Nilda Garré


Nilda Celia Garré (Buenos Aires, November 3, 1945) is an Argentine lawyer, ambassador, diplomat, deputy and activist. She was the first woman to take office as Minister of Defense. her and she was also the first to do so as security minister. She was elected five times as a national representative, and served as Argentina's ambassador to Venezuela and to the OAS. Likewise, she was the first woman in the history of her country to hold the positions of Minister of Defense of Argentina, during the administration. of President Néstor Kirchner, and Minister of Security of the Argentine Nation during the presidency of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. She is an official of the Ministry of Defense and is in charge of the Manuel Belgrano Center for Strategic Studies for Defense and Security.


Beginnings and educational training

She was born in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of San Telmo on November 3, 1945. She graduated as a normal teacher and English teacher at the Juan Ramón Fernández Institute of Higher Education in Living Languages in 1962. Then she began to study law and in In 1968 she graduated as a lawyer from the University of Salvador. Her father, Raúl E. Garré, was a provincial deputy of the Justicialist Party in the Province of Buenos Aires until the overthrow. From President Juan Domingo Perón in 1955.

Activism for human rights and Peronist militancy

She was active and collaborated as a lawyer for political prisoners during the military dictatorship, she presented habeas corpus together with organizations defending human rights, especially with the CELS (Center for Legal and Social Studies) chaired by, among others, Emilio Mignone and Augusto Conte Mac Donell.

Garré, Jorge Vázquez and Alicia Oliveira wrote the document that the Justicialista Party presented when the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) visited Argentina in 1979 during the military dictatorship. In it, it was reported for the first time that people were disappearing and being tortured in Argentina. The document bore the signatures of Deolindo Bittel and Herminio Iglesias.

She was also a member of the legal team of the Center for Legal and Social Studies (CELS) and as a lawyer she actively collaborated with the Permanent Assembly for Human Rights (APDH).

In November 1972 she was a passenger on the plane that brought Juan Domingo Perón back from his long exile in Spain to Argentina.

In 1973 she married Juan Manuel Abal Medina (father), then general secretary of the Justicialista Party. He was a member of the Peronist Youth and was known for being in the famous photo of José Ignacio Rucci, Héctor José Cámpora and Juan Domingo Perón on their return to the country on November 17, 1972. After the exile of Abal Medina during the dictatorship military man who governed Argentina between 1976 and 1983, in 1982 they divorced.

Identified with the left-wing sectors of Peronism, in 1973 she was elected National Representative by the FreJuLi (Justicialist Front of National Liberation) and served in the position until the constitutional president Isabel Martínez de Perón was deposed by a coup d'état. on March 24, 1976, a coup that began the last military dictatorship.

At that time Garré, Santiago Díaz Ortiz and six other deputies were known in Congress and by society as the "Gang of Eight", for their fierce opposition to General Perón's decision to carry Isabel Martínez de Perón as running mate in the early elections called for September after the resignation of Hector Cámpora.

During 1983, with the recovery of democracy, he was part of the Investigative Commission of the CELS (Center for Legal and Social Studies) of the Cambiaso-Pereyra Rossi case, for the kidnapping, torture and murder of two young people in the context of police repression during the military dictatorship, a case for which Luis Patti was prosecuted.

He continued to be a member of the Justicialist Party, which in 1983 promoted the "Peronist Renewal." He later opposed, along with the Peronist left, the signing of the 1984 Treaty of Peace and Friendship with Chile; He considered that "a serious suspicion of widespread fraud rested on the final result of the plebiscite."

Big Front

The election of Carlos Menem as president of Argentina in 1989 and of Carlos Grosso as mayor of the City of Buenos Aires distanced her from the Justicialista Party and for the moment from politics in general.

In 1993, she joined FREPASO, in which she was elected as a National Representative for the City of Buenos Aires. She was elected statutory representative for the drafting of the City Statute, between August and October 1996, being a member of the Alliance, assuming in December 1997 as a national representative for the Federal Capital. As a representative, in June 1998 she presented a bill that required full description of ingredients and additives in tobacco products, placement of rotating warning labels on cigarette packages, and restrictions on indoor tobacco use.

