
Oceanids, by Gustave Doré (1860).

In Greek and Roman mythology, the Oceanides (Ὠκεανίδες Ôkeanídes, plural of Ὠκεανίς Ôkeanís) were nymphs daughters of Oceanus and Thetis. Each of them was associated with a fountain, a pond, a river or a lake; but they were always freshwater streams. They were sisters of the Oceanids (or Potamoi), river gods and tributaries of the Ocean River. The nymphs auras, nephelas and limnatids are sometimes part of the oceanids. At least it is considered that the oldest oceanid of all was Éstige, and after her Neda. Idia appears to be the youngest of her sisters, if it is not true that Artemis's nymphs are the youngest of her race. There is no fixed tradition to cite the names of the oceanids. Sometimes they are eponymous nymphs (Europe, Libya or Asia), ancient pre-Olympian queens (Dione, Metis or Eurynome), personified abstractions (Tique, Peito or Nemesis), or they coincide with the names of the Nereids (Clímene, Toa or Doris).. The daughter of a river god or an oceanid nymph almost always belongs to the naiads.

Oceanides catalogues

In his Theogony, Hesiod clearly says that «there are three thousand oceanids with slender ankles that, widely distributed, equally guard the earth on all sides»; however, he names only the oldest 41:

Earrings, Earrings, Earrings, Earrings, Earrings, Earrings, Earrings, Earrings, Earrings, Earrings, Earrings, Earrings
HESIDEO: Theogony 346 ss.

In the Homeric Hymns we are told that these nymphs were Persephone's playmates until her abduction:

"All of us, in a lovely meadow (Leucipe, Feno, Electra, Yanta, Mélite, Yaque, Rodia, Calírroe, Melóbosis, Tique, as well as Ocírroe, of soft flower complexion, Criseida, Yanira, Acasta, Admete, Rhodope, Pluto, the gracious battle Calipso, Éstige But the earth opened from the deepest and out there was the mighty one that many welcome."
"Homeric hymn" to Deméter 415 and sss

Calimachus clarifies that Artemis asked her father Zeus for "a choir of up to sixty oceaninas, all nine years old"; these serve you voluntarily:

"The Ismenid Crócale collects his hair around his neck in a bow, although she carried them loose. Néfele, Híale, Ránide, Psecade and Fíale take water in large containers and pour it on it."
Calímaco: "himno III, artemis" vv 168 and ss

List of oceanids

These are, in alphabetical order of their names in Spanish, all the daughters of Oceanus that have come down to us through literature. The vast majority of them have Tetis as their mother, but there are cases in which Other consorts are cited (such as Gaia, Parténope or Ponfólige) or no affiliation is directly mentioned.

