Nicaraguan flag

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The Nicaraguan flag was created by Legislative Decree on September 5, 1908, but it did not become official until August 27, 1971, just like the current National Shield, when he was President of the Republic General Jose Santos Zelaya. Its composition is three horizontal stripes of the same size, in a light to medium blue tone, the outer ones and the central one white, in the center of which is the National Shield. It is based on the one that belonged to the United Provinces of Central America, which in turn was based on the flag of the United Provinces of the Río de la Plata, currently Argentina. The blue stripes symbolize justice, loyalty, fraternity, strength, courage, the sky, the color of the Xolotlán and Cocibolca lakes, the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean that bathe the east and west coasts of the country. respectively.

The white stripe symbolizes purity, integrity, equality, goodness, peace and the nation. Flag Day has been celebrated on July 14 of each year since 1971, established by article 35 of the Law No. 1908 Law on characteristics and use of the National Symbols, since on that date in 1970 the Chamorro-Bryan Treaty (signed in 1914 between Nicaragua and the United States) was abolished, which infringed national sovereignty.

Previous flags and shields

1) 1823–1838 Flag and coat of arms used by the province of Nicaragua during the federal period.

Nicaragua, as part of the United Provinces of Central America, adopted the flag and coat of arms approved by the National Constituent Assembly of Central America, according to decree No. 29 of August 21, 1823. The Flag of the Provinces United States of Central America consisted of three horizontal stripes: blue at the top and bottom, and white at the center. This is the aforementioned decree:



The National Constituent Assembly of the United Provinces of the Centre of America has well decreed and decreed:

Article 1 The Arms Shield of the United Provinces of the Centre of America will be an equilateral triangle; on its base there will be a five-volcano mountain range, on a land that is covered by both seas; on the top, a rainbow that covers them and under the arch, the cap of freedom spreading lights. Around the triangle and in circular figure will be written with gold letters: “PROVINCIES OF THE AMERICA CENTRE”.

Article 2 This shield will be placed in all posts and public offices replaced by provisions of previous Governments.

Article 3 The great seal of the nation, that of the Secretariat of this Assembly, that of government agents, and courts of justice, shall bear all the same shield.

Article 4 The national pavilion for the ports and for all kinds of vessels belonging to this new state will consist of three horizontal, blue top and bottom, and white the one of the center in which the shield that designates Article 1 will be drawn. In the gallardetes the fajas will be placed perpendicularly by the order expressed. From the same pavilion will use this government's envoys to foreign nations. In the merchant ships the flags and gallardetes will not bear shield, and in the center's face will be written with silver letters: GOD, UNION, FREEDOM.

Article 5 The flags and banners of such living military bodies, as well as of provincial militia while remaining, shall be fixed to the provisions of the preceding article: Their fajas shall always be horizontal, at the top the words: GOD, UNION, FREEDOMand in the lower class and number of each body. In infantry both inscriptions shall be with letters of gold, and in cavalry with letters of silver.

Article 6 The bodies of civic force shall have their flags and banners in accordance with the provisions of article 70 of the law of ten and eight of the current.

Article 7 By communicating this decree to the government you will be accompanied by designs of the national blazon and pavilion for the easiest intelligence of what is prevented:

Contact the Supreme Executive Branch for compliance, and make it print, publish and circulate. Given in Guatemala to 21 August 1823 – José Barrundia: President Member – Mariano Gálvez: Representative Secretary – Mariano de Córdoba: Representative Secretary – to the Supreme Executive Branch.

Therefore we command to keep, fulfill and execute all your parts.

It will be understood by the secretary of the office, and will be printed, published and circulated. Guatemala National Palace October 3, 1823 – Antonio Rivera: President – Pedro Molina – Juan Vicente Villacorta. To the citizen Manuel Julián Ibarra.

And in order of the Supreme Executive Branch I insert it to V. for its intelligence and consequent purposes: God, Union, Freedom, National Palace of Guatemala October 3, 1823. M. Julián Ibarra.
National Constituent Assembly, 1823.

During the federal period, each State was free to modify the coat of arms of the United Provinces of Central America. Nicaragua reformed it by adding cannons and rifles at the foot of the equilateral triangle and a spear to support the Phrygian cap.

Nicaragua separated from the Central American Federation on April 30, 1838, the blue and white flag and the modified coat of arms continued to be used until the National Representation of Central America formed by the States of Nicaragua, Honduras and El Salvador decreed new insignia on April 22, 1851.

2) 1851-1853 Flag and coat of arms of the National Representation of Central America.

On November 8, 1849, the States of Nicaragua, El Salvador and Honduras agreed on a Pact of Confederation in the city of León, which should be settled by means of a Diet. The National Representation of Central America was solemnly installed on January 9, 1851, in Chinandega, head of the department of the same name. It was made up of Pablo Buitrago Benavente and Hermenegildo Zepeda Fernández for Nicaragua, José Guerrero for Honduras, Francisco Barrundia and José Silva for El Salvador. The board of directors was immediately organized, with Hermenegildo Zepeda Fernández being named president, José Silva First Secretary and Pablo Buitrago Benavente Second Secretary.

