Mollendo is a Peruvian city, capital of the district of the same name and of the province of Islay, located in the department of Arequipa in southwestern Peru. It is located on the shores of the Peruvian sea 85 km from the city of Arequipa. It is the initial station of the Southern Railway that connects it with the cities of Arequipa, Cuzco, Puno and Juliaca.
It is the third largest city in the department with 22,389 inhabitants. in 2015. Mollendo is also the second economic focus of the region, its Matarani port is the main port in southern Peru. In 2016, it exported 5 Mt between grains and mineral concentrate from the Antapaccay, Cerro Verde and Las Bambas mines. Cargo from Brazil is also exported through Matarani through the Interoceanic highway.
The city had no official foundation, but January 6, 1871 is taken as the anniversary date, as it was the date on which the Southern Railroad was inaugurated, propitiating the takeoff of the city.
22 km northwest of the city is a large volcanic caldera about 5 km in diameter. The coordinates are:-16.826421° -72.088179° Another ancient extinct volcano is also found 5 km to the north with a large caldera very open to the south, and looking towards Mollendo, its coordinates being -16.989252° -72.000227°. The Peruvian coast range is the main geographical area of the district.
Populated centers
- High of the Crosses
- Alto Inclán
- Alto San Martín
- Bellavista
- César Vallejo
- Inclán
- Seven June
- Variant Florida
- The Crosses
- Stibadores
- The Ambarines
- Centennial
- The Alameda
- Florida
- The Mellizas
- The Geranios
- Miramar
- New Generation
- New Peru
- Lord of the Rimac
- Municipal Workers
- Aurelio of the source
- San Borja
- San Martín
- Villa Lourdes
- Villa Lourdes II
- Arizona
- Chungungo
- The Dolphins
- Costa Azul
- The Pines
- Catarindo
- Costa Palmeras
- Inclán
- High Crosses
- San Martín
- Enace
Mollendo can be divided into 4 zones or Cones well marked by the torrents that cross the city, formed by the rains.
- Zona Norte - Predominan los Barrios de Villa Lourdes y la Florida, here is the Catarindo Beach and the Terrestrial Terminal.
- Near or Central Zone - here you will find the obelisk, the stadium, the markets, the financial center, the cathedral, the arms square and the beaches 1 and 2
- South Zone - Predominate the neighborhoods of Alto Inclán, Alto las Cruces and the Inclán, Here you will find the beach 3, Perupetro, La Sub station electric.
- High Zone - It is called so because most neighborhoods are property invasions. Predominates the Barrios de los Pinos and Villa Lourdes II
The main attraction of Mollendo and the entire province of Islay are its wide and attractive beaches. The beaches start from the Parque Acuático next to Isla Ponce and from there comes an almost uninterrupted succession of wide and peaceful beaches of fine sand of 35 km of beaches to the south, until reaching the border with the Department of Moquegua.
Its beaches are the longest on the Peruvian coast, several of these beaches in summer are very popular with vacationers who come from all over the south of the country and from other countries such as Chile, Bolivia, Argentina, Brazil and lately the United States and from Europe. It has tracks that make them easily accessible and with the necessary basic services. We can also find desert beaches to spend a moment of solitude in contact with the nature of the sea.
The most popular beaches in Mollendo are the First Beach and the Second Beach.
Beach 1
La Primera Playa, so called because of its proximity to the city of Mollendo, its beaches are of fine gray sand and the sea has moderate waves, one of the most visited in summer seasons.
On this beach are the Aquatic Park and the Playa Uno Tourist Complex, a kind of beach club with a swimming pool, soccer and pediment courts. As it also has restaurants and discos, which allows you to enjoy a whole day at the beach with family and friends. This beach has a surveillance service and various service modules for showers, dressing rooms, bathrooms, public telephones and food stalls. It also has a parking area.
For the tranquility of bathers, it has the Rescue Corps of the Peruvian National Police as well as health personnel who are alert to any emergency.
Beach 2
This beach also has all the basic services such as bathrooms, showers, parking, umbrella rental, as well as restaurants where you can savor exquisite dishes of Peruvian cuisine prepared with seafood. One of the main attractions of Segunda Playa is a colorful yellow castle, called Forga Castle, built at the end of the XIX century , on an immense rock, its style evokes the castles of Medieval Europe, it can be seen from a great distance.
On this beach, on weekends, the so-called "Playazos Musicales" are organized, concerts of varied music and in the open air, with animations by national artists of the moment, which bring together thousands of spectators in search of outdoor fun.
Beach 3
This beach or Playa Tres measures about 1 km, where bathers' tents or awnings are set up, sometimes in several rows, presenting a multicolored and cheerful appearance. There are also lifeguard posts and restaurants.
This is also a classic beach, very popular and used by the population of Mollendo itself. In its upper part is "Los Albatros", a modern urbanization made expressly for vacationers.
The Rocks
The "Las Rocas" spa is installed, it is very popular due to its magnificent conditions, the beaches are wide and clean, there is a permanent service of tents and totora umbrellas, there are restaurant services and it has parking lot.
The Cows
This beach is called like that, because the entrance is private property, agricultural people, cow breeding, that's why the population gave it that name.
This is a private estate complex, originally mapped out and sold by the Chang family. This is the last beach in the district, since the following ones belong to the rich chicken company and the city airport.
Big Hat
This beach is also classic, it is located in the district of Mejía, on the border with Mollendo. It is very crowded. This Destination is called like this, because where the entrance door is located, there is a large rock in the shape of a hat, in perspective from above.
This is a cove of fine white sand, without waves, located between two large rocks, in ancient times it was a stream from the hills, it is located to the north of the city. Catarindo is a narrow cove with calm waters just 2 kilometers north of Mollendo. Due to its proximity to the urban center of Mollendo, it is highly visited in the summer season, especially by those who like fishing. The tugboat "Pachacamac", sunk in December 2014, rests on its waters.
A quiet spa where it is possible to swim, as well as take walks through the mountainous formations that surround it. They do not have restaurants, umbrellas, lifeguards, etc; so it is not well known yet.
Punta Hornillos
At kilometer 844 of the Panamericana Sur highway; among others that are mostly characterized by presenting basic services, as well as large recreational areas.
The Deaf One
It is a beach, many times compared to the beaches of the Caribbean, for not having waves. The beach land is in charge of the Peruvian Navy.
"Molle" It comes from the Quechua language which means boarding or reverence, and the popular Quechua terms, endo, indo, ando, which means place, so "Mollendo" would mean Place of Embarkation or Place of reverence to the hills.
Pre-Columbian Period
The Chiribaya Culture was the main society that occupied the areas of Tambo and present-day Mollendo. Remains of this can be located in the area of Challascapi, Cocachacra and Dean Valdivia. This Culture occupied the northern areas of Chile, the coast of Tacna, present-day Ilo and the districts of La Punta de Bombón, Dean Valdivia District, Cocachacra, Mejía and Mollendo in the Islay Province. The main museum of this culture is located in the small town of El Algarrobal in the Province of Ilo. The next museum is located in Mollendo, where fossil remains, cloaks and utensils used by this culture are found.
Inca Period
In Inca times, after the decline of the Tiahuanaco, it corresponded to the "Changos" inhabit the coasts of Camaná, Islay and Moquegua. The southern coast of Peru was populated by several tribes or groups, which were the following:
- The "Tampus" conditioned in the current Tambo
- The "Chullis" in the area of Chule, ancient port of Islay
- The "Changos" that were located between Aranta and Islay.
The basin formed by the tambo river, probably conquered and subjugated at various times, thus formed a people with heterogeneous customs that have left traces of their civilization, it can be verified, with the names that still exist, whose etymology is sometimes Quechua like Cocachacra, Challascapi, etc. and others that can be assigned to Kauiqui and Puquina by the characteristic endings in ando, endo, indo, such as Cachendo, Huarindo, Catarindo, etc. The population has been considerable throughout the valley and on the hills where they lived and where, until today, there are waters pouring from the subsoil. The influence of the sea must have been decisive in them since their worship of the sea or "mama coccha" maker of the sea provided them with fish.
Foundation Period
Since ancient times, Mollendo was the second port of the Republic, so it is not surprising that through its port, people of different nationalities came to the city who would later settle down, bringing their traditions and customs with them. Thus, at the end of the XIX century, these families began to build beautiful houses made of Oregon pine wood, brought from the USA. Republican architecture prevailed: always showy windows and elegant balconies. The same railway station was built following this style.