In the national elections of October 1999, she was a candidate for Representative for the city of Buenos Aires, for the Alliance for Work, Justice and Education. She was re-elected but resigned on October 8, 2000 to take office. Secretariat of Political Affairs of the Ministry of the Interior, virtual vice-ministry of the Interior (position held by Federico Storani). In March 2001, he resigned along with several ministers and secretaries of State in repudiation of the economic measures that the then Minister of Economy intended to implement, Ricardo López Murphy.

Later she was the head of the Special Investigation Unit of the AMIA Attack, under the orbit of the Ministry of Justice. In October 2001, the then president Fernando De la Rúa asked him to resign for allegedly leaking confidential information about a witness. The complaint was handled by Federal Court 12. Garré denied the accusations and attributed them to pressure. of the Menemism that Garré accused of participating in the cover-up of the attack.

In December 2001, she began a new term as Deputy of the Nation, which extended until 2005. She was a member of the Commissions on Constitutional Affairs, National Defense, Internal Security, Bicameral Justice for the Supervision of Intelligence Agencies and Activities, and in as 1st Vice President of the Impeachment Commission. In compliance with tasks related to this Commission, he represented the Chamber of Deputies in the Accusing Commission before the Senate of the Nation - along with deputies Falú and Iparraguirre - in the process of impeachment of the Minister of the Supreme Court of Justice Eduardo Moliné O'Connor.

Since December 10, 2003, he presided over the Frepaso Block, made up of Deputies Alejandro Filomeno and Santiago Ferrigno. He also joined special friendship commissions with other parliamentarians around the world called Parliamentary Friendship Groups. He formed the groups of friendly parliamentarians from Brazil, Paraguay, Cuba, Mexico and France. He was a member of the Public Services Commission of the Latin American Parliament - PARLATINO - and a member of the Justice Table of the Argentine Dialogue, promoted by the United Nations and the Ministry of Justice, Security and Human Rights. His work in banking was complemented by participation in various areas of diagnosis and proposals aimed at improving the functioning of institutions in Argentina. In this sense, he participated in the Advisory Commission for the Reform of the Penal System of the Ministry of Justice, Security and Human Rights.

Front for Victory- PJ

In June 2005, President Néstor Kirchner appointed her ambassador to Venezuela. This designation was seen as a gesture to the sectors that supported the government outside the PJ. She resigned from this embassy in December 2005 to assume the Ministry of Defense of the Nation.

As Minister of Security through resolution 1,181/11 of 2012, she instructed that the gender identity adopted by transvestites, transsexuals and transgenders in both the police and federal security forces must be respected. The document communicated that "trans" They must be recognized by the gender identity appropriate to their perception, both in personal treatment and for any type of procedure, communication or publication within the forces. In addition to taking into account their clothing and uniform, the use of facilities differentiated by sex (bathrooms, changing rooms), the assignment of tasks that correspond according to their identity, among others. Months later, it expanded the resolution clarifying that in no case will it be required sexual reassignment surgery or hormonal treatment for granting the procedure. Garré placed great emphasis on the establishment of mandatory programs for cancer detection in both sexes (which will be carried out on military personnel and their families) for which allocated 5 million pesos. She also requested that mammographs and other diagnostic imaging equipment be purchased for Army and Navy hospitals in the city of Buenos Aires and the Air Force in Córdoba.

As Minister of Security, she signed the decree that obliges the Federal Police, the Gendarmerie, the Naval Prefecture and the Airport Security Police, to "respect the identity adopted by transvestites and transsexuals", together with the measure to prohibit police officers from carrying firearms when they are called to break up a social demonstration or protests.

During his administration, the army participated in humanitarian aid tasks inside and outside the country, citing the cases of Tartagal and General Mosconi (Salta), Catamarca, Charata (Chaco), the Chaitén volcano (Chile), and the Peace Missions in Haiti and Cyprus. He promoted the development of an Integrated Tactical Command and Control System for Military Operations, called SITEA; the repair and modernization of combat vehicles of the M113 family; the modernization of the RASIT ground surveillance radar and the manufacture and supply of anti-tank rocket launchers of the MARA 200 type to combat drug trafficking on the Argentine border.

One of her last acts as minister was to seal the Framework Agreement within the “Federal Housing Construction Program”, signed between the Ministries of Defense and Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services, which commits to the construction of 7,300 homes for the Armed Forces.