On April 22, 1851, the National Representation of Central America decreed mandatory the blue and white flag and the shield of the Central American Confederation; the latter would be an equilateral triangle; At its base would appear a mountain range of three volcanoes placed on a land bathed by both seas; in the vertex the rainbow that covers them and under this the hat of Liberty spreading lights, and with three stars in the upper part. Around the triangle and in a circular figure will be written in gold letters, "FEDERACIÓN DE CENTROAMÉRICA".

3) 1854 Flag and coat of arms of the Republic of Nicaragua according to the decree of April 21, 1854.

On May 16, 1853, Fruto Chamorro Pérez, as Supreme Director of the State of Nicaragua, convened a National Constituent Assembly. After some difficulties in gathering those elected, it was inaugurated in Managua on January 22, 1854. One of the first provisions taken by the Assembly was to decree on February 28 of the same year that the State of Nicaragua would be called the Republic and the ruling he would carry the title of president to exercise the position in a period of four years.

The Assembly attributed powers to elect the president in the first period from March 1, 1855 to 1859, choosing General Fruto Chamorro Pérez, remaining as provisional president while the legal period began. The new Republic promulgated a law creating the change of color of the flag, which should be yellow, white and mother-of-pearl, according to legislative decree; As for the shield, five volcanoes would no longer appear, but only one. This is his text:


Art. 1- The arms of the Republic will be the following: between a circle inland with two branches of laurel will appear a volcano; bathed its base by both seas. At the top of this, a civic crown will be placed in which these words will be read: “Freedom, Order, Work”. Around the circle will be written “Republic of Nicaragua”.

Art. 2- The Great Seal of the Nation, that of the Secretariat of Congress, that of the Ministers of the Government will always carry the same weapons.

Art. 3- This blazon will be placed in all offices and public buildings.

Art. 4- The National Pavilion for public buildings, ports and warships and merchants will consist of three horizontal stripes in this form: a white in the center, drawn in the middle the weapons of which the Arto speaks. 1, one yellow at the top, and another mother-of-pearl at the bottom. From the same pavilion will use the envoys of this Government to foreign nations. The flags of the merchant ships shall not bear shield; on the side of the center shall be written with letters of gold: “Republic of Nicaragua”.

Art. 5- The Gallardetes using warships and merchants consist of the same three stripes placed vertically by the order expressed.

Art. 6- The flags and banners of the army will be fixed at the Arto. 4. In the house of the center will be written with lyrics of silver the weapons; on top it will be written with lyrics of silver: “Freedom, Order, Work”and in the lower the class and number of each body, whose inscription will be made in the artillery and infantry, with gold letters, and in the cavalry with silver letters.

Contact the Executive

Managua, 1873 (Code of the Legislation of the Republic of Nicaragua)
National Constituent Assembly, 1824

It is not known for how long these emblems were used, since the country adopted the banners for the second time in 1823, which they kept until 1908.

4) 1896-1898 Flag and coat of arms of the Greater Republic of Central America.

When General José Santos Zelaya assumed the presidency of the republic on September 16, 1893, he promised to work for the reappearance of the Central American Homeland, since Nicaragua was a disintegrated portion of the Republic of Central America. General Zelaya took advantage of the friendship with the presidents of Honduras and El Salvador, Dr. Policarpo Bonilla and General Rafael Antonio Gutiérrez, to promote the union of the three republics, because the presidents of Costa Rica and Guatemala showed no interest in said union.

On June 20, 1895, the plenipotentiaries of Nicaragua, El Salvador and Honduras, doctors Don Manuel Coronel Matus, Don Jacinto Castellanos and Don Constantino Fiallos, signed in the port of Amapala (Honduras) the Union Treaty known as of "Amapala Pact"; which establishes the Republics of Nicaragua, El Salvador and Honduras in a single political entity for the exercise of their sovereignty under the name of the Greater Republic of Central America. This denomination will persist until the Republics of Guatemala and Costa Rica voluntarily accept this agreement, in which case it will be called the Republic of Central America.

In article number eleven of said agreement, the flag and coat of arms of the old federation are adopted, varying only the currency or legend. On August 3, 1895, the Treaty of Amapala was ratified by the President of the Republic, thus officially including Nicaragua within the Greater Republic of Central America. After the ratification of the treaty by the three aforementioned governments, the Diet of the Greater Republic of Central America was installed in San Salvador.

The Constituent Congress met in the capital of Managua on August 27, 1898, and approved the Constitution of the United States of Central America. Shortly after the union came to an end due to the coup d'état by General Tomás Regalado (1898-1903), who deposed the President of El Salvador, General Rafael Antonio Gutiérrez, on November 13, 1898, and immediately declared the separation of this country; breaking the pact signed in Amapala and finalizing the ideal of Central American unity of General José Santos Zelaya.

