November 17
Contenido November 17 is the 321st (three hundred and twenty-first) day of the year in the Gregorian calendar and the 322nd in leap years. There are 44 days left to end the year.
- 887: Emperor Charles III is deposed the Gordo and Arnulfo of Carinthia becomes king of Eastern France and Lotaringia.
- 1292 (O.S.): In Scotland, John of Balliol becomes king of Scotland.
- 1502: An earthquake is recorded in Cairo, Egypt.
- 1511: In Yunnan, China, there is an earthquake of magnitude 5.8 in the seismological scale of Richter (intensity VII) that leaves a balance of "some" dead.
- 1511: Spain and England join against France.
- 1556: In Rossano (Cosenza, Italy) there is an earthquake of magnitude 5.1 in the seismological scale of Richter.
- 1557: in Chile, the Spanish navy Juan Ladrillero zarpa de Valdivia reaching the island Desolation and entering the Strait of Magellan.
- 1558: Queen Mary I dies in London (England) and is succeeded by her half sister Elizabeth I.
- 1566: In Spain, Felipe II promulgates a series of rigorous measures against the Moors of Granada that affect the use of the Arabic language and its Muslim customs.
- 1570: In Ferrara, Italy, at 19:10 local time there is an earthquake of magnitude 5.5 in the seismological scale of Richter (intensity VIII) that leaves a balance of 70 to 2000 dead.
- 1603: In London, explorer, writer and courtier Walter Raleigh goes to trial for treason.
- 1617: in Veracruz, Mexico, the virrey Diego Fernandez de Córdoba sent to found the village of Córdoba.
- 1659: Spain and France sign peace in the Pyrenees.
- 1775: the city of Kuopio was founded by King Gustavo III of Sweden.
- 1796: In Italy—in the framework of the Napoleonic Wars—the Battle of the Arcole Bridge is waged, in which the French defeat the Austrians.
- 1800: In Washington, D.C. (United States) Congress is meeting for the first time.
- 1811: In Santiago de Chile, José Miguel Carrera swears as president of the Executive Board of Government.
- 1812: Battle of Krasnoi, in the Napoleonic Wars.
- 1820: In Antarctica, Captain Nathaniel Palmer is the first American to see that continent. (The Palmer Peninsula will receive your name).
- 1831: Ecuador and Venezuela are separated from the Great Colombia.
- 1837: An earthquake of magnitude between 8.5 and 9.0 shakes the Chilean city of Valdivia causing a tsunami.
- 1855: In the present Zambia-Zimbabue (Africa), the British explorer David Livingstone is the first European to see the Victoria Falls.
- 1858: the day of juliano zero is changed.
- 1858: In Grenoble, France, a flood began on November 2. Despite the heavy damage, few people die.
- 1863: In Knoxville, Tennessee—in the framework of the American Civil War—the confederate forces (leadered by General James Longstreet) begin the Knoxville site.
- 1869: In Egypt the Suez Canal, which unites the Mediterranean Sea with the Red Sea, was inaugurated.
- 1875: The Salvadoran Academy of Language is established in El Salvador.
- 1876: in Moscow (Russia), the Marcha eslava by Piotr Ilich Chaikovski.
- 1878: Italy is the first attempt to murder Umberto I.
- 1895: In Cuba, the mambises in charge of General Máximo Gómez occupy the Spanish camp Pelayo.
- 1895: Near Santiago de Cuba the expeditionaries of the Horsa steam disembark.
- 1895: In Rio de Janeiro (in that time, the capital of Brazil) the Flamengo Regatta Club was founded, a dean of Brazilian football.
- 1899: In Santiago de Chile is born Clotario Blest First Chilean trade union leader, founder of important trade union organizations.
- 1901: In Havana (Cuba), Chessman José Raúl Capablanca (only 12 years old) begins the fight for the title of Cuba against Juan Corzo, who wins with score of 4.6.2.
- 1903: In the Russian Empire, the Social Democratic Workers Party is divided into Mensheviks (‘minority’) and Bolsheviks (‘majority’).
- 1905: Japan and Korea sign the Eulsa Treaty.
- 1910: in Denver (United States) a pilot named Ralph Johnstone (n. 1886) is the second person who died in an aviation accident (the first was U.S. Lieutenant Thomas Selfridge, who died on September 17, 1908).
- 1911: At Howard University (exclusive University for Blacks), in Washington (U.S. capital) in full apartheid, the Omega Psi Phi fraternity, the first group of black students, is created.
- 1922: the former Ottoman Sultan Mehmed VI was exiled in Italy.
- 1933: The United States Government recognizes the Soviet Union (created in 1917).
