

The ninety-one (91) is the natural number that follows ninety and precedes ninety-two.


  • It is a composite number, which has the following factors: 1, 7, and 13. As the sum of its factors is 21 ≤ 91, it is a defective number.
  • It is the least pseudoprimo that satisfies congruence 3n = 3 mod n.
  • It is a triangular and hexagonal number, and it is also one of the few hexagonal numbers that is also hexagonal centered.
  • Square pyramidal number.
  • McCarthy's 91 function is a recursive function.


  • 91 is the atomic number of protactinio (Pa).
  • Object of Messier M91 is a coiled spiral galaxy in the constellation Coma Berenices.
  • (91) Aegine is an asteroid that forms part of the asteroid belt.
  • Wd Data: Q690992
  • Commonscat Multimedia: 91 (number) / Q690992

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