My belarusy

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Score of the hymn.

My Biełarusy (Belarusian: Мы, беларусы; Russian: Мы, белорусы; 'We Belarusians') is the unofficial title of the Belarusian national anthem and the first line of its lyrics. Officially, My Belarusy is titled "National Anthem of the Republic of Belarus" (Belarusian: Дзяржаўны гімн Рэспублікі Беларусь, Russian: Государственниуй голарусь Belarus). The anthem was originally written and adopted in 1955 for use in the Byelorussian SSR. The music for the anthem of the Byelorussian SSR was composed by Nyestar Sakalowski and the lyrics were written by Maxim Klimkovich. After the fall of the Soviet Union, the music composed by Sakalowski was kept and the lyrics were discarded. The new lyrics, which were written by Klimkovich and Uladzimir Karyzny, were adopted by a presidential decree issued on July 2, 2002.

Anthem of the Byelorussian SSR

My Belarusy was originally used as the anthem of the Byelorussian SSR (Belarusian: гімн Беларускай Савецкай Сацыялiстычнай Рэспублiкi, Russian: сгимн Бимн Беларускай Советской Социалистической Республики) since February 24, 1955. The anthem was composed by Sakalowski and the lyrics were written by Maxim Klimkovich. Byelorussia was not the only Soviet Socialist Republic to adopt its own anthem; each republic adopted its own unique anthem except the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, which used the Anthem of the Soviet Union until 1990 when it adopted The Patriotic Song.

Anthem of the Republic of Belarus

The only legal mention of the national anthem before 2002 is in the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus. The first section, article 19 of the constitution states that "The symbols of the Republic of Belarus as a sovereign state shall be its national flag, its national emblem and its national anthem." Although the constitution only mentioned the use of the flag, anthem and weapons as national symbols, each symbol had to be defined by law. A law featuring an anthem was not promulgated until Decree 350 issued by the president took effect, on July 2, 2002, one day before Belarus's independence day. The main objective of the decree was to establish a lyric for the anthem and to present a musical notation along with the new lyrics. In addition, the decree designated when, where, and how the anthem was to be performed.

Before issuing the decree, President Alexander Lukashenko heard from five possible candidates for the national anthem. Three of the five candidates, including the one ultimately chosen, used the music composed by Sakalouski and began their lyrics with the verse My Belarusy. According to the newspaper Soviet Byelorussia, President Lukashenko decided on the anthem on June 12, 2002 and chose to have its first performance on July 3, Belarus's independence day, the anniversary of the date in 1944 when the Wehrmacht was driven away from Minsk by the Army Red. However, the first actual performance occurred on July 2 at a concert organized by the government as part of the Belarusian independence celebrations.

Belarus did not have an anthem prior to the adoption of the Soviet-era anthem. When Lukashenko issued his decree selecting a new national anthem, only slight changes were made to the Soviet-era anthem. While references to Russia, the Communist Party and Lenin were replaced; the general theme of "Friendship of Peoples" and the original music composed by Sakalouski were kept.


The Freedom House organization commented on the adoption of the anthem in a report called Nations in Transit 2003: Country Report of Belarus. The report, which was released in 2003, stated that: & #34;Since coming to power, President Lukashenko has reintroduced the state symbols used by the former Byelorussian SSR. In 2002, the president approved a modernized version of the Soviet-era anthem "My Belarusy" ("We Belarusians"), as the country's new national anthem." The report also mentioned President Lukashenko's ban on symbols that were used before Belarus' independence in 1991, such as the Pahonia weapons and the white, red and white flag, which Lukashenko claims are associated with fascism. In 2003, Dr. Taras Kuzio wrote on Radio Free Europe that President Lukashenko "is the quintessential Belarusian Soviet patriot presiding over a regime mired in Soviet nostalgia." Kuzio said Russia and Belarus' motives in re-adopting Soviet-era symbols are part of restoring nostalgia.


The anthem must be interpreted according to the lyrics and the score established by law. Every day, Belarusian state television and radio stations are required to play the national anthem starting broadcasts at 6 a.m. m. and also when closing them (usually around midnight). The anthem can also be performed on certain occasions, such as government meetings, before sporting events, and presidential inaugurations. While the anthem is played, the citizens must stand to attention and the military or police officers must salute.

Other songs

Жыве Беларусь! (Long Live Belarus!) was a song composed in 1994 that has lyrics similar to the current anthem. While the lyrics to Long Live Belarus are used in tune with the current anthem, the song was never officially used by the Belarusian government.

