National Prize for Literature of Chile


The Chilean National Literature Award, which belongs to the Chilean National Awards, is considered the highest literature award in this country. It was created on November 9, 1942 during the presidency of Juan Antonio Ríos.

The prize consists of an indivisible delivery of a sum of money and a lifetime pension. It was granted annually until its modification on January 8, 1972, the date on which it began to be delivered every two years.

For its granting, the quality of the entire production of an author is considered, without discrimination of the genres of their specialty.

List of winners

YearWriterSpecialityPhotography Main works
1942Augusto d'Halmar
Ninthrist and CuentistAugusto d'Halmar (1915).JPGJuana Lucero (1902)

Passion and death of the priest Deusto (1924)

1943Joaquin Edwards Bello
Novelist and chronistJoaquín Edwards Bello (1887-1968).jpegThe Roto (1920)

The Chilean in Madrid (1928)

1944Mariano Latorre
Ninthrist and CuentistMariano Latorre (1935).JPGZurzulita (1920)

On Panta (1935)

1945Pablo Neruda
PoetPablo Neruda 1963.jpgTwenty poems of love and a desperate song (1924)

Residence on the ground (1935)

1946Eduardo Barrios
Cuentist, playwright and novelistEduardo Barrios.jpgThe boy who went crazy about love (1915)

Brother ass (1922)

1947Samuel Lillo
Poet and novelistSamuel A Lillo.jpgPoetry (1900)

Songs of Arauco (1908)

1948Angel Cruchaga Santa Maria
Poet and chronistÁngel Cruchaga Santa María.jpgJob (1922)

Heart anguish (1933)

1949Pedro Prado
Poet, essayist and novelistPedro Prado.jpgThe wandering birds (1915)

Alsino (1920)

1950José Santos González Vera
NovelistJosé Santos González Vera.jpgMinimum lives (1923)

Alhué (1928)

1951Gabriela Mistral
PoetGabriela Mistral 3.jpgDesolation (1922)

Tala (1938)

1952Fernando Santiván
Ninthrist and CuentistFernando Santiván.jpgThe crucible (1913)

She's spelled it. (1916)

1953Daniel de la Vega
Poet, playwright, chronicler and novelistDaniel de la Vega.JPGLight of candilejas: the theatre and its miseries (1930)

Targeted dates on the wall (1932)

1954Victor Domingo Silva
Poet, playwright and novelistVíctor Domingo Silva.jpgThe new Marsellesa (1903)

Winter swallow (1912)

1955Francisco Antonio Encina
EssayistEl historiador Francisco Encina.jpgOur economic inferiority, its causes, its consequences (1912)

History of Chile from Prehistory to 1891 (1952)

1956Max Jara
PoetMax Jara.JPGCould you...? (1914)

Sounders: (lower tone) (1922)

1957Manuel Rojas
NovelistManuelRojas.jpgThe delinquent, the glass of milk and other stories (1929)

Son of a thief (1951)

1958Diego Dublé Urrutia
PoetD. Duble Urrutia.JPGTwenty years (1898)

Fontana canndida (1953)

1959Hernán Díaz Arrieta
Rehearsal and literary criticAlone 1916.JPGThe restless shadow (1915)

Personal History of Chilean Literature (1954)

1960Julio Barrenechea
Poet and novelistJulio Barrenechea Pino.jpgThe Myth of Butterflies (1930)

Daily die (1954)

1961Marta Brunet
Ninthrist and CuentistMarta Brunet (1943).JPGMountain in (1923)

Tales for Mari-Sol (1938)

1962Juan Guzmán Cruchaga
Poet and playwrightJuan Guzmán Cruchaga.jpgWater from the sky (1924)

Song and other poems (1942)

1963Benjamin Subercaseaux
Novelist and rehearsalBenjamin Subercaseaux.jpgChile or a crazy geography (1940)

Ocean land. The Maritime Epic of a Land People (1946)

1964Francisco Coloane
Cuentist and novelistFrancisco Coloane 1943.JPGThe last group of the Baquedano (1941)

The Conquerors of Antarctica (1945)

1965Pablo de Rokha
PoetPablo de Rokha, circa 1944.jpgEpic of Chilean drinks and meals (1945)

Black fire (1953)

1966Juvencio Valle
PoetNimbo stone (1941)

From the mountain on the hillside (1960)

1967Salvador Reyes Figueroa
Ninthrist and CuentistBarco ebrio (1923)

The continent of men alone (1956)

1968Hernan del Solar
Rehearsal, poet, novelist and children's storytellerHernán del Solar.pngGreen wind (1940)

