National Experimental University of Táchira


The National Experimental University of Táchira, known as the Universidad del Táchira or by its acronym UNET, is a public higher education institution and autonomous located in the city of San Cristóbal, Táchira state, southwest of Venezuela, being one of the most important universities in this region of the country. It was founded on February 27, 1974 within the framework of a program for regional development. Its undergraduate offer is largely made up of careers related to Engineering and Architecture.

In 2009, it had more than 12,000 students in undergraduate, postgraduate, and extension areas, and it also has a macro-program for growth that includes agreements with various Venezuelan and foreign companies and institutions.

The University of Táchira is an institution of high academic level, committed to the positive transformation of Táchira and the country, and whose strategic objective is to increase the social capital of its area of influence and increase its impact on regional and national development, expressed in terms of knowledge generation, technology transfer and training of upright and efficient professionals through the development of the Institution's intellectual capital, in order to achieve skills that guarantee quality and effectiveness in the fulfillment of its basic functions: teaching, research and extension.


The National Experimental University of Táchira-UNET, was created during the first period of government of President Rafael Caldera, under presidential decree No. 1630, in the year 1974. Its initial operations take place the following year, offering agricultural sciences and industry engineering. Over time, UNET has managed to consolidate itself as a prestigious study house, reflected in the success of the vast majority of its graduates, who are often requested by various important companies at the regional level., nationally and internationally, to carry out internships and in many cases they are hired by said companies, motivated by the good performance they demonstrate, thanks to the solid academic training acquired at the university. Similarly, various research activities have made UNET a very important entity that contributes to the process of socioeconomic development in the region. Various plans are currently being developed aimed at diversifying the academic offer of the University, which has essentially concentrated on Engineering and Architecture careers, in addition, there is also a plan with a view to "municipalization" of education, in order to bring the university closer to the municipalities of the state of Táchira and relieve congestion on the campus of the university in Paramillo.



It is located northeast of San Cristóbal, on land that used to be the Hacienda Paramillo, an icon of the city for the second half of the 20th century. The main university campus is made up of three main buildings (A, B and C), a library with two auditoriums, a theater, a sports area, three parking lots, two dining rooms, two squares, a natural park used for environmental study, and a recreation area for teaching staff. In addition to having a university transport system with established routes to a good part of the state.

Other Cores

In order to advance the growth of the Tachira professional institution and support its teaching, research and extension activities, the university has other academic units within the state of Táchira, which are:

  • La Morusca, La Fría
  • The Tuquerena, Rubio
  • The Spring, Lamb
  • The Orchid, Ureña
  • The fishery station, Abejales
  • La Pradera, La Grita
  • Santa Rosa
  • Semipressential Technical Careers Building - Las Lomas, San Cristobal
  • ROTARI San Cristobal
  • Colon Ayacucho



  1. The University Council: it is the highest authority of the University and will perform functions of government by organ of the Rector. It is composed of the rector, the vice-rectors, the dean, the secretary, the legal consultant, the director of the Planning Council, the internal counter-lor, the president of the Association of Teachers and a representation of the teachers, the students, the graduates and the Ministry of Education.
  2. The Higher Council: is responsible for formulating strategies and policies for institutional development, as well as for the monitoring and evaluation of the University.
  3. The Academic Council: is the governing body responsible for matters related to teaching, research and extension. It is composed of the Academic Vice-Rector, the Secretary, the Director of the Planning Council, the Deans and a representation of teachers, students and graduates.


The organic structure of the UNET is made up of the following authorities:

  1. The Rector: is the person responsible for exercising the legal representation of the Institution and President of the University Council. Currently represented by the Ing. Raúl Alberto Casanova Ostos.
  2. The Academic Vice-Rector: is the authority responsible for matters concerning the academic area of the University, and President of the Academic Council. It may be the temporary absence of the Rector. The current incumbent of this position is the Lic. Alexander Contreras.
  3. The Deputy Administrative Rector: is the authority responsible for the administrative and financial areas of the University. Currently represented by Lic. Martin Paz Pellicani.
  4. The Secretary: is the authority responsible for the general secretariat area. At present the Arq. Elcy Judith Núñez Maldonado.


  • Dean of Teaching: Silverio Bonilla.
  • Postgraduate Dean: Miguel García.
  • Dean of Extension: Juan Carlos Montilla.
  • Dean of Student Development: John Ramirez.
  • Dean of Research: Luis Villanueva.


Have held the office of Chancellor (in chronological order), including the current one:

Rectors of UNET
Rector Name Period
1.°Lorenzo Monroy Colonel1974-1979
2.°Jorge Francisco Rad Rached1979-1985
3.°Joaquín Rodríguez1985-1987
4.°Marcial Ali Huggins Quintero1987-1992
5.°Humberto Acosta Rivas1992-2000
6.°Trino Gutiérrez Nieto2000-2004
7.José Vicente Sánchez Frank2004-2014
8.°Raúl Alberto Casanova Ostos2014 - functional

Academic offer


The UNET offers the following undergraduate courses:

  • Long run
    • Agricultural Engineering
    • Agricultural Engineering
    • Environmental Engineering
    • Animal Production Engineering
    • Industrial Engineering
    • Computer Engineering
    • Electronic Engineering
    • Civil engineering
    • Mechanical engineering
    • Architecture
    • Bachelor of Music
    • Psychology
  • Short races
    • TSU in Electromedicine
    • TSU in Agricultural Production
    • TSU in Sanitary Inspection
    • TSU in Health Information
    • TSU in Cytotechnology
    • TSU in Sports Training
  • Semi-presential Technical Careers
    • TSU in Emergency Management and Disaster Action
    • TSU in Tourism
    • TSU in Agrotecnia



  • Evaluative, Technological, Business and Education Management.


  • Master's Degree in Virtual Teaching
  • Master in Electronic Engineering
  • Master in Computer Science
  • Master in Health Institutions Administration
  • Master in Educational Management
  • Master's Degree in Agronomy - Vegetal Production
  • Master in Mechanical Engineering
  • Master's Degree in Animal Production
  • Master in Architecture, City and Identity
  • Master's Degree in Mathematics - Mathematical Education
  • Master's Degree in Teaching - Learning of Basic Sciences. Mentions: Math and Physics / Chemistry and Biology
  • Master's Degree in Agricultural Business Management
  • Master in Business Management mention Mercadeo
  • Master in Business Management Mention Industry
  • Master in Business Management mention Finance
  • Master in Industrial Maintenance
  • Master in Industrial Engineering


  • Environmental Impact Assessment and Study
  • Family Medicine
  • Public administration
  • Construction management
  • Family guidance

Technical Specializations

  • Telecommunications
  • Teleinformatics

CISCO Academy

  • I Module. Basic networking aspects
  • II Module. Routing concepts and protocols
  • III Module. Wireless networks and LAN switching
  • IV Module. Access to the WAN

Expansion and Professional Improvement Courses

  • Pharmaceutical "Attention to the Senior Patient"
  • Teaching in Virtual Environments
  • Teaching of English

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