National anthem of brazil


The Brazilian national anthem (Hino Nacional Brasileiro in Portuguese) was composed by Francisco Manuel da Silva after Brazil gained independence from Portugal in 1822, but it was not official until 1890.

The hymn before this was the Brazilian Independence Hymn composed by Emperor Pedro I. However, with the establishment of the republic in 1889, the lyrics were written by Joaquim Osório Duque Estrada to be sung accompanied by the music of Francisco Manuel da Silva. Over time the letter has undergone some modifications.


Brazilian National Anthem
(Letter in Portuguese)
Brazilian National Anthem
(Letra en español)
First verse

Ouviram do Ipiranga, as seed margins
Of um povo heroic or brado retumbante,
E o sol da Liberdade, em raios fúlgidos,
Brilhou no céu da Pátria nesse instant.

Be or penhor dessa equalitye
We managed to conquer with braço forte,
Em teu seio, or Liberdade,
Challenge or nosso peito à propria morte!

Or Pátria loved,

Brazil, um sonho intense, um raio vivid,
De amor e de Esperaça à terra desce,
I am teu formoso céu, risonho e lipmpido,
A imagem do Cruzeiro shines.

Gigante pea propria natureza,
He's a belo, he's a colossus,
E o teu futuro espelha essa grandeza.

Adored Terra
Between outras a thousand
That's you, Brazil,
Or beloved Pátria!

Two filhos alone
He's gentle,
Loved pot,

They heard of the Ipiranga, the seed margins.
of a heroic people the retumn shout,
and the Sun of Freedom, in bold rays,
He shined in the sky of the country at that moment.

If the guarantee of this equality
We managed to conquer with a strong arm,
in your bosom, oh, freedom,
challenges our chest to death itself.

Oh, beloved homeland!
Hail, save!

Brazil, an intense dream, a vivid lightning
of love and hope to the earth descends,
if in your beautiful sky, laughter and lipid,
The image of the South Cross shines.

Giant by nature itself,
You're beautiful, you're strong, wicked colossus,
And your future reflects that greatness,

Adored land!
Among other thousand,
It's you, Brazil,
Oh, beloved homeland!

Of the children of this land
You are a gentle mother,
Loved path,

Second verse

Deitated eternally em berço esplêndido,
Ao som do mar e à luz do céu profunda,
Fulguras, or Brazil, florão da América,
Lighted ao sol do Novo Mundo!

Do that terra mais garrida
Teus risonhos, cute fields têm mais flowers,
"We forests têm mais vida",
"We live" did not tease "bad loves".

Or Pátria loved,

Brazil, of eternal love, symbol
Or whirlwind that you're holding,
And say or green-louro dessa flâmula
- Peace not future and not passed glory.

Mas se ergues da justiça a clava forte,
See that um filho teu não foge à luta,
Nem teme, quem adores you, a propria morte.

Adored Terra
Between outras a thousand
That's you, Brazil,
Or beloved Pátria!

Two filhos alone
He's gentle,
Loved pot,

Eternally lying in a splendid cradle,
to the sound of the sea and the light of the deep sky,
Refulges, O Brazil, American Floron,
Lighted in the sun of the New World.

May the earth be the most fertile,
Your rhyme, cute fields have more flowers,
"Our forests have more life,"
"Our life," in your bosom, "more loves."

Oh, beloved homeland!
Hail, save!

Brazil, may it be a symbol of eternal love
the flag you stare at!
And say the green laurel of this banderin
peace in the future and glory in the past!

But if you get out of justice, the strong maza.
You will see that a child of yours does not flee from the struggle,
nor fear, who loves you, to death itself,

Adored land!
Among other thousand,
It's you, Brazil,
Oh, beloved homeland!

Of the children of this land
You are a gentle mother,
Loved path,

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