Nineteen ninety five

From the left, in the sense of the clock needles: O.J. Simpson is acquitted of the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman of the previous year in the "juice of the century" in the United States; the great earthquake of Hanshin-Awaji strikes Kobe, Japan, killing 5,000-6,000 people; the Unbomber Manifesto is published in several American newspapers; the tombstones mark the victims of the Srebrenica massacre at the end of the war is Windows

1995 (MCMXCV) was a common year beginning on a Sunday of the Gregorian calendar. The United Nations Organization declared it "World Year of Commemoration of the Victims of World War II" and "United Nations Year for Tolerance".



Great Hanshin Awaji earthquake.
  • January 1st: in Bosnia-Herzegovina starts a four-month ceasefire.
    • in an operation inside the Chechen War I, Russian troops take Grozni.
    • Austria, Finland and Sweden enter the European Union.
    • the World Trade Organization replaces GATT.
    • in Brazil, Fernando Henrique Cardoso became president for the first time.
  • January 6: In Putumayo, Colombia, a mobilization of peasants begins in protest at the government order to eradicate illicit coca crops.
    • begins the 2nd edition of the FIFA Confederations Cup 1995 for the second time in Saudi Arabia.
    • In Mexico, the Toy is held for the first time, a campaign launched since December 1994 by Grupo Salinas, in order to deliver toys to the children of the marginalized populations of Mexico on the Day of Los Reyes Magos.
  • 7 January: the city of Grozni (Chechnya) is bombed by the Russian Army. The presidential palace is on fire.
    • In Pakistan, the United States DSS (Diplomatic Security Service) captures Ramzi Yousef.
  • January 10: Jimmy Carter (ex-president of the United States) and Juan Carlos I (Spain) get the "Peace Award" from UNESCO.
  • 11 January: the 256 flight from Intercontinental de Aviación flying from Bogotá to Cartagena crashed into a swamp near Maria La Baja, in Bolivar: 51 occupants on board die and a girl named Erika Delgado survives.
  • January 12: birth of Julian Callejas, community manager Argentino.
  • January 13: In Bilbao, the terrorist group ETA murders a police officer.
    • in Riad (Saudi Arabia) Ends the second edition of FIFA Cup Confederations where Denmark becomes a champion by defeating 2-0 to Argentina.
  • 17 January: in Kobe, Japan, an earthquake of 6.9 leaves more than 6,400 dead.
  • January 25: An equivocal puts Russia in general pre-alerta when detecting a Norwegian rocket launched in evidence.
  • January 26: the governments of Ecuador and Peru begin the Cenepa war.


  • February 1st: In a UK hotel, the guitarist of Manic Street Preachers, Richey James Edwards, mysteriously disappears at the age of 27.
  • 2 February: the Council of Europe approves the European Bioethics Convention, the first research instrument in the medical and scientific fields.
  • February 3: the works of Picasso and Braque stolen from a Stockholm museum in 1993 are recovered.
  • February 6: Tentist Arancha Sánchez Vicario becomes the first Spanish to head the list of the best tennis players in the world (WTA).
  • 8 February: earthquake in Pereira, Colombia: 35 people die.
  • 9 February: Jordan confirms the Israeli withdrawal from the Jordanian territory occupied since 1967 in the southern Arab valley.
  • February 15: In North Carolina (United States) the FBI jails the profugue cracker Kevin Mitnick.
  • February 18: In San Francisco (United States) the new building of the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art was opened, designed by the architect Mario Botta.
  • 21 February: In Algiers a riot in Serkadji prison was released with 96 prisoners and 4 dead vigilantes.
  • February 28: In Mexico, he is arrested by the Attorney General's Office, Raúl Salinas, brother of former President Carlos Salinas.


  • 1 March: In Somalia, the United Nations ceases its failed two-year peace mission.
  • March 12th to March 26th: in Mar del Plata, Argentina the Pan American Games of 1995 are held
  • 14 March and 22 February: the statutes of autonomy are approved for the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla (in Spain), formerly belonging to the provinces of Cadiz and Malaga and, therefore, to the autonomous community of Andalusia.
  • March 15: Muere Carlos Menem Jr. after crashing the helicopter in which he flew next to the pilot Silvio Oltra.
  • March 18: the eldest daughter of the kings of Spain, Infanta Doña Elena, married to the Navarre aristocrat Jaime de Marichalar.
  • 20 March: in Tokyo, Japan, members of the religious sect Aum Shinrikyo release sarin gas at five subway stations, killing 13 people and wounding 5510 (Stripped in Tokyo Metro).
  • 25 March: Pope John Paul II published his eleventh encyclical in the Vatican City, Evangelium Vitae.
  • March 26: the rapper Eazy-E dies.
  • March 31: In Corpus Christi (Texas), the United States, killed Mexican-American singer Selena by the president of her fan club, Yolanda Saldívar.


  • April 1: Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma puts under his control the Crimean government after abolishing its Constitution and deposing the leader of the autonomous republic, Yuri Meshkov.
  • April 1: In the Philippines, the kings of Spain Juan Carlos and Sofia arrived in Manila, in the first official visit of some Spanish monarchs to the Asian country since independence.
  • April 1st: Orlando (Florida) opens Disney's Blizzard Beach aquarium at Walt Disney World Resort.
  • April 8: In San Antonio (Chile) the newspaper is created The Leader of San Antonio.
  • April 9: In the general elections of Peru, Alberto Fujimori is chosen as president-elect with 64% on the diplomat Javier Pérez de Cuéllar.
  • April 10: Former Mexican President Carlos Salinas fled Mexico following the arrest of his brother Raul.
  • 13 April: the 10th edition of the 1995 Sub-20 World Cup for the first time in Qatar begins.
  • April 13: A 5.7 earthquake in the state of Texas leaves two minor injuries.
  • 16 April: In Pakistan, a 12-year-old Iqbal Masih, who was later remembered as a symbol of the struggle against child slavery, was shot dead.
  • April 19: In Oklahoma City (United States), Timothy McVeigh perpetrated a terrorist attack resulting in 168 deaths.
  • April 28: in Doha (Catar) ends the World Under-20 where the South American classic is revived in the final and Argentina is the world champion for the second time of this category by beating 0-2 to its eternal rival in all categories Brazil, taking the rematch also from the end of the 1983 World Cup.