Age of the Republic
The War of the Pacific marked the city. In order to speed up peace negotiations with a territorial session, the Chilean command sends an expedition to Mollendo, on the coast of the Arequipa department, to destroy the railways used by Peruvians to transport troops and weapons. In the city of Arequipa were the forces of the prefect Carlos González Orbegoso made up of 2,500 soldiers.
Colonel Orozimbo Barbosa leaves for Mollendo commanding the 3rd Line Regiment, the Navales Battalion, a brigade of sappers and 30 horsemen of the Hunters on Horseback.
The Mollendo garrison, made up of 100 soldiers, decided not to engage in combat in the port and to withdraw before the numerical and material superiority of the Chileans in order to avoid what happened during the capture of Pisagua, a port that was set on fire as a result of the bombardment and the combat.
The Chilean command orders the landing of the Navales in Mollendo and the rest of the troops in Islay. On March 9 Barbosa leaves to pursue the Peruvian garrison with 500 men.
The 3rd Line Regiment remained in Mollendo, whose officers were unable to contain the looting of the customs house where a large quantity of merchandise and liquors were kept, which caused drunken soldiers to spread out throughout the town committing a series of outrages against its inhabitants and properties.
...The fire was in its greatest strength, the church burned completely. I didn't dare go to see the fire closely, because they were shot at every moment...The next day... the fire had not been completely extinguished...All the families of the poor had taken refuge in the square, where they wept and asked for mercy, because they believed that all the people were going to be burned, and that they were going to kill them...Most of the houses were drunk by the soldiers of the grapes. Many of us feared that those who were completely drunk had been burned. On Thursday and Friday (11 and 12 March) the fire continued and also the destruction of the station far superior to that of Santiago and Valparaiso...Chilean Capellán J. Eduardo Fabres. "The Catholic Standard" of Santiago in March 1880
...all the bodies of the expedition, were stained of that orgy, illuminated by the flames of a universal destruction...saturated of oil, burned in inextinguishable pyrees, tied the fire by soldiers of Chile, according to superior orders and exact instructions...with no more fruit than that shameful and so horrible and ill advised devastation...Three or four million camejle soldiers, fatal scenesChilean historian Benjamin Vicuña Mackenna
While this was happening in the port, Colonel Barboza advanced to the railway station located between Tambo and Mejía, where the garrison that had withdrawn from Mollendo came out to meet him. After a light battle, the Chilean troops withdrew, taking with them some prisoners., when passing through Mejía they destroyed the railway line and then returned to Mollendo. The force that the Arequipa prefect had sent to Mollendo took a long time to reach its destination and operated so slowly that it allowed Barboza to return without major mishaps.
...When Colonel Barbosa arrived at Mollendo, he was presented with a spectacle of horror, the orgy of an army disbanded between the flames of a fire...Chilean historian Benjamin Vicuña Mackenna
Finding the troops undisciplined and engaged in looting, the Chilean chief orders the re-embarkation of the 3rd Line, before which 80 soldiers desert and continue with the excesses in the vicinity. On March 12, the Chilean expedition leaves Mollendo and returns to Pacocha, where it arrives the next day.
Rise of the port of Mollendo
Mollendo, in the 1930s, had a small population of 7,486 inhabitants; however, it had a prosperous commercial activity, due to the following factors:
- The intense port activity of exporting and importing cargo and merchandise from the southern region of Peru and part of Bolivia made Mollendo the headquarters of 19 consulates.
- Mollendo, because it was a port, was a place of transit with destinations within the country as well as abroad.
- While ships remained in the bay during loading and unloading operations, the crew frequently went out to the city to shop, have fun or relax. The biggest attraction were the tourists from the ocean liners.
Mollendo in World War II
The beaching of a Japanese cargo ship, the «Arima Maru», in Mollendo, at dawn on May 25, 1941, in the middle of World War II (Japan would not enter the war until the end of that year), being Don Guillermo W. Coloma Elías, Sub-prefect of the province of Islay.
This historical event, of great importance at that time, for the port of Mollendo and for all of Peru, occurred at a very delicate moment, of war in the Old World, and also constitutes a notable example of the solidarity expressed to him, both the authorities and the Mollendo people, to the Japanese who were shipwrecked on the Fourth Beach of Mollendo.
The grounding of the steamship «Arima Maru», owned by the famous Japanese shipping company Nippon Yusen Kaisha, drew the attention of the national press, a fact proven by the abundant journalistic information published on the matter, which, obviously, generated a great interest in readers.
The newspapers in the capital of the Republic and in Arequipa gave information, sometimes day by day, about the serious accident and the attempts to "save" the ship. The original documentation presented in this book contains the only reliable information of the facts.
It must be kept in mind that the port of Mollendo, on the eve of the start of World War II, had great strategic value. In addition, because it was at that time the terminal of the Southern Peru Railway, it was also the terminal of the Buenos Aires - Mollendo transcontinental railway. At that time the port of Mollendo was "the main access door to Bolivia."
In addition, «The Southern Railway of Peru goes from Mollendo via Arequipa, to Juliaca and Cuzco. From Juliaca a branch leads to Puno, on the western shore of Lake Titicaca. The steamships of the company [The Peruvian Corporation Ltd.], which go from Puno to Guaqui, connect with the trains that go from Guaqui to La Paz, Bolivia”, and “The Mollendo – La Paz service, in conjunction with the railway route Buenos Aires - La Paz, allows a transcontinental trip to be made through Peru. The use of this alternative is increasing.
The published artistic notice, which we reproduce in this book, offers a map of the South American continent with the outline of the railway line from Mollendo to Buenos Aires, passing through La Paz, Oruro, Tupiza, Jujuy, Salta, Santiago del Estero, Rosario and other important cities and towns in Peru, Bolivia and Argentina, including Montevideo (Uruguay). We also reproduce a published notice where this service is offered.
In April 1940, the Prefect of Arequipa, Colonel Don Carlos A. de la Jara, made an official visit to the province of Islay, being received and attended by the Sub-Prefect, Don Guillermo W. Coloma Elías, who was the highest authority of the province. On Sunday, April 14, 1940, in the morning, they went to the new port of Matarani, which was under construction, to inspect the works.
As reported by a newspaper, «Back, in the port [of Mollendo], the Prefect was honored, in the afternoon, with a cocktail given by the Sub-Prefect of Mollendo [don Guillermo W. Coloma Elías], in honor of him and his entourage. Representatives of the official, social and commercial spheres attended. In addition, Mr. Ignacio Dianderas Cáceres, Mollendo Customs Administrator, offered them a cocktail, "which was also attended by distinguished elements of the port". About this blood nephew of the Grand Marshal Don Andrés Avelino Cáceres Dorregaray, we will see information later.
The Prefect, accompanied by the Sub-prefect, visited all the premises of the Mollendo schools, as well as the National College, «having made a very good impression on him the way in which the leaders of the educational centers visited conduct themselves, as well as the state of hygiene that is observed, in the service of the premises».
They also visited the Hospital del Carmen, the Public Offices and the Municipal Stadium, as well as the neighborhoods of Inclán and Las Cruces. «In all these visits, the Prefect was accompanied by the Mayor of the Provincial Council, Sub-prefect Mr. Coloma, and other public figures and officials. He dictated some improvement measures ».
The port of Mollendo, on the eve of World War II, was connected to the world by seven steamship companies, information that is collected in this book.
These were the German shipping company Hamburg-Amerika Line, called in English Hamburg-America Line, with its main office in the very important port of Hamburg (Germany), which provided services between European ports and Mollendo (this company corresponds to the current Hamburg-Amerikanische Packetfahrt A.G., HAPAG). It included the companies Deutsche-Australische Dampschiffs Gesellschaft, Deutsche Dampschifffahrts-Gesellschaft Kosmos, and the Roland Linie A. G.
In addition, the former British company The Pacific Steam Navigation Company (P.S.N.C.), based in the great port of Liverpool (England), connected Mollendo with the main ports of the Pacific and Europe. In Mollendo, this British company was the owner of Compañía de Lanchas, S.A.
Compañía Sud Americana de Vapores was a Chilean company whose main office was located in the port of Valparaíso (Chile). Through it was Mollendo, too, connected with ports in the South Pacific and with New York.