- 1934: In the framework of the war between Bolivia and Paraguay, Paraguayan forces capture the Bolivian fortress of Ballivián.
- 1936: in the province of Dávao del Sur (Philippines) the municipality of Malita is created.
- 1937: the Chinese city of Shanghai is occupied by the Empire of Japan when the battle ends after 4 months.
- 1939: In the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia (dominated by the German Nazis), the government—as a reprisal for the anti-Nazi demonstrations generated by the death of Jan Opletal—shoots nine Czech students. In addition, the Government closes all Czech universities and more than 1200 Czech students are sent to concentration camps. Since this event, several countries – especially the Czech Republic – celebrate International Student Day.
- 1940: As part of the Second World War, the German city of Hamburg is bombarded. During the war, 213 bombings were bombed, which dropped 1.7 million bombs (one per capita). The nearly 40,000 victims of the July 1943 attacks are, together with Dresden, Tokyo, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the highest numbers of annihilation.
- 1941: In the framework of the Second World War, the U.S. Ambassador to Japan, Joseph Gre Clarkw telegraphs to his Government about the imminent Japanese plans to attack Pearl Harbor, but—for reasons unknown—is ignored.
- 1947: in the United States, the Union of Film Actors (Screen Actors Guild) implements an anti-communist oath.
- 1947: In the United States, three physicists (John Bardeen, Walter Brattain and William Shockley) discover the transistor, a fundamental element for the revolution of electronics in the twentieth century.
- 1950: In New York the UN recognizes Libya's independence.
- 1950: Tenzin Gyatso (15), the fourteenth Dalai Lama is enthroned as an absolute king of Tibet.
- 1953: in Ireland, the last inhabitants of the Blasket Islands (Kerry County) are evacuated to the continent.
- 1956: in Western Europe the rationing of gasoline begins due to the oil boycott of the Arab countries.
- 1962: In Washington, D.C. (United States Capital), President John F. Kennedy opened Dulles International Airport.
- 1966: a record figure of the meteor shower of the Leonids is set: 150 000 meteorites per hour.
- 1967: in Washington D.C.—in the framework of the Vietnam War—President Lyndon B. Johnson tells the nation that, even though much remains to be done, "we are inflicting much greater damage than those who are doing to us: we are progressing!"
- 1968: In Greece, Alexandros Panagoulis is sentenced to death for the attempted murder of the dictator Gueorguios Papadopulos.
- 1969: In Helsinki—in the framework of the Cold War—American and Soviet negotiators meet to begin the SALT I negotiations to limit the number of nuclear weapons on both sides.
- 1970: in the Mare Imbrium (Mar de las Lluvias) the Moon announces the unmanned Soviet station Lunojod 1 (launched from the Moonship 17 in orbit around the Moon). It's the first remote control robot that lands on another planet.
- 1970: In the United States—in the framework of the Vietnam War—Lt. William Calley is on trial for having ordered the Mi Lai massacre (16 March 1968). According to the Army report, after finding only 3 weapons, they had shot 90 civilian vietcong and 30 non-civilian vietcong, but according to another report, 504 women, children and the elderly had been raped and killed. Calley will receive 3 years of house arrest and will be amnested by President Nixon.
- 1970: In the United States, Douglas Engelbart patents the first computer mouse.
- 1972: In Argentina, former president Juan Domingo Perón returned after 17 years of exile. It will remain only one month in Argentina, since the final return, for its third term as president, will take place on 20 June 1973.
- 1973: in Orlando (Florida)—in the framework of the Watergate scandal—President Richard Nixon lies with 400 journalists from the Associated Press: "I am not a scoundrel." Finally it will be discovered, which forces it to renounce the country's presidency.
- 1973: In Athens (Greece) the Uprising of the Polytechnic of Athens against the dictatorship of the Greek Military Board (1967-1974). The government sends the police and the army and everything ends in a massacre of civilians.
- 1974: In Portugal the Aliança Operário-Camponesa (workers and peasants' alliance) is founded as front of the PCP (m-l) (Portuguese Communist Party [Marxist-Leninist]), separated from the Portuguese Communist Party.
- 1975: Steve Harris creates the Iron Maiden band.
- 1979: In Brisbane, Australia, the first stage of the suburban electric train between Ferny Grove and Darra (Queensland) is completed.
- 1980: in El Crucero (Nicaragua) the businessman Jorge Salazar, vice president of the Higher Council of Private Enterprise (Cosep), is murdered by agents of State Security.
- 1982: In the Warrior Pascual Stadium of the City of Cali (Colombia), a stampede occurs after the end of a football match, in which 24 spectators die (12 of them, children).