In 2010, the President of the Nation, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner announced the creation of the Ministry of National Security (separate from the Ministry of Justice). Nilda Garré was sworn in on December 15, 2010. In 2011, former minister Nilda Garré created the National Human Rights Directorate in the Ministry of Security. Its most important function should be to collaborate with Justice in cases and investigations related to crimes against humanity, a Gender space, another for Institutional Violence and a Special Judicial Assistance Group (GEAJ) to supervise raids to collect DNA from people who were suspected of being appropriated during the last military dictatorship. In less than five years, the Directorate sent some 3,500 documentary units to different judicial investigations and there, for example, a mechanism for identifying NN corpses was developed that made it possible to find the whereabouts of 37 missing people. In 2007, Garré had ordered the assembly of a similar team within the National Directorate of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law of the Ministry of Defense. As Minister of Defense, she signed a resolution in 2009 in which it was strictly prohibited to pay tribute during their funeral to deceased repressors convicted of crimes of violation of human rights, prohibited honors at the funerals of members of the Armed Forces who have been involved in causes of human rights violations during the National Reorganization Process.

Signed an agreement with the Tandanor Shipyards for the first construction of the four Multipurpose Ocean Patrol Vessels, these units will be used to cover the Argentine Sea. During his administration, 5 Bell 206 helicopters were acquired for the joint helicopter training courses for all Forces carried out by Army Aviation in Campo de Mayo. The modernization of the Huey II helicopters, at a cost of 3 million dollars. The acquisition, for 17 million pesos, of 50 multipurpose vehicles for the Army. Months before ending his position, he promoted the repair of dock 2 of Puerto Belgrano, a great engineering work that will allow the full development of naval construction and repair works that had not been developed in many decades. This work, with a cost of 70 million pesos, will be carried out over a period of 4 years.

In 2011, a broad cooperation agreement was signed between the Ministries of Security and Defense so that the Armed Forces can provide assistance in the fight against crime. Nilda Garré, who explained that "the territorial deployment, facilities and part of the equipment of the Armed Forces can assist the security system, as established by Law 24,059 on Internal Security.

In 2013, an agent who since 2002 had carried out espionage tasks against the Rodolfo Walsh agency was made available, and began a summary investigation to clarify whether or not the tasks he carried out were included within the functions assigned to the force. by the Intelligence law.

He also promoted that the land of the Armed Forces could be used for housing for the Argentine Bicentennial Credit Program (Pro.Cre.Ar.), among them is the General Pacheco golf course and the fields that are used for planting soybeans.

Supported the sanction of the Cristina Fernández de Kirchner government of an Anti-Terrorist Law.

On June 3 of the same year, she was replaced by Arturo Puricelli in the Ministry, being nominated for the Argentine Embassy of the Organization of American States, her nomination being approved unanimously in the Senate. It was made official on June 18. September. The Secretary General of the OAS, José Miguel Insulza, welcomed the Argentine Permanent Representative, thanking the government of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner for the appointment “of such an important personality who brings with her a very impressive resume of public service as a minister. of Defense and Public Security,” according to the OAS in a statement.

That same year she received her appointment in the Senate, as Argentine ambassador to the OAS. He assumed that position with a speech centered on democracy, security, human rights and their full validity, comprehensive development and peace. Garré maintained that "they must guide our actions," while reaffirming his ";absolute willingness to collaborate with any initiative aimed at promoting these objectives.”

Management in the Ministry of Defense

Nilda Garré She was the first woman to be appointed by the Ministry of Defence.

Garré became head of the Ministry of Defense during the presidency of Néstor Kirchner, in December 2005. At that time she was serving as ambassador of her country in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, a diplomatic mission that she carried out for a brief period. According to Julio Blanck, from Diario Clarín, Néstor Kirchner would have invited her to take over the Ministry four hours before announcing the changes in the cabinet, with an eye on the latest wave of trials for crimes against humanity committed by the military during the last civil-military dictatorship in Argentina. The main objective underlying Garré's appointment as head of Defense was the integration of the Armed Forces into the democratic process and the recovery of its prestige in society, in addition to the dismantling of the National Security Doctrine that had been imposed by the United States on Latin American countries within the framework of the Cold War, through the training of officers from different Latin American countries at the School of the Americas, and that remained in force in Argentina for a long time. after the recovery of democracy, in 1983. Néstor Kirchner wanted in his portfolio a minister with the profile associated with the defense of human rights to carry out these tasks, since he considered the Armed Forces a necessary institution for the Nation.