The Dutch shipping company Koninklijke Nederlandsche Stoomboot Maatschappij, called in English Royal Netherlands Steamship Company and in Spanish Compañía Real Neerlandesa de Vapores, connected Mollendo with European, South American and North American ports. Its main office was in Amsterdam (The Netherlands).
Similarly, “Italia”, whose full name was Italia Società Anonima di Navigazione, was a very important Italian company that incorporated the fleets of the shipping companies Cosulich Line or Unione Austriaca, Lloyd Sabaudo and the company Navigazione Generale Italiana. This company linked Mollendo with many European, Caribbean and South American ports. Its main office was in the notable ports of Genoa and Trieste.
The Japanese company Nippon Yusen Kaisha or NYK, with its main office in Tokyo (Japan) and a branch in London (England), connected Mollendo with Osaka, Kobe and Yokohama (in Japan) and Hong Kong, as well as with the Pacific Islands (Hawaii), California, Mexico, Central America and South America.
This company, represented in Peru for many years by the house W. R. Grace & Co. (and in 1941 by the Lima company Ostern y Compañía, whose agent in Mollendo was Riecken y Compañía), was the owner of the steamer «Arima Maru», which ran aground in Mollendo, the subject of this book, and of the steamers «Takaoka Maru» and «Sakito Maru», whose personnel fought for the refloating of the aforementioned ship, without luck for the first and with the misfortune of losing two sailors who drowned in the attempt, and with great success for the second, as we will see. later.
Lastly, the United States company that linked Mollendo with New York and North American, Caribbean and South American ports was the Grace Line. Its main office was in New York.
The Compañía Peruana de Vapores y Dique del Callao, a defunct national company that had its main office in the port of Callao, on the eve of World War II offered its services only in the ports of the Peruvian coast, from Puerto Pizarro (Tumbes) to Ilo (Moquegua), connecting Mollendo with them.
In "El Comercio" of Lima, with the headline "Due to the fog the 'Arima Maru' ran aground south of Mollendo" (whose original is reproduced in this book), the first news of the grounding of the Japanese steamer, which occurred in Mollendo on May 25, 1941. There it was reported that «The steamer 'Arima Maru' of the Japanese line woke up stranded, four miles south of the port of Mollendo, due to dense fog that invaded the bay. She came to this ship to ship metals. The authorities have issued the necessary provisions to verify the rescue.
The ship, as already seen, belonged to the Japanese shipping company Nippon Yusen Kaisha, whose agent in Mollendo was the old firm Riecken y Cía., had run aground 80 meters from the Fourth Beach of Mollendo, but due to the fort The swell had been moving and had settled at a distance of 30 to 35 meters from the shore, with the bow to the north and the stern to the south. She was receiving the strong impact of the big waves. In addition, the steamer suffered severe damage to its machinery.
Something that should be highlighted is that a newspaper stated that «In the history of Mollendo, the stranding of the 'Arima Maru' is the first accident of this nature that has been recorded. For this reason, the traffic of cars, using the road to Tambo, to reach the fourth beach, has been intense throughout the day and a multitude of onlookers have arrived at that place, who contemplate the unique spectacle of the ship stopped on its way. and lashed by the sea."
In "El Pueblo" of Arequipa, under the headline "A Japanese steamer ran aground in the bay of Mollendo / Because of the fog and the marine current", they indicated that it had 4,326 registered tons and 7,300 tons of displacement. They also stated that in Mollendo he had to load minerals to transport them to Japan.
In "El Comercio" of Lima, they reported that "the magnetic disturbances of Tacna, Arica, Antofagasta and Iquique, caused the navigation instruments to not give good indications" and that is why the accident had occurred. In addition, that the “dense fog from 11 pm on the 24th to 7 am on the 25th determined the stranding. The ship is listed ten degrees on the port side. The harbor master carried out the legal summary and the crew remained at their posts.
It should be kept in mind, as a demonstration of goodwill, that the first ships that tried to rescue the «Arima Maru» were the North American «Flying Cloud» and «Cape San Martin», of the United States Maritime Commission (USMC), and which were owned by the Grace Line, despite the best efforts of their captains.
They also reported that «All the cars and buses drive thousands of onlookers to the height where the 'Arima Maru' is located, which is between kilometer 6 and 7, from Mollendo. It is said that The Peruvian Corporation will put a recreational train from Arequipa to witness the show. They also indicated that the two North American ships already mentioned, «that arrived on the night of the 25th have provided very relative facilities, despite the good wishes of their captains. The Japanese steamer 'Takaoka Maru' is expected tomorrow morning, which will surely render all assistance."
The «Takaoka Maru» that arrived from Callao to rescue the «Arima Maru», returned to that port, «after having left the stranded ship duly secured from stern and bow, with steel cables and anchors tied, that have been funded for this purpose”.
From Callao it will take to Mollendo "steel cables and other elements that are essential for the rescue and that could not be obtained in this port." Something very important that was reported is that not only the sixty-two crew members of the "Arima Maru" were fighting to save the ship, but also "a large number of workers from this port work in the rescue operations."
The “Takaoka Maru” returned to Mollendo to continue the salvage work. Unfortunately, two sailors from that ship drowned, "at a time when they were engaged in the rescue of the steamer 'Arima Maru', which is stranded 4 miles south of this port. Four sailors were in a boat of the 'Takaoka Maru', dedicated to mooring the 'Arima' with steel cables, to the anchors that have been anchored for that purpose. These sailors, unfamiliar with our beaches, were run over by the Tumbo Grande, hitting them on the side of the steamer 'Arima Maru' and destroying the boat. Of the four sailors who occupied it, two drowned and the others managed to save.
Later, on the Japanese steamer “Sakito Maru” (of the same company Nippon Yusen Kaisha), “several elements arrived to rescue the 'Arima Maru', which has been stranded on the beaches of Mollendo for some time. There are several Japanese technicians who are dictating all the measures to unground the 'Arima'. For now, several ropes supported by anchors have been placed so that the steamer will not sink, which would cause its total loss. The metal that the ship is loaded with is being thrown into the sea to relieve itself of its weight. They wait for the 'Sakito Maru', which comes loaded with metal from Chile, to start the stranded steamer."
Finally, after having been stranded for so long in Mollendo (the information is in the book), at dawn, the «Arima Maru», stranded in Mollendo, was raised afloat by the «Sakito Maru», which, a few days later, as we will see later, would tow it to Callao and from there to Yokohama (Japan).
In the newspapers they indicated that «All the works have been in charge of Japanese and material that they have brought especially from Japan». In addition, "The elements brought for this purpose and the specialized crew that took part in [the] refloating work, arrived on the steamer 'Sakito Maru', and the intended purpose was achieved."
There is a published photograph in which it is indicated: "We give a view of the 'Arima Maru', in which you can appreciate the dangerous position in which the ship was stranded". The blurry photograph of the stranded ship is part of the documents of Sub-Prefect Don Guillermo W. Coloma Elías, and, apparently, it is the only one that was published in the Peruvian press. This photograph is reproduced in this book.
There is another clipping in the author's documents, with a photograph of the «Arima Maru» before it ran aground and when nothing presaged the serious accident that occurred. It was published in Lima with the title "Randed near Mollendo" and the following text: "The Japanese steamer 'Arima Maru' recently ran aground south of Mollendo, due to the fog, and from which the cargo has been saved by transferring it to other vessels. This document is reproduced in the book.
The «Sakito Maru» sailed to the port of Callao, towing the «Arima Maru». Two days later, they arrived at Callao. The "Arima Maru" remained anchored in Callao for thirteen days, where she could be partially repaired, until she finally left for Yokohama (Japan).
Thus concluded the saga that lasted so long and that aroused the interest of Peruvians, who at all times expressed their full support and solidarity to the Japanese affected by the tragedy.
There is no certainty about the founding of Islay. Different versions have been given about it. San Martín and Bolívar recognize the port of Islay as first class.
Jorge Basadre establishes the foundation of Islay in 1826. The historian Mateo Paz Soldán maintains that Islay was founded in the year 1830 and is due to General Antonio Gutiérrez de la Fuente, reputed as the "Grand Prefect" of Arequipa, a position that He performed between 1825 and 1828, when thanks to his very judicious efforts, the Congress of the Republic issued a law, raising the category of Puerto Mayor to that of Islay, which was endowed with a series of works for its development.