  • 1 May: near Tarragona (Spain) the Port Aventura amusement park is opened.
  • 4 May: Abortion becomes legal in Guayana.
  • May 6: The democratic party wins the elections down the motto "È il sole di oggi, è il sole di domani, fratelli dobbiamo vincere" (it is today's sun, it is tomorrow's sun, brothers must win Italy.
  • May 7: On the road between Ensenada and Puerto Varas (in Chile) the Tragedia del Estero Minte occurs, where 27 people die and only one survive.
  • May 10: Real Zaragoza wins its only Recopa de Europa.
  • 13 May: in Dublin (Ireland) the XL Eurovision Edition is held. The theme of Norway, "Nocturne" from the Secret Garden band, it's the winner.
  • 14 May: the dalái lama proclaims the 6-year-old child Gedhun Choekyi Nyima, as the eleventh reincarnation of the Panchen Lama.
  • 16 May: In Granada, Spain, the Estadio Nuevo Los Cármenes was inaugurated.
  • May 24: in Lima (Peru), a car bomb attack destroys the facilities of the hotel María Angola.
  • 25 May: John Paul II publishes his twelfth encyclical, Ut Unum Sint.
  • May 27: In Culpeper, Virginia, actor Christopher Reeve suffers a serious accident at a horse show, which leaves him paralyzed for the rest of his life.
  • May 27: The Colombian Music Group Bananas is imprisoned at Ernesto Cortissoz International Airport in Barranquilla, for carrying coca in its instruments.
  • 28 May: municipal elections are held in Spain.
    • the Russian city of Neftegorsk is destroyed by an earthquake of 7,1 that leaves a balance of 1,989 dead.


  • June 6: in Italy is named as such the National Park of Vesuvius.
  • June 9, Colombia is captured by the Gilberto Rodríguez Orejuela Police, founder of the Cali Cartel.
  • 14 June: a group of 80 to 150 Chechen guerrillas attack the Russian city of Budionnovsk, about 110 kilometres north of the border of the Russian Republic of Chechnya.
  • 16 June in Budapest (Hungary), the International Olympic Committee (COI) elects Salt Lake City to host the 2002 Winter Olympics.
  • June 19: Mexican singer Juan Gabriel publishes his album The Mexico that left us.
  • June 20: Michael Jackson launches his ninth studio album: HIStory: Past, Present and Future, Book I
  • June 22: in (Japan), a man named "Fujio Kujimi" kidnapped ANA flight 857 that landed in Hokkaidō, where the police took the plane and arrested the alleged hijacker.
  • June 23: the war of Angola is over.
  • June 23: five people die and eight are wounded during the hostage-taking later known as the Tragedia of San Román, Caracas, Venezuela.
  • June 25: A large eruption of the Soufriere Hills volcano, on the Caribbean island of Montserrat, produces 19 deaths.
  • June 27: In Addis Ababa, Sudanese commandos perform a failed attack on Hosni Mubarak, President of Egypt.
  • 27 June: in Costa Rica there is a technical closure of the railway to increase road cargo transport.
  • June 28: In the Mexican state of Guerrero, the police murder 17 peasants who headed for a political rally in Atoyac de Álvarez (Masacre de Aguas Blancas).
  • 29 June: In Seoul, (South Korea) there is a collapse in the Sampoong Shops building: 502 people die and 937 others were injured because of a failure in the structure.


  • 5 July: in Uruguay, the 37th edition of the Copa América 1995.
  • 8 July: in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Carlos Menem assumes his second term as president.
  • 10 July: in Mexico City, a Televisa helicopter falls on the street, 3 people die of a heart attack and journalist Eduardo Salazar survives
  • July 11: In Srebrenica, Bosnian troops kill more than 8000 Bosnian civilians, including the elderly and children.
  • July 12: an earthquake of 7.3 shakes the border between Burma and China leaving 11 dead and 136 wounded.
  • July 13: dozens of cities, mainly Chicago and Milwaukee, reach historic temperature records. Hundreds of people, in these cities and others, die when the heat wave reaches its highest point.
  • July 17: Argentinean atonement Juan Manuel Fangio died.
  • July 23: in Montevideo (Uruguay) Ends the American Cup and the Uruguayan Selection Get its 14.° Title of Copa América after beating the Brazilian National Team for 5-3 criminals.
  • July 28: In Peru, Alberto Fujimori became president for the second time.
  • July 30: An earthquake of 8.0 shakes the Antofagasta Region in Chile, being affected by a tsunami, with 3 deaths, 59 wounded and more than 1.7 billion dollars in damage.


  • 3 August: in Ecuador, the 3rd World Championship Sub-17 is held by the FIFA/JVC-Ecuador Cup 1995.
  • August 6: In Colombia the police captured Miguel Rodríguez Orejuela, Gilberto Rodríguez Orejuela's brother and the second in command of the Cali Cartel.
  • August 9: Aviateca's 901 aircraft crashed against the Chichotepec volcano in San Vicente, El Salvador, leaving a fatal balance of 65 victims.
  • August 18: the Mexican rock group Caifanes, offers its first transition concert to 1 year before retreating. * also the Mexican rock group Invasores(banda). offers its first farewell concert to 1 year before retreating and before becoming Tarzanes(1996-2006-2019-current).*The Spanish group Heroes of silence offers its last farewell concert before disintegrating.*The Mexican pop band
  • August 20: in Guayaquil (Ecuador) Ends the Sub-17 World Championship and the Ghanese Team Sub-17 Get your 2.° World Championship title Sub-17 after winning 3-2 to the Brazilian Team Sub-17.
  • August 24: In the United States, Microsoft creates Windows 95 operating system, together with Internet Explorer web browser, considered as the first advanced technology system.


  • 5 September: the first of the six nuclear tests planned by France is performed in the Mururoa atoll, which will make people manifest against them.
  • September 7: In England in a friendly match between the selections of Colombia and England in Wembley René Higuita makes the famous attack of the 'Scorpion' in an official match, had done it before in a commercial of powdered water in his home country 6 years ago
  • September 12: Puerto Rican singer Ricky Martin released his third studio album to the market Half live.
  • September 14: Mexico has a strong earthquake of 7.4 with epicenter in Ometepec, Guerrero. This being the first time a city of the world was alerted by a possible earthquake. This earthquake leaves 4 dead and 5000 injured. Until before 9 October 1985 it was the strongest earthquake since 19 September 1985. This earthquake caused great alarm since only 5 days were missing for the 10th luccious anniversary of the 1985 earthquake.
  • September 16: In Mexico City, as part of the celebration of the 185th anniversary of Mexico's independence, two planes are colliding during an air parade.
  • September 25: in Mexico, after 15 years of transmission, the humorous program "Chespirito" ends. This is the end of 27 years of a whole television project that started in 1968 with "The Supergenies of the Square Table" followed 2 years later in 1970 with the first phase of the aforementioned program.