The night in front (1952)

1969Nicanor Parra
PoetNicanor Parra (cropped).jpgSongbook without name (1937)

Poems and antipoems (1954)

1970Carlos Droguett
Ninthrist and CuentistSixty dead on the ladder (1953)

Eloy (1960)

1971Humberto Díaz Casanueva
PoetHumberto Díaz Casanueva.jpgSaba adventurer (1926)

The vertiginous daughter (1954)

1972Edgardo Garrido
NovelistGarrido Edgardo -foto 1935 La Nacion.jpgThe ship still (1928)

The man on the mountain (1933)

1974Sady Zañartu
Ninthrist and CuentistSady Zañartu.jpgThe shadow of the correcter (1927)

Santiago: Old streets (1934)

1976Arturo Aldunate Phillips
PoetArturo Aldunate Phillips.jpgMathematics and poetry: essay and enthusiasm (1940)

Robots don't have God in their heart (1963)

1978Rodolfo Oroz
Rehearsal and philologistThe Spanish of our athletes (football-balompié) (1927)

The Castilian Language in Chile (1966)

1980Roque Esteban Scarpa
Novelist and rehearsal1985 Roque Esteban Scarpa (30336969153) (cropped).jpgMortal maintenance (1942)

A woman no fool (1976)

1982Marcela Paz
Children ' s novelistMarcela Paz, hacia 1982.jpgPaper. (1947)

Perico climbing through Chile (1978)

1984Braulio Arenas
Poet, playwright and novelistBraulio Arenas (1942).jpgGoodbye to the family (1961)

The labyrinth of Greta (1971)

1986Enrique Campos Menéndez
NovelistEnrique Campos Menéndez.jpgKupén: stories of the Earth of Fire (1940)

Bernardo O'Higgins: the father of the Chilean homeland (1942)

1988Eduardo Anguita
PoetEduardo Anguita I.gifVenus in the rot (1967)

Complete poetry (1971)

1990José Donoso
NovelistJosé Donoso, 1981.jpgThe place without limits (1966)

The dark bird of the night (1970)

1992Gonzalo Rojas
PoetGonzalo Rojas - PUC.jpgAgainst death (1964)

Dark (1977)

1994Jorge Edwards


Ninthrist and CuentistEdwards, Jorge.jpgThe courtyard (1952)

The Wax Museum (1981)

1996Miguel Arteche


Poet, novelist and essayistMiguel Arteche (1926-2012).jpgDisplacement and darkness (1963)

The wild life of Felix Palissa (1971)

1998Alfonso Calderón
Poet, novelist and essayistAlfonso Calderón (1930-2009).jpgIsland of the Blessed (1973)

Poems for carving (1978)

2000Raúl Zurita


Poet08-08-2012 Raúl Zurita.jpgPurgatory (1979)

Anteparaiso (1982)

The new life (1994)

2002Volodia Teitelboim
EssayistVolodia Teitelboim Volosky.jpgSon of the Psalm (1952)

Neruda (1984)

2004Armando Uribe
Poet and essayistArmando Uribe (1933).jpgNo place. (1970)

The Black Book of American Intervention in Chile (1974)

2006José Miguel Varas
Ninthrist and CuentistVaras, Jose Miguel diciembre 2010.jpgNeruda and the egg of Damocles (1991)

Full stories (2001)

2008Efraín Barquero


PoetBarquero, Efrain 20171029 fRF04.jpgThe Stone of the People (1954)

Dark women (1993)

2010Isabel Allende


NovelistIsabel Allende - 001.jpgThe House of Spirits (1982)

Ines of my soul (2006)

2012Oscar Hahn


PoetHahn, Oscar 03.jpgThis black rose (1961)

In an eye open and close (2006)

2014Antonio Skármeta


NovelistAntonio Skarmeta (1981).jpgBurning patience (1985)

The Dance of Victory (2003)

2016Manuel Silva Acevedo


PoetSilva Acevedo -fRF05.jpgWolves and sheep (1972)

Fifth day (2002)

2018Diamela Eltit


NovelistDiamela Eltit 2018.jpgLumpérica (1983)

The Fourth World (1988)

2020Elicura Chihuailaf


PoetElicura Chihuailaf (2018).jpgBlue dreams and dreams (1995)

Confidential release to Chileans (1999)

2022Hernán Rivera Letelier


Novelist and poetRivera Letelier, Hernan -FILSA 20171027 fRF10.jpgQueen Elizabeth sang ranches (1994)

Holy Mary of the black flowers (2002)

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