On February 20, 1828, the Archbishop of Arequipa, Monsignor José de Sebastián de Goyeneche y Barreda, appoints Fray Lorenzo Ruiz as the first Lieutenant Priest of the new Vice-Parish of the Port of Santa Rosa de Islay, which is presumed Due to this historical circumstance of a religious nature, Islay was founded, as the wise Antonio Raymondi maintains, on August 30, 1827, the feast of Santa Rosa de Lima.
On October 9, 1860, the Congress of the Republic, by law, authorized the executive branch to build a railway line from the port of Islay to the city of Arequipa, but vested interests of the private owners of the Tambo Valley, they decide that Mejía was the terminus of the railway. On May 4, 1868, the Government of General Pedro Diez Canseco Corbacho and the engineer Enrique Meiggs, a North American national, signed the historic contract.
Work on the railway line began in the pampas of La Joya (Arequipa) on May 27, 1868. Weeks after the contract was signed, Meiggs and his engineers verified on the ground that although it was more The ascent to the pampa from Mejía is easy, however this place did not offer favorable natural conditions to build a port; then without any authorization, the construction company began to build a provisional pier in the cove to the north of the old abandoned colonial port of Mollendo.
Mollendo completely burned down one morning in the middle of the War of the Pacific, after having been looted and destroyed by the Chilean army, they set fire to the square and the church, Mollendo revealed itself before the Chilean gaze that without thinking, pounced on the city.
For the year 1991, Mollendo had more than 22 thousand inhabitants, for 1995, it had more than 25 thousand inhabitants and according to the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics in 2000 it had 27,710 inhabitants and for 2002 it had a population of 28,305 inhabitants. About the 2007 Census there are no exact records.
Evolution of the urban population of Mollendo* | ||
Year | Population | |
1940 | 14.938 | |
1993 | 25.434 | |
2000 | 27.710 | |
2002 | 28.305 | |
2007 | 24.028 |
(2007 data, INEI is not accurate)
![]() ![]() | |||||||||||||
Month | Ene. | Feb. | Mar. | Open up. | May. | Jun. | Jul. | Ago. | Sep. | Oct. | Nov. | Dec. | Annual |
Average temperature (°C) | 26.2 | 26.8 | 25.7 | 24.5 | 22.3 | 20.7 | 19.7 | 19.1 | 19.8 | 21.3 | 23.4 | 25.1 | 22.9 |
Average temperature (°C) | 22.5 | 23.1 | 21.9 | 20.8 | 19.1 | 17.8 | 16.7 | 16.4 | 16.9 | 18.1 | 20 | 21.4 | 19.6 |
Temp. medium (°C) | 18.8 | 19.4 | 18.2 | 17.1 | 16 | 14.9 | 13.8 | 13.8 | 14 | 15 | 16.6 | 17.7 | 16.3 |
Source: |
It has a dark green color, the shield in the middle.
The Coat of Arms of Mollendo obeys the Spanish form, it is cut and half headed. It is divided into 3 fields: • Two upper ones or cantons and one lower one or tip of the shield that is double of those. • In the upper or left canton on a green background you can see two chimneys emitting smoke from a fishmeal factory. • In the upper or right canton of the blue field, the Lighthouse stands out on Roca, a cliff and a coastal strip bathed by our sea. • In the bottom or tip of the shield with a blue background, the seascape divided into a firmament and the immense ocean whose horizon and on the left side we see a ship emanating smoke and heading towards its destination to a good port. • An Admiralty Anchor with a link standing out on the horizon line and in the central part of the aforementioned field. • In the central top or timbre it is represented by a Dominican seagull with open wings in flight display looking to the left from which hangs an outer blue ribbon extended in 3 bands where with dark Gothic letters it recalls the Provisional Foundation of the Port: Mollendo, January 6, 1871. • It is surrounded by 2 palm branches intertwined at the bottom or vertex by a red and white ribbon of the national colors. • The borders or frames of the shield fields are yellow.
The hymn consists of a melody composed by Father Caselli, a Franciscan father who brought the Franciscan order to Mollendo. In 1946 and it was declared as an anthem on July 28, 1950:
Like foam of the sea let us exalt of Mollendo the patriotic eagerness; like a cloud in the blue distance let's hold a high ideal mollendina youth to your beaches, the sea sings its song of power, and the breeze brings you the message, of beauty and respect for duty!
Verses Yo In history the homeland speaks to us,
with the accent of a heroic clarion,
conqueror for her in present
with a view towards a beautiful border Let's model with faith the great tomorrow to take us to its snowy altitude and in his name we set the standard of honesty, patriotism and virtue.
II Noble land that dreams impossible of rebellious mystery in the face; the one that gestates in the bowels of granite of a fiery and tenacious commitment; the one who lives in a long heroism with a smile of stoic disdain, and in her gray sands he has laid of the flowers of art an Eden.
III The blue of your sky adorns it is templar and bold steel; your flag of foam and scarlet It is a cry of faith and freedom. On your rocks that the sun shines sing a hymn your vital effort, and in your waves the combat is engaged of the forces of good and evil.
IV Oh Molendo! Squall and backwater It is your story that the sea writes; battling is your heroic rest, your destiny is to fight and succeed! you well deserve your haughty luck that pain could not subdue!... forward ! to raise the flag of progress in the fight and in peace!
V No one tries your serene glories with words of shadow tarnish, that she is boiling the blood in your veins and this sea town is a lion; that if he is noble and suffered in calm and is a cordial friend in peace will breed storms in the soul if they intend to put out their star!...
Traditions and legends
The Iron Cross
Following the indications of the Holy See to place a cross at the highest point of the town in order to receive the advent of the century XX;[citation required] on January 1, 1900, the Presbyter Juan B. Arenas, authorities and devotees, left the railroad maestranza, carrying on the back of a beast an iron cross, approximately five meters high.
The entourage went up the first block of Tambo street (Deán Valdivia), turned to Mayor Blondell street and then crossed Mariscal Castilla avenue; Continuing with the procession, they climbed the hills until they reached the top of Cerro Colorado where they planted the cross. Holy mass was celebrated for the New Year party and the arrival of the XX century. Since then, the light of the universe has reflected the indestructible arms of the Iron Cross, making it visible to future generations, as an irrefutable testimony of the valuable legacy of Faith transmitted by the generations of the century XIX.
Since that distant date, young people of both sexes on pilgrimage visited the Iron Cross on November 1 of each year, to venerate it and reaffirm their Catholic faith.
The soul of the cutthroat
Don Hospicio Rodríguez, a native of Chala, jurisdiction of the province of Caravelí (Arequipa), earned a significant sum of money, in the nitrate mines of Tarapacá.
When the Chilean government decreed the departure of the Peruvians, who worked in said mines; Don Hospicio had to return to Peru, settling in Mollendo.
People who knew him commented that Don Hospicio was a friendly and cheerful person, he liked to display rings and a beautiful wristwatch with a gold chain.
On January 1, 1914, on such a significant universal New Year's date, Don Hospicio died a horrible death. After having drunk liquor in a cantina located on the fifth block of Tambo street (Deán Valdivia), with a friend whom he met in Chile, it being late at night, in front of the main gate of the city cemetery, the disloyal friend murdered him, slitting his throat with a curved blade. The cause of the crime was to steal her jewelry and money that he had in sterling.
The following day the news caused a stir in the Mollendo population; authorities and onlookers were present and saw with astonishment, the head of the unfortunate man severed from the body. A few days later, the murderer was captured in the baths of La Aguadita.
The Presbyter Juan B. Arenas and the Reverend Father Jesús M. del Carpio (Chaplain of the “El Carmen” Hospital) celebrated a mass in 1923, on the occasion of the exhumation and transfer to the interior of the Cemetery. Authorities, a large public and the escorts of the Army (Mobilizable) and Police were present.
From that date of the crime that moved Mollendo, he took the name “El Degolladito”. His devotees visit him on Monday of each week. On November 1 and 2, he is massively venerated. The soul of the Degolladito for many of his believers, is miraculous.
Among the main economic activities of the city are trade, agriculture, fishing and tourism.
