.
  • 1919: in the city of Munich (Germany), Adolf Hitler gives his first rally at the Hofbräukeller brewery to 300 attendees.
  • 1923: In the United States, Walt Disney and his brother Roy Disney founded The Walt Disney Company.
  • 1934: In China, the Communists begin the Long March; it will end one year and four days later, and during that period Mao Zedong will win his title as party leader.
  • 1939: As part of the Second World War, the German Luftwaffe carried out the first attack on British territory.
  • 1940: In Warsaw—in the framework of the Jewish Holocaust—the famous Jewish ghetto of Warsaw is established.
  • 1941: it is established by decree, under the dependence of the Ministry of Marine, the Merchant Fleet of the Argentine State.
  • 1945: FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) is created in Quebec, Canada.
  • 1946: In Nuremberg (Germany) the death sentences handed down by the International Military Criminal Tribunal during the so-called Nuremberg Trials are brought into effect, saving 11 Nazi war criminals.
  • 1949: Nikolaos Zachariadis, leader of the Communist Party of Greece, announces a temporary “ze of fire”. Finish the Greek Civil War.
  • 1950: on the island of Cuba a hurricane hits Camagüey province.
  • 1951: In Rawalpindi Liaquat Ali Khan, the first prime minister of Pakistan, is murdered.
  • 1959: in Peru Panamericana Televisión airs.
  • 1962: Cuban Missile Crisis begins between the United States, Cuba and the Soviet Union, when President John F. Kennedy is shown photographs of missile launch sites in Cuba.
  • 1964: China detonates its first atomic bomb.
  • 1967: in Tuluá (Colombia) the Cortuluá (Corporación Club Deportivo Tuluá) is founded.
  • 1968: In Argentina the Day of La Pampa is created, in commemoration of that Argentine province.
  • 1969: The New York Mets defeated the Baltimore Orioles for 4 matches to 1 and World Series champions were crowned for the first time in their history.
  • 1972: In California, the band of swamp rock Creedence Clearwater Revival is separated.
  • 1975: the Balibo Five, a group of television journalists based in the people of Balibo at the time Timor Portuguesa (now East Timor), are killed by Indonesian soldiers.
  • 1975: in the village of Kuralia (in Bangladés), the girl Rahima Banu (2) is the last person known to be infected with smallpox.
  • 1978: In the Vatican City, the cardinals of the Catholic Church elect Polish Cardinal Karol Wojłtya as Pope, who takes the name of John Paul II.
  • 1979: The works begin to build Itaipu, the largest hydroelectric dam in the world.
  • 1980: in Guatemala City, a paramilitary group kidnaps journalist Irma Flaquer and disappears her.
  • 1985: At Anderson Mesa (Arizona) astronomer Edward Bowell discovered the asteroid (4446) Carolyn.
  • 1986: Reinhold Messner becomes the first person to ascend to the fourteen "ochomiles" mountains.
  • 1989: in Bucaramanga, Colombia, the Medellin Cartel carried out a terrorist attack with a car bomb and destroyed the premises of the newspaper Liberal vanguardleaves 4 dead and 6 wounded.
  • 1989: In the United States, computer Richard Sexton, in a message by Usenet, first enunciates the claim that would become Godwin's law ('the first participant to mention Hitler or the Nazis').
  • 1991: in the cafe Luby’s, in Killeen (Texas) an ex-marine kills 23 people and hurts 20 in the Luby Massacre.
  • 1992: In Sweden, Guatemalan indigenous leader Rigoberta Menchú gets the Nobel Peace Prize.
  • 1994: Pope John Paul II beatifies Chilean Jesuit priest Alberto Hurtado Cruchaga in the Vatican City.
  • 1995: in Palma de Mallorca, a trial with a popular jury is held on an experimental basis (for the first time in Spain).
  • 1996: In Guatemala City, 47 000 spectators try to enter the stadium Mateo Flores, of 36 000 seats. 84 people die.
