National Council of South American Camelids


Dependent on the Ministry of Agriculture of Peru, the National Council of South American Camelids had its headquarters in Lima. Their activities were related to the four species of camelids: alpacas, llamas, vicuñas, and guanacos. It was deactivated in 2007 and its functions transferred to regional governments. Initiatives have been proposed to create a new body with a similar role.


It was a specialized organization that promotes the development of the production of South American camelids, seeking the improvement and development of products and the expansion of markets, through the productive organization of peasant communities and small producers, consolidating their capacity to management and its competitiveness.


  • Promote, advise, monitor and standardize the development, conservation, management, improvement and development at the national level of all species of South American cloaks, including their hybrids.
  • Representing the country to international bodies and conventions in matters concerning South American warlords.
  • Coordinate with the authority of CITES matters concerning the South American Wildernesses.
  • Coordinate, conclude and supervise the activities and procedures related to the processes of the internal and external conservation, production and marketing of South American trucks, both of living and fiber animals and other products.
  • Provide technical advice to peasant organizations in order to directly carry out the processing and marketing of products and by-products from South American trucks.
  • Form specialized commissions of study or work, composed of qualified specialists, in order to analyze and propose to the Ministry of Agriculture various activities and projects for the development of the South American batters for the benefit of the breeders.
  • Conduct coordination with public and private entities that develop actions regarding the South American trucks.
  • Demonstrate the rules and procedures on international technical cooperation in the field of South American cloaks.
  • Driving the training and transfer of technology for the development of the conservation, management and use of South American trucks.
  • Promote basic and applied research in South American trucks.
  • Attend the convening of the Regional Directors, in their respective field, to support the necessary actions in order to solve problems of the organized agrarian producers.
  • Others assigned to it and corresponding to the Law.


  • Fauna in Peru
  • Peru

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