A Defense Law, whose sanction had been the product of a very broad consensus in Parliament, had been regulated in the 1980s during the presidency of Raúl Alfonsín. [citation required]This law provided that these changes in the sense of democratizing the Armed Forces would become effective immediately, something that did not happen until the arrival of Kirchner and the appointment of Garré in Defense.

Another of Garré's objectives in the Ministry had been to promote the reform of the Argentine military Justice system, something that could only be fully achieved around 2009, due to the large number of existing regulatory texts and reform projects. This, added to the development of gender policies, the deepening of human rights policies, and the reactivation of scientific and technological projects were the central axes that characterized Garré's management in the Ministry of Defense.

Recovery of technological sovereignty

Recovered the Argentine Naval Industrial Complex shipyard (CINAR), through the rehabilitation and commissioning of the Talleres Navales Dársena Norte shipyard (Tandanor) and the Almirante Storni shipyard, which had been closed and scrapped within the framework of the application of neoliberal economic policies, during the government of then president Carlos Menem, in the 1990s. According to Garré, the privatization of Tandanor "has cost us enormous damage to the national State and the development of the Argentine naval industry." In statements made on the occasion of an event to commemorate the 130 years of the Tandanor shipyard, Garré also assured that the recovery of the two shipyards had the objective of fulfilling the «duty of defending Argentine work and promoting the development of the capabilities of our naval industry. From the situation of virtual bankruptcy in which the company (Tandanor) found itself more than two years ago, it currently employs 530 workers directly along with some 700 subcontractors.

In addition to the recovery of the shipyards, Garré launched the renationalization of the Brigadier San Martín Argentine Aircraft Factory (FADEA), whose facilities are located in the city of Córdoba and which were previously operated by the American multinational Lockheed Martin. This renationalization did not entail any payment of compensation by the Argentine State to said company, since the Government considered that Lockheed Martin has been a hindrance to the development of Argentina during all the years in which it controlled FADEA, in accordance with what was declared by Garré. Later, contributions from the Ministry of Defense to the Argentine Aircraft Factory were announced by Garré to boost the plant's production, in addition to the signing of an agreement with the Brazilian Empresa Brasileña de Aeronáutica (EMBRAER) regarding collaboration. in the technological field.

With regard to scientific research for defense purposes, the highlighting of the Scientific and Technical Research Institute for Defense (CITEDEF) stands out, with the aim of privileging scientific research and local manufacturing over weapons imports, which are usually onerous for the national State. Despite its intentions to manufacture war weapons, Garré maintained that «Argentina does not have hidden intentions. This allows the country to plan its defense in daylight, subjecting itself to international inspections.

Human Rights and Anti-Corruption Policy

Admiral Jorge Godoy, then head of the Navy, signs under the gaze of Minister Garré the transfer of the ESMA, former clandestine detention centre.

In relation to human rights, he faced opposition from sectors of the country's conservative right and vetoed the promotion in rank of relatives of soldiers involved in crimes against humanity perpetrated during the civil-military dictatorship that took place in the period 1976/1983. Despite the fact that all of those banned were directly related to former soldiers sentenced to life imprisonment and, in other cases, prosecuted, Garré maintained that promotion in the Armed Forces is not only a matter of «driving capacity, leadership, if he took courses or how he carried out such a military exercise, but it is also democratic conviction and respect for human rights. For the minister, access to the highest ranks of the military hierarchy does not take into account the family relationships of the military, but rather "there is a proven democratic conviction." On that occasion, the ten soldiers banned from the annual promotion had already had their applications rejected by the commander in chief of the Argentine Armed Forces, President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. This decision caused the rejection of the Association of Relatives and Friends of the Political Prisoners of Argentina (AFyAPPA), a group led by Cecilia Pando de Mercado, which considers "political prisoners" to be military personnel and security force personnel prosecuted by civil justice for their participation in illegal repression.

