Year | Writer | Speciality | Photography
| Main works
1942 | Augusto d'Halmar (1882-1950) | Ninthrist and Cuentist | | Juana Lucero (1902)
Passion and death of the priest Deusto (1924)
1943 | Joaquin Edwards Bello (1887-1968) | Novelist and chronist | | The Roto (1920)
The Chilean in Madrid (1928)
1944 | Mariano Latorre (1886-1955) | Ninthrist and Cuentist | | Zurzulita (1920)
On Panta (1935)
1945 | Pablo Neruda (1904-1973) | Poet | | Twenty poems of love and a desperate song (1924)
Residence on the ground (1935)
1946 | Eduardo Barrios (1884-1963) | Cuentist, playwright and novelist | | The boy who went crazy about love (1915)
Brother ass (1922)
1947 | Samuel Lillo (1870-1958) | Poet and novelist | | Poetry (1900)
Songs of Arauco (1908)
1948 | Angel Cruchaga Santa Maria (1893-1964) | Poet and chronist | | Job (1922)
Heart anguish (1933)
1949 | Pedro Prado (1886-1952) | Poet, essayist and novelist | | The wandering birds (1915)
Alsino (1920)
1950 | José Santos González Vera (1897-1970) | Novelist | | Minimum lives (1923)
Alhué (1928)
1951 | Gabriela Mistral (1889-1957) | Poet | | Desolation (1922)
Tala (1938)
1952 | Fernando Santiván (1886-1973) | Ninthrist and Cuentist | | The crucible (1913)
She's spelled it. (1916)
1953 | Daniel de la Vega (1892-1971) | Poet, playwright, chronicler and novelist | | Light of candilejas: the theatre and its miseries (1930)
Targeted dates on the wall (1932)
1954 | Victor Domingo Silva (1882-1960) | Poet, playwright and novelist | | The new Marsellesa (1903)
Winter swallow (1912)
1955 | Francisco Antonio Encina (1874-1965) | Essayist | | Our economic inferiority, its causes, its consequences (1912)
History of Chile from Prehistory to 1891 (1952)
1956 | Max Jara (1886-1965) | Poet | | Could you...? (1914)
Sounders: (lower tone) (1922)
1957 | Manuel Rojas (1896-1973) | Novelist | | The delinquent, the glass of milk and other stories (1929)
Son of a thief (1951)
1958 | Diego Dublé Urrutia (1877-1967) | Poet | | Twenty years (1898)
Fontana canndida (1953)
1959 | Hernán Díaz Arrieta (1891-1984) | Rehearsal and literary critic | | The restless shadow (1915)
Personal History of Chilean Literature (1954)
1960 | Julio Barrenechea (1910-1979) | Poet and novelist | | The Myth of Butterflies (1930)
Daily die (1954)
1961 | Marta Brunet (1897-1967) | Ninthrist and Cuentist | | Mountain in (1923)
Tales for Mari-Sol (1938)
1962 | Juan Guzmán Cruchaga (1895-1979) | Poet and playwright | | Water from the sky (1924)
Song and other poems (1942)
1963 | Benjamin Subercaseaux (1902-1973) | Novelist and rehearsal | | Chile or a crazy geography (1940)
Ocean land. The Maritime Epic of a Land People (1946)
1964 | Francisco Coloane (1910-2002) | Cuentist and novelist | | The last group of the Baquedano (1941)
The Conquerors of Antarctica (1945)
1965 | Pablo de Rokha (1894-1968) | Poet | | Epic of Chilean drinks and meals (1945)
Black fire (1953)
1966 | Juvencio Valle (1900-1999) | Poet | | Nimbo stone (1941)
From the mountain on the hillside (1960)
1967 | Salvador Reyes Figueroa (1899-1970) | Ninthrist and Cuentist | | Barco ebrio (1923)
The continent of men alone (1956)
1968 | Hernan del Solar (1901-1985) | Rehearsal, poet, novelist and children's storyteller | | Green wind (1940)