- 1982: In Las Vegas (United States) South Korean boxer Duk Koo Kim dies (23) for the concussion caused by his opponent, U.S. Ray Boom Boom Mancini (21) in a 14 round boxing fight, which took place four days earlier. This leads to reforming the laws of this sport. The mother of the South Korean will kill herself in March 1983, and the réferi of the meeting (Richard Green) on July 1, 1983.
- 1983: in Mexico the EZLN (Zapatian Army of National Liberation) is formed in the underground.
- 1987: in Ecuador, Balao is elevated to canton of the Province of Guayas.
- 1989: in Prague the Government sends the police to harshly suppress student demonstrations. The revolution of Terciopelo begins, which will bring down the communist government on December 29.
- 1991: the former Socialist Republic of Macedonia, which was part of the Federal Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia, proclaimed its independence under the official name of the Republic of Macedonia.
- 1993: in South Africa the rule of the white minority is over (apartheid) with the signature of an intern constitution.
- 1997: In Luxor (Egypt), 6 Islamist militants kill 62 people at the departure of the temple of the Hatshepsut pharaoh (Masacre de Luxor).
- 1997: in Spain, writer Francisco Umbral won the National Prize for Letters.
- 2000: In Log pod Mangartom, Slovenia has a catastrophic landslide, which kills 7 people and causes damage valued in millions of SITs (Slovene tolls).
- 2000: From Japan, Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori resigns from the presidency, ending more than a decade of his government.
- 2003: American singer Britney Spears (21 years old) receives her star on Hollywood Walk of Fame, being the youngest singer to receive her.
- 2004: In the United States, the company Kmart announces its purchase of the company Sears, Roebuck and Co. for 11 billion US dollars (USD). The new company will be called Sears Holdings Corporation.
- 2006: in the United States, PlayStation 3 is on sale.
- 2007: Javier Zanetti surpasses Roberto Ayala's record by becoming the player with more presences in Argentina's football team.
- 2008: Launch of the album "Sex Pastels" by the Spanish punk group Gatillazo
- 2009: Near Somalia, Somali pirates release the Basque atrium Alakrana after 47 days of captivity.
- 2014: One Direction released his fourth studio album, Four.
- 2016: Warner Bros bought Machinima, Inc. for 100 million dollars and operated alongside a total property part of the Warner Bros group, hosting the digital and over-the-top businesses of the studio.
- 2018: The Argentine Navy confirms the discovery of Submarine ARA San Juan near the area of his disappearance a year ago.
- 2018: in Lima, Peru's former president Alan García asks for political asylum to the Uruguayan embassy after receiving 18 months of impediment from the country.
- 2018: In France the movement of the yellow vests begins.
- 2019: in Wuhan, China appears the first known case of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 disease.
- 2020: in Lima, Francisco Sagasti assumes the presidency of Peru after the resignation of the then head of State, Manuel Merino.
- 9: Vespasian, Roman emperor (f. 79).
- 1503: Bronzino, Italian painter (f. 1572).
- 1576: Roque González de Santa Cruz, saint, missionary and religious Paraguayan (f. 1628).
- 1587: Joost van den Vondel, playwright and Dutch poet (f. 1679).
- 1612: Dorgon, Prince Manchuriano (f. 1650).
- 1685: Pierre Gaultier de Varennes, Franco-Canadian trader and explorer (f. 1749).
- 1717: Jean d'Alembert, French mathematician (f. 1783).
- 1729: María Antonieta de España, queen sarda (f. 1785).
- 1749: Nicolás Appert, French inventor (f. 1841).
- 1755: Louis XVIII, French king between 1814 and 1824 (f. 1824).
- 1765: Etienne Jacques Joseph MacDonald, French military (f. 1840).
- 1790: August Möbius, German mathematician (f. 1868).
- 1799: Titian Peale, a naturalist, entomologist and American photographer (f. 1885).
- 1816: August Wilhelm Ambros, Austrian composer (f. 1876).
- 1821: Francesco Ambrosi, Italian historian and botanist (f. 1897).
- 1821: Pedro Ogazón, Mexican military and political (f. 1890).
- 1831: Miguel Miramón, Mexican military and political (f. 1867).
- 1835: Jerome Treviño, Mexican military and political (f. 1914).
- 1854: Louis Hubert Lyautey, French military (f. 1934).
- 1857: Joseph Babiński, Franco-Polish neurologist (f. 1932).
- 1865: Pepita Teixidor, a Spanish painter (f. 1914).
- 1866: Voltairine de Cleyre, anarchist writer and American feminist (f. 1912).
- 1866: Lola Mora, Argentine sculptor (f. 1936).
- 1876: August Sander, German photographer (f. 1964).
- 1877: Frank Calder, British journalist, first president of the National Hockey League (f. 1943).