In 2008, Garré ordered the release of 23 soldiers for alleged acts of administrative corruption. Five lieutenant colonels, four majors, two captains, a first lieutenant, a quartermaster sergeant, a principal non-commissioned officer, a sergeant and a non-commissioned officer, 23 active military personnel, were sanctioned. In addition, Brigadier General Oscar Gómez, found responsible for the escape of repressor Julián Corres from a police station in Bahía Blanca, where he was detained for crimes against humanity during the last dictatorship, was made available.

Garré was Minister of Defense for six years, until the assumption of the second term by President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner in December 2011, when she was appointed head of the new Ministry of Security. She was replaced in Defense by Arturo Puricelli.

Wellbeing of Defense personnel

During his management in the Ministry of Defense, Garré sought to solve the problem of 7,607 families of non-commissioned officers of the Army, Navy and Air Force. The homes were financed by the Federal Housing Construction Program (PFCV) for non-commissioned officers of the Armed Forces, based on an agreement signed in 2008 between the Ministries of Federal Planning and Defense, together with the majority of the governors of the Argentine provinces, non-commissioned officers of the Armed Forces who did not have unique home within this program executed by the Undersecretary of Urban Development and Housing of the Ministry of Federal Planning.

According to the newspaper La Nación, the program required an investment of 590 million pesos and, in addition to benefiting the non-commissioned officers, it studied alternatives so that the officers could also have access to their own homes and it was also revealed that the beneficiaries would be the military personnel who did not have unique and permanent housing. The governors of the provinces of Buenos Aires (Daniel Scioli), Chubut, (Mario Das Neves), Mendoza, (Celso Jaque) participated in the agreement to provide access to decent housing for non-commissioned officers.), from Salta (Juan Manuel Urtubey), from San Juan (José Luis Gioja) and from Santiago del Estero (Gerardo Zamora).

The program included officers and retired military personnel when, in 2009, the availability of loans for military housing was announced, at an exclusive and total rate for all concepts of 11.7% per year and terms also differentiated from market proposals, with a period of 20 years to pay off the credit. "This is the most beneficial total financial cost on the market", assured Garré on the occasion of the launch of the housing credit program.

Management in the Ministry of Security

On December 15, 2010, Nilda Garré assumed office as Minister of Security, a position she held until June 3, 2013.

Urban security

During Nilda Garré's administration as head of the Ministry of Security, neighborhood tables and zonal tables for community participation in security were created, which aim to create an instance in which neighbors contribute to the preparation of a crime map, formulating needs that add measures and contribute to the performance of the Argentine Federal Police, within the framework of the National Community Participation Plan. The objective, according to Minister Garré herself, is to give institutionality to the contributions and claims of citizens in security.

The Buenos Aires Safe City Plan was also implemented, which aims to achieve a better police response to crime by updating the operation and incorporating new technologies that allow a more efficient distribution of security forces throughout throughout the entire Buenos Aires jurisdiction. The Plan allows for monitoring the city through 200 technological patrol cars and 1,200 surveillance cameras (the Plan provides for the installation of a total of 2,000 cameras). It also includes the complete modernization of the 911 police emergency service.

Within the framework of the project, designed by the Ministry of Security, the minister launched monitoring centers with high definition cameras, located in police station 52 of Villa Lugano, in police station 16 of the Constitución neighborhood, in the police station 20 of Balvanera and in the Argentine Federal Police Department. With these advances, images from cameras distributed in the neighborhoods of Balvanera and Once, Liniers, Mataderos, Villa Lugano, Villa Soldati, Villa Riachuelo, Parque Avellaneda, Versalles and Villa Real began to be monitored. From these centers, 24 cameras installed in the Liniers Bus Terminal can also be viewed. «Today fighting crime is a complex task. That is why technology allows us to be much more efficient in security control," said Nilda Garré on the occasion of this inauguration.

Gendarmery and Naval Prefecture

During this period the border radarization program was launched. A series of 3D radars, manufactured by the state company INVAP, were enabled to detect illegal flights and control the movements of aircraft entering or leaving airspace. Also during his administration, four rocket launchers were developed that have been entirely developed by Military Fabrications and CITEDEF. The RASIT radars were deployed in the provinces of Jujuy, Salta, Formosa, Chaco, Corrientes and Misiones, covering the border and the main avenues of approach identified by the Argentine National Gendarmerie of Irregular Air Traffic. The replacement of airmobile squadrons takes place approximately every 30 days to monitor the territory and fight against illegal incursions into the country to attack drug trafficking on the borders.

