Miquel Martí i Pol


Miquel Martí i Pol (Roda de Ter, March 19, 1929 - Vic, November 11, 2003) was a Spanish poet, writer and translator into Catalan.


The son of a locksmith, he studied at the town school, until he was fourteen, when he started working in the offices of the Tecla Sala textile factory, where his mother already worked. At nineteen he fell ill with pulmonary tuberculosis, and then with multiple sclerosis (which was the cause of his death), forcing him to spend a year in bed, during which time he began to read extensively..

In 1954 he won the Óssa Menor prize with Paraules al vent, his first work. In 1956 she married Dolors Feixas, with whom she will have a daughter and a son. He begins to translate and initiates a series of public activities: he gives lectures, sings with members of the Nova Cançó, collaborates in magazines... At the end of this decade he also becomes involved in the political activities of the Unified Socialist Party of Catalonia (PSUC)..

From 1968, the poet began to manifest multiple sclerosis that led him to leave the textile factory in 1973. Gradually he became one of the most widely read Catalan poets. Your book, Dear Marta, exceeded &&&&&&&&&0100000.&&&&&0100,000 copies sold, in various editions, and thousands of copies of L'àmbit de tots els àmbits or Llibre d&# 39;absences.

In 1978 he received a tribute at the Setmana Popular de Osona, with the assistance of poets such as Vicent Andrés Estellés, Pere Quart, Joan Brossa, Joan Vinyoli, Frances Gisbert, Ramon Balasch and Xavier Bru de room, among others. In Catalonia more than eighty towns and cities have names of squares and streets or monuments dedicated to his memory.

Translated into Catalan by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (Ciutadella, in collaboration with Jordi Sarsanedas, 1965), Georges Arnaud (El salari de la por, 1968) Simone de Beauvoir (La mesura de l'home, 1969), Claude Lévi-Strauss (Tristos tròpics, 1969, El pensament salvatge, 1971), Apollinaire, Flaubert, Zola, Racine, Huysmans and Roland Barthes, among others.

His work has been translated into Spanish, Asturian, Portuguese, German, English, Italian, Dutch, Hebrew, Slovenian, Bulgarian, Russian and Japanese.

In honor of the poet, the following poetry prizes in the Catalan language were created:

  • The "Premi Miquel Martí i Pol de poesia", established in 1985 by the City Council of Roda de Ter; and since 2017 it is convened jointly with the Fundación Miquel Martí i Pol.
  • The "Premi de Poesia Miquel Martí i Pol", created in 1996 by the Autonomous University of Barcelona; and since 2002 it has been convened jointly with the City Council of Sardañola del Vallés.
  • "Concurs de Poesia Miquel Martí i Pol", created and convened since 1998 by the Public Library of the Government of Andorra.



  • Paraules al vent (1954), Premio Óssa Menor.
  • Quinze poems (1957)
  • The Poble (1956)
  • Factory (1970-1971) (1972)
  • Vint-i-set poems in three temps (1972), finalist of the Carles Riba Award
  • Llibre dels sis sentits (1974)
  • The hair of the violin (1974)
  • Cinc esgrafiats a la mateixa paret (1975)
  • L'arrel i l'escorça (1975)
  • The llarg viatge (1976), Lletra d'Or Award
  • Quadern de vacances (1976)
  • Amb vidres to the sang (1977)
  • Crònica del demà (1977)
  • Dear Martha (1978), Critics Award
  • Contes de la Vila de R. i altres narracions (1978)
  • L'hoste insòlit (1979)
  • They're getting paraules. (1980)
  • L'àmbit de tots els àmbits (1981), Ciutat de Barcelona Prize for Poetry
  • First blepper of Bloomsbury (1982)
  • "Andorra (postals i altres poems)" (1983)
  • Autobiography (1979)
  • Llibre d'absències (1985)
  • Bon profit! (1987)
  • Barcelona-Roda de Ter (1987), correspondence with Joan Vinyoli
  • The bells camins (1987), Salvador Espriu Award
  • Obertura Catalana (1988)
  • Sicilian defence (1989)
  • Suite de Parlavà (1991), Catalan Poetry Critics Award
  • A hivern plàcid (1994), Cavall Verd Prize for Poetry
  • Llibre de les solitudes (1997), prize of the Critics-Serra d'Or poetry
  • The infants make up pelils (1997)
  • Cinc poems de possibles variacions melangioses (1998)
  • Haikus in war temps (2002)
  • Tot decks (2002), Laureà Melà Award
  • Allà dalt de la muntanya (2003) Borreguet award


There have been many singers who have set his poems to music. Some of the best known are listed below:

  • Maria del Mar Bonet, A l'Olympia (1975)
  • L'anus Redonet, Why not saps qui ès mort d'esclerosi? (6969)
  • Ramon Muntaner. Presagi (1976)
  • Poison. I don't ask much. (1977)
  • Teresa Rebull, També per tu (1981)
  • Lluís Llach, I amb el somriure, the revolt (1982)
  • Vines to the Sang, The month last sempre guanya
  • Paco Muñoz, Collarets de llum (2001)
  • Arianna Savall, Hi has a remoli (2004)
  • Judit Neddermann, Fugitiu



  • Fastenrath Prize 1978)
  • Premio Cruz de San Jorge de la Generalidad de Cataluña 1983)
  • Premio Nacional de Literatura de la Generalidad de Cataluña 1988).


  • Ribbon Bar of None.svg Gold Medal to merit in the Fine Arts ().
  • Ribbon Bar of None.svg Gold Medal of the Generality of Catalonia ().

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