Creating Decree of the current Flag and Shield

President General Zelaya, devoted to the cause of the Central American Union, wanted Nicaragua to once again use the flag and shield of the United Provinces of Central America, with slight variations, and on September 5, 1908 he signed the following Legislative Decree:



That the Constitution does not exist in the country legislation the creative law of the Republic ' s Arms Shield and Pavilion in the form and with the colors it currently has; and with the desire to establish these symbols of national sovereignty in a stable manner, adjusting them to the extent possible to those represented by the Central American Nation for ever aspiring the Republic of Nicaragua to reappear the political entity formed by the five States.


Art. 1 The coat of arms of the Republic shall be an equilateral triangle within which a five-volcano mountain range bathed by two seas will appear within its base. At the top of these there will be a rainbow that covers them, and under the arch, the cap of freedom spreading lights. Outside the triangle will be written circularly: Republic of Nicaragua. Central America.

Art. 2 The Great Seal of the State, that of the Secretariat of this Assembly, that of the Supreme Court of Justice and that of all the subordinate public offices, without exception, shall bear the same shield.

Art. 3 This emblem will also be placed in the above offices and in the laws and consulates of the Republic.

Art. 4 The national colors will be blue and white. The Pavilion will consist of three equal horizontal strips: white the center and blue the upper and lower. The shield will appear in the center of the white guard.

Art. 5 The flags of the offices of the State, that of the Laws and Consulates, that of the ships of war and merchants and that of the military bodies shall always bear the shield of arms with the legend in letters of gold. The Junior Offices will take it with the legends in silver letters.

Given in the session room.-Managua, September 4, 1908. L. Ramírez M., D. P. Julio C. Bonilla, D.S.-Juan J. Zelaya. D.S.

Execute.-Palacio Nacional.-Managua, September 5, 1908.-J. Santos Zelaya.-The Minister of Governance and Annexes. Federico Sacasa.
Judicial Bulletin of La Gaceta, No. 217 of 15 March 1919

(Taken from page 2252 of the Judicial Bulletin of La Gaceta, No. 217 of March 15, 1919)

Unfortunately, the transcribed Decree did not indicate the size of the Nicaraguan flag, since in the following years and decades the flag was capriciously given any size, since there was no official size. The blue stripes were made of any shade of blue and the shield did not adhere to the specifications that the Decree clearly explains, since they put a laurel wreath on it, flags behind the triangle (as the Shield of El Salvador has), the cap of freedom or Phrygian cap was put on a pole, the five volcanoes were not made the same size and were painted in any shade of green. It was not until 1971, 63 years after its creation, that the sizes and colors of the flag and shield were regulated, along with the National Anthem, Salve a ti, by means of a Legislative Decree of the National Congress.

Law on Characteristics and Use of National Symbols

On Friday, August 27, 1971, while General Anastasio Somoza Debayle was President of the Republic, Legislative Decree No. 1908 "Law on Characteristics and Use of National Symbols" in La Gaceta Official Gazette No. 194. Said Decree established that Flag Day is July 14 of each year, since on that date in 1970 the Chamorro-Bryan Treaty was abrogated, which injured Nicaraguan sovereignty by the government from United States. Chapter II, article 2 of said Law reads as follows:

"The Pavilion of the Republic or National Flag is the national emblem and consists of 3 equal horizontal strips: white the one of the center and blue the upper and lower, with the Arms Shield to the center of the white strip.
The shape of the national flag is a rectangle with the proportional dimensions of three (3) to five (5). It can be made of different sizes according to the place where it will be placed, always keeping that proportion.
The AZUL color corresponds to the commonly known as "cobalt blue".
The AZUL color means Justice and Loyalty. The color BLANCO symbolizes Purity and Integrity."

This is the full text of the aforementioned Legislative Decree:


Decree No. 1908 of 25 August 1971

Published in La Gaceta No. 194 of 27 August 1971

The President of the Republic,
to its inhabitants,


That Congress has ordered the following:

The Chamber of Deputies and the Senate of the Republic of Nicaragua,




Chapter I. From the Symbols

Article 1.-The Pavilion of the Republic or National Flag, the Shield of Arms and the National Anthem, Symbols of the Republic of Nicaragua, are subject to its characteristics and use, to this Law.

Chapter II. From the Republic Pavilion or National Flag

Article 2.-The Pavilion of the Republic or National Flag is the National Emblem and consists of three equal horizontal strips: white the one of the center and blue the upper and lower, with the Arms Shield to the center of the white strip.

The shape of the National Flag is a rectangle with the proportional dimensions of three (3) to five (5). It can be made of different sizes according to the place where it will be placed, always keeping that proportion.

The Blue color corresponds to the commonly known as "cobalt blue".

The Blue Color means Justice and Loyalty. The white color symbolizes Purity and Integrity.

Article 3.- As the Emblem and Representation of the Nation, the Nicaraguan National Flag does not greet or honor.

Article 4.-The official greeting to the National Flag is 21 cannons. They will be fired at the following ceremonies:

(a) In the solemn acts commemorating the Independence of Nicaragua;

(b) In the act of the Possession of the office of President of the Republic;

(c) On the occasion of the solemn installation of the National Congress and its closure;

(d) In other acts which the executive branch points out.

