Mole of hips


The Mole of Hips, " and the" "Huaxmole", are two traditional dishes of goat bones from the Autumn slaughters, in the region of Tehuacán Puebla, and Huajuapan, Oaxaca. A productive activity, established for the rational exploitation of all resources obtained from goats, tallow, skin, wool, dried meat and bones (backbones and hips). It is considered one of the most important dishes in the states of Puebla, due to the prolonged upbringing and care in the preparation of the animal -of which all the meat is used- and the celebration of the Festival of the Slaughter that accompanies and gives beginning the slaughter of farm animals for the preparation of food and for the subsequent preservation and curing of meat.

In the preparation of the hip mole, the meat and bone of the hip are used, seasonings based on salt, chili and a lemon bath is given to give it an exquisite culinary touch, with a red broth boiled with the meat from the hips and wild beans. The flavor of the dish is characteristic of the meat of the goats that are taken during a journey of a year grazing through the southern regions of the state of Puebla and the north of Oaxaca, feeding the cattle only with abundant amounts of salt and apple., they stay hydrated only by lemon water. From the practice of this type of breeding, meat is obtained with a strong, tasty and, of course, characteristic flavor with which traditional dishes are prepared.

Traditional Mexican stew that has the hip and backbone of the goat as distinctive ingredients. The sauce is made with guajillo, costeño and serrano chiles, tomato, tomato, avocado leaf, cilantro and a typical bean from the region.

The hips are cooked in water with onion, garlic, and salt; the chiles are roasted and prepared in a sauce, and this is incorporated into the broth along with toasted avocado leaves; green beans are added when the meat is cooked.

It is typical of the state of Puebla, especially in Tehuacán and the Mixteca region (Huajuapan de León). Some add ground raw gourds and cilantro, and turn it into huaxmole de hipes, although this name is not used to designate it. This form of huaxmole is also eaten in Oaxaca.

In the traditional restaurants of Puebla, it is advertised with special insistence when this mole is prepared, since for many it is very special, to the point that a dish of mole hips is more expensive than mole poblano. It is made where an annual festival is held, during the time of the slaughter of goats, that is, from October to December.

On October 20 of each year, the festival of the slaughter takes place in Tehuacán, in which there are dances and dances such as the so-called "dance of the slaughter", where they literally dance to a male goat to be sacrificed at the end with a shot to the forehead.

With this celebration the slaughter begins, but not before offering a ceremony by the people of Matanzas at an altar where they ask for the slaughter to be good, the same or better than last year. The people of Matanzas give way to the chiteros and these, in turn, to the viscera fritangueros.

The whole animal is used: the spine and hips are the most sought after in the traditional cuisine of the area; the bones are sold to accompany dishes also associated with the season, such as guasmole or tesmole; the innards are eaten roasted and chicharrón de chivo is prepared with the skin.

The mole is generally a unique dish and is accompanied with corn tortillas. It is also known as mole de chivo, although this refers to a traditional stew, but more usual.

Historical references point to the probable date of the start of the elaboration of this mole in the year 1800, a time in which there was an unprecedented increase in the number of goats.

Recipe to prepare hip mole

This Mexican hip mole recipe from Puebla, Mexico, calls for the following ingredients:

  • 1 hips and chivo spine game
  • 2 handfuls of pipicha
  • 1 crank of cilantro
  • 250 gr of coastal chili
  • 2 hollows
  • 1⁄2 large white onion
  • Garlic to taste
  • 150 gr of stumbled ayocotes
  • 10 avocado toasted leaves
  • Butter for frying
  • Go to taste, remember that meat is a little salty
  • 1200 g tomatoes (miltomate or green tomatoes)
  • 200 gr of tomato (red tomato) or green

To prepare hip mole you have to cook the meat with garlic and onion. Bring the chiles, tomato and tomato to a boil. Grind them with garlic and onion; fry in lard, leave to season. Add the sauce to the meats, previously cooked, with its broth. Grind the raw huaje and add; when the stew is boiling, add avocado leaves and coriander branches. Boil for a moment and serve later. Makes 10 servings.

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