- 1878: Grace Abbott, American social worker (f. 1939).
- 1885: Otto Trieloff, German athlete (f. 1967).
- 1886: Elena Fortún, a Spanish writer for children and youth literature (f. 1952).
- 1887: Bernard Law Montgomery, British commander (f. 1976).
- 1889: Carolina Muzzilli, an Argentine socialist activist (f. 1917).
- 1890: Gregorio Modrego, Spanish priest (f. 1972).
- 1891: Frank Fay, American actor (f. 1961).
- 1892: Max Deutsch, Austrian-French composer (f. 1982).
- 1893: Alain Gerbault, French navigator (f. 1941).
- 1895: Mikhail Bajtín, Russian literary critic and linguist (f. 1975).
- 1895: Gregorio López and Fuentes, Mexican writer (f. 1966).
- 1895: Mikhail Shumilov, Soviet military (f. 1975)
- 1896: Lev Vygotski, Russian psychologist (f. 1934).
- 1900: Enrique Pérez Comendador, Spanish sculptor (f. 1981).
- 1901: Lee Strasberg, director, theatre professor, actor and Austrian producer (f. 1982).
- 1901: Walter Hallstein, German politician (f. 1982).
- 1902: Azucena Maizani, Argentinean singer (f. 1970).
- 1902: Eugene Wigner, Hungarian physicist, nobel prize of physics in 1963 (f. 1995).
- 1904: Isamu Noguchi, American sculptor (f. 1988).
- 1905: Astrid of Sweden, queen consorte Belgian (f. 1935).
- 1905: Mischa Auer, an American actor (f. 1967).
- 1905: Rodolfo Usigli, Mexican writer (f. 1979).
- 1906: Betty Bronson, American actress (f. 1971).
- 1906: Sōichirō Honda, Japanese businessman, founder of the Honda Motor Company (f. 1991).
- 1907: Israel Regardie, British occultist, secretary of Aleister Crowley (f. 1985).
- 1908: Thore Enochsson, Swedish athlete (f. 1993).
- 1908: Manuela Ballester, painter, writer, editor and Spanish poet (f. 1994).
- 1909: El Atarfeño, torero española (f. 1934).
- 1910: Venturita (Ventura Núñez), Spanish bullfighter (f. 1974).
- 1910: Charles Walters, American filmmaker.
- 1912: Kim Sung-gan, South Korean footballer (f. 1942).
- 1916: Rodney Hilton, British historian (f. 2002).
- 1917: Leandro Remondini, footballer and Italian coach (f. 1979).
- 1919: Luis Martínez Irujo, Spanish aristocrat (f. 1972).
- 1919: Kim Heungsou, South Korean painter (f. 2014).
- 1921: Albert Bertelsen, Danish painter.
- 1922: Stanley Cohen, American biochemist, nobel medical prize in 1986 (f. 2020).
- 1923: Hubertus Brandenburg, Catholic bishop of Stockholm (f. 2009).
- 1923: Aristides Pereira, a Cape Verdean politician, the first president of his country (f. 2011).
- 1925: Rock Hudson, American actor (f. 1985).
- 1925: Charles Mackerras, conductor and Australian musician (f. 2010).
- 1926: Virguilio, Portuguese footballer (f. 2009).
- 1928: Arman, painter and sculptor (f. 2005).
- 1928: Pepe Díaz Lastra, an Argentine actor of Cuban origin (f. 2007).
- 1928: Pierre Accoce, a French journalist (f. 2020).
- 1929: Ranko Žeravica, Serbian basketball (f. 2015).
- 1930: Bob Mathias, American athlete and politician (f. 2006).
- 1930: Karl Merkatz, Austrian actor (f. 2022).
- 1931: Pierre Nora, French historian.
- 1931: Leopoldo Pomés, Spanish photographer (f. 2019).
- 1933: Isao Iwabuchi, Japanese footballer (f. 2003).
- 1934: Jim Inhofe, American politician, Oklahoma Senator.
- 1934: Eugenio Domingo, a Spanish actor (f. 1989).
- 1935: Toni Sailer, Austrian alpine ski skier (f. 2009).
- 1936: José Carlos Ruiz, Mexican actor.
- 1937: Peter Cook, British comedian (f. 1995).
- 1937: Manuel Félix López, Ecuadorian politician (f. 2004).
- 1937: Pilar Salarrullana, writer and Spanish politics (f. 2009).
- 1938: Calisto Tanzi, an Italian entrepreneur and scammer (f. 2022).
- 1938: Gordon Lightfoot, Canadian singer.
- 1942: Martin Scorsese, American filmmaker.
- 1943: Lauren Hutton, American actress.