Article 5.-The National Flag shall be located at 6:00 a.m., and arrived at 6:00 p.m.

Article 6.-The National Flag shall be served daily in the Presidential House and in all the Quartiles of the Republic, with the corresponding honors.

Article 7.-When the National Flag is set up or arrived, the people who are in the neighbourhood will stop and lead the Emblema Patrio. The civilians who wear a garment in the head will remove it with the right hand and keep their arms parallel to the body. If you prefer, you can place the right hand, with the palm down, at the height of the heart.

Drivers will stop their vehicle; if passengers are civilians they can stay on their site; if they are military they will proceed according to the regulations of the Armed Forces.

Article 8. The honors of the National Flag will always be done in advance to those who must surrender to persons. Similarly, when the National Flag and one or more flags of foreign countries participate in a ceremony, the honours of the Republic Pavilion will first be honoured.

Article 9.-When the National Flag is located next to those of other Nations or political, religious, civic, etc., all the asses shall be of the same high and the flags of the same size.

Article 10.-The National Flag shall always occupy the right place (left of the observer) in cases where foreign flags are izen, porten or placed.

Article 11. - It is strictly forbidden to place the National Flag on portraits, commemorative plates, statues, monuments, etc., to be discovered.

Article 12.- No other flag or flag shall be placed in the flag of Nicaragua.

Article 13.- No foreign flag or pavilion may be exhibited in place more preeminent or honourable than the one occupying the National Flag.

Article 14.-The National Flag must be on stand when it appears in a parade carriage.

Article 15.-The National Flag shall always hang completely and shall be sufficiently high so that its end does not brush the floor, or a furniture, or the head of the passersby.

Article 16.-When the National Flag is placed so that it is visible on both sides, as on a public square, or on a street, it must be suspended vertically, east or north.

Article 17.-If Nicaraguan flags are placed on wires or laces that are stretched from one side to the other side of the street, they must all be in the same position, that is, with the Shield on the side of those who come in the parade.

Article 18.-When placed on a platform or speaker's rostrum, the National Flag must be placed on top or behind the speaker and on top of the head of those who might be sitting on a stand behind their backs. The National Flag will never be used to cover the speaker's desk, or tap the front of the platform.

If deployed in an asta must be placed on the right of the speaker.

Article 19. - It is obligatory for every Nicaraguan citizen to fly the National Flag on the front of his house on the days of commemoration of the Independence of Central America and on the days of the legislative branch or the executive branch.

Article 20.-No person may izar in his or her residence, or in any other place, the flag of a foreign nation without having previously set up the National Flag on a sole placed at the same height and to the right (left of the observer) of which it bears.

This prohibition does not include members of the Diplomatic Corps and the Consular Corps accredited in the country who are raising their respective flags according to international practices.

Article 21.-Only the National Flag, with the exceptions imposed by International Law, may be placed resting on the ground.

Article 22.-The National Flag, in addition, must be permanently in the Chambers of Sessions of the Legislative Chambers, in the official office of the President of the Republic, of the Presidents of the other Powers, of the Ministers and Vice-Ministers of State, Military Commanders, Directors of Autonomous Entities, Mayors, Judges, Directors of Centers of Education, Directors of Cultural Institutions, Ambassadors of Nicaragua In these cases, the National Flag may have a gold-coloured flank.

Article 23. - The citizen who under the Constitution and other laws of the Republic must make a promise of law shall give it to the National Flag.

Article 24.-The National Flag may be used as a badge placed on the left side of the chest, or on the left flap. There will be no other emblem or badge on it.

Article 25.-No legends of any kind should be printed on the National Flag, nor should it be used as an advertisement. It should not be printed or drawn on trays, cushions, napkins, boxes, etc., for commercial use.

Article 26.-When the National Flag is drawn for illustrative purposes, the flag must appear on the left of the observer; this is the National Flag must be placed on the right.

Article 27.-The National Flag shall be placed on the right in the Upper Room or place of honor (on the left of the observer) of the religious temples of Nicaragua.

Article 28. - In all National or Private Education Centres, the National Flag will be worshipped. On Monday of each week, before the start of the classes, the five students who had distinguished themselves for their application and conduct in the previous week will board the Republic pavilion at the Centre's honorary place, and all students will sing the National Anthem.

At the end of the class on the last day of the week the National Flag will be leased with the same honors and for the same students. Directors or teachers who do not comply with this provision shall be punished.

Article 29. The use of the National Flag by the Armed Forces of the Nation shall be governed by the provisions of the Executive Branch in the branch of the Ministry of Defence.

Article 30.-The National Flag on average means duel of the Republic and can be placed in this way when the Legislative Power or the Executive Power has it. It will be slacked quickly to the top of the asta or mast and slowly lower to the position of half asta. The arrival will be done by going to the top and dropping it slowly.