  • 1 October: in Turkey, an earthquake of 6.1 leaves 90 dead and 200 wounded.
  • 4 October: In Japan, the first episode of the series is released Neon Genesis Gospeln.
  • October 5: In Bosnia, U.S. envoy Richard Holbrooke set a ceasefire between the fronts.
  • 7 October: In the Indonesian island of Sumatra there is an earthquake of 7.0 that leaves a balance of 100 dead.
  • October 9: Mexico has an 8.0 earthquake with epicenter in Manzanillo, Colima. Being the strongest in the history of the state of Colima and until before 2003, 2012 and 2017 the strongest since the earthquakes of 1932 and 1985 with magnitudes of 8.2 in 1932 and 8.1 in 1985. This earthquake leaves more than 60 dead and serious damage to the places closest to the epicenter, in the same way it causes a Tsunami with waves that reached up to a maximum of 5.1 meters high without leaving any new damage.
  • October 15: In Iraq, Saddam Hussein is re-elected president in a referendum.
  • 16 October: in Palma de Mallorca (Spain) a trial with a popular jury is held for the first time.
  • October 20: In the state of Chiapas there is an earthquake of 7.2 that leaves 70 wounded.
  • October 22: U.S. President Bill Clinton inaugurates the commemorative acts of the fiftieth anniversary of the UN with the condemnation of Iran, Iraq, Libya and Sudan for supporting terrorism.
  • October 24: an earthquake of 6.2 shakes the Chinese county of Wuding leaving a balance of 53 dead and 13,900 wounded.
  • October 25th: On Broadway the Victor/Victoria musical, starring Julie Andrews, is premiered.
  • October 27: In Chile, the transmissions of Duna FM begin.
  • October 28: A fire of several cars from the Baku subway charges 289 people and 270 others are injured.
  • October 30: In the Canadian province of Quebec, he won "no" in a referendum for the independence of this region, by 54 000 votes and 50.4% of votes.


  • November 1st: Dayton conference begins.
  • 2 November: in a street near the facilities of the Sergio Arboleda University, in the north of Bogotá (Colombia), the politician Álvaro Gómez Hurtado is murdered.
  • 3 November: a series of explosions occur at the military factory in Río Tercero (Argentina) in order to conceal the evidence of the arms traffic that President Carlos Saul Menem carried out with Ecuador. Seven people die and more than 300 are injured. In the following years, President Menem will be prosecuted as an accomplice.
  • 4 November: Israeli Prime Minister Isaac Rabin was killed in Tel Aviv.
  • November 6: The British group Queen publishes the posthumous album Made In Heaven selling 20 million copies, the last of its discography with its vocalist Freddie Mercury, who died in 1991.
  • 9th of November: in Quito (Ecuador) is crowned Miss Ecuador the Quiteña Mónica Chalá giving the first crown to the first Afro-Ecuadorian woman in the country's history.
  • 11 November:
    • in Bilbao, Spain, the metro is opened.
    • in San Bernardino (Paraguay) is celebrated the XXIV Edition of the OTI Festival. The theme of Spain, "You are my weakness." Marcos Llunas, he's the winner.
  • 12 November: An avalanche on Mount Everest kills 26 people, 13 of them of Japanese nationality.
  • November 22: An earthquake of 7.3 shakes the Gulf of Aqaba leaving 8 dead.
  • November 18: Venezuelan Jacqueline Aguilera, is crowned Miss Mundo by giving the fifth crown to Venezuela.
  • November 24: In Spain, El Corte Inglés buys Preciados galleries for their suspension of payments.
  • 30 November: in Medellín (Colombia) the metro is opened.


  • 7 December: the atmospheric probe of the Galileo mission penetrates into the atmosphere of Jupiter.
  • 8 December: in Paris, France, Jean-Dominique Bauby (1952-1997), editor of the magazine ElleHe experiences a stroke that will paralyze him for the rest of his life, and will lead him to write his autobiography.
  • 10 December: In the Gran Buenos Aires, Argentina, the San Miguel, José C Paz and Malvinas Argentinas parties began to function as municipal entities by Provincial Law 11.551 of the province of Buenos Aires starting from the division of the previous party of General Sarmiento.
  • 14 December: the peace agreement is signed in the framework of the war in Bosnia.
  • December 15: in Madrid, the member states of the European Union agree to create a common European currency, the euro.
  • December 15: the TJUE specifies the Bosman Case, which now allows professional footballers to move between clubs of the member countries of the European Union without having to pay bail to their former or home clubs.
  • December 20th: in a hill near the village of Buga (Colombia) an American Airlines Boeing 757 crashed flying from Miami (United States) to Cali (Colombia). They die 159 passengers and survive 4 and a dog.
  • December 31: In Argentina and Brazil, Ford and Volkswagen dissolve their society called Autolatina, and return to work separately.



  • January 1st: Poppy, singer and youtuber American.
  • January 2: Renata Notni, Mexican actress and model.
  • January 3: Seolhyun, South Korean singer and actress, member of the AOA group.
  • January 3: Jisoo, South Korean actress and singer, member of the Blackpink group.
  • January 4: María Isabel, Spanish singer.
  • January 7: Enric Mas, Spanish cyclist.
  • January 7: Leslie Grace, American singer.
  • January 9: Nicola Peltz, American actress.
  • January 10: Luisa Fernanda Ovalle, Colombian cheerleader (f. 2013).
  • January 11: Samuel Gustafson, Swedish footballer.
  • January 11: Simon Gustafson, Swedish footballer.
  • January 12: Maverick Viñales, Spanish motorcyclist.
  • January 12: Nathy Peluso, Argentinean singer.
  • January 13: Eros Vlahos, British actor.
Natalia Dyer
  • January 13: Natalia Dyer, American actress.
  • January 19: Mathieu van der Poel, Dutch cyclist.
  • January 20: José María Giménez, Uruguayan footballer.
  • January 23: Yooyoung, South Korean actress and singer.
Danielle Campbell
  • January 30: Danielle Campbell, American actress.
  • January 30: Marcos Llorente, Spanish footballer


