National Institute of Culture of Peru


The National Institute of Culture of Peru (INC) was a decentralized public body, with legal personality, under internal public law and with technical, administrative, economic and financial autonomy from the Republic of Peru. It had the purpose of reaffirming the national identity through the decentralized execution of actions of protection, conservation and promotion, enhancement and dissemination of the heritage and cultural manifestations of the Nation to contribute to national development with the active participation of the community and the sectors public and private.


As the historian César Coloma mentions for El Comercio:

Through D.S. 48 of 24 August 1962 the creation of the House of Culture pursuant to Supreme Decree No. 48, which was given the force of law by D.L. 14479 of 10 June 1963 through the creation of the National Commission on Culture. This last rule provided: "The director of the House of Culture of Peru will execute the agreements of the board of the National Commission of Culture and will direct the relevant administrative bodies, being responsible for the economic movement and the movable and immovable property of the National Commission of Culture". The Lebanese headquarters was opened on 24 July 1963, in the Casa de Pilates, specially restored for this effect by the architect Don Héctor Velarde Bergmann. Law 15624 of 24 September 1965 dissolved the commission by creating the National System for the Promotion of Culture, composed of the Higher Council for the Promotion of Culture, the House of Culture of Peru and the houses of departmental culture. The Higher Council for the Promotion of Culture was composed of the Minister of Education, the directors of the National Archive, the National Library, the House of Culture of Peru, the National Conservatory of Music, the National Higher Autonomous School of Fine Arts and the delegates of the universities. Depends directly from the House of Culture of Peru: State museums, the National Symphony Orchestra, the National Archaeology Board and the National Theatre. The institution had a profuse editorial activity, in addition to the remarkable magazine "Culture and People" (1964-1970) and the "Peruvian Journal of Culture" (Lima, 1963-1970), and in mimeograph the "Information Bulletin of the House of Culture of Peru" (1964-1969). La Casa de la Cultura del Perú fue disuelta por el D.L 18799 del 9 de marzo de 1971, al creaciónse el Instituto Nacional de Cultura".

It was founded during the Revolutionary Government of the Armed Forces of General Juan Velasco Alvarado, beginning in 1972 as a decentralized public body in the education sector, through Art. No. 49 of Decree Law No. 18799.

It was headquartered in Lima and its last director was Cecilia Bákula. It had a national theater for its shows, which in 2011 would be re-released as the Gran Teatro Nacional.

The Regulations for the Organization and Functions of the INC were protected by Supreme Decree No. 027-2001-ED of April 20, 2001.

In 2004 he received collaboration from IBM to improve the system of heritage records.

In 2006, the Gaceta Cultural del Perú was launched, a weekly publication focused on the relevant contributions of the country.

On October 1, 2010, through a merger, the organic structure of the INC became the structure of the Ministry of Culture, in accordance with the provisions of Supreme Decree No. 001-2010-MC.


  • Formulate and implement the policies and strategies of the State in the field of cultural development as a defence, conservation, dissemination and research of the National Cultural Heritage.
  • Technically and normatively integrate museums that make up the National System of State Museums.
  • To support and promote technical and financial cooperation, national and international, aimed at implementing projects and programmes for cultural development and the value of the National Heritage, with decentralized scope and implementation.
  • Promote, coordinate and sign agreements that contribute to the strengthening of culture in the country.
  • Support local, departmental and regional governments, and other State entities in the implementation of cultural activities scheduled in Peru and abroad.
  • Establish in coordination with tourism agencies a policy of knowledge and cultural approach.
  • To convene and grant annually the National Prize for Culture in its different expressions and in accordance with the relevant standard.
  • Qualify of cultural interest non-sports public shows that meet the requirements to be considered as such.
  • To officially recognize, upon evaluation, as cultural centres and cultural associations to the entities at their request.
  • Develop support management and advisory actions leading to greater organizational efficiency.
  • Monitor, control and evaluate the actions of the various organs of the institution in order to take corrective measures.


General Directors of the INC

  • Miguel Oviedo Chamorro (1971-1972)
  • Martha Hildebrandt Pérez-Treviño (1972-1976)
  • Jorge Cornejo Polar (1976-1978)
  • Francisco Abril de Vivero (1978-1980)
  • Ricardo Roca Rey (1980-1981)
  • Luis Enrique Tord Romero (1982-1983)
  • José del Busto Duthurburu (1983-1984)
  • Carlos Ernesto Saavedra Sánchez (1984)
  • Augusto Tamayo Vargas (1984-1985)
  • Fernando Silva Santisteban (1985-1987)
  • Germán Peralta Rivera (1987-1989)
  • Fernando Cabieses Molina (1989-1990)
  • Elías Mújica Barreda (1990)
  • Pedro Gjurinovic Canevaro (1990-1996)
  • Juan Guillermo Carpio Muñoz (1996)
  • Luis Arista Montoya (1996-1999)
  • Luis Repetto Málaga (1999-2000)
  • Luis Enrique Tord Romero (2000-2001)
  • Leonor Cisneros Velarde (2001)
  • Luis Guillermo Lumbreras Salcedo (2002-2006)
  • Cecilia Bákula Buge (2006-2010)

Executive Directors

  • Abelardo Sánchez León Ledgard (1973-1974)
  • Rodolfo Loayza Saavedra
  • César Urueta Alcántara (1985-1986)
  • Laura Bozzo Rotondo (1989-1990)
  • Ricardo Rivera Martínez
  • Flor de María Valladolid Illescas
  • Gustavo Benza Pfucker (1999-2000)
  • Eduardo Antonio Mazzini Otero (2000-2001)
  • María Elena Córdova Burga (2001-2002)
  • Alejandro Falconi (2002-2006)

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