
Pietro Bongo, Numerorum mysteria, 1591

Numerology is a set of beliefs or traditions that seeks to establish a hidden relationship between numbers, living beings, and physical or spiritual forces. It is also a practice of divination through numbers. Its study was popular among early mathematicians, but it is no longer considered a mathematical discipline. The scientific community has long relegated numerology to the category of pseudoscience or superstition, like astrology with respect to astronomy, or alchemy, although the latter had the character of protoscience with respect to chemistry.

In numerology, numbers are said to be one of the highest and most perfect human concepts. According to those who practice it, numerology is the discipline that aims to investigate the "secret vibration" of that code and teaches to use numbers to their advantage, through the study of their influence on people, animals.[citation needed] In the same way, each number has a meaning and has certain characteristics which designate things. For example, with the sum of the digits of our date of birth, we will obtain a number from 1 to 9, if it is greater, the numbers that make up the number will have to be added, and depending on the number that comes out, you will have a description of your personality. abilities, weaknesses, how we relate to others, events that will probably happen in our life and the life mission we have. In the year 530 B.C. C., Pythagoras, a Greek philosopher, methodically developed a relationship between the planets and their "numerical vibration." He called it "music of the spheres." Through his method of numerology, he affirmed that words have a sound that vibrates in consonance with the frequency of numbers as one more facet of the harmony of the universe and the laws of nature.[citation required] As well as the book of Kabbalah, a textbook that deals with mysticism and the thought of the Jews where it uses the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet to find the numerological meaning of a name.

According to numerologists, numbers are much more than a way to measure or quantify what exists around us. If we realize everything around us is governed by numbers such as the number for civil registration, our date of birth, the school code among others. This is why some wise men have dedicated themselves to observing the influence of numbers on people ' like Pythagoras, who believed that the universe should be seen as a harmonious whole, where everything emits a sound or vibration. The numbers 1 to 9 are associated with specific characteristics, which together encompass the entire experience of life. The logia number did not become known until L. Dow Balliett, a great influencer of spiritualism in the XX century, who wrote several books on this topic.

The number system par excellence in numerology is decimal, with the exception being the Chaldean school of numerology, which uses the octal system.[citation required]


There are several schools of numerology, including:[citation needed]

  • The cabalistic, which is based on the contents of Kabbalah science.
  • The Chaldean, which has its origins in Babylonian civilization.
  • The Chinese, which gives the numbers very different meanings from the rest of schools.
  • The Pythagoric, which is guided by the postulates of numerology of the Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras.

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