  • February 1st: Oliver Heldens, DJ and Dutch music producer.
  • February 3: Tao Tsuchiya, Japanese actress and model.
  • February 5: Adnan Januzaj, Belgian footballer.
  • February 6: Leon Goretzka, German footballer.
  • February 8: Jordan Todosey, Canadian actress.
  • February 8: Joshua Kimmich, German footballer.
  • February 10: Haruna Kawaguchi, Japanese actress and model
  • February 10: María Camila Giraldo, Colombian actress and model.
  • February 11: Maciej Musiał, Polish actor and producer.
Daniela Aedo
  • February 12: Daniela Aedo, Mexican actress.
  • February 12: Rina Kawaei, Japanese singer and actress.
  • February 15: Megan Thee Stallion, American rapper.
  • February 16: Mayu Matsuoka, Japanese actress.
  • February 16: Leandro Paris, Argentine athlete.
  • February 18: Nathan Aké, Dutch footballer.
Laura González
  • February 22: Laura González, model, actress and queen of Colombian beauty.
  • February 23: Andrew Wiggins, Canadian basketball player.
  • February 24: Brittany Raymond, Canadian actress and dancer.
  • February 25: Mario Hezonja, Croatian basketball player.
  • 26 February: Tristam (Leandre Berubé Bergerón), Canadian producer of electronic music.
  • February 28: Javi Muñoz Jiménez, Spanish footballer.
  • February 28: Jon Guridi, Spanish footballer.
  • February 28: Serigne Abdou Thiam, a Catalan footballer (f. 2016).
  • February 28: Madisen Beaty, American actress.
  • February 28: Randy Arozarena, Cuban baseball player.
  • February 28: Sholto Carnegie, British Remero.
  • February 28: Piotr Johansson, Swedish footballer.


  • March 4th: Bill Milner, British actor.
  • March 7: Haley Lu Richardson, American actress.
  • March 8: Keita Baldé Diao, Senegalese footballer.
  • March 9: Angel Correa, Argentine soccer player.
  • March 13: Kristen Scott, American pornographic actress.
Momoka Ariyasu
  • March 15: Momoka Ariyasu, Japanese actress and singer.
  • March 17: Akari Hayami, Japanese actress, model and singer.
  • March 19: Phillip Daniel Bolden, American actor.
  • March 20: Kei, South Korean singer, member of the Lovelyz group.
Nick Robinson
  • March 22: Nick Robinson, American actor.
  • March 26: Ibai Llanos, streamer on twitch
  • March 27: Taylor Atelian, American actress.


  • April 1: Logan Paul, actor, boxer and youtuber American.
  • April 4: Yairo Moreno, Colombian footballer.
  • April 7: Will Hughes, British footballer.
  • April 8: José Julián Gaviria, Colombian actor.
  • April 9: Kim Da-mi, South Korean actress.
  • April 10: Ian Nelson, American actor.
  • April 13: Bohdan Syroyid, pianist and Spanish composer of Ukrainian origin.
  • April 13: Pedro Aquino, Peruvian footballer.
  • April 15: Cody Christian, American actor.
  • April 15: Namjoo, member of the A Pink group.
  • April 17: Ahn Hyo-seop, Korean-Canadian actor and singer.
  • April 17: Wheein, singer, dancer and South Korean composer, member of the Mamamoo group.
  • April 20: Jean Marie Dongou, Cameroonian footballer.
  • April 20: Laura Osma, Colombian actress.
  • April 21: Thomas Doherty, British actor.
  • April 21: Eva De Dominici, actress and Argentine model.
  • April 23: Gigi Hadid, American model.
  • April 27: Nick Kyrgios, Australian tennis player.
  • April 28: Melanie Martinez, American singer
  • April 29: Adriana Ahumada, Mexican singer and actress.


Mario March
  • 2 May: Mario March, Spanish actor.
  • May 3: Ander Bardají, Spanish footballer.
  • May 6: Tiera Skovbye, Canadian actress.
  • May 6: Isabella Santoni, Brazilian actress.
  • 8 May: Jeonghwa, member of the EXID group
  • May 8: Maxence Perrin, French actor.
  • May 9: Vanessa Córdoba, Colombian footballer.
  • May 12: Luke Benward, American actor and singer.
  • May 12: Kenton Duty, American actor, singer and dancer.
  • May 15: Ksenia Sitnik, a Belarusian singer.
  • May 15: Ryosuke Yamamoto, Japanese actor and model.
  • May 16: Nicole Durazo, Mexican actress.
  • May 31: Alejandro Speitzer, Mexican actor.


  • June 2: Sterling Beaumon, American actor and singer.
  • June 4: Shiori Tamai, Japanese idol, from the Momoiro Clover Z band.
Troye Sivan
  • June 5: Troye Sivan, actor, singer, composer and South African-Australian model.
  • June 5: Beckii Cruel, British singer and dancer.
  • June 5: Xabier Anduaga, Spanish tenor.
  • June 7: Migbelis Castellanos, model and queen of Venezuelan beauty.
  • June 11: Russell Canouse, American footballer.
  • June 16: Joseph Schooling, Singaporean swimmer.
  • June 18: Mario Hermoso, Spanish footballer.
Danna Paola
  • June 23: Danna Paola, Mexican actress and singer.
  • June 28: Kåre Hedebrant, Swedish actor.
  • June 28: Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters, South African model and winner of the titles Miss South Africa 2017 and Miss Universe 2017.
  • June 30: Marina Ruy Barbosa, Brazilian actress and model.


  • 1 July: Taeyong, South Korean rapper, member of the NCT and SuperM groups.
  • 2 July: Ito Åno, Japanese actress and model.
  • 4 July: Alexandra Pomales, American actress, singer and dancer.
  • July 4: Post Malone, American rapper.
  • July 7: Gabriela Tafur, lawyer, model and queen of Colombian beauty.
  • July 9: Georgie Henley, British actress.
  • July 9: João Palhinha, Portuguese footballer.
  • July 10: Edymar Martínez, Venezuelan model and Miss International 2015.
  • July 10: Dominik Mašek, Czech footballer.
Luke Shaw
  • July 12: Luke Shaw, British footballer.
  • July 15: Trevor Stines, American actor.
  • July 19: Romee Strijd, a Dutch model.
  • July 19: Marko Rog, Croatian footballer.
  • July 20: Ding Yuxi, Chinese actor and model.
  • 22 July: Marília Mendonça, Brazilian singer and composer (f. 2021).
  • July 23: Aina Suzuki, Japanese voice actress.
  • July 23: Hwasa, South Korean singer and rapper, member of the Mamamoo group.
  • July 24: Kyle Kuzma, American basketball player.
  • July 27: Pasquale Mazzocchi, Italian footballer.
  • July 27: Caio César, Brazilian footballer.
  • July 29: María José Alvarado, a Honduran model. Miss Mundo Honduras 2014 (f. 2014)
  • July 30: Hirving Lozano, Mexican footballer.
  • July 31: Alissa Yagi, Japanese actress and model.