Article 31. The National Flag may be placed on the coffin of any Nicaraguan citizen when the Government of the Republic so provides. It can't be used on catafalco. The National Flag must be placed on the coffin in longitudinal form, with the moorings towards the head of the deceased; it must not go down to the tomb, nor touch the earth.

Article 32.-After the National Flag is arrived, it must be carefully folded so that it forms a triangle; this will be done by two people; the carrier will hold it with both hands and the base of the triangle will be left out.

Article 33.-When, by its use, the conditions of the National Flag are such that it can no longer be exhibited in a dignified manner, its incineration shall be carried out in private, unless it is considered of historical value, in which case it shall be kept with its respective documentary relationship.

Article 34.- The Executive Power shall have the preparation of nineteen (19) silk-cloth banners with the dimensions, colors and Shield as defined in this Law. These flags will serve as a pattern and will be delivered to such an end as follows:

Legislative power;

Executive power;


Electoral power;

Ministries of State;

Academy of Geography and History;

General Archive of the Nation;

National Museum;

National Autonomous University of Nicaragua;

Central American University.

Article 35.-Instituted on 14 July National Flag Day. The Executive Power in the branches of Government, Public Education and Defence will have the right to have the Pavilion of the Republic solemnly lifted at that date.

Article 36.-The National Flag may be used without a shield for demonstrations and embed houses and squares on the occasion of the Patrias holidays, and national holidays.

Chapter III. Presidential Band

Article 37.-The Presidential Bank, a modality of the National Flag, may only be used by the President of the Republic. It will have the colors of the National Flag in strips of equal length. It will carry the National Shield in the center of the white strip, with letters in gold, at the height of the chest. The ends of the Presidential Band will be rematized on a tassel with golden fringes.

Article 38.-The Presidential Band shall have fifteen (15) centimeters wide.

Article 39. The President of the Republic shall hold the Presidential Band at the most solemn official ceremonies, but shall bear it:

(a) In the act of taking possession of his high office;

(b) At the ceremony of reading your Message to the National Congress;

(c) At the ceremony of the reception of the Letters of Credentials, of Extraordinary Ambassadors and Plenipotentiary Ministers accredited to the Government of Nicaragua, and other foreign characters, diplomats or non-citizens or military, who officially visit him in his office.

Article 40.-The Presidential Band shall be placed from the right shoulder to the left side, under the jacket and united at the waist level, except at the transmission ceremony of the Command, in which the outgoing President and the incoming will be carried, discovered in its entirety.

Article 41.- The Presidential Band may be placed in the chest of the citizen who fails to serve as President of the Republic.

Chapter IV. From the Arms Shield or National Shield

Article 42.-The Escudo de Armas or Escudo Nacional is the Emblema created by Legislative Decree of 5 September 1908 and consists of two elements: one peripheral and one central, described as follows:

(a) PERIFÉRICO ELEMENT. Forming circumference around the central element will be written in capital letters, all of equal size and of the same metal (gold) legend: REPUBLIC OF NICARAGUA - CENTRAL AMERICA. The first legend (NICARAGUA REPUBLIC) will be written above the triangle, symmetrically in relation to the line of its axis or height, with the basis of the characters turned towards the center of the circumference. The second legend (CENTRAL AMERICA) will go under the triangle or central element, in symmetry with respect to the axis, and the upper part of the characters turn to the center of the circumference.

(b) CENTRAL ELEMENT. It has a form of an equilateral triangle that rests on one of its sides; these are metallic rebound (gold). In the field next to the base there is a horizontal terrain, an isthmus, which plays extensively both oblique sides of the triangle, "battled by both seas". On that ground there is a chain of five volcanoes at rest, equidistant one another, of equal height, more drawn in perspective, with short to the left side.

(c) The seas are figurative: one between the isthmus and the base of the triangle; another beyond, or above the isthmus, limited by the horizon. They are represented in motion, with successive lines of waves crowned with foam, with regular undulations to the right and sinister.

(d) On the horizon, covering the tops of the volcanoes, is the rainbow with its seven stripes of colors in the normal order, this is the red on the outside, and then successively orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo (añil) and raped (violet). The strips are defined by concentric semi-circumferences. The center is at the midpoint of the horizon. The three internal stripes must appear in full, the remaining four will be intercepted by the oblique sides of the triangle;

(e) Between the rainbow and the horizon, on the line of the axis or height of the triangle, is the "gorro of freedom". It appears from profile, with the vertex bent to the right side and the slopes;

(f) The "lights" that spread will be simulated by straight rays that depart from their central point and gradually widen, uncovering white on the blue of the sky. The rays do not overlap the rainbow, which intercepts them.

Article 43. - The colour of the elements contained in the field of the triangle are the following:

The volcanoes are yellowish green. Each will illuminate with yellow the side that exposes the rays of light that spreads the "gorro of freedom".

The Seas are ultramarine blue. The foam crests on your waves are white. On the pale blue of the sky the rays of light that emit the "gorro of freedom" will be traced blank. On the sky and the rays will be imposed the rainbow, with its seven colors in the normal order already described. The "gorro of freedom" is red bermellion.