In addition, the gendarmerie collaborated with security in the Buenos Aires metropolitan area through the following operations:

  • North Shield Operative: launched in 2007 as part of the plan of the Argentine State to combat drug trafficking, human trafficking and smuggling in northern Argentina. In order to control the air, ground and river spaces in the northern provinces of Argentina, the security and armed forces deploy their aircraft, helicopters and radars. To this end, the installation of 20 Army land radars, patrols with Pucará planes and the placement in Santiago del Estero of the first 3D radar that has been commissioned by the Ministry of Planning.
  • Operative South Belt: aims to optimize the citizen security service in the Federal Capital through the intervention and cooperation between the police and the federal security forces. The National Gendarmerie and the Argentine Naval Prefecture perform police duties and perform the tasks of prevention and investigation of the crimes at the most important points in the Portuguese geography. In addition, 1250 troops from Prefectura Naval Argentina have 26 vans, 24 quadricycles and 10 patrol boats, to the areas of La Boca, Barracas and Parque Patricios.
  • Operative Sentinel: It is carried out through the deployment of six thousand troops of the National Gendarmerie in the conurban. Decree 2099/2010 instructs the nation's security forces to "develop prevention activities to safeguard citizen security" with an investment of 150 million pesos.
  • Operative Vigil: It imposes new controls of people, loads and orders on the public transport of long distance passengers. Through this operation, 630 additional agents of the National Gendarmerie and 140 Air Security Police, X-ray scanners, drug detector dogs, domes and high-definition fixed cameras are added to existing security devices.

To protect the internal rivers, new vessels were acquired for the Argentine Naval Prefecture, including the SB-15 Tango, a rescue cutter and the DF-19 Recalada acquired in 2011. Converted in Buenos Aires into a simulation station piloting.

As a result of a revolt by members of the Argentine Naval Prefecture and the Argentine National Gendarmerie, initiated in those forces by a poor settlement of the salaries of the lowest-ranking military personnel, Minister Garré ordered the relief of the leadership of both forces. security, with the aim of decompressing tension and channeling the conflict. In this way, Héctor Schenone (Gendarmería) and Oscar Arce (Prefecture) were replaced by the commander general Enrique Alberto Zach and the prefect general Luis Alberto Heiler. In addition to these hierarchs, ten senior officers from each were also retired. one of the forces, the situation was thus "normalized" both in the Gendarmerie and in the Prefecture, according to Minister Garré in a statement to the press.

To correct the error in the settlement of military salaries, a one-time compensatory payment was established for prefects who earned up to $12,500 and a guarantee for gendarmes to receive the same salary as the previous month. In addition, the Chief of Cabinet Juan Manuel Abal Medina pointed out that the highest ranks of the Prefecture and Gendarmerie had their salaries set by judicial precautions, while those who earn the least saw their salaries reduced in hand, when the decree did not provide for such a thing. In his opinion, there may have been a maneuver on the part of senior officers (who have their salaries protected by precautionary measures) to maintain their privileges. To avoid repeating errors of this nature, he determined that from then on the settlement of salaries should be left in the hands of the Ministry of Security, in charge of Nilda Garré.

Federal Police

To decongest the work of the Argentine Federal Police in regards to urban security in the City of Buenos Aires, it also created the Neighborhood Prevention Police, an elite body trained since the end of 2011 to intervene in conflicts of proximity, between neighbors or within families, in neighborhoods, in accordance with the instructions of President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner in the sense of «generate a new capacity of the democratic security system, to address the particular needs of vulnerable populations». Neighborhood agents patrol in trios—particularly at night—and follow a doctrine of knowing and understanding neighbors, so that they regain the bond of trust with the police, an institution often discussed for abuse of power in the most vulnerable sectors.