  • 1998: In London, the Chilean senator and exdictator Augusto Pinochet is arrested by order of the Spanish judge Baltasar Garzón.
  • 2000: In Spain, the terrorist group ETA murders the Spanish colonel and doctor Antonio Muñoz.
  • 2002: In the Egyptian city of Alexandria the Bibliotheca Alexandrina is officially inaugurated in commemoration of the missing Library of Alexandria.
  • 2003: in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Néstor Kirchner (president of Argentina) and Lula da Silva (president of Brazil), sign the "Consenso de Buenos Aires" to reactivate the trade alliance between the two countries.
  • 2004: In Spain, Argentine footballer Lionel Messi makes his official debut with the club F. C. Barcelona at the age of 17.
  • 2012: the extrasolar planet Alpha Centauri Bb is discovered.
  • 2014: In Kourou, French Guiana launches the Argentine communications satellite ARSAT-1.
  • 2015: In the United States the issue of the original Disney Channel series ends Jessie.
  • 2021: in Huaral Peru a tremor of 4.6 degrees was recorded at 7:53:40 in the morning


  • 1351: Gian Galeazzo Visconti, Duke and Milanese ruler (f. 1402).
  • 1374: Margarita de Borgoña Dampierre, princess Borgoñona, daughter of Philip II (f. 1441).
  • 1396: William de la Pole, an English military during the Hundred Years War (f. 1450).
  • 1430: James II of Scotland (f. 1460).
  • 1483: Gasparo Contarini, diplomat and Italian cardinal (f. 1542).
  • 1535: Niwa Nagahide, Japanese military (f. 1585).
  • 1605: Charles Coypeau de Assoucy, French poet and musician (f. 1677).
  • 1679: Jan Dismas Zelenka, Czech Baroque composer (f. 1745).
  • 1708: Albrecht von Haller physician, anatomist, Swiss poet and naturist (f. 1777).
  • 1729: Pierre van Maldere, violinist and Belgian composer (f. 1768).
  • 1745: Olaudah Equiano, African writer (f. 1797).
  • 1758: Noah Webster, American Lexicographer (f. 1843).
  • 1798: Martiniano Chilavert, Argentine military (f. 1852).
  • 1803: Robert Stephenson, English civil engineer (f. 1859).
  • 1816: Antoine Bechamp, a French biologist (f.1908).
  • 1827: Arnold Böcklin, Swiss painter (f. 1901).
  • 1832: Vicente Riva Palacio, Mexican writer, politician and military (f. 1896).
  • 1839: Carlos Pacheco Villalobos, Mexican military and political (f. 1891).
  • 1840: Henry of Ossó and Cervelló, saint and Spanish priest, founder of the Congregation of Sisters of the Society of Saint Teresa of Jesus (f. 1896).
  • 1840: Kuroda Kiyotaka, Japanese politician, 2nd Prime Minister (f. 1900).
  • 1840: Florentine Oviedo, Paraguayan military (f. 1935).
  • 1841: Ito Hirobumi, Japanese politician, 1st Prime Minister (f. 1909).
  • 1847: María Pía de Saboya, Princess of Italy and Queen of Portugal between 1861 and 1889 (f. 1911).
  • 1849: George Washington Williams, jurist, historian, clergy and American politician (f. 1891).
  • 1854: Karl Kautsky, Czech-German scientist (f. 1938).
  • 1854: Oscar Wilde, Irish writer (f. 1900).
  • 1854: Jean Grave, French anarchist (f. 1939).
  • 1861: John Bagnell Bury, Irish historian and scholar (f. 1927).
  • 1863: Sir Austen Chamberlain, British politician, Nobel Peace Prize in 1925 (f. 1937).
  • 1884: Rembrandt Bugatti, Italian sculptor (f. 1916).
  • 1885: Alfred Braunschweiger, German Olympic Jumper (f. 1952).
  • 1886: David Ben-Gurion, Israeli politician, 1st Prime Minister of Israel (f. 1973).
  • 1888: Eugene O'Neill, American playwright, Nobel Prize in Literature in 1936 (f. 1953).
