National Prize for Spanish Literature


The National Prize for Spanish Letters is awarded by the Ministry of Culture of Spain and was created in 1984. It is awarded in recognition of the entire literary work of a Spanish writer in any of the Spanish languages.

Award Winners

  • 1984 – Josep Vicenç Foix (J. V. Foix) (1893-1987) (author in Catalan language)
  • 1985 – Julio Caro Baroja (1914-1995) (author in Spanish)
  • 1986 – Gabriel Celaya (1911-1991) (author in Spanish)
  • 1987 – Rosa Chacel (1898-1994) (author in Spanish)
  • 1988 – Francisco Ayala (1906-2009) (author in Spanish). He won the Miguel de Cervantes Award in 1991.
  • 1989 – Joan Coromines (1905-1997) (author in Spanish and Catalan language)
  • 1990 – José Hierro (1922-2002) (author in Spanish). He won the Cervantes Award in 1998.
  • 1991 – Miguel Delibes (1920-2010) (author in Spanish). He won the Cervantes Prize in 1993.
  • 1992 – José Jiménez Lozano (1930-2020) (author in Spanish). He won the Cervantes Award in 2002.
  • 1993 – Carlos Bousoño (1923-2015) (author in Spanish)
  • 1994 – Carmen Martín Gaite (1925-2000)
  • 1995 – Manuel Vázquez Montalbán (1939-2003) (author in Spanish)
  • 1996 – Antonio Buero Vallejo (1916-2000) (author in Spanish). He won the Cervantes Award in 1986.
  • 1997 – Francisco Umbral (1932-2007) (author in Spanish). He won the Cervantes Award in 2000.
  • 1998 – Pere Gimferrer (1945) (author in Spanish and Catalan language)
  • 1999 – Francisco Brines (1932-2021) (author in Spanish). He won the Cervantes Award in 2020.
  • 2000 – Martín de Riquer (1914-2013) (author in Spanish and Catalan language)
  • 2001 – Miquel Batllori (1909-2003) (author in Spanish and Catalan language)
  • 2002 – Joan Perucho (1920-2003) (author in Catalan language)
  • 2003 – Leopoldo de Luis (1918-2005) (author in Spanish)
  • 2004 – Félix Grande (1937-2014) (author in Spanish)
  • 2005 – José Manuel Caballero Bonald (1926-2021) (author in Spanish). He won the Cervantes Award in 2012.
  • 2006 – Raúl Guerra Garrido (1935-2022) (author in Spanish)
  • 2007 – Ana María Matute (1925-2014) (author in Spanish). He won the Cervantes Award in 2010.
  • 2008 – Juan Goytisolo (1931-2017) (author in Spanish). He won the Cervantes Award in 2014.
  • 2009 – Rafael Sánchez Ferlosio (1927-2019) (author in Spanish). He won the Cervantes Award in 2004.
  • 2010 – Josep Maria Castellet (1926-2014) (author in Spanish and Catalan language)
  • 2011 – José Luis Sampedro (1917-2013) (author in Spanish language)
  • 2012 – Francisco Rodríguez Adrados (1922-2020) (author in Spanish)
  • 2013 – Luis Goytisolo (1935) (author in Spanish)
  • 2014 – Emilio Lledó (1927) (author in Spanish)
  • 2015 – Carme Riera (1948)
  • 2016 – Juan Eduardo Zúñiga (1919-2020) (author in Spanish)
  • 2017 – Rosa Montero (1951) (author in Spanish)
  • 2018 – Francisca Aguirre (1930-2019) (Spanish language author)
  • 2019 – Bernardo Atxaga (1951)
  • 2020 – Luis Mateo Díez (1942) (author in Spanish)
  • 2021 – José María Merino (1941) (author in Spanish)
  • 2022 – Luis Landero (1948) (author in Spanish)

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