In 2011, the Federal Police acquired the H11 LQ-BXI Airbus Eurocopter EC135, the first helicopter of this model acquired from Eurocopter in 2009, and the H12 LQ-CQN Airbus Eurocopter EC135 T2+. The second EC135 was acquired in 2009. A third EC135 helicopter was acquired at the end of 2009 equipped with night vision systems, gyro-stabilized camera and search beacon, "Full IFR - Single Pilot" which allow you to fly with a single pilot without any visibility and land automatically with airport ILS systems, in the same way as an airline plane. It is also equipped with a rescue crane, a bamboo bucket for fire fighting and external load transport. Subsequently, new aircraft acquired in 2014 with multifunction capacity such as the H15 LQ-FQH Airbus Eurocopter EC145.

With regard to the general well-being of the agents, reforms began at the Churruca Visca Hospital, which cares for the members of the Argentine Federal Police and their families, in addition to providing emergency assistance to all members of the security forces who are injured in the performance of their duties. These reforms include the acquisition of a state-of-the-art computed tomography machine, the comprehensive recycling of 1,700 square meters for hospitalization spaces, and the expansion of the annex building to 650 square meters for offices. administrative tasks, the repair and waterproofing of roof coverings and the comprehensive repair of elevators and stairs, in addition to the acquisition of work equipment such as laser scalpels, rehabilitation devices, generating sets, computers and ambulances, among others. Regarding this, Garré stated that «We had to incorporate tomographs and devices that many hospitals have and we had to go out and pay for the studies in other institutions. For the first time, last week we began to review the officers in the police stations themselves. In a single police station we delivered 70 glasses." In addition to the reforms at the Churruca Visca hospital, progress has been made in the sense of improving the living conditions of police personnel in general, thus offering a plan of access to housing and developing a very active human rights policy within the State security forces.

Changes in PFA Schools

In April 2011, through Resolution 167/2011 of the Ministry of Security, the minister decided to change the name of the three training institutes for officers and non-commissioned officers of the Argentine Federal Police that bore the names of notorious repressors. The text of the Resolution clarifies that «in the case of police training institutions, it is pertinent that their names be related to the career of people who have contributed with their actions to protect life, freedoms, rights and citizens' guarantees. The text of the Resolution clarifies that "in the case of police training institutions, it is pertinent that their names be related to the career of people who have contributed with their actions to protect the life, freedoms, rights and guarantees of the police." citizens." These changes had been announced by Garré on the occasion of the delivery of diplomas to the first graduates of the force during his administration, when he stated that "to achieve, maintain and guarantee internal security it is essential that the human resources of "Police bodies and security forces act in accordance with doctrines, techniques and professional practices committed to the full validity of human rights."

In this way, the Cesáreo Ángel Cardozo Higher Police School was renamed General Commissioner Enrique Fentanes Higher Police School, the Alberto Villar Federal School of Non-Commissioned Officers and Agents was renamed Enrique O'Gorman and the Cadet School Ramón L. Falcón changed his name to Commissioner General Juan Ángel Pirker. In addition, the change in the name of these schools was accompanied by modifications and updates to the study plans.

Cesáreo Ángel Cardozo, Alberto Villar and Ramón L. Falcón were questioned for the place they had in the repression and murder of people Falcón stood out at the beginning of the century XX for the harshness with which he repressed the workers' uprisings as head of the then City Police during the 1920s. Cesáreo Cardozo was appointed by Jorge Rafael Videla as head of the Federal Police in March 1976 - after the coup d'état - and he is considered one of the ideologues of the repression, the kidnapping and disappearance of people. In Alberto Villar he was one of the organizers of the Triple A that murdered dozens of people Cesáreo Cardozo took over as head of the Federal Police in March 1976—after the coup d'état—and is considered one of the ideologues of the repression, while Alberto Villar was one of the organizers of Triple A.

For his part, O'Gorman was the one who ordered that bars and stocks stop being applied to detainees because he considered them elements of torture, while he was chief of the Police between 1867 and 1874. Pirker helped integrate the Federal in those as head of the then City Police.

For his part, O'Gorman was the one who ordered that bars and stocks stop being applied to detainees because he considered them elements of torture, while he was chief of the Police between 1867 and 1874. Pirker helped integrate the Federal in society after the return of democracy (he was head of the force between 1986 and 1989) and Fentanes contributed to laying the foundations for the creation, in 1943, of the Federal Police.