  • August 1st: Madison Cawthorn, American politician.
  • August 4: Bruna Marquezine, Brazilian actress and model.
  • August 8: S. Coups, member of the Seventeen group.
  • August 9: Zachary Gibson, Canadian actor and dancer.
  • August 9: Minhyun, member of the NU'EST group.
  • August 19: Bona, actress and South Korean singer, member of the WJSN group.
  • August 19: Velveteen Dream, American professional fighter.
  • August 20: Liana Liberato, American actress.
  • August 20: Julian Jordan, DJ and Dutch producer.
Dua Lipa
  • August 22: Dua Lipa, British singer.
  • August 24: Wenwen Han, Chinese actress and violinist.
  • August 26: Hannah van der Westhuysen, British actress
  • 27 August: Sergey Sirotkin, Russian Formula 1 pilot.
  • August 29: Manuela González, Colombian footballer.
  • August 29: Shōya Chiba, Japanese seiyū.


Caroline Sunshine
  • September 5: Caroline Sunshine, American actress and singer.
  • September 5: Lina Hurtig, Swedish footballer.
  • September 10: Jack Grealish, English footballer.
  • September 11: Astra Sharma, Australian professional tennis player.
  • September 12: Ryan Potter, American actor.
  • September 14: Sander Sagosen, Norwegian basketball player.
  • September 15: Rafael Santos Borré, Colombian footballer.
  • September 17: Nam Ji-hyun, South Korean actress.
  • September 19: Antonio Cotán, Spanish footballer.
  • September 20: Sammi Hanratty, American actress.
  • September 22: Nayeon, South Korean singer, member of the Twice group.
Sofia Reyes
  • September 25: Sofia Reyes, Mexican actress and singer.
  • 25 September Ana Estefanía Lago, Mexican gymnast.
  • September 25: Joy Sunday, American actress.
  • September 27: Lina Leandersson, Swedish actress.
  • September 27: Kwon Eunbi, South Korean singer.


  • October 8: Eyvi Ágreda, a young victim of Peruvian femicide (f. 2018).
  • October 8: Vincent Sierro, Swiss footballer.
  • October 13: Jimin, South Korean singer and dancer, member of the BTS group.
  • October 15: Billy Unger, American actor.
  • October 20: Zhenwei Wang, martial artist and Chinese actor.
  • October 20: Humberto Carrillo, Mexican professional fighter.
Doja Cat
  • October 21: Doja Cat, American rapper.
  • October 23: Ireland Baldwin, American model.
  • October 25: Conchita Campbell, Canadian actress.
  • October 25: Diego Pérez Chirinos, Peruvian actor.
  • October 25: Mansoor, professional Arab fighter.
  • October 26: Yuta Nakamoto, member of the NCT group.
  • October 31st: Mateo Arias, a state-run actor.


  • November 3: Kendall Jenner, American model.
  • November 3: Kelly Catlin, American cyclist (f. 2019).
  • November 3: Ren, member of the NU'EST group.
  • 5 November: Shunya Yoneda, Japanese footballer.
  • 5 November: Wajdi Kechrida, French footballer, Tunisian nationalized.
  • 5 November: Kadeisha Buchanan, Canadian footballer.
  • 5 November: Volha Klimava, a Belarusian penguinist.
  • November 6: Jordan Williams, Welsh footballer.
  • 6 November: Isidro Ros Ríos, Spanish footballer.
  • 9 November: Oghenekaro Etebo, Nigerian footballer.
  • November 12: Juan Muñoz Muñoz, Spanish footballer.
  • 13 November: Stella Hudgens, American actress.
  • November 15: Karl-Anthony Towns, Dominican-American basketball player.
  • November 15: Luca Mazzitelli, Italian footballer.
  • November 16: Noah Gray-Cabey, American actor.
  • 17 November: Elise Mertens, Belgian tennis player.
  • November 17: Juan Rubio Niñirola, Spanish basketball player.
  • November 17: Yudai Tanaka, Japanese footballer.
  • November 17: Moustapha Barro, Senegalese basketball player.
  • 17 November: Ana Jara Martínez, Spanish actress.
  • November 17: Benjamin Gischard, Swiss artistic gymnast.
  • 17 November: Malen Ruiz de Azúa, Spanish athlete.
  • November 19: Abella Danger, porn actress and American erotic model.
  • November 19: Vanessa Axente, Hungarian model.
  • November 20: Michael Clifford, Australian band singer and guitarist 5 Seconds of Summer.
  • November 22: Katherine McNamara, American actress.
  • November 22: Trevor Tordjman, actor and Canadian dancer.
Christopher Vélez
  • November 23: Christopher Vélez, Ecuadorian-American singer of the CNCO band.
  • November 27: Roman Yaremchuk, Ukrainian footballer.
  • 28 November: Tin Jedvaj, Croatian footballer.
Laura Marano
  • November 29: Laura Marano, singer, composer, model, dancer, pianist and American radio conductor.
  • November 30: Bryan Angulo, Ecuadorian footballer.


  • 2 December: André Moreira, Portuguese footballer.
  • December 2: Ana Peleteiro, Spanish sportsman who competes in athletics.
  • December 3: Anna Iriyama, Japanese idol, member of the AKB48 group.
  • December 5: Alexander Sørloth, Norwegian footballer.
  • 7 December: Sowon, member of the GFriend group.
  • December 7: Julio Rodríguez López, Spanish footballer.
  • December 9: McKayla Maroney, an American art gymnast.
  • December 9: Jessica Bohórquez, Colombian television presenter.
  • December 14: Alvaro Odriozola, Spanish footballer.
  • December 18: Nayoung, singer, rapper and South Korean dancer, from the Pristin band.
  • December 22: Remy Thorne, American mixed martial arts actor and wrestler.
  • December 23: EDEN (music), Irish singer, producer and composer.
  • December 25: Ana Lucrecia Taglioretti, Paraguayan violinist (f. 2020).
  • December 26: Zach Mills, American actor.
  • December 27: Carlos Cuevas, Spanish actor.
Timothée Chalamet
  • December 27: Timothée Chalamet, American actor.
Ross Lynch
  • December 29: Ross Lynch, actor, singer, player and American dancer.
  • 29 December: Rina Ikoma, Japanese idol, member of the group Nogizaka46.
  • December 30: V, South Korean singer, member of the BTS group.
  • December 30: Joshua Hong, member of the Seventeen group
  • December 30: Vorobjovas Modestas, Lithuanian footballer.
  • December 31: Gabby Douglas, an American art gymnast.

Unknown date

  • Andrea Abreu, Spanish writer and journalist.