  • 1888: Paul Popenoe, American biologist (f. 1979).
  • 1890: Michael Collins, Irish revolutionary leader and president of the Provisional Government of Ireland (f. 1922).
  • 1890: Maria Goretti, an Italian saint (f. 1902).
  • 1890: Paul Strand, American photographer (f. 1975).
  • 1891: Alfredo González Prada, Peruvian writer (f. 1943).
  • 1896: Célestin Freinet, French pedagogue (f. 1966)
  • 1897: Louis de Cazenave, French soldier and supercentenary (f. 2008).
  • 1905: Vicente Trueba, Spanish cyclist (f. 1986).
  • 1906: Dino Buzzati, Italian writer and journalist (f. 1972).

1906: Andrei Chikatilo: Soviet serial killer and cannibal (d. 1994)

  • 1906: Leon Klimovsky, Argentine filmmaker (f. 1996).
  • 1907: Sergio Salvador, Paraguayan footballer (f. 1975).
HODŽA druhá míza.jpg
Enver Hoxha (1908-1985)
  • 1908: Enver Hoxha, Albanian communist leader (f. 1985).
  • 1912: Gérard Landry, a French actor (f. 1999).
  • 1917: Alice Pearce, American actress (f. 1966).
  • 1918: Louis Althusser, French philosopher (f. 1990).
  • 1920: Alicia Dussán of Reichel-Dolmatoff, anthropologist and Colombian archaeologist.
  • 1922: Max Bygraves, British actor and singer (f. 2012).
  • 1923: Linda Darnell, American actress (f. 1965).
  • 1923: Bert Kaempfert, director of orchestra and German composer (f. 1980).
  • 1924: Jorge Mobaied, Argentine filmmaker.
  • 1925: Angela Lansbury, British actress.
  • 1927: Günter Grass, German writer, Nobel Prize in Literature in 1999 (f. 2015).
  • 1928:
    • Mary Daly, American philosopher and theologian (f. 2010).
    • Ann Morgan Guilbert, American film and television actress (f. 2016).
  • 1929: Fernanda Montenegro, Brazilian actress.
  • 1930: Francisco José Madero González, Mexican politician (f. 2013).
  • 1930: Carmen Sevilla, actress, TV host and Spanish singer.
  • 1931: Charles Colson, American writer and lawyer (f. 2012).
  • 1931: Stefan von Reiswitz, German painter and sculptor (f. 2019).
  • 1931: Rosa Rosa Rosal, Philippine actress, awarded the Ramon Magsaysay to the public service.
  • 1932: Guðbergur Bergsson, Icelandic writer and translator.
  • 1936: Andrei Chikatilo, Soviet serial killer (f. 1994).
  • 1936: Gerardo Gandini, pianist and Argentine composer (f. 2013).
  • 1936: Akira Machida, President of the Supreme Court of Japan 2002-2006 (f. 2015)
  • 1938: Nico, singer, model and German actress (f. 1988).
  • 1940: Barry Corbin, American actor.
  • 1940: Dave DeBusschere, American basketball player (f. 2003).
  • 1945: Iselín Santos Ovejero, Argentine footballer.
  • 1946: Juan Echecopar, Argentine footballer (f. 2012).
  • 1946: Suzanne Somers, American actress.
  • 1947: Carlos Ott, Uruguayan architect.
  • 1947: Bob Weir, American musician, of the Grateful Dead band.
  • 1947: David Zucker, American film writer, producer and filmmaker.
  • 1948: Hema Malini, Indian actress.
  • 1949: Joan Manuel Gisbert, Spanish writer of children's literature.
  • 1950: André Leon Talley, an American journalist (f. 2022).
  • 1950: Monica Galán, an Argentine actress (f. 2019).
  • 1951: Oscar González Oro, locutor, journalist and Argentine television driver.
  • 1952: Christopher Cox (political), American politician.
  • 1953: Paulo Roberto Falcão, Brazilian footballer.