Oceanide Particularities
Acasta »καστη, “untable”
Admete »δμεη, «indomable or virgin»
Adrastea deδράστεια, nodriza de Zeus
Altea Nodriza de Zeus
Amaltea Nodriza de Zeus
Amphibious ¢μφιρω, «which envelops in currents»
Anphitrite Usually considered nereide and not oceanide.
Argy Mother of Forum and Io
Asia Eponymous and wife of Jápeto
Asterodea Mother of Apsirto, just the same as Idy
Astérope sστεροπη, mother of Acragas, eponome of several ancient cities known as Acragas, possibly including Acragas, Sicily
Béroe ,ερόη, eposima de una ciudad en Fenicia
Cafira Nodriza de Poseidon and identified with Halia
Calipso «The Hidden One», most common as daughter of Atlantean
Calírroe «The one of fair currents», mother of Gerion by Crisaor
Camarina Eponymous of Camarina
Cerceis or Cerceide --
Cariclo Quiron's wife is cited as the daughter of Ocean among other affiliations. His mother is not mentioned.
Ceto Mother of Astris by Helios
Clímene «The Celebration», wife of Jápeto and lover of Helios
Clío Nothing to do with the homonymous muse
Clitia «The illustrious», which was converted into heliotrope
Corife Possible mother of Athena
Creussa Daughter of Gea and Ocean for Píndaro.
Criseis or Criseida Criseis or Criseida (addρυση,ς, «golden»)
Catch him. « Coast or shore», one of the sixty youngest oceanids, Artemisa servers
Daira Mother of Eleusis with Hermes
Dione Homerical Mother of Aphrodite
Dodona Ninfa oracular eponymous
Doris «The one who gives away», woman of the marine god Nereo and mother of the fifty nereides
Éfira Eponymous of Corinth
Electra “The one of the amber”, Taumante’s wife, Iris’ mother and Harpiah
Éstige o Estigia Oceanide of the Stigia River flowing nine times around Hades
Estilbo The same as Estilbe
Etna Epónima
Etra Atlantean, just the same as Pléyone.
Eudora Eudora (Ε)δερη (“the one who grants prosperity”)
Eurínome «La de vasto prado», mother of thanks
Europe Ε,ρεη, epónima
Evagoreis or Evagoreide --
Feno --
Fíale «Water dish», one of the sixty youngest oceanids, Artemisa servers
Fílira Mother of Chiron by Crono
Galaxaura «Water like milk»
Hesione Prometheus Spouse
Híale «Cristal», one of the sixty youngest oceanids, servants of Artemisa
Hi. «The Horse»
Ida Nodriza de Zeus
I was «The Expert», wife of Eetes and mother of Medea
Janta φανθς, «the blonde»
Leuce The nymph of the underworld loved by Hades
Leucipe "White mare"
Libya Epónima
Melia Inaco and Mother of Forum
Melibea Pelasgo and Mother of Lycaon
Mélite «Melosa»
Melobosis «Let the cattle feed»
I'm lying. --
Menipe --
Merope Mother of Faeton, according to a version
Metis «Wisdom», first wife of Zeus and mother of Athena
Mopsopia Epónima
Neda Nodriza de Zeus
Neera --
Néfele NOεφ Muerteλη, «nube», one of the sixty youngest oceanides, servants of Artemisa
Némesis CONFUS μεσις, personification of divine punishment and more common as daughter of the Night
Ocírroe From "fast current"
Pasífae κασιφά Cristian, "splendorous", does not confuse with the wife of Minos.
Pasítoe or Pisitoa «Quick in persuading»
Peito or Pito “Persuasion” or “persuasive”
Peribea κερβοια, «rodeada de Gana», mother of Aura with Lelanto.
Perseis or Perse Mother of Circe, Eetes and Pasifae with Helios
Petrea «Rocosa»
Plexaura "Let the water strike"
Pléyone ・λιόιν Cristian or κλειόνη, mother of the Pleiades with Atlante.
Pluto «The wealth», implicitly mother of Tango
Polidora «Of many gifts», κολυδρ) (attic) or κολυδρ Cristian (jónico)
Pólife In a rare version, mother of Athena with Poseidon.
Polixo --
Primno «The one born at the foot of the mountains»
Pronea Mother of Deucalion according to Catalogue of women; lSame as Hesione
Psécade «Dub of rain», one of the sixty youngest oceanids, Artemisa servers
Ránide « Rainfall Fall», one of the sixty youngest oceanids, Artemisa servers
Rodea o Rodia «The Rose»
Ródope --
Telesto Τελεστ, “logro” or “perfect”
Tique «Suerte», also as personification of the Fortune
Toa The «rapid»
Trace Eponymous, daughter of such a Parthenope
Urania «The heavenly», nothing to do with the muse homonym
Yanira --
Yanta or Iante ,νάθη, "la violácea"
Whether or not --
Zeuxo "the one who unites"

Other oceans

  • In the Catalogue of women We are told that Helena is the daughter of Zeus and an unnominated oceanide.
  • In the homerical texts we are told that Ocean is the father of the gods and is also his daughter then Tetis, implicitly.
  • The Mermaids are also daughters of Ocean and Gea, according to a source.
  • The text of Higino (Fables) is corrupt in some parts, and it does not distinguish well the name of some oceanids: *Yea or *Hestiea; *Liris, *Clitemneste, *Tesquineno.
  • Some Zeus ninphas in Pausanias may be associated as oceanids, but not specified in the text.

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