Noel Lerebours


Noël Marie Paymal Lerebours, French publisher and optician (1807-1873) had the brilliant idea of publishing in various installments during the years 1840 and 1844, an album of lithographs taken from daguerreotypes, under the title of Daguerrian Excursions, made up of one hundred and fourteen views captured on four continents by photographers hired and sent for this purpose. The collected themes were completed by the engraver with clouds, characters, boats, carriages and animals.

The publication was a great commercial success which led to his personal enrichment.

Lerebours sold photographic equipment and taught the photographic process to a large number of intrepid daguerreotypists. He sent his students to exotic locations around the world, where they were able to capture images for Lereborus. He also accepted views from independent daguerreotypists, amassing a collection of 1,200 plates.

Nöel Lerebours

In 1851, he was one of the founders of the first photographic society Société Héliographique.

He retired in 1855. He died in Neuilly-sur-Seine.


Some posts

  • Description of microscopes achromatiques simplifiés (1839)
  • Excursions daguerriennes: vues et monuments les plus remarquables du globe (2 v. 1840-1844)
  • Derniers perfectionnements apportés au daguerréotypewith Marc Antoine Gaudin (1841)
  • Traité de photographie, derniers perfectionnements apportés au daguerréotype (4 ed. 1843)
-... A treatise on photography
  • Instruction pratique sur les microscopes, contenant la description des microscopes achromatiques simplifés (3rd ed. 1846)
  • De l'Emploi des lunettes pour la conservation de la vue (1861)

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