Projects presented

Among his bills is the zero alcohol law when driving, the creation of the sexual education program, the program for comprehensive care of children with oncological pathologies, the creation of the institute for comprehensive evaluation of educational quality and equity, among others


As part of a plan to improve the working conditions of the country's security forces, Minister Garré inaugurated the Federal Biometric Identification System for Security (SIBIOS), which allows agents to have information that individualizes all citizens through state-of-the-art software, through an agreement with the National Registry of Persons. This system will allow criminal acts to be associated through the use of genetics, bioinformatics and network interoperability. With this technology, it will be possible to verify fingerprints obtained in criminal cases registered in a database located at the headquarters of the Ministry of Security. The first SIBIOS scanner was installed in the Province of Catamarca and then the system became widespread among other Argentine provinces.

Gender equality and gender identity

To begin to solve a gender problem, for which women did not usually occupy positions in the State security forces, on May 31, 2011, for the first time in history, the first ten deputy commissioners were appointed of the Federal Police. On the occasion of this appointment, Minister Garré officially reported that "they will be second and third heads of sections and will be the main authority in the absence of commissioners."

Almost a year later, on May 15, 2012, Nilda Garré appointed the first two female commissioners who would join the hierarchy of the Federal Police, until, in mid-2012, she appointed female officers in charge of 15% of Buenos Aires police stations.

In this sense, the Comprehensive Gender Center was created in the security forces of Argentina, with the objective of creating "spaces for guidance and advice with a view to strengthening the integration of women and other gender issues and contemplating the difficulties that may arise from their labor insertion.

These gender policies also made it possible to accept transvestite, transsexual and transgender officers in the security forces. Through opinion 1,181/11, Minister Garré instructed the federal police and security forces to respect the gender identity, both of the agents of the different agencies and of the detainees and of any citizen who carries out a procedure in their offices, providing treatment in accordance with self-perceived identity to people who request it. The objective of this measure will be to combat transphobic and homophobic behavior, in order to raise awareness about gender issues and integrate transgender people, transvestites and transsexuals in the workplace.

Participation in the South American Security Council

As head of the Ministry of Security, Garré attended a summit of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR), held in the city of Cartagena de Indias between May 3 and 4, 2012, in which it was established the South American Security Council. It is a supranational entity created by the Union with the objective of achieving cooperation between its member countries in matters of citizen security, in the fight against drug trafficking, money laundering and transactional organized crime in general.

Mercosur Security Committee

Upon assuming the pro tempore presidency of the Mercosur Security Committee, Garré highlighted the importance of «the region advancing rapidly in the coordination of policies for the control and fight against the crime of human trafficking, one of the most serious dangers of recent years.

Another of the priorities established by Garré during the inauguration speech of the presidency was the need to achieve regional coordination in the security of sporting events, once the World Cup in Brazil in 2014 approached. Also highlighted the need to improve the Mercosur Security Information Exchange System (SISME).

National representative front for victory- PJ

In the Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation he was a member of the following commissions:

Commission Cargo Mandate
National Defence Chairperson 2015 2019
Constitutional Affairs Vocal
Human Rights and Guarantees Vocal
Justice Vocal
Foreign Affairs and Worship Vocal
Prevention of Drug Addictions and Control Vocal
Internal Security Vocal

Dismissal of Daniel Santoro's complaint regarding alleged foreign accounts

In the newspaper with the largest national circulation, Clarín, Daniel Santoro (journalist) published on the cover that together with Máximo Kirchner they had personal and/or covert accounts abroad in a company located in a bank and a tax haven in Belize. The note was based on three anonymous sources and redacted in potential. The information was denied by the accused. Federal judge Marcelo Martínez Di Giorgi sent an appeal to the United States to confirm or deny these versions. The US Department of Justice officially denied the existence of those accounts. After the United States, Iran and Belize denied that there were accounts in Delaware in the name of the former Minister of Defense, Judge Marcelo Martinez de Giorgi dismissed the case and closed the case ruling that “the facts investigated were not committed.” For the magistrate “there is no evidence added to the process” that indicates the commission of a crime.

Cause due to incompatibility between two public positions

In December 2020, Chamber II of the Federal Chamber revoked a resolution accused of incompatibility between two public positions.

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