Trade is one of the main activities that promote the development of the province of Islay, among the main products that are marketed we can count the bread that is produced in the Tambo Valley and in many cases are sold in the capital of the republic, while the olives are sold to Chilean merchants who pack and export them to Europe. Likewise, the fish and molluscs extracted from the coasts are marketed not only in our province but also in the city of Arequipa. Finally, the commercial activity of the cities occurs in a dynamic way, which allows an improvement in the economy of the inhabitants.
Among the main activities are agriculture, trade and port. The first two activities have already been touched on in previous chapters, so here we will deal only with port activity.
The province of Islay has the port of Matarani, which has recently been granted a 30-year concession to the company Terminal Internacional del Sur (TISUR).
With the state administration (ENAPU), the port and the port services themselves experienced difficult periods of economic crisis, particularly due to the fierce competition from the closest Chilean ports (Arica and Iquique), willing to control the port movement of this part of the hemisphere. Now in private hands, there is a greater demand and care for port services for the port of Matarani, but this in turn is reflected in higher and better levels of employment for workers dedicated to these tasks. In addition, in terms of rates, currently those of Matarani are lower than those of Arica, which has made our port more competitive.
As far as port potential is concerned, it should be emphatically noted that Matarani has several competitive advantages in relation to the ports of Chile and Ilo itself. From the point of view and geographical conformation, Matarani has better conditions to receive vessels and facilitate their work, which reduces time and operating costs. Matarani is a multipurpose port, that is, it can receive all types of cargo and has the necessary infrastructure for it.
Therefore, it is known from statistics presented by the company that the volume of cargo capture and capture has increased by approximately 20%, compared to the year 2000 and with a tendency to capture and absorb each time a greater movement, with which the economic prospects for the port of Matarani will be increasingly better, taking into account that its greater efficiency will allow the reduction of operating costs, which will make exports from the southern Bolivian macro-region and even from Brazil competitive.
The Province of Islay is a generous area in terms of Ecological and Adventure Tourism, as it has extensive white sand beaches, coves with calm and transparent waters, small islets inhabited by sea lions and seabirds, lagoons like those of Mejía considered of global importance due to the diversity of birds that find rest and food there, when heading towards their southern summer, from the northern hemisphere. The tourist can visit Mollendo, a city that has tourist complexes with swimming pools, restaurants, hostels, video pubs, discos and possessing all the advances of modern communication, or opt for small and peaceful towns embedded in the green countryside of the Tambo Valley. where you can savor exquisite typical dishes and live moments of recollection and expansion in its patron saint festivities.
Agricultural production in the province of Islay is carried out on an area of 12,332 hectares, which represents 93% of the total agricultural area. The most widely produced products in this area are rice, potatoes, garlic, sweet potatoes, onions, yellow corn, olives, and sugar cane. In recent years, in most crops, the average yields per hectare have increased substantially, as a consequence of greater agricultural technology as well as the use of certified seeds, however farmers have serious difficulties to produce due to the Lack of credit and support from official agencies.
Livestock activity complements the agricultural vocation of the Tambo Valley, especially in the districts of Deán Valdivia, Punta de Bombón and Mejía, where cattle farming is the most important, complemented by sheep and pig farming and poultry farming in Mollendo.
Milk production has been declining in the last 20 years due to its low price and forced removals to cover financial obligations. Sheep farming does not have a greater incidence since it is intended for consumption by the farmers themselves, as is pig farming, where there is only one farm whose meat is used to make sausages, although there are also some clandestine farms in Mollendo and Matarani., which can cause diseases to livestock and possibly to humans.
Poultry farming has had a great growth, since there are about 8 poultry farms, where technical and business-oriented breeding has enabled the development of complementary activities. Its production consists of BB chickens, laying hens, breeders, broiler chickens, and fertile and discarded eggs.
Fishing: hydrobiological resources
Fishing in the Province of Islay can be divided into two sectors: The first called Artisanal, carried out by a sector of the population that uses small boats and traditional implements that are used from the shores; the production is intended for human consumption, which is in great demand, especially in summer. Among the species that are caught are the cojinova, bonito, lorna, pejeperro, pejerrey, sole and peñas de peña; as well as males, limpets, tolina, octopus and sea urchin.
The second Industrial fishing, uses large capacity boats, equipped with modern equipment and aims to capture tuna, sardines, anchovy, lorna, bonito among others, which are taken to be sold in the cities of Arequipa, Lima and other cities in the interior; It is also used for the preparation of fishmeal, canned fish and the preparation of fillets. The number of people engaged in this activity varies from 150 to more due to the flow of marine resources according to ocean currents.
The metallic mining activity has not been developed since it does not have the required potential. Regarding non-metallic mining, there are quarries of materials that are used by the construction industry, which are mainly made up of clay that is used in the manufacture of bricks and gravel as an input for construction.
In this item, it is worth highlighting the production of canned seafood, dairy products, honey, wicker items, reeds and matara, ceramics, furniture and accessories, and handicrafts.
Initial Education
- I.E.I. World of the Othytes
- I.E.I. My First Travesuras
- I.E.I. Garbatos.
- C.E. Sacred Heart.
- C.E. Divine Child.
- I.E. Blue Kings.
- I.E. Jaimito.
- I.E. Florida.
- I.E. The Crosses.
- I.E. Carrusel.
- I.E. A, B, C Mendel.
- I.E. Cecat.
- I.E. Core
- I.E. My Little World
- I.E. Seeds of love
- C.E. Colegio de Ciencias Italo Peruano Enrico Fermi
Primary Education
- C.E. José Emilio Pacheco Antezana.
- I.E. Latin American.
- I.E. John F. Kennedy.
- I.E. The Pines.
- I.E. Fray Martin Bellavista.
- I.E. Saint Vincent and Paul
- I.E. San Francisco de Asís
- I.E. José Carlos Mariategui
- C.I.P. Enrico Fermi.
Secondary Education
- I.E.P. San Francisco de Assisi.
- I.E.P. Saint Vincent de Paul.
- I.E.P. Mary Helper.
- I.E Dean Valdivia.
- I.E. Latin American.
- I.E.R. Makkadesh.
- C.E.P. Newton.
- I.E. José Carlos Mariategui.
- I.E. Alcides Carrion.
- C.I.P. Enrico Fermi.
- C.E. Honorio Delgado.
- Special College
- I.E.P Bryce Mollendo.
- I.E Mercedes Manrique Fuentes
Higher Education
- Senati Mollendo High Institute.
- Instituto Superior Jorge Basadre.
- Instituto Superior San Felipe.
- Universidad Nacional de San Agustín (UNSA).
- Management by Universidad Pública de Mollendo
Problem by UNSA
The National University of San Agustín, Mollendo campus, has been operating in the city for years without its own premises and that has generated expectations in the Mollendina population and blaming the mayor Miguel Román Valdivia. UNSA for its subsidiary in Mollendo and that he does everything possible for his permanence. In April 2013, the population rose up against the mayor and councilors for extending the term of Management for the start of the Admission Exam, Nearly 1000 students would not have access to the admission exam during 2013, the population points to the mayor, guilty of an unfortunate fact, Currently, the efforts for the firm continue, the support of the regional and central government for the support of the construction, of local own and their permanence in the city.
Public University of Mollendo
According to the councilor for Islay, Hernán Gutiérrez, this could be done according to the regional government, as he pointed out, "We are carrying out the efforts for this dream to come true.
Museums and cultural centers
- Municipal Museum
This museum, created by the provincial municipality of Islay, has the purpose of studying the Chiribaya culture, which inhabited this area, this culture is shared with Chile
- Historical Museum of Mollendo (Casa de la Cultura)
The House of Culture, has the purpose of stimulating the population and tourism, it keeps old photos of the port, life around 1900 and 1940, it is located on the Malecón Ratti, the old railway station
- Groups
- Mataxgusto
- We're Mollendo
- Fresh taste
- Aero
- Nousvild
- Landscape 3
- "Playa zero"
- Raúl Núñez del Carpio (vals "Mollendo", among others)
The gastronomy of the city, based on marine seasonings, is very exquisite and one of the department's favorites.
- Perol de Mariscos
- Butl de Barquillo
- Chollonco Soup
- Ceviche de Muy Muy Muy
- Torrejitas de pejerrey
- Chilcano de Jaiba
Access Routes
The town of Mollendo is accessed from Arequipa, taking the Panamericana Sur highway passing through the town of Uchumayo until reaching the detour for Kilometer 48 where you take the path to the left, crossing the Annexes of San José and San Camilo de La Joya, leaving behind the detour to Moquegua-Tacna, until reaching the curves that divide Islay from Arequipa, arriving at the town of Matarani where finally we take the path to the left until reaching Puerto Bravo de Mollendo. The Journey lasts approximately two hours.