Rule 44. -The dimensions of the various elements that make up the Nicaraguan Arms Shield for a Banner of 1.50 x 2.50 meters will be as follows:

(a) The peripheral element, formed by the legends arranged circularly in gold letters, will be inscribed in a circumference of 45 centimeters in diameter. The characters will be of the so-called "grotesque" (without paws) and "monotons" (one thick), slightly extended or wide. They will have 2.5 centimeters high, and the letter A 3 centimeters wide on its base: The other characters must be provided harmoniously. The thickness of the strokes will be 3.75 millimeters.

(b) The triangle will have externally 32.5 centimeters side. The metallic overflow will have the same width as the strokes of the letters and will be made in the same metal as these (gold).

(c) The horizon will be traced to 7.5 centimeters of the base of the triangle, supporting its ends in the inner line of the rebound.

(d) The portion corresponding to this distance on the left side of the triangle will be divided into five (5) equal parts; and the corresponding one on the right side in four (4) equal parts, 2nd space counting from the nearest angle on the right side, and 3rd. Also from the nearest angle, on the left side, will point to the width of the isthmus on which the volcanoes must settle.

(e) The closest of these, which will be located on the right side of the triangle, will elevate its truncated cusp to 2.5 centimeters above the horizon; the farthest, next to the left side, will rise only 1 centimeter above the horizon; between both extreme volcanoes the remaining three will be interposed; and all will be equidistant between themselves and the same height, according to the laws of the perspective.

(f) At the midpoint of the horizon, the rainbow will be traced, with a radius of 90 millimeters for the internal boundary, and 104 millimeters for the external one. The space between the two will be divided into 7 pairs or half crowns for the 7 colors.

(g) The "gorro of freedom" will be traced on the line of the axis or height of the triangle, to 2 centimeters below the rainbow, with dimensions of 3 centimeters of height and 2.5 centimeters wide at its bottom.

(h) The rays of light that emit the "gorro of freedom" will depart from a central point located on this and on the axis or height of the triangle, to 35 millimeters on the horizon. It will be traced 45 rays of 3 degrees wide, and between them will be sections of sky of 5 degrees; one of the rays will go down perpendicularly on the horizon.

Article 45.-Whenever you want to give another dimension to the National Shield, your elements will have a strict proportion with those mentioned here.

Article 46.-The National Shield or Arms Shield as described may be used independently, but it will necessarily appear at the centre of the white strip of the Pavilion of the Republic, with the exception of Article 36.

Article 47. - The seal of the executive branch, called the Great National Seal, that of the other branches of the State, of the Ministries of State, Military Commands, Autonomous Institutions, City Halls, Judiciary, Embassies, Consulates and other state offices, will carry the said Arms Shield.

Article 48.- The National Shield shall appear, in appropriate size and material, on the outside of the buildings occupied by the branches of the State and other offices referred to in the preceding article.

It can be painted in the car, on the aircraft, ship and rail carriage at the official service of the citizen President of the Republic.

Article 49.-The National Shield shall appear printed, in a single colour, or in polychrome as described in this Law, on the upper left of the stationery used by the State Powers and the state offices already mentioned.

It shall appear printed in a single color or polychrome at the top, in the centre, of Diplomas, Titles, Pergaminos, Distinctions, or any other documents of this kind, which the State may grant.

Article 50. - Citizens who under the Constitution and other laws of the Republic enjoy immunity will be able to carry in the left flap as an emblem the National Shield of 18 mm in diameter. Below will appear the name of the charge you hold.

Rule 51. - The use of the National Shield in currencies and other State values, medals, decorations, commemorative coins, or any other such coins, is subject to the provisions of this Law.

Article 52.- In each classroom of the country's educational centers, officials and individuals, the National Shield must be included, in colours, edited by the Ministry of Public Education.

Article 53. The use of the National Shield by members of the Armed Forces shall be governed by the corresponding Regulations and Ordinances.

Article 54.-All reproduction of the National Shield shall correspond faithfully to the provisions of this law. Any individual or legal person, who is engaged in the development of National Flags and Shields, shall, in each case, request the Ministry of the Interior to approve the respective model before the badges are made available to the public.

Article 55. - Public or private entities, individuals and companies that presently hold the Patriotic Symbols in a manner other than the colors, size and design described, shall replace them with those that correspond according to this Law. This replacement does not include the Symbols and documents of historical value.

Article 56.- The Executive Power through the Ministry of the Interior shall have the preparation of nineteen (19) reproductions of the National Shield, in metal or in wood, in size not less than sixty (60) centimeters, according to specifications of this law. This shield will serve as a pattern and the reproductions will be delivered, for that purpose, as follows:

Legislative power;

Executive power;


Electoral power;

Ministries of State;

General Archive of the Nation;

Academy of Geography and History;

National Museum;

National Autonomous University of Nicaragua; and

Central American University.