- 1943: Juan José Palacios "Tele", Spanish musician, of the band Triana (f. 2002).
- 1944: Gene Clark, American singer, of the band The Byrds (f. 1991).
- 1944: Danny DeVito, American actor.
- 1944: Rem Koolhaas, Dutch architect.
- 1944: Lorne Michaels, Canadian television producer.
- 1944: Luis Rogelio Nogueras, Cuban poet and novelist.
- 1944: Arturo Puig, Argentine actor.
- 1944: Roberta Collins, American actress (f. 2008).
- 1944: Daniel Yuste, Spanish cyclist (f. 2020).
- 1944: Marlbert Pradd, American basketball player (f. 2014).
- 1945: Elvin Hayes, American basketball player.
- 1945: Roland Joffé, Anglo-French filmmaker.
- 1945: Sergio López Suárez, writer and illustrator of Uruguayan children's books.
- 1946: Martin Barre, British guitarist, Jethro Tull band.
- 1946: Wiesław Rudkowski, Polish boxer (f. 2016).
- 1948: Howard Dean, American Democratic politician.
- 1948: Sergio Blanco Rivas, Spanish singer (f. 2015).
- 1949: Tomás Urzainqui, lawyer, writer and Spanish historian.
- 1949: John Boehner, American politician.
- 1949: Nguyén Tan Dung, Vietnamese Prime Minister since 2006.
- 1950: Jorge Sassi, Argentine actor (f. 2015).
- 1951: Dean Paul Martin, American singer and actor (f. 1987).
- 1951: Stephen Root, American actor.
- 1952: Cyril Ramaphosa, South African politician, President of South Africa since 2018.
- 1954: Claudio Marangoni, Argentine footballer.
- 1955: Carmelo Vidalin, Uruguayan politician.
- 1958: Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, American actress.
- 1958: Mariana Ingold, composer, keyboardist and Uruguayan singer.
- 1958: Frank van Hattum, New Zealand footballer.
- 1958: Terry Saldaña, Filipino basketball player (f. 2023).
- 1959: Juan Carlos Pérez Rojo, Spanish footballer.
- 1959: Thomas Allofs, German footballer.
- 1960: RuPaul, drag queen American.
- 1960: Paolo Ferrero, Italian politician.
- 1960: Jonathan Ross, TV presenter and British radio announcer.
- 1961: Wolfram Wuttke, German footballer (f. 2015).
- 1961: Michael Collins, American footballer.
- 1963: Patxi Salinas, Spanish footballer.
- 1964: Moses Villanueva de la Luz, Mexican politician (f. 2011).
- 1964: Krzysztof Warzycha, footballer and Polish coach.
- 1964: Fofi Gennimata, Greek politics (f. 2021).
- 1965: Amanda Brown, Canadian music, The Go-Betweens band.
- 1966: Jeff Buckley, American guitarist and singer (f. 1997).
- 1966: Richard Fortus, American guitarist, of the band Guns N' Roses.
- 1966: Daisy Fuentes, Cuban model and actress.
- 1966: Sophie Marceau, French actress.
- 1966: María del Mar Arnáiz, Spanish politics.
- 1966: Josip Višnjić, footballer and Serbian coach.
- 1966: Anna Barabino, Italian sailor.
- 1966: Peter Loudon, British curling player.
- 1967: Domenico Schiattarella, Italian motor racing pilot.
- 1967: Estela Rodríguez Villanueva, yudoca Cuban (f. 2022).
- 1968: Amber Michaels, American porn actress.
- 1968: Alberto Urdiales, Spanish basketball player.
- 1968: Vlado Šola, Croatian basketball player.
- 1969: Jean-Michel Saive, Belgian table tennis player.
- 1969: Cecilia Dopazo, an Argentine actress.
- 1969: Kianna Dior, Canadian pornographic actress.
- 1969: Ryōtarō Okiayu, Japanese seiyū.
- 1969: Rebecca Walker, American writer.
- 1970: Paul Allender, British guitarist, of the band Cradle of Filth.
- 1970: Andy Kusnetzoff, Argentine television presenter.
- 1970: Eduardo Esidio, Brazilian footballer.
- 1971: Michael Adams, British chess.
- 1972: José Ángel Barrueco, Spanish writer.
- 1972: Leonard Roberts, American actor.
- 1972: Joanne Goode, British Chadian player.
- 1972: Titi Camara, Spanish footballer.
- 1973: Andreas Vintersorg Hedlund, vocalist, guitarist and Swedish keyboardist, of the band Vintersorg.
- 1973: Bernd Schneider, German footballer.
- 1973: Ibon Begoña, Spanish footballer.