During the WINTER season it usually appears Foggy and drizzle in the curves before accessing Matarani especially in the Afternoon, in the SUMMER season it is completely clear with a radiant sun.
There are two tolls on the route from Arequipa to Mollendo and vice versa near the towns of Uchumayo and Matarani.
Different companies such as Transportes Del Carpio, Santa Úrsula, Cristo del Pacífico, Flecha Bus, among others offer services from the city of Arequipa with relative frequency, the same occurs from the Mollendo Bus Terminal. The frequency increases a lot during the summer season.
The Cathedral
The increase in the population of Mollendo gave rise to the vice-parish of the Immaculate Conception of Mollendo in 1872. The name was conferred by the Bishop of Arequipa, Monsignor José Benedicto Torres.
The priest Juan B. Arenas with sacrifice built the church of the vice-parish. When he was 4 years old, the church showed a building with adobe walls, a wooden vaulted ceiling, 2 towers and 7 bells.
On March 10, 1880, during the second invasion suffered by Mollendo, the church was looted and reduced to ashes by the Chilean soldiers. Father Juan B. Arenas immediately undertook the daunting task of building another church made of noble material. A “Pro Construction Committee” was formed, chaired by Mr. Enrique Rodríguez. The design and execution of the work were made by the Italian architect Pietro Rovella and the Arequipa architect José Tejada.
On September 30, 1929, Father Juan B. Arenas died, while the vault of the main altar had yet to be completed. He is succeeded by Father Alejandro Castañeda with whom the church is inaugurated.
In a neoclassical style, it boasts an imposing dome and a singular tower dedicated to the Virgin of the same name. The interior of the temple is made up of 3 naves. The main altar is in the Greek style, the other altars are in Baroque styles, the pulpit carved in wood in the Gothic style; At its base rest the mortal remains of its creator, Father Juan B. Arenas.
Due to the actions of time and climate, the church suffered deterioration and its renovation was urgent. A committee "Pro Refacción del Templo" was formed, chaired by Miss Victoria O'Diana in the period of the Rev. Father Alberto Condori Chambilla. With the valuable collaboration of the people of Mollendo, the renovation work began in 1991, by the construction company "Carlos Tisoc Luza", in 5 projected and completed stages.
The Immaculate Conception Church, a spiritual symbol of the town of Mollendo, has been declared a representative Monument of religious architecture, in accordance with Chief's Resolution No. 348-INC-91 dated March 8, 1991.
Forga Castle
It is located on top of a rocky promontory between the second and third beaches of the city of Mollendo. In the world there are only two of this type, the other is located on the coast of Morocco. With an impressive appearance from any angle from which you look at it, despite the onslaught of the years, it does not detract from its attractiveness and mystery.
It was built at the request of the merchant from Arequipa of Spanish descent, José Miguel Forga. The works began in 1908 and concluded two years later (1910), being the author of the project and executor of the work the architect from Arequipa Gerardo Cornejo Iriarte. It has 17 rooms on two levels and a viewpoint at the top, a balcony with a staircase to the second level of mahogany with veneers, tongue and groove wood floors and Venetian tiles, with balconies and external walkways. Furniture imported from Europe.
Forga Castle's eclectic architecture due to the diverse composition of styles that define it, such as the neo-Gothic style, neoclassical cornices, baroque-style ornaments and the medieval-style finish of the century XIII.
When the summer season arrived, the train from Arequipa stopped in front of the Castle and from the buffet car a red carpet gave way to the Forga family. Also called the "White House" because of the skin color of its guests, it was the scene of large and lavish social gatherings. On one occasion the daughters of the President of the Republic Augusto B. Leguía, accompanied by the Minister of Justice, José Rada y Gamio, were his guests. An exclusive boat brought the delegation.
Mr. Forga dabbled in the cotton trade, but was unsuccessful due to the World Crisis of 1929. The castle was confiscated by the Government for tax debts to the State. The once sumptuous family fell into financial disgrace, to the point that one of the daughters worked as an employee at the Mollendo Post Office.
Dr. Manuel Prado Ugarteche, President of the Republic, donates Castillo Forga to Monsignor Leonardo Rodríguez Ballón, for his official documents filed at the Holy See in favor of President Prado to divorce his wife, Mrs. Rosa Garland de Prado and contract new nuptials with the lady Clorinda Málaga, receiving the supreme pontiff from President Prado, a royalty of 40 kilos of gold.
Forga Castle is the Symbol of Mollendo, declared a National Historic Monument by Ministerial Resolution No. 775-86-ED, dated August 30, 1986.
Many furniture and objects of historical value have been stolen, the Forga Castle, owned by the nephews of Monsignor Rodríguez Ballón, is abandoned and on the verge of collapse. After many years of indifference from its owners and municipal authorities, particularly from the National Institute of Culture, which declared it a Historical Monument.
In this context, the company Kallpa Generación, acquired said Castle and donated it to the Mollendina community in 2014. From then on and after many efforts, the castle was valued and the Castillo Board was formed Forga. Said board of trustees is made up of a board of directors and an advisory board and technical studies are currently advancing by a consultant that is financed with resources from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and other public-private entities.
It is expected that in December 2017 the studies for the recovery and final enhancement of this important heritage of the people of Mollendo will be completed. Currently the Forga Castle is under the administration of the Municipality. Entities such as the Regional Government, Kallpa Generación, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Regional Government of Arequipa and other entities continue to bet on the recovery of this architectural piece that will undoubtedly become an important tourist and cultural axis in southern Peru.
Craft Dock
It is a beautiful and renovated pier, a perfect combination next to the waves of the sea, with the beautiful sunset as a background, the blue sea and the orange sky, where you can watch the sunset, giving a perfect setting for a romantic and unforgettable evening. Since ancient times, this pier was the scene of the most important port in South America, but due to the Chilean invasion in the War of the Pacific, the pier was abandoned during that time of invasion and disturbance, but it was not long before the Mollendos restructured the pier. Storing and embellishing it more, now it has a viewpoint included in which you can see the brave port and its beautiful emerald waters.
Lagoons of Mejia
The Lagunas de Mejía National Sanctuary was established on February 24, 1984, by Supreme Decree No. 015-84-AG. It is located on the coast of Arequipa, with an area of 690.6 ha of wetlands at the mouth of the Tambo River; It is of enormous interest as it is one of the most important stations for migratory birds on the entire Peruvian coast.
In the Lagunas de Mejía National Sanctuary it is possible to find 141 species of birds, of which 84 are residents of the Peruvian coast and 57 are migratory, that is, they are found in this area only at a certain time of the year, in their eagerness to escape the harsh winter of other latitudes. Of the migrants, 17 arrive in Mejía from other parts of Peru, 4 from other South American countries and 34 from North America.
Supreme Decree No. 015-84-AG creating the Lagunas de Mejía National Sanctuary, considering that the area constitutes a unique refuge in the coastal region of the country for migratory birds from other continents on their north-south migratory route, as well as a habitat for endemic species in danger of extinction and shelter for important associations of wild flora typical of coastal aquatic ecosystems, declared protection as the main objective of the area, particularly of migratory and endemic ornithological fauna in danger of extinction, as well as the existing wild flora associations.
The Lagunas de Mejía National Sanctuary is located on the southern Pacific coast of Peru, in the department of Arequipa, in the districts of Mejía, Deán Valdivia and in a small portion of Punta Bombón, a few meters from the line of Pacific Ocean tide. Its area of influence covers different types of habitats: swamps, salt marshes, reeds, riverside scrub, grasslands and vast sandy beaches. This complex of habitats gathered in a small area (690.6 ha), forms one of the most important wetlands on the western coast of South America, which is home to a high number of resident and migratory bird species, as well as other samples of fauna, flora and microflora characteristic of wetlands.