Chapter V. From the National Anthem

Article 57.-The National Anthem of the Republic of Nicaragua is the patriotic chant known as "Salve a Ti Nicaragua", whose letter was approved by Executive Decree No. 3 of 20 October 1939, published in La Gaceta, Diario Oficial, No. 231 of 24 of the same month and year. Its text is as follows:

National Anthem of Nicaragua
Save you, Nicaragua. On your floor
The voice of the cannon no longer roars
don't stain with brothers' blood
Your glorious double-coloured pendon.

Brille beautiful peace in your sky
Nothing to impress your immortal glory
that work is your worthy laurel
and honor is your triumphal teaching.

Article 58.-The Music of the National Anthem will be the same as accompanying the letter of the Decree of 23 April 1918, adapted from an ancient Liturgical Psalm Anonymous, from the end of the Colonial Age, in the tone of My Greater Bemol, agreed in Legislative Decree No. 39 of 26 February 1919.

Article 59.-The National Anthem will be played at the official ceremonies attended by the President of the Republic, especially in the following:

(a) In the solemn acts commemorating the Independence of Nicaragua;

(b) In the act of taking the position of President of the Republic;

(c) At the ceremony of the solemn installation of the National Congress and its closure;

(d) At the funerals of the citizen who died in the exercise of the office of President of the Republic;

(e) In other acts which the executive branch points out.

Article 60.- The National Anthem shall not be touched by the Representative of the President of the Republic.

Article 61. The National Anthem will be touched by the solemn acts in which the National Flag is located or leased.

Article 62.-When at a ceremony the National Anthem and another foreigner must be touched, the National Anthem will be executed first.

Article 63. At no ceremony will the National Anthem be executed more than twice to honor the National Flag; not more than twice to give them to the President of the Republic.

Article 64.- The teaching of the National Anthem is mandatory in all educational curricula of the Republic. The Ministry of Public Education shall ensure that this provision is strictly enforced.

Article 65.-The National Anthem shall be chanted daily at the entrance to class in all schools and schools of the country, public and private.

Article 66.-The singing or execution of the National Anthem by the members of the Armed Forces of the Republic shall be governed by the respective Regulations and provisions.

Article 67.- It is strictly forbidden to alter the lyrics or music of the National Anthem and to execute it in compositions or arrangements. It is also prohibited to sing or execute the National Anthem for advertising purposes; or in canteens, vice centers, or any other places of this nature.

Article 68.- Nicaraguan Embassies and Consulates shall ensure that in solemn Nicaraguan commemorations the National Anthem is executed and sung in the premises of the same.

Article 69.- The Ministry of the Interior shall be authorized to conduct recordings, editions or reproductions of the National Anthem. The arguments for theatre, cinema, radio and television, which are seen on the National Anthem, or which contain reasons for it, will require the approval of the Ministry.

Article 70.- The National Hymn will be transmitted in the country ' s radio broadcasters at the beginning and end of their daily work, without allowing interference or mutilation in execution.

Article 71.- The Executive Power through the Ministry of the Interior shall have the preparation of the partition of the National Anthem in nineteen (19) copies, in special paper, which will serve as a pattern and will be delivered for this purpose as follows:


Executive power;










Article 72.-Competes to the Ministries of the Interior, Foreign Affairs, Public Education and Defense the dissemination of the Patriotic Symbols and the enforcement of this Law. In that function, all the authorities of the country shall be auxiliary.

Article 73. - Contraventions to this law that constitute contempt or disrespect for the Patriot Symbols shall be punished, according to their gravity and the conditions of the offender with a fine of one hundred (C$ 100.00) to five hundred córdobas (C$ 500.00), or with arrest of up to fifteen (15) days. If the offence is committed for profit, the fine may be imposed for up to one thousand córdobas (C$ 1,000,00), which will be applied in government.


Article 74.-After the date on which this Law enters into force, the Executive Power shall have the editing of a book containing the following:

(a) History of the Flag of Nicaragua;

(b) History of National Anthem Music,

(c) History of the letter of the National Anthem;

(d) Biography of the author of the letter;

(e) Graphic in colors of the National Flag;

(f) Graphic in colours of the National Shield;

(g) Illustrations suitable for a clear understanding of part of the citizenry;

(h) Partitura del Himno Nacional para Orquesta Sinfónica;

(i) Partitura para Banda Militar;

(j) Score for piano and singing.

Article 75. The text of this Law shall be incorporated into the teaching of civic education in public and private schools and schools throughout the Republic.

Article 76: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall exercise vigilance to ensure that all members of the Foreign Service of Nicaragua comply strictly with this law.

Article 77.- The Laws which refer to the matter contemplated in this law are repealed and promulgated in 1873, on 24 August 1917, 29 of the same month and year, on 2 August 1929, 8 November 1939, 12 June 1943, 16 June 1943 and 27 November 1968.

Article 78.- The Laws relating to what is the subject of this law are in force, promulgated on 5 September 1908, 27 August 1941, 28 August 1941, 21 August 1957, 24 of the same month and year and its Reforms, and 25 September 1958.

Article 79.- This Law shall enter into force since its publication in "La Gaceta", Official Journal.