- 1973: Godfrey Sapula, South African footballer.
- 1974: Leslie Bibb, American actress.
- 1974: Melvin Méndez Acevedo, Puerto Rican Yudoca.
- 1974: Óscar Peñas García, yudoca español.
- 1974: Zharick León, Colombian actress.
- 1974: Berto Romero, Spanish humorist.
- 1974: Roberto Rojas González, Spanish footballer.
- 1975: Lord Infamous, American rapper.
- 1975: Jerome James, American basketball player.
- 1975: Seigo Shimokawa, Japanese footballer.
- 1975: Anders Anundsen, Norwegian politician.
- 1975: Ewan MacDonald, British curling player.
- 1976: Jacqueline Aguilera, Venezuelan model, ex-Miss Mundo.
- 1976: Cristián Limenza, Paraguayan footballer.
- 1976: Ervin Skela, Albanian footballer.
- 1976: Diane Neal, American actress and model.
- 1977: Jairo Castillo, Colombian footballer.
- 1977: Augustine Margalef, Uruguayan cyclist.
- 1977: Andrew Pragnell, New Zealand Yudoca.
- 1978: Tom Ellis, Welsh actor.
- 1978: Zoë Bell, actress and double New Zealander.
- 1978: Rachel McAdams, Canadian actress.
- 1978: Jorge Wágner Goés Conceição, Brazilian footballer.
- 1978: Julio César Santos Correa, Brazilian footballer.
- 1978: Echendu Adiele, Nigerian footballer (f. 2011).
- 1979: Mikel Astarloza, Spanish cyclist.
- 1980: Brad Bradley, American professional fighter.
- 1980: Isaac Hanson, American singer and guitarist, of the Hanson band.
- 1980: Luciana Sandoval, Salvadoran model.
- 1980: Roberto Bonet, Paraguayan footballer.
- 1980: Santo Anzà, Italian cyclist.
- 1981: Sarah Harding, British singer, actress and model (f. 2021).
- 1981: Louise Pedersen, Danish model.
- 1982: Leonel Rios, Argentine soccer player.
- 1982: Mimoun Azaouagh, German-Marroquí footballer.
- 1983: Ryan Braun, American baseball player.
- 1983: Harry Lloyd, British actor.
- 1983: Nick Markakis, American baseball player.
- 1983: Christopher Paolini, American novelist.
- 1983: Luis Alberto, Brazilian footballer.
- 1983: Julián Vara, Spanish footballer.
- 1983: Fernando Pagés, Argentine footballer.
- 1983: Pablo Barzola, Argentine footballer.
- 1983: Shannan Click, American model.
- 1983: Viva Bianca, Australian actress.
- 1983: Dimity-Lee Duke, Australian triathle.
- 1984: Adrian Colunga, Spanish footballer.
- 1984: Víctor Hugo Lojero, Mexican footballer.
- 1984: Damián Salvatierra, Argentine footballer.
- 1985: Edivaldo Rojas Hermoza, Brazilian footballer.
- 1985: Marlon Mancía, Honduran footballer.
- 1985: Luis Aguiar, Uruguayan footballer.
- 1985: Gabi Garcia, a Brazilian martial arts practitioner.
- 1986: Everth Cabrera, Nicaraguan baseball player.
- 1986: Nani (Luis Carlos Almeida da Cunha), Portuguese footballer.
- 1986: Alexis Vastine, French boxer (f. 2015).
- 1987: José Luis López Sánchez, Mexican footballer.
- 1987: Gemma Spofforth, British swimmer.
- 1988: Reid Perry, American bassist, The Band Perry.
- 1988: Eric Lichaj, American footballer.
- 1989: Héctor Sánchez, Venezuelan baseball player.
- 1989: Roman Zozulia, Ukrainian footballer.
- 1989: Enrico Battaglin, Italian cyclist.
- 1989: Freddy Castillo, Ecuadorian footballer (f. 2013).
- 1990: Shanica Knowles, American actress.
- 1990: Peter Kobelt, American tennis player.
- 1990: Fabienne Schlumpf, Swiss athlete.
- 1990: Geórgios Boúglas, Greek cyclist.
- 1990: His Xin, Chinese Yudoca.
- 1991: Sara Doorsoun, German footballer.
- 1991: Alessandra Patelli, Italian shirt.
- 1992: Katarzyna Kawa, Polish tennis player.
- 1993: Ariadna Castellano, Spanish actress.
- 1993: Gina Aitken, British curling player.
- 1994: Raquel Castro, American actress.
- 1994: Armin Hodžić, Bosnian footballer.
- 1994: Ronaldo Dinolis, Panamanian footballer.
- 1994: Harry Tanfield, British cyclist.