Despite its relative proximity to the equator, the area where the Lagunas de Mejía National Sanctuary is located has a low average annual temperature. According to the nearest meteorological station (Mollendo), the average annual temperature is 19.8 °C and the average annual total precipitation is 10.8 mm. This is largely due to the influence of the Peruvian or Humboldt Current, of cold marine waters, whose presence also prevents the formation of rain, making this part of the coast an extremely desert area from the department of Ica in Peru to La Serena in Chile. Rainfall in the area is scarce, commonly appearing the so-called drizzles product of winter mists.
The climate of the place is typical of the dry desert - Warm Temperate life zone or super-arid desert - Warm Temperate, characterized by being extremely arid. Due to little or no rainfall, some years are hydrologically dry. On both banks of the mouth of the Tambo River there are lagoons of variable dimensions and probably of different origins.
The lagoons located in the northern sector of the river mouth, the Iberia and Mejía lagoon system, are actually outcrops of return water from irrigation located in the Pampas of Iberia. The water that originates these lagoons comes from the seepage and surface flows of the Ensenada-Mejía-Mollendo Irrigation, which dates back to 1942. The Iberia Irrigation (Pampas de Iberia) influences the Iberia lagoon due to the effect of seepage and surface runoff. The Tambo River also constitutes an important source of water for the Boquerón lagoons, given that in its period of greatest discharge (December to April) part of its waters flood the lower area of Boquerón, feeding the lagoons present there. This is confirmed in the southern lagoons of the sanctuary by the presence of cloudy waters laden with sediments. Additionally, it is known that these lagoons receive water from the water table of the basin.
- The grammarles
- Totorales
- Juncales
In these plant associations, certain species predominate, which are responsible for their names: the salt grass (Distichlis spicata), the totora (Typha angustifolia) and the rush (Scirpus americanus). They are located indistinctly along the shores of the lagoons and cover variable surfaces. The gramadals usually occupy large areas throughout the sanctuary and cover an approximate area of 380 ha. The reeds are distributed towards the south around the lagoons of this sector, in the form of patches on the banks of the Tambo River, covering an approximate area of 26 hectares. The rushes are distributed in flooded soils near the central and southern lagoons, in the form of patches in the north, and border the reeds and some sectors between the gramadal and the riverside forest. These associations are a nesting place and refuge for resident birds, such as herons, moorhens, ducks and redfish. Vegetation
- Flora Salicornia: the plant species found in a specific place of the sanctuary mainly depend on the abundance of water and the conditions of the soil. In the area there are 48 superior plant species and 17 algae or lower plants.
- Fauna: presents 205 species of birds registered, 86 migratory, 80 residents, 39 errants. In one day you can see between 30 and 50 species. It is a critical and strategic point for the migration of many bird species. It houses the largest populations of water dicks, colorful ducks, Andean gallareta, as well as 9 herons, 7 ducks, 8 seagulls, 24 beachers, 10 chorlos, 9 rallidos and 12 gaviotines. It is the only place in Peru where the yellow spike water jet lives. It is the nesting place of the gray rubber seagull and the common ostrero.
The Mejía Lagoons present the only habitat in almost 2000 km of coastline with optimal environmental conditions for the normal development of resident and migratory bird populations. The ornithological fauna characteristic of the sanctuary is made up of 4 groups of species, namely: 1) Resident birds of the sanctuary, estimated at 79 species, which nest in the sanctuary or its surroundings and it is possible to find them throughout the year in various environments in the area protected. 2) Resident birds in the sea in front of the sanctuary, of which there are 6 registered species, which can be frequently observed from the beaches. 3) Migratory birds, totaling 80 species, of which 48 come from North America or the Arctic, 18 from southern South America, 3 from the northern coast of Peru or northern South America, and 10 from the Andean zone and part of the jungle. 4) Birds of occasional presence, estimated at 30 species. Among the species of particular importance, the yellow-billed choca (Fulica rufifrons), the blue heron (Egretta caerulea), the white-chested heron (Egretta tricolor), the white sandpiper (Calidris alba) and the gray-hooded gull (Larus cirrocephalus) should be highlighted.). Likewise, there are abundant populations of different species of grebes, ducks and mussels, among which the moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) stands out, whose density in the sanctuary is one of the highest in the world.
Other elements of fauna: although the most conspicuous and studied fauna species in the sanctuary are birds, there are other animal species that also inhabit the area. Among these stand out the toads (Bufo limensis) common in very humid places, the lizards (Microlophus tigris) and the geckos (Phyllodactylus gerrhopygus and Phyllodactylus angustidigitus) frequent in grasslands and sandy beaches, mammals such as the skunk (Conepatus chinga), the grison (Galictis cuja), fox gray (Pseudalopex griseus), chingungo or sea otter (Lutra felina) and the wild guinea pig (Cavia tschudii). Also various species of bats (Myotis atacamensis, Glossophaga soricina, Amorphochi1us schnablii, Tadarida brasiliensis, Promops consenlis). The most notorious fish species in the lagoons are the gambuzia (Poecillopsis sp.), liza (Mugil cephalus), silverside (Basyfichtys sp.) and monengue (Dormitator latifrons). Among the invertebrates, the river shrimp (Cryphiops caementarius), road crab (Ocypode gaudichaudii) and water snails are especially important as they are food for many species of birds.
- Access
Due to its geographical location, the Lagunas de Mejía National Sanctuary has no access problems. It can be easily reached through land routes that depart from Lima and from the main cities in the south of the country. There are five alternative paved road routes: Lima-Camaná-Repartición-Mollendo-Mejía (1020 km), Arequipa-Mollendo-Mejía (143 km), Arequipa-Cachendo-Cocachacra-Mejía (149 km), Tacna-Moquegua-El Fiscal Mejía (295 km) and the new Costanera highway that goes from Ilo to Valle de Tambo (approximately 70 km)
The Ratti Boardwalk
The Malecón Ratti is an immense terrace built on top of the cliff that divides the city and the circuit of beaches. From where you can appreciate the immensity of the sea and its beaches, from there you can also appreciate the old railway station, the Tourist Pier, the Playa Uno Tourist Complex, the Water Park and the Forga Castle.
Railway Station
It is located in the lower part of the city, in front of the first beach. It enjoyed prestige and popularity, for being the gateway for cargo and national and foreign passengers. The last character to travel by train from Mollendo to the city of Arequipa was President Manuel A. Odría.
Of two floors, the construction site is based on the foundation of concrete stones as well as the use of riveted quadruple rails as columns, tongue-and-groove wooden floors and imported English Portland cement.
It has been declared a Historic Monument by R J. Nro 348-INC-91.
It should be noted, the original Mollendo Railway Station was the most beautiful in South America, whose iron frame was built in the Eiffel workshops in Paris (France). The Station was destroyed on March 10, 1880 by enemy dynamite, during the War with Chile.
- Current status
Its current condition is very good as the architectural monument has been restored at the initiative of the Islay Provincial Municipality with the support of private companies, institutions that make proper maintenance possible. The Mollendo Cultural Station is located on Av. 28 de Julio No. 129, next to the Malecón Ratty in Mollendo - Islay. The Provincial Municipality of Islay has been taking steps with the Ministry of Transport for the recovery of the Mollendina Locomotive and Car No. 14, thereby allowing the future conditioning of what will be the railway museum in the same sector.
Pacific House
Also known by the name “Compañía de Lanchas”, it is an imposing two-story English-style house (Oregon pine), built in 1912, with spacious rooms on the first floor, where the offices of the company were located. Boat Company. It belonged to the worldwide shipping company "The Pacific Steam Navigation Company", silent witness of the commercial-port activity of Mollendo. It has been declared an Architectural Monument by R J. No. 348-INC-91.
The Lomellini House
It is not considered a historical monument, but it is an architectural relic of Mollendo, made of reinforced concrete, built in 1914. Its first owner was the Italian Lucchi Lomellini. The first floor with large windows, was intended for commercial stores and offices. The second floor has fixed two-leaf impost windows, cantilever balconies and a balustrade terrace, this is where the famous Europa hotel of the Nicoli-Attimis family worked.
Casa Lomellini, located next to Plaza Bolognesi, is the expression of the flourishing commercial activity that the port of Mollendo once had.
La Aguadita Tourist Hostel
It is not known in other places a tourist attraction made up of two pools: thermal water and sea water, such as the tourist complex "La Aguadita", built in a ravine with a decline of 24 meters that begins on Melgar street.
From the northeast to the southeast, the city of Mollendo is crossed by a great fault that begins at the height of Mariscal Castilla avenue, then continues through the intersection of Puno and Arequipa streets, and ends at the baths of “ The Aguadita”.