Art and literature

  • January 6: Ignacio Carrión Hernández gets the Nadal Award for his novel Cross the Danube.
  • Eighth Peace: Vislumbres de la India.
  • Arturo Pérez-Reverte:
    • Cachito (a matter of honor).
    • The skin of the drum.
    • Short work (relates and articles).
  • Philip Pullman: Northern lights.
  • José Saramago: Test on the blindness.

Science and technology


  • Robert Gallo identifies natural inhibitors in human cells capable of slowing down HIV progression (the AIDS virus).
  • Joan Massagué and Carlos Cordón-Cardó discover the oncoprotein p27.
  • The gene of ataxia telangiectasia is identified.

Video Games

  • January 1, Takara and Sony Interactive Entertainment launches the first video game for PlayStation Battle Arena Toshinden.
  • February 16 Sega launches Ristar video game for Mega Drive and Sega Game Gear consoles.
  • March 10 Midway Games launches Mortal Kombat 3 video game for Arcade.
  • March 21, Nintendo and HAL Laboratory released the Kirby's Dream Land 2 video game for Game Boy.
  • March 27 The video game for Arcade Fatal Fury 3: Road to the Final Victory by SNK appears in Japan.
  • March 25, Nintendo and HAL Laboratory released Kirby's Avalanche for the Super Nintendo console.
  • May 5 Sega takes out the Sega Saturn console for sale in the USA. U.S.
  • June 5 Capcom launches Street Fighter Alpha videogame: Warrior's Dreams for Arcade.
  • July 21, Konami released Castlevania videogame: Dracula X for Super Nintendo.
  • July 21, Nintendo launches the Virtual Boy console, the worst console sold in Nintendo's history, lasting only a few months on the market before its discontinuation.
  • August 1st Nintendo released the Super Mario World 2 video game, Yoshi's Island for Super Nintendo.
  • September 9, Sony released the PlayStation console in the USA. U.S.
  • September 9, Ubisoft and Ludimedia released the Rayman video game for PlayStation and Sega Saturn.
  • October 24 Capcom launches the Marvel Super Heroes video game for Arcade CPS2 that would later be released for PlayStation and Sega Saturn in 1997.
  • November 5: Sony Interactive Studios America brings out the Twisted Metal video game for the PlayStation console.
  • November 6, Midway Games launches another video game that is Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 for Arcade, in addition to being an updated version of Mortal Kombat 3.
  • November 21, Nintendo and Rare launches the video game Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest for the Super Nintendo.
  • December 21 SNK launches its video game Real Bout Fatal Fury for Arcade.


  • At the Geneva Observatory (Switzerland), the astronomers Michel Mayor and Didier Queloz discovered 51 Pegasi b, the first extrasolar planet discovered orbiting a star of the main sequence.



  • Golden Ball: The Liberian George Weah, of the AC Milan, is appointed best player of the World of the year by the magazine France Football. This is the first year to opt for the prize any unborn player in Europe, on the condition of participating in a European league.
  • Copa Conmebol: Rosario Central is dedicated champion.
  • Copa Libertadores de América: Grêmio is dedicated champion.
  • A Series Brazilian Championship: Botafogo consecrates champion after defeating Santos by a 3-2 global marker
  • B Series Brazilian Championship: Atlético Paranaense is dedicated champion
  • Chilean Championship: Universidad de Chile Champion.
  • Second Chilean Division: Santiago Wanderers champion.
  • Third Chilean Division: Magellan champion.
  • Copa Chile: Catholic University champion.
  • Audax Italiano: rises to the first division of Chilean football after almost 10 years in "Second Division".
  • Professional Colombian (Category First A): Junior champion.
  • Professional Colombian (Category First B): Athletic Bucaramanga champion.
  • Serie A of Ecuador: Barcelona champion.
  • Serie B of Ecuador: Deportivo Cuenca champ.
  • Second Category of Ecuador: Imbabura champ.
  • Mexican League: The Necaxa wins the professional championship of the 1994-95 season after winning the Blue Cross in the final, as well as conquering the Champion of Champions, being league champion and cup.
  • First Division 'A' Mexicana: The Celaya Athletic gets the professional championship of the 1994-95 season.
  • First Division of Paraguay: Club Olimpia Champion.
  • Peruvian League: Sporting Crystal Champion.
  • Second Professional Division: Republican Guard Champion.
  • Copa Perú: The Loretana champion.
  • First Division of Venezuela: Caracas FC champion.
  • Second Division of Venezuela: Universidad de Los Andes Champion.
  • UEFA Champions League: Ajax Amsterdam, European champion, after defeating AC Milan in the final contested in Vienna.
  • Coup Europe: Real Zaragoza wins the Arsenal (England) for 2 to 1, thanks to a goal of Nayim (from 50 m) in the extension when they were 20 seconds away to go to the criminals' tanda.
  • UEFA Cup: The champion Italian Parma.
  • Spanish League: Real Madrid is proclaimed champion led by Jorge Valdano. This same season the Chilean Iván Zamorano gets the trophy Pichichi, awarded to the highest scorer of the championship. Aragonés signs as a coach in Valencia F.C.
  • Copa del Rey: Deportivo de la Coruña champ.
  • Intercontinental Cup: Ajax Amsterdam champion.
  • The San Lorenzo Athletic Club of Almagro is the champion of the Closing Tournament in Argentine football.
  • The Club Atlético Vélez Sarsfield is dedicated champion of the Tournament Opening in Argentine football.
  • La Plata Students Consecrate National B Champion in Argentine Soccer
  • The Atlético Atlanta Club is dedicated champion of the Metropolitan B in Argentine football
  • The Temperley Atlético Club is dedicated First C champion in Argentine football
  • The Social and Sports Association Justo José de Urquiza is dedicated champion of the First D in Argentine football
  • The Atlético Peñarol Club is a champion of the annual Tournament in Uruguayan football.
  • The Huracán Buceo Social and Sports Club is dedicated to the annual Tournament of the Second Professional Division in Uruguayan football.
  • Copa America: Uruguay champion.
  • World Cup Soccer Sub-20: Argentina champion.
  • World Cup Soccer Sub-17: Ghana champion.

American Football

  • Super Bowl XXIX: San Francisco 49ers beats San Diego Chargers for 49-26 on January 29, 1995 by the 1994 NFL season.

Motor Racing

  • Michael Schumacher wins Formula 1 World Championship
  • Colin McRae wins WRC world championship
  • Jeff Gordon wins NASCAR title
  • Jacques Villeneuve wins the title of CART
  • For the first time in Argentine motor racing, Juan María Traverso wins the double crown, both in Road Tourism and in TC2000
  • Gabriel Raies wins the Argentine Rally Championship


  • World Championship of Athletics: The fifth edition is held in Gothenburg, Sweden.