- 1994: Henrik Evensen, Norwegian cyclist.
- 1994: Michael Kukrle, Czech cyclist.
- 1994: Jacob Barrett Laursen, Danish footballer.
- 1995: Juan Rubio Niñirola, Spanish basketball player.
- 1995: Yudai Tanaka, Japanese footballer.
- 1995: Moustapha Barro, Senegalese basketball player.
- 1995: Ana Jara Martínez, Spanish actress.
- 1995: Benjamin Gischard, Swiss art gymnast.
- 1995: Malen Ruiz de Azúa, a Spanish athlete.
- 1995: Elise Mertens, Belgian tennis player.
- 1995: Borja González Tejada, Spanish footballer.
- 1996: Minkah Fitzpatrick, American football player.
- 1996: Stefan de Bod, South African cyclist.
- 1996: Eslô Marques, Brazilian model.
- 1996: Cho Yu-min, South Korean footballer.
- 1997: Dragan Bender, Croatian basketball player.
- 1997: Kim Yu-gyeom, singer, rapper, dancer, choreographer, producer, composer and South Korean model member of the boyband Got7.
- 1997: Julian Ryerson, Norwegian footballer.
- 1997: Ruay Yebabli, Tunisian athlete.
- 1998: Domilson Cordeiro dos Santos, Brazilian footballer.
- 1998: Kara Hayward, American actress.
- 1998: Mitzi Ruhlmann, Australian actress.
- 1998: Charity Crawford, pornographic actress and American erotic model.
- 1998: Devin Haney, American boxer.
- 1998: Andrea Toscano, Mexican model.
- 1998: Mathieu Burgaudeau, French cyclist.
- 1998: Mahaveer Raghunathan, an Indian motor racing pilot.
- 1998: José María García Soriano, Spanish cyclist.
- 1998: Katarzyna Boruch, Polish shirt.
- 1999: Jorge Cuenca Barreno, Spanish footballer.
- 1999: Ivan Šapina, Croatian taekwondista.
- 1999: Donovan Carrillo, Mexican artistic skater.
- 1999: Caps, League of Legends Danish player.
- 1999: María Cristina Julio, Chilean footballer.
- 1999: Jesús Álvarez Aguado, Spanish footballer.
- 1999: Kerolin, Brazilian footballer.
- 2000: Juan Esteban de la Fuente, Argentine basketball.
- 2000: Christopher Loaiza, American footballer.
- 2000: Dylan Levitt, British footballer.
- 2000: Lía Rovira, Spanish rhythm gymnast.
- 2003: Luce Douady, French climber (f. 2020).
- 375: Valentinian I, Roman emperor (n. 321).
- 474: Lion II, Byzantine emperor (n. 467).
- 594: Gregorio de Tours, bishop and French historian (n. c. 539).
- 1231: Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, Hungarian queen canonized by the Catholic Church (n. 1207).
- 1494: Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, Italian philosopher (n. 1463).
- 1558: Mary Tudor, English queen (n. 1516).
- 1558: Reginald Pole, Cardinal and Archbishop of Canterbury (n. 1500).
- 1600: Kuki Yoshitaka, Japanese naval commander (n. 1542).
- 1708: Ludolf Backhuysen, Dutch painter (n. 1631).
- 1720: Jack the Calico, pirate captain (n. 1682).
- 1746: Joseph of Peralta Barnuevo, Peruvian bishop (n. 1669).
- 1747: Alain-René Lesage, a French writer (n. 1668).
- 1757: María Josefa of Austria, Austrian archduchess (n. 1699).
- 1780: Bernardo Bellotto, Italian painter (n. 1720).
- 1771: Tobias Smollett, British writer (n. 1721).
- 1796: Catherine the Great, Russian zarine (n. 1729).
- 1818: Charlete of Mecklenburg, German aristocrat, Queen Consort of the United Kingdom (n. 1744).
- 1842: John Varley, British painter and astrologer (n. 1778).
- 1852: Carl August von Eschenmayer, German physician and philosopher (n. 1768).
- 1858: Robert Owen, a utopian socialist and a British cooperative (n. 1771).
- 1875: Hilario Ascasubi, Argentinian poet (n. 1807).
- 1917: Auguste Rodin, French sculptor (n. 1840).
- 1928: Juan José Muñoz de Madariaga, Spanish engineer (n. 1846).
- 1929: Herman Hollerith, American statistician, inventor of the tabulator machine (n. 1860).
- 1932: Leónidas Plaza Gutiérrez, politician and Ecuadorian president (n. 1865).
- 1936: Ernestine Schumann-Heink, American opera singer (contralto) of Austrian origin (n. 1861).