Along this fault, there are strongly mineralized water outcrops, and the one with the maximum flow constitutes the spring of "La Aguadita", known since 1630 and to which the wise Antonio Raimondi refers when he visited Mollendo at the beginning of December 1863. It was the illustrious doctor from Arequipa, Dr. Edmundo Escomel Hervé (1876-1959), the researcher who did the most, to publicize the properties of the waters of this spring and published a brochure entitled "Indications and Contraindications Medical and Climacteric of Mollendo as a Sea Port and as a Thermal Spa for its valuable sources of "La Aguadita".
In 1877, a patient with paralysis, wishing to bathe as a hygienic measure, in the summer time, took a little bit, continuing daily with the baths and great was his surprise, after a few days later, he found a relative ease of his ailments and enthusiastically spread the virtues of the spring.
During the Chilean invasion (1880), the enemies used the spring to water their horses.
In the municipal management of Don Eusebio Portugal, at the proposal of councilor Juan B. Arenas, wooden rooms were built and two wells were built for immersion. Subsequent mayors, within their possibilities, provided better attention to the public. In June 1924, due to the tsunami, its infrastructure was destroyed; which motivated the remodeling of the enclosure but made of noble material, with another saltwater pool that has a hole 90 cm in diameter, through which seawater enters each time the waves beat the wall.
Until the 1960s, the thermal pool provided excellent services to people who came to bathe with a medical prescription, but the venue was also the setting for social activities such as the traditional fairs held by the Islay Sports Club
Due to the incessant action of humidity, the infrastructure of "La Aguadita" suffered serious deterioration and was on the verge of collapsing, being closed by municipal order, but the children without preventing the danger managed to enter and bathe at the time Of summer.
In 1996, President Alberto Fujimori visited Mollendo and in response to the clamor of the neighbours, mainly the youth, who asked him in Plaza Bolognesi for the replacement of "La Aguadita", he committed FONCODES and the Provincial Municipality of Islay, your refaction.
On February 12, 2000, in an impressive setting of joy, remembrances and popular warmth, the chartered accountant, Miguel Román Valdivia, Mayor of the Provincial Municipality of Islay, inaugurated the modern and beautiful remodeling of "La Aguadita" with its restrooms, locker room, gazebos, pergolas, snack-restaurant, parking lot, green areas; and first class night lighting.
Social customs are inherited and have validity through time and remembering distant times, in the summer of 2003 the IV edition of the Aquatic Festival-Danzant was held, being the most attractive and terrifying the dives from 10-15 and 20 m high to the salt water pool and at the back of the enclosure.
Other historical monuments or architectural relics have been declared as such: Churches of the Lord of the Forsaken in Punta de Bombón and the Immaculate Conception in Mejía in accordance with Directorial Resolutions No. 946-INC of October 1, 2002, respectively; the La Ensenada Railway Station; the Malecón-Mollendo beach pedestrian iron bridge; the Bolognesi and Grau de Mollendo squares and 36 wooden houses in Mejía which, due to their singular beauty and age, have been declared by the local municipality intangible architectural relics, among which we can mention as a historical monument the house of the founder of the spa Mejía, Colonel Trinidad Pacheco Andía.
The Plaza de Armas
The old square of Mollendo, was since ancient times the meeting point of the population in public festivities, around it are the first constructions of the city, dating from the year 1800 approximately, almost all of them made of wood brought from the `United States. Around it are the main hotels and the Financial Center
Railroad "La Mollendina#34;
After 50 years, the "La Mollendina" returned to Mollendo, as a tourist attraction, this railway was the first to circulate on the southern railway, it is located at the entrance of the Aquatic Park.
Villa Velasquez
Solaried wooden mansion (Oregon pine) built in 1912. This English-style relic preserves its original architectural elements: on the first floor it has 5 trefoil arches, railings with balusters, a doorway flanked by two Doric columns, wide windows on its sides, on the right side there is a spiral staircase that leads to the second floor that has a large balcony-viewpoint.
Villa Velásquez recalls the period of splendor of architecture that the port of Mollendo had. Located on Avenida Mariscal Castilla, it has been declared a Historic Monument by R J. Nro 348-INC-91.
The Hills
It is a privilege of certain coastal hills to have herbaceous vegetation, which forms due to drizzle or drizzle during the season. Sometimes there are years with little rain, and the hills do not turn green and in all their splendor, but when winter comes with enough humidity, it is difficult to explain in words the splendor of the landscape that is formed. The red clayey earth is impregnated with the liquid element and an abundant and multicolored flora covers the crest and the slopes of the hills. There are beautiful but treacherous flowers, like the nettle; others that exhale an exquisite aroma, such as white amancae, which only exists in Mollendo and Camaná.
There is also an abundance of suncho, ambarina, cuyajo, clavelina, and a small malvácea, with lilac and light blue flowers that literally cover the hills, giving them a fantasy aspect. After so much beauty, it vanishes when the rigors of summer arrive; everything green dies and the hill acquires a devastating aridity.
The city of Mollendo is served by the small civilian Mollendo Airport, which serves as a landing area for airplanes and small planes, generally air tourism around the city.
Only in the summer season, it is used to transport vacationers from the city of Arequipa, mainly, it is used to transport oil, this railway connects with the main cities of the south: Mollendo - Arequipa - Cuzco - Puno - La Paz (Bolivia) A hospital was built in Mollendo to care for the railway workers and all the material that would be used in the work was unloaded. Houses and hotels were built; from that moment Mollendo was reborn and began its upward development thanks to the historic decision of engineer Enrique Meiggs, the true founder of contemporary Mollendo.
The railroad from Arequipa to Mollendo, 172 km long and 1.44 m wide, was completed on December 24, 1870 at a high price in deaths and human sacrifice: 2,000 braceros died doing their duty.
On January 6, 1871, two controversial and historic decrees were issued declaring the port of Mollendo as a provisional terminus for the railway, closing the port of Islay for the arrival of goods, and therefore having to arrive at the port de Mollendo and authorizes Eng. Meiggs to build the premises that are necessary for the performance of the work.
This is the historical reason why the people of Mollendo celebrate their anniversary on January 6, because from this date the bizarre and haughty people of Mollendo come to public life.
Land Terminal
Operating throughout the year, the Mollendo bus terminal is managed by Emattmo Empresa Municipal Administradora del Terminal Terrestre de Mollendo The Mollendo terminal is located 12 km from the port of Matarani and 105 km from the city of Arequipa. The Mollendo terminal serves the departments of Arequipa, Apurimac, Moquegua, Cusco, Puno, among others. Additionally, from Mollendo you can attend La Paz and the western zone of Bolivia.
From the Mollendo terminal there is easy access to the Arequipa-Matarani highway and the Panamericana Sur highway (at kilometer 982), to the Arequipa-Juliaca highway and to the coastal highway (which links Mollendo with Ilo), where you are The latter are part of IIRSA's South Interoceanic Road Corridor / Peru – Brazil – Bolivia Axis. It also has access to the Southern Railway that links Mollendo and Matarani with Arequipa, Juliaca/Puno and Cuzco. The closest commercial airport is located in the city of Arequipa.
With an installed capacity (total) of 513 thousand barrels and an average annual dispatch of 7.1 million barrels/year, in the Location Plan of the CT - Mollendo Terminal, the Mollendo terminal currently handles products such as Residual 500, RC250 Asphalt, Kerosene, Turbo A1, Diesel 2, Gasoline 84, Gasoline 90, among others. This terminal supplies tank wagons (railroad) as well as tank trucks indistinctly.
The city has the tourist dock, in ancient times it was the most important port in South America, but due to the damage of the Pacific War, the dock was in ruins, it was currently reformed and it is intended to turn it into a fishing spring to ship and disembark of small products for the consumption of the city. But 12 km north is the port of Matarani. It constitutes one of the three ports of the Peruvian Pacific (Marcona and Ilo) where the interoceanic road to the south of Peru and the neighboring countries of Brazil and Bolivia leaves interconnecting the Brazilian Atlantic by these roads. Raa
This port, managed to be located in 2008 as the second with the greatest traffic in Peru after Callao. Cruises arrive in this port in the times of November to February from different parts of the world, based mainly from the port of Callao to Chilean Patagonia.
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