  • 1956: Linard Bardill, theologian, singer and Swiss writer.
  • 1956: Rudra Mohammad Shahidullah, Bangladeshi poet (f. 1991)
  • 1958: Tim Robbins, American actor.
  • 1959: Manolo Saiz, sports director of Spanish cycling.
  • 1961: Marc Levy, French writer.
  • 1961: Jorge Rial, Argentine journalist.
  • 1962: Manute Bol, American basketball player of the NBA (f. 2010).
  • 1962: Kenneth Lonergan, American filmmaker
  • 1962: Flea (Michael Balzary), Australian bassist, Red Hot Chili Peppers.
  • 1962: Dmitri Hvorostovsky, Russian opera singer (f. 2017).
  • 1965: Tom Tolbert, American basketball player.
  • 1969: Roy Hargrove, American trumpetist.
  • 1970: Kazuyuki Fujita, Japanese fighter.
  • 1970: Vincent Rijmen, Belgian cryptographer.
  • 1970: Mehmet Scholl, German footballer.
  • 1971: Chad Gray, American singer, of the Mudvayne band.
  • 1971: Lawrence Schimel, American writer.
  • 1971: Frank Cuesta, veterinarian, television presenter and Spanish extenist.
  • 1972: Julio Melgar, singer and evangelical pastor Guatemalan (f. 2019).
  • 1972: Tomas Lindberg, Swedish singer and composer.
  • 1973: Peter Polaco (Justin Credible), American fighter.
  • 1974: Martin Bossi, actor, imitator and Argentine humorist.
  • 1974: Aurela Gaçe, Albanian singer.
  • 1975: Brynjar Gunnarsson, Icelandic footballer.
  • 1975: Kellie Martin, American actress.
  • 1975: Claudio Núñez, Chilean footballer.
  • 1976: Juan Diego Alvira, Colombian news anchor.
  • 1977: John Mayer, American singer.
  • 1978: Kala Savage, American actress and singer.
  • 1978: Gianluca Comotto, Italian footballer.
  • 1980: Sue Bird, American basketball player.
  • 1981: Naím Thomas, Spanish singer.
  • 1981: Bicho Riveros, Paraguayan television driver.
  • 1981: Alan Gordon, American footballer.
  • 1982: Alan Anderson, American basketball player.
  • 1982: Pippa Black, Australian actress.
  • 1982: Frédéric Michalak, French rugby player
  • 1982: Alvaro Montes, Spanish rejoiner.
  • 1982: Cristian Riveros, Paraguayan footballer.
  • 1982: Vincy Chan, a Dutch singer.
  • 1982: Serguéi Veremko, Belarusian footballer.
  • 1983: Philipp Kohlschreiber, German tennis player.
  • 1983: Loreen, Swedish singer.
  • 1984: Melissa Lauren, French porn actress.
  • 1984: Shayne Ward, British singer.
  • 1984: Kim Myong-gil, North Korean footballer.
  • 1985: Verena Sailer, German sportsman.
  • 1985: Laura Sanchez Soto, mexican cloister.
  • 1985: Casey Stoner, Australian motorcycle pilot.
  • 1986: Inna, Romanian singer and composer.
  • 1986: Franco Armani, Argentine footballer.
  • 1988: Zoltán Stieber, Hungarian footballer.
  • 1991: John and Edward Grimes, Irish singers, Jeduard duo.
  • 1991: Vera Spinetta, Argentine singer and actress.
  • 1992: David Castillo, Spanish actor.
  • 1992: Bryce Harper, American baseball player.
  • 1992: Rika Adachi, Japanese actress and model.
  • 1993: Wilmar Barrios, Colombian footballer.
  • 1997: Charles Leclerc, a Monegasque motor racing pilot.


  • 1333: Nicolas V, an Italian antipape (n. 1260).
  • 1355: Louis I El Niño, a Sicilian king between 1342 and 1355 (n. 1337).
  • 1553: Luke Cranach the Old, German painter (n. 1472).