  • League ACB: FC Barcelona is proclaimed champion.
  • NBA League: The Houston Rockets proclaim themselves champions after beating Orlando Magic in just four consecutive games.
  • European Cup: Real Madrid is proclaimed European champion during the Final Four held in Zaragoza.


  • The Bidasoa Sports Club is proclaimed champion of the European Cup.
  • Barcelona is proclaimed champion of the Recopa de Europa.


  • Miguel Induráin wins his 5th Tour de France
  • Laurent Jalabert wins cyclist return to Spain
  • Tony Rominger wins the Giro de Italia
  • World Championship of Track, Road and Mountain Cycling

Chilean Rodeo

  • National Rodeo Championship: René Guzmán and José Manuel Rey (Melipilla), champions of Chile.


  • Central Chilean rugby Championship: Catholic Champion University.
  • 1995 Rugby World Cup: South Africa's national team is proclaimed winner after defeating New Zealand at the end. Nelson Mandela, recently released from prison, is the luxury viewer of the event.


  • Wimbledon: Men: Pete Sampras to Boris Becker. Women: Steffi Graf a Arantxa Sánchez Vicario.
  • Roland Garros: Men: Thomas Muster to Michael Chang. Women: Steffi Graf a Arantxa Sánchez Vicario.
  • US Open: Men: Pete Sampras to Andre Agassi. Women: Steffi Graf to Monica Seles.
  • Australian Open: Men: Andre Agassi to Pete Sampras. Women: Mary Pierce a Arantxa Sánchez Vicario.
  • Davis Cup: United States beats Russia.



  • 25 March: Letter of love Shunji Iwai.
  • 7 April: A Goofy Movie Kevin Lima.
  • 7 April: Two rebel police Michael Bay.
  • 24 May: Braveheart Mel Gibson.
  • 2 June: Madison BridgesClint Eastwood
  • 16 June: Pocahontas by Mike Gabriel and Eric Goldberg.
  • 16 June: Batman Forever Joel Schumacher.
  • 30 June: Power Rangers: The Film by Bryan Spicer.
  • 19 July: Clueless from Amy Heckerling.
  • 4 August: VirtuosityBrett Leonard
  • 19 August: Hana Yori Dango Yasuyuki Kusuda.
  • 25 August: Wake up. Robert Rodriguez.
  • 22 September: Showgirls by Paul Verhoeven.
  • 29 September: Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers by Joe Chappelle.
  • 20 October: The Day of the Beast of Alex of the Church.
  • 17 November: GoldenEye Martin Campbell.
  • 22 November: Toy Story John Lasseter.
  • 15 December: JumanjiJoe Johnston.
  • 22 December: BalticSimon Wells

All dates belong to the official premieres of their countries of origin, unless otherwise indicated.

Other events

  • The Dogma 95 movement emerges from Thomas Vinterberg and Lars von Trier.


  • Untouchable: Other world
  • June 13: The first international album of singer Alanis Morissette is published; "Jagged Little Pill" with which it reaches world-wide fame, being one of the most popular albums.
  • October 2nd: The second album of the English band Oasis is published; "(What's the Story) Morning Glory?"


  • Tupac Shakur places an album at the top of the American lists while serving prison sentences.
  • The British group Dire Straits separates.
  • British band The Beatles returns to popularity lists with the theme "Free as a Bird", engraved from a John Lennon demo by his three colleagues. The theme opens up your rarity compilation Anthology 1.
  • Richey James Edwards, guitarist of Manic Street Preachers, mysteriously disappears.
  • Die Philip Taylor Kramer, Iron Butterfly member.
  • American singer Selena is murdered unfinished her first album in English Dreaming of you.
  • Muere Shannon Hoon, vocalist of Blind Melon
  • The Peruvian group Leusemia [sic] meets after ten years of separation.
  • The Cranberries, is rewarded for its success "Zombie" as the best song of the year by MTV.
  • The American group System of a Down is founded.
  • The Mexican group Molotov is formed.
  • The musician Ritchie Blackmore, released after 11 years a new album together with his rearmed Rainbow band.
  • Taboo musician enters the American band Atban Klann, which changes his name for The Black Eyed Peas.
  • The N'Sync pop group is formed.
  • After the separation of the Argentinian band Hermetica, its ex-integrants form Malón and Almafuerte.
  • The American group The Smashing Pumpkins publishes its third album by Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness. It debits in number one of the Billboard 200 list and would be certified with a diamond disk by the RIAA by reaching more than ten million discs sold.
  • The Mexican rock group Caifanes is broken down by legal and personal issues. He disintegrated at a key point in his musical career.