The night in front (1952)
1969 | Nicanor Parra (1914-2018) | Poet | | Songbook without name (1937)
Poems and antipoems (1954)
1970 | Carlos Droguett (1912-1996) | Ninthrist and Cuentist | | Sixty dead on the ladder (1953)
Eloy (1960)
1971 | Humberto Díaz Casanueva (1906-1992) | Poet | | Saba adventurer (1926)
The vertiginous daughter (1954)
1972 | Edgardo Garrido (1888-1976) | Novelist | | The ship still (1928)
The man on the mountain (1933)
1974 | Sady Zañartu (1893-1983) | Ninthrist and Cuentist | | The shadow of the correcter (1927)
Santiago: Old streets (1934)
1976 | Arturo Aldunate Phillips (1902-1985) | Poet | | Mathematics and poetry: essay and enthusiasm (1940)
Robots don't have God in their heart (1963)
1978 | Rodolfo Oroz (1895-1997) | Rehearsal and philologist | | The Spanish of our athletes (football-balompié) (1927)
The Castilian Language in Chile (1966)
1980 | Roque Esteban Scarpa (1914-1995) | Novelist and rehearsal | | Mortal maintenance (1942)
A woman no fool (1976)
1982 | Marcela Paz (1902-1985) | Children ' s novelist | | Paper. (1947)
Perico climbing through Chile (1978)
1984 | Braulio Arenas (1913-1988) | Poet, playwright and novelist | | Goodbye to the family (1961)
The labyrinth of Greta (1971)
1986 | Enrique Campos Menéndez (1914-2007) | Novelist | | Kupén: stories of the Earth of Fire (1940)
Bernardo O'Higgins: the father of the Chilean homeland (1942)
1988 | Eduardo Anguita (1914-1992) | Poet | | Venus in the rot (1967)
Complete poetry (1971)
1990 | José Donoso (1924-1996) | Novelist | | The place without limits (1966)
The dark bird of the night (1970)
1992 | Gonzalo Rojas (1916-2011) | Poet | | Against death (1964)
Dark (1977)
1994 | Jorge Edwards
| Ninthrist and Cuentist | | The courtyard (1952)
The Wax Museum (1981)
1996 | Miguel Arteche
| Poet, novelist and essayist | | Displacement and darkness (1963)
The wild life of Felix Palissa (1971)
1998 | Alfonso Calderón (1930-2009) | Poet, novelist and essayist | | Island of the Blessed (1973)
Poems for carving (1978)
2000 | Raúl Zurita
| Poet | | Purgatory (1979)
Anteparaiso (1982)
The new life (1994)
2002 | Volodia Teitelboim (1916-2008) | Essayist | | Son of the Psalm (1952)
Neruda (1984)
2004 | Armando Uribe (1933-2020) | Poet and essayist | | No place. (1970)
The Black Book of American Intervention in Chile (1974)
2006 | José Miguel Varas (1928-2011) | Ninthrist and Cuentist | | Neruda and the egg of Damocles (1991)
Full stories (2001)
2008 | Efraín Barquero
| Poet | | The Stone of the People (1954)
Dark women (1993)
2010 | Isabel Allende
| Novelist | | The House of Spirits (1982)
Ines of my soul (2006)
2012 | Oscar Hahn
| Poet | | This black rose (1961)
In an eye open and close (2006)
2014 | Antonio Skármeta
| Novelist | | Burning patience (1985)
The Dance of Victory (2003)
2016 | Manuel Silva Acevedo
| Poet | | Wolves and sheep (1972)
Fifth day (2002)
2018 | Diamela Eltit
| Novelist | | Lumpérica (1983)
The Fourth World (1988)
2020 | Elicura Chihuailaf
| Poet | | Blue dreams and dreams (1995)
Confidential release to Chileans (1999)
2022 | Hernán Rivera Letelier
| Novelist and poet | | Queen Elizabeth sang ranches (1994)
Holy Mary of the black flowers (2002)