  • 1555: Hugh Latimer, British bishop and martyr (n. ca. 1490).
  • 1555: Nicholas Ridley, British bishop and martyr (n. ca. 1500).
  • 1591: Gregorio XIV, Italian pope between 1590 and 1591 (n. 1535).
  • 1602: Eugenio de Salazar, a Spanish writer (n. 1530).
  • 1621: Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck, Dutch composer (n. 1562).
  • 1628: François de Malherbe, French lyric poet (n. 1555).
  • 1649: Isaak van Ostade, a Dutch painter (n. 1621).
  • 1660: John Cook, English prosecutor (n. 1608).
  • 1680: Raimondo Montecuccoli, general italoaustríaco (n. 1609).
  • 1774: Robert Fergusson, Scottish poet (n. 1750).
  • 1776: Jean Étienne Bernard Ogier de Clugny, French statesman (n. 1729).
  • 1793: Marie Antoinette, French queen Guillotinada (n. 1755).
  • 1793: John Hunter, British surgeon and anatomy (n. 1728).
  • 1796: Victor Amadeo III de Saboya, Duke of Saboya and King of Sardinia between 1773 and 1796 (n. 1726).
  • 1810: Najman de Breslav, founder of the Jasydic movement (n. 1772).
  • 1855: Antonio García Reyes, a Chilean politician and journalist (n. 1817).
  • 1857: Miguel Teurbe Tolón, Cuban separatist, creator of the flag and shield of Cuba (n. 1820).
  • 1881: Marcial del Adalid, Spanish composer (n. 1826).
  • 1891: Walter Leak Steele, American politician (n. 1823).
  • 1909: Jakub Bart-Ćišinski, German writer and poet (n. 1856).
  • 1909: Manuel D. Pizarro, lawyer, writer and Argentine politician (n. 1841).
  • 1913: Ralph Rose, American athlete (n. 1885).
  • 1914: Rafael Uribe Uribe, lawyer, journalist, diplomat and Colombian military (n. 1859).
  • 1930: Herbert Henry Dow, American industrial chemist (n. 1866).
  • 1931: Luis Linares Becerra, playwright and Spanish journalist (n. 1887).
  • 1933: Ismael Montes, Bolivian lawyer and politician, president of Bolivia between 1904-1909 and 1913-1917 (n. 1861).
  • 1937: Jean de Brunhoff, French author (n. 1899).
  • 1940: José Bernardino Ortega, an Argentine politician (n. 1860).
  • 1944: Rufino Blanco Fombona, politician and Venezuelan writer (n. 1874).
  • 1945: José Oliva Nogueira, journalist and Argentine writer (n. 1873).
  • 1946: Hans Frank (n. 1900), Wilhelm Frick (n. 1877), Alfred Jodl (n. 1890), Ernst Kaltenbrunner (n. 1903), Wilhelm Keitel (n. 1882), Joachim von Ribbentrop (n. 1893), Alfred Rosenberg (n. 1893), Julius Streicher (1885), Fritz Sauckel (1894) and Arthur Seyart.
  • 1956: Jules Rimet, French sports leader, president of FIFA between 1921 and 1954 (n. 1873).
  • 1959: George Marshall, U.S. military and statesman, Nobel Peace Prize in 1953 (n. 1880).
  • 1962: Gaston Bachelard, French philosopher and poet (n. 1884).
  • 1966: George O'Hara, American actor (n. 1899).
  • 1967: Jorge Larco, painter, acuarelista and Argentinean scenographer (n. 1897).
  • 1971: Jules Humbert-Droz, Swiss priest and journalist (n. 1891).
  • 1971: Emilio Pettoruti, Argentine painter (n. 1892).
  • 1972: Leo G. Carroll, British actor (n. 1886).
  • 1973: Gene Krupa, American drummer (n. 1909).
  • 1975: Vittorio Gui, director of orchestra and Italian composer (n. 1885).
  • 1978: Dan Dailey, American actor (n. 1913).
  • 1979: Johan Borgen, Norwegian writer (n. 1903).