Given in the Chamber of Sessions of the Chamber of Deputies.- Managua, D.N, August 18, 1971.- Orlando Montenegro M., D.P.- Francisco Urbina R., D.S.- Adolfo González B., D.S.

To the executive branch. Senate Chamber. Managua, D.N., August 23, 1971.- Cornelio H. Hueck, S.P.- Pablo Rener, S.S.- Eduardo Rivas Gasteazoro, S.S.

Therefore: Execute yourself. Presidential House. Managua, D.N., August twenty-five, nine hundred and seventy-one.- A. SOMOZA, President of the Republic.- M. Buitrago Aja, Minister of the Interior."
Legislative Decree No. 1908 "Law on Characteristics and Use of Patriotic Symbols" in La Gaceta Official Journal No. 194

Amendment of said Law

This Law was amended by Law No. 432, Partial Amendment Law to the Law on Characteristics and Use of Patriotic Symbols, of July 2, 2002 and published in La Gaceta No. 135 of July 18, 2002. month and year, with Engineer Enrique Bolaños Geyer being President of the Republic and former Nicaraguan President Dr. Arnoldo Alemán Lacayo being President of the National Assembly, a few months after he handed over power to Bolaños:


LEY No. 432, adopted on 2 July 2002

Published in Gaceta No. 135 of 18 July 2002


Makes the Nicaraguan people know that:


In use of its powers;


The following:


Article 1.- Partially reflect the Law on Characteristics and Use of the Patriotic Symbols of 18 August 1971, published in La Gaceta, Official Journal No. 194, of 27 of the same month and year as follows:

(a) Article 34, which shall be read as follows:

"The Executive Power will have the preparation of nineteen (19) silk fabric banners with the dimensions, colors and Shield, as defined in this Law. These flags will serve as a pattern and will be delivered to such an end as follows:

Legislative power

Executive branch


Electoral Power

Ministry of State

Academy of Geography and History

General Archive of the Nation

National Museum

State National Universities."

(b) Article 36, which shall be read as follows:

"The National Flag must always be used with the shield in the white strip for demonstrations and embed houses and squares on the occasion of the national holidays and holidays".

(c) Article 42, subparagraph (b), shall be amended and read as follows:

"CENTRAL ELEMENT. It has a form of an equilateral triangle that rests on one of its sides, these are of metallic rebound (gold). In the field next to the base a horizontal terrain, an isthmus, which plays extensively both oblique sides of the triangle, "battled by both seas". On that ground there is a chain of resting volcanoes, equidistant among themselves, of equal height. "

(d) Article 42, subparagraph (d), shall be amended and read as follows:

"On the horizon, covering the top of the volcanoes, is the rainbow with seven stripes of color in the normal order, this is the red on the outside, and then successively orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo (añil) and raped (violet). The strips are defined by concentric semicircunferences having at their ends the horizon.

The center is at the midpoint of the horizon. The three internal stripes must appear in full, the remaining four will be intercepted by the oblique sides of the triangle. "

(e) Article 46, which shall be read as follows:

"The National Shield or Arms Shield thus described may be used independently, but it will necessarily appear at the centre of the white strip of the Republic Pavilion. "

(f) Article 47, which shall be read as follows:

"The seal of the executive branch, called the Great National Seal, that of the other branches of the State, of the Ministries of the State, Military Commands, Autonomous Institutions, City Halls, Judiciaries, Embassies, Consulates, State Offices, Fire Corps and the Red Cross, will carry that coat of arms."

(g) Article 48, which shall be read as follows:

"The National Shield shall appear, in appropriate size and material, on the outside of the buildings that occupy the branches of the State and other offices referred to in the preceding article, in accordance with this Law.

It can be painted in the car, on the aircraft, ship and rail carriage, at the official service of the citizen President of the Republic."

(h) Article 73, which shall be read as follows:

The contraventions to this Law which constitutes contempt or disrespect for the patriotic symbols, shall be punished, according to their gravity and the conditions of the offender with a fine of.........Two hundred to one thousand córdobas............, or with arrest up to fifteen days if the offence is committed for profit, the fine may be imposed up to two thousand córdobas (C$2,000.00), which will be applied gubernatorially.

The representatives of the institutions shall have two years to bring the National Statute into conformity with this Law, otherwise they shall be kept until they comply with the provisions; the failure to do so shall be fined with three months of wages."

Article 2.- This Law shall enter into force from its publication in La Gaceta, Official Gazette.

Given in the City of Managua, in the National Assembly's Chamber of Sessions, two days in the month of July of the year two thousand two. ARNOLDO ALEMÁN LACAYO, President of the National Assembly. RENÉ HERRERA ZUNIGA, Secretary of the National Assembly.

Therefore: become a Law of the Republic. Push and run. Managua, July 12, two thousand two. ENRIQUE BOLAÑOS GEYER, President of the Republic of Nicaragua.
Law No. 432, Law on Partial Reform of the Law on Characteristics and Use of Patriotic Symbols of 2 July 2002 and published in La Gaceta No. 135

Historical flags

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