Another favorite in the contest was the poem Маладая Беларусь (Young Belarus) by Janka Kupala. However, the poem was never accompanied by a musical composition, so Young Belarus could not be selected as an anthem.

Belarus and Russia have been working towards a closer relationship between them, resulting in the proposed Union of Russia and Belarus. As long as Belarus and Russia can keep their own symbols, a song titled "Sovereign Union of Nations" (Belarusian: Дзяржаўны саюз народаў, Russian: Державный союз народов, Derzhavny soyuz narodov) has been proposed as the unofficial anthem of the Union. The song, which was modified from the Anthem of the Soviet Union, refers to a broader union between the two nations.

Some Belarusian emigrants use "Vajacki marš" and "Mahutny Boža" like their national anthems. "Vajacki Marš" was the official anthem of the Belarusian National Republic (a short-lived state, existed in 1918). Today in Belarus these songs are not used at official events, however they are popular among opposition movements.

Official Lyrics


Transcript AFI

Мы, беларусы – мірныя людßі,
Сэрцам аданыя роднай зямлі,
сябруем, сілы гартуем
Мольнай сям’ітай, вольнай сям’і.

Сла checkся, зямлі нашай светлае імя,
Сла checkся, народа delay братэрскі саюз!
Наша любімая маці-Радзіма,
Вечна прусь і квітней, bulеларусь!

Разам з братамі муна вякамі
Мы баранілі родны парог,
У бітвах за волю, бітвах за долю


руба народа delay – сіла народа
Наш запаветны, сонечны шлях.
Горда пивіся ясныя высі,
Сцяг пераморны – радасці сцяг!


My, biełarusy – mirnyja ludzi,
Sercam addanyja rodnaj ziamli,
Ščyra siabrujem, siły hartujem
My w pracavitaj, volnaj siamji.

Sławsia, ziamli našaj śvetłaje imia,
Sławsia, narodaw braterski sajuz!
Naša lubimaja maci-Radzima,
Viečna žyvi i kvitniej, Biełaruś!

Razam z bratami mužna viakami
My baranili rodny paroh,
U bitvach za volu, bitvach za dolu
Svoj zdabyvali ściah peramoh!


Družba narodaw – siła narodaw –
Naš zapavietny, sonečny šlach.
Horda ž uźvisiaw jasnyja vysi,
Ściah pieramožny – radaści ściah!


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Russian translation

Kirillica Łatinica

Мы, белорусы – мирные люди,
Сердцем преданые родной земле.
скреннне дружим, силы сакаляем,
Мы в трудолюбивой, сводной семье.

Славься, земли нашей светлое имя,
Славься, народов братский союз!
Наша любимая мать-Отчизна,
Вечно пи и цвети, теларусь!

Вместе с ратьями храбро веками
Мы защищали родной порог,
В битвах за волю, битвах за долю
I'm sorry!


Родов - сила народов -
Наш заветный, солнечный путь.
Гордо δ возвейся в ясные выи,
- радости флаг!


My, bełorusy – mirnyje ludi,
Sierdciem priedannyje rodnoj ziemle.
Iskriennie družim, siły zakalajem,
My v trudolubivoj, svobodnoj siemje.

Słavjsia, ziemli našiej svietłoje imia,
Słavjsia, narodov bratskij sojuz!
Naša lubimaja matj-Otčizna,
Viečno živi i cvieti, Biełaruś!

Vmiestie s bratjami hrabro viekami
My zaščiščali rodnoj porog,
V bitvah za volu, bitvah za dolu
Svoje dobyvali znamia pobied!


Družba narodov – siła narodov –
Naš zavietnyj, sołniečnyj putj.
Gordo ž voviejsia v jasnyje vysi,
Znamia pobiednoje – radosti flag!


Spanish translation

We are Belarusians, peaceful people,
Our heart is our homeland,
We maintain generous friendship and increase our powers
Among the workers, free family.
Glory to the brilliant name of our earth,
Glory to the fraternal union of our people!
Our beloved homeland,
Long and prosperous life, Belarus!
Together as brothers, with strength, for centuries
We keep our native principles,
In struggles for freedom, in struggles for destiny,
We have been increasing our standards of victory.
Friendship of peoples is the power of peoples
It is our venerable and sunny way
You rise with pride, in the bright heights,
The banner of victory, the banner of joy!

Anthem of the Byelorussian SSR

Vocal (2002)
Recording of 2002 by the Belarusian Government
2000 Recording by the United States Navy Band

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For comparison, below is a part of the Anthem of the Byelorussian SSR.


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