

Michelia is an ancient botanical genus with 50 species of phanerogamous plants belonging to the family Magnoliaceae, order Magnoliales. This genus is now a synonym of Magnolia.

They are evergreen trees or shrubs native to tropical and subtropical regions of South and Southeast Asia (Indochina), including southern China.

Selected species

Michelia alba DC.
Michelia balansae (DC.) Dandy
Michelia banghamii Noot.
Michelia baviensis Finet & Gagnep.
Michelia cathcartii Hook.f. & Thomson
Michelia celebica Koord.
Michelia champagne L.
Michelia chapensis Dandy.
Michelia compressa (Maxim.) Sarg.
Michelia doltsopa Buch.-Ham. ex DC.
Michelia excelsa Bl. ex Wall. - Nepali shampoo
Michelia figo (Lour.) Spreng.
Michelia floribunda Finet & Gagnep.
Michelia fogii
Michelia formosana (Kaneh.) Masam. & Suzuki
Michelia kisopa Buch.-Ham. ex DC.
Michelia lanceolata E.H.Wilson
Michelia longifolia Blume
Michelia macclurei Dandy var. sublanea Dandy.
Michelia maudiae Dunn
Michelia montana Blume
Michelia nilagerica Zenker
Michelia rajaniana Craib
Michelia subulifera Dandy.
Michelia tsiampaca L.
Michelia tsoi Dandy.
Michelia velutina DC.
Michelia yunnanensis Franch. ex Finet & Gagnep.

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