  • 2Pac: Me Against the World.
  • AC/DC: Ballbreaker.
  • Ace of Base: The Bridge.
  • Alanis Morissette: Jagged Little Pill (13 June).
  • Alejandro Fernández: That you're very happy.
  • Alejandro Sanz: 3 (13 June).
  • Aleks Syntek and the Normal People: Welcome to life.
  • Alice in Chains: Alice in Chains.
  • Almafuerte: Guanaco World.
  • Arena Hash: From the Sand Hash file.
  • At The Gates: Slaughter of the soul.
  • The gold.
  • Ayumi Hamasaki: Nothing from nothing (1 December).
  • Barricada: The singles.
  • Big L: Lifestylez ov da poor " dangerous
  • Bill Whelan: Riverdance
  • Gold Binomial of America: Ours (6 September).
  • Björk: Post.
  • Black Sabbath: Forbidden
  • Blind Guardian: Imaginations from the other side.
  • Blink-182: Buddha.
  • Blonde Redhead: Blonde redhead.
  • Blonde Redhead: My violent vita.
  • Blur: The Great Escape.
  • Bob Dylan: MTV Unplugged.
  • Bobby Pulido: Unveiled.
  • Bon Jovi: These Days.
  • Bronco Animal
  • Witchcraft: Hated race.
  • B'z: Loose (22 November).
  • Caitro Soto: Box.
  • Carlos Vives: The land of oblivion (25 July).
  • Cucsifae: Demo
  • Cucsifae: Live In Moron
  • Cher: It's a Man's World.
  • Heavenly Season: Solar Lovers.
  • Chancho in Stone: Worse is chewing the blades.
  • Collective Soul: Collective soul.
  • Daddy Yankee: No mercy.
  • Death: Symbolic.
  • Deftones: Adrenaline.
  • Deicide: Once upon the cross.
  • Diomedes Díaz: A heavenly song.
  • Dover: Sister.
  • Dream Theater: A change of seasons.
  • Duran Duran: Thank you..
  • Eazy-E: Str8 off tha Streetz of Muthaphukkin Compton.
  • Elastica: Elastica.
  • The Last of the Row: The Rebellion of Frog Men.
  • Enrique Iglesias: Enrique Iglesias (25 November).
  • Enya: The memory of trees.
  • Eva Ayllón: 25 years, 25 successes.
  • Erick Sermon: Double or nothing (7 November).
  • Faith No More: King for a Day... Fool for a Lifetime (28 March)
  • Fear Factory: Demanufacture.
  • Fey: Fey (21 March).
  • Fobia: Little love.
  • Foo Fighters: Big me..
  • Frágil: Alunado.
  • Garbage: Garbage.
  • Gianluca Grignani: Destination paradise.
  • Gilda: Valid heart
  • Gloria Estefan: Opening doors (26 September).
  • Gloria Trevi: If you take me with you (13 November).
  • Green Day: Insomniac.
  • Heroes of Silence: Avalancha.
  • Iced Earth: Burnt offerings.
  • Illya Kuryaki and the Valderramas: Chaco.
  • Iron Maiden: The X Factor.
  • Janet Jackson: Design of a Decade 1986/1996
  • Joe Satriani: Joe Satriani.
  • José: Womaniego.
  • Juan Gabriel: The Mexico that left us.
  • Julio Iglesias: The road.
  • Kairo: Gaudium
  • Kamelot: Eternity.
  • Kyuss: And the circus leaves town.
  • The Law: Invisible.
  • Limit Group: For pure love
  • Los Chiches del Vallenato: Fable of love
  • The Devils: 10 years of history.
  • The Jaivas: Sons of the earth.
  • The Fabulous Cadillacs: King sugar.
  • The Pirates: Polygamy.
  • The Northern Tigers: Film.
  • The Northern Tigers: The example.
  • The Tinellers (Aventura): Love trap.
  • The Three: The sword & the wall.
  • The Three: The Three Unplugged MTVs.
  • Prisoners: Not by reason, not by force
  • Lucybell: Fish.
  • Lucero: Laces of love.
  • Luis Miguel: The concert (17 October)
  • Luz Casal: Like the promised flower.
  • Madonna: Something to remember.
  • Motherdeus: Ainda.
  • Malice Mizer: Uruwashiki kamen no shotaijou (10 December)
  • Malón: Combating spirit.
  • Mana: When angels cry (25 April).
  • Marc Antoine: Urban Gypsy.
  • María Jiménez: You're like you are..
  • Mariah Carey: Daydream.
  • Marilyn Manson: Smells like children.
  • Marta Sánchez: My world
  • Michael Jackson: HIStory: Past, Present and Future: Book I.
  • The Misfits: Collection 2
  • Miguel Bosé: Labyrinth.
  • Miguel Morales: Thanks my people..
  • Miki González: Miki González.
  • Miss Rosi: Singing with Miss Rosi, Volume 3.
  • Morbid Angel: Domination.
  • Morten Harket: Wild Seed
  • Motörhead: Sacrifice.
  • Musikit: Hello Musikit.
  • Mr. Bungle: "Disco wheel".
  • Mylène Farmer: Anamorphosée.
  • Nach Scrath: D. E. P..
  • No Doubt: The Beacon Street Collection (3 March).
  • No Doubt: Tragic Kingdom (10 October).
  • Onda Vaselina: Today.
  • Oasis: (What's the Story) Morning Glory? (2 October).
  • Ol' Dirty Bastard: Return to the 36 chambers: the dirty version.
  • Oomph! Defekt.
  • Patricia Manterola: Acapulco, body and soul.
  • Paulina Rubio: Time is gold (21 March).
  • Pedro Fernández: Pedro Fernández.
  • Pedro Guerra: Golosins.
  • Pink Floyd: Pulse.
  • Polygamy: Rounds and rounds
  • Porcupine Tree: The Sky Moves Sideways.
  • Queen: Made in Heaven.
  • Radiohead: The Bends.
  • Rainbow: Stranger in Us All.
  • Rammstein: Herzeleid.
  • Rancid: And Out Come the Wolves.
  • Red Hot Chili Peppers: One Hot Minute.
  • Ricardo Montaner: It comes from the soul.
  • Ricky Martin: Half live (12 September).
  • Robert Miles: Dreamland.
  • Roberto Carlos: Dude, não chore por ela.
  • Rocío Dúrcal: There are love and love.
  • Los Rodríguez: More words, less words.
  • Roxette: Rarities.
  • Sandra: Fading Shades
  • Scatman John: Scatman’s world.
  • Selena: Dreaming of you (18 July).
  • Shakira: Feet barefoot (6 October in Colombia).
  • Simple Minds: God news from the next world.
  • Simply Red: Life.
  • Total sinister: Miserable polyclinic.
  • Siouxsie And The Banshees: The Rapture.
  • Silverchair: Frogstomp.
  • Slash's Snakepit: It's Five O'Clock Somewhere.
  • Soda Stereo: Dream Stereo.
  • Sofiya Rotaru: ..
  • Souls of Mischief: No man's land (10 October).
  • Steve Vai: Alien love secrets.
  • Sugar Ray: Lemonade and brownies.
  • Tears for Fears: Raoul and the Kings of Spain.
  • Tatiana: Brinca!
  • Tha Dogg Pound: Dogg food.
  • Thalía: In ecstasy (1 October).
  • The Beatles: Anthology (vol. I).
  • The Corrs: Forgiven not forgotten.
  • The Chemical Brothers: Exit Planet Dust.
  • The Smashing Pumpkins: Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness.
  • Toto: Tambu.
  • Uriah Heep: Sea of light.
  • Vangelis: Voices.
  • Van Halen: Balance
  • Vader: Deep down.
  • Several Artists: Working Class Hero: A Tribute to John Lennon.
  • White Zombie: Astro-crep: 2000.
  • Viuda e Hijas de Roque Enroll: Creep curtain.


Nobel laureates

  • Physics: Martin Lewis Perl and Frederick Reines.
  • Chemistry: Paul J. Crutzen, Mario Molina and Frank Sherwood Rowland.
  • Medicine: Edward B. Lewis, Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard and Eric Wieschaus.
  • Literature: Seamus Heaney.
  • Peace: Joseph Rotblat and the Pugwash Conference.
  • Economy: Robert Lucas.

Cervantes Award

  • Camilo José Cela.

Commemorations and parties

  • 50th Anniversary of the United Nations
  • Centenary of the birth of Juan Domingo Perón, Argentine president and founder of Peronism.

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