- 1938: Ante Trumbić, Croatian politician (n. 1864).
- 1940: Eric Gill, British sculptor and sculptor (n. 1882).
- 1940: Raymond Pearl, American biologist (n. 1879).
- 1941: Ernst Udet, German military (f. 1896).
- 1942: Manuel Hugué, a Spanish writer and painter (n. 1872).
- 1942: Federico Francisco IV, German aristocrat (n. 1882).
- 1945: Manolo Hugué, Spanish sculptor (n. 1872).
- 1947: Victor Serge, anarchist, novelist and Russian historian (n. 1890).
- 1947: Regina de Lamo, Spanish writer, journalist and intellectual (n. 1870)
- 1950: Virginia Fábregas, Mexican theatre actress (n. 1871).
- 1954: Yitzhak Lamdan, a Russian-born Israeli poet and columnist (n. 1899).
- 1955: James P. Johnson, American pianist and composer (n. 1894).
- 1959: Héitor Villa-Lobos, Brazilian composer (n. 1887).
- 1968: Mervyn Peake, British writer (n. 1911).
- 1971: Gladys Cooper, British actress (n. 1888).
- 1973: Mirra Alfassa (The Mother), French guru, spiritual companion of Sri Aurobindo (n. 1878).
- 1974: Clive Brook, British actor (n. 1887).
- 1979: John Glascock, British bassist of the Jethro Tull band (n. 1951).
- 1980: Jorge Salazar, a Nicaraguan businessman (n. 1939)
- 1982: Eduard Tubin, Estonian composer (n. 1905).
- 1986: Georges Besse, French motor executive (n. 1927).
- 1986: José María Ruiz Gallardón, Spanish politician (n. 1927).
- 1990: Robert Hofstadter, American physicist, Nobel Prize in Physics in 1961 (n. 1915).
- 1998: Fernando Quiñones, Spanish writer (n. 1930).
- 1998: Esther Rolle, American actress (n. 1920).
- 1999: Carlos Eduardo Troconis, Venezuelan musician, de la banda Dermis Tatú (n. 1968).
- 1999: Enrique Urquijo, Spanish musician, of the band Los Secretos (n. 1960).
- 2000: Louis Eugène Félix Néel, a French physicist, a nobel physics award in 1970 (n. 1904).
- 2002: Abba Eban, an Israeli politician and diplomat (n. 1915).
- 2006: Ruth Brown, American blues singer and music (n. 1928).
- 2006: Ferenc Puskás, Spanish-Hungarian footballer (n. 1927).
- 2007: Oleg Gazenko, Russian scientist (n. 1918).
- 2007: Gregorio López Raimundo, Spanish politician (n. 1914).
- 2009: Ana María Pérez González, a Mexican supercentenary (n. 1890).
- 2009: Javier Velasco Yeregui, a Spanish priest and theologian (n. 1964).
- 2012: Armand Desmet, Belgian cyclist (n. 1931).
- 2012: Miliki (Emilio Aragón Bermúdez), clown, accordionist and Spanish singer (n. 1929).
- 2013: Doris Lessing, British writer, Nobel Prize in Literature in 2007 (n. 1919).
- 2014: Omar Chabán, Argentine businessman (n. 1952).
- 2014: Ilija Pantelić, player and Bosnian football coach (n. 1942).
- 2014: Rokurō Naya, Japanese seiyū (n. 1932).
- 2016: Virgilio Godoy Reyes, a Nicaraguan politician (n. 1934).
- 2018: Gino Molinari, chef, TV presenter and Ecuadorian actor (n. 1956).
- 2021: Luis Dimas, Chilean singer of the new wave (n. 1942).
- 2021: Antonio Leal Labrín, Chilean politician (n. 1950).
- International day of lung cancer.
- Day of Action for the Elimination of Cervical Cancer
- International Student Day.
- World Day of the Early Child.
- World Day in Remembrance of Victims of Traffic Accidents.
Argentina: Militancy Day.
- Spain
Spain: National Day of Food Security.
Catholic saints list
- Santos Acisclo y Victoria de Córdoba
- San Alfeo de Cesarea
- San Aniano de Orleáns
- San Florino de Rëmus
- San Gregorio de Tours
- San Gregorio Taumaturgo
- Santa Hilda de Whitby
- San Hugo de Lincoln
- San Hugo de Noaria
- Saint Ilda of England
- Saint Elizabeth of Hungary
- San Juan del Castillo
- Saint Lazarus of Constantinople
- San Namacio de Vienne
- San Raveriano
- Saint Zacchaeus of Caesarea
- Blessed Josafat Kocylovskyj
- Beato Lope Sebastian Hunot
- Blessed Salome of Krakow
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