  • 1981: Moshé Dayán, an Israeli politician (n. 1915).
  • 1982: Mario del Monaco, Italian tenor (n. 1915).
  • 1983: Jakov Gotovac, Croatian composer (n. 1895).
  • 1984: Peggy Ann Garner, American actress (n. 1932).
  • 1984: José María Vilches, Spanish actor (n. 1935).
  • 1986: Arthur Grumiaux, a violinist and a Belgian pianist (n. 1921).
  • 1989: Cornel Wilde, American actor (n. 1915).
  • 1990: Art Blakey, American drummer (n. 1919).
  • 1990: Jorge Bolet, Cuban-American pianist (n. 1914).
  • 1991: Ole Beich, Danish bassist, of the Guns n Roses band (n. 1955).
  • 1991: Giacomo Mari, Italian footballer (n. 1924).
  • 1992: Shirley Booth, American actress (n. 1898).
  • 1993: Tuntún (José René Ruiz Martínez), Mexican actor (n. 1932).
  • 1997: Audra Lindley, American actress (n. 1918).
  • 1997: James A. Michener, American writer (n. 1907).
  • 1998: Jon Postel, American computer (n. 1943).
  • 1999: Jean Shepherd, American actor and screenwriter (n. 1921).
  • 2000: Antonio Ferrandis, a Spanish actor (n. 1921).
  • 2000: Antonio Muñoz Cariñanos, doctor and Spanish military (n. 1942).
  • 2001: Alfredo Iglesias, Argentine actor (n. 1927).
  • 2003: Stu Hart, Canadian fighter (n. 1915).
  • 2003: Laszló Papp, Hungarian boxer (n. 1926).
  • 2004: Susana Campos, an Argentine actress (n. 1934).
  • 2005: Ursula Howells, British actress (n. 1922).
  • 2005: Eugene Gordon Lee, American actor (n. 1933).
  • 2005: Sabú, singer and Argentine actor (n. 1951).
  • 2006: John Murra, Ukrainian anthropologist (n. 1916).
  • 2006: Valentin Paniagua, Peruvian politician, president of Peru between 2000 and 2001 (n. 1936).
  • 2006: Trebisonda Valla, Italian athlete (n. 1916).
  • 2007: Deborah Kerr, British actress (n. 1921).
  • 2007: Toše Proeski, Macedonian singer (n. 1981).
  • 2007: Barbara West, British Survivor Titanic (n. 1911).
  • 2010: Friedrich Katz, Austrian historian and anthropologist (n. 1927).
  • 2011: Dan Wheldon, British motor racing pilot (n. 1978).
  • 2011: Miguel Angel Granados Chapa, Mexican journalist (n. 1941).
  • 2012: Eddie Yost, American baseball player (n. 1926).
  • 2013: Ed Lauter, American actor and comedian (n. 1938).
  • 2015: Olimpo López, was a Colombian pier. was the creator of chocoram (n. 1918).
  • 2021: Felipe Cazals, director, screenwriter and producer of Mexican cinema (n. 1937).


  • World Food Day
  • World Day of Anesthesia
  • BulgariaBandera de BulgariaBulgaria:
    • Air Force Day
  • ChileBandera de ChileChile:
    • Master's Day
  • ParaguayFlag of Paraguay.svg Paraguay:
    • Paraguayan Library Day
  • PolandFlag of Poland.svgPoland:
    • Pope John Paul II's Day

Catholic saints list

  • San Anastasio de Pamiers
  • San Beltrán de Comminges
  • Santa Bonita de Brioude
  • Santa Eduvigis
  • San Elifio de Toul
  • San Galo de Arbona
  • San Gauderico de Mirepoix
  • San Gerardo Mayela
  • San Lulo de Hersfeld
  • Santa Margarita María de Alacoque
  • San Mumolno de Noyon
  • San Rodolfo de Gubbio
  • San Vidal de Retz
  • Beato Gerardo de Clairvaux
  • Beato Pedro Casani

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