Michael ende


Michael Andreas Helmuth Ende (12 November 1929 in Garmisch-Partenkirchen - 28 August 1995 in Filderstadt) was a German writer of fantasy and children's literature. His best known works are the novels The Neverending Story , Momo and Jim Button and Lucas the Machinist . His books have been translated into more than 40 languages, have sold more than 35 million copies, and have inspired films, plays, and operas. Ende was one of the most popular and famous German authors of the 20th century, largely due to the enormous success of his children's fiction. He also published books for adults.


«Momo», one of his most famous characters.
Sculpture by Ulrike Enders located in Hanover
Plaza „Michael Ende“ a Garmisch-Partenkirchen
Plaza "Michael Ende" to Garmisch-Partenkirchen

The only child of the surrealist painter Edgar Ende and Luise Bartholomä, a physiotherapist. His childhood was marked by the artistic and bohemian environment in which his father lived. In his youth he participated in an anti-Nazi group called & # 34; Bavarian Free Front & # 34; while he was a student, but he had to suspend his studies to serve in the German army. Later, his family moved to an artist area in Munich, which would be a great influence on Ende later. Between 1947 and 1950 he studied acting at the Otto Falckenburg School in Munich.

He began writing short stories for children and adolescents in the early 1950s. He worked as an actor, cabaret show writer, and film review writer. He achieved popularity in his country with the work Jim Button and Lucas the Machinist (1960), a fantastic novel that won him the Deutscher Jugendbuchpreis award for best German book of the year for children. In 1962 he published the second part, Jim Button and the 13 savages . He married Ingeborg Hoffman, who was a singer and with whom he would live in Rome. Ingeborg passed away in 1985 due to cancer. Four years later, Ende would marry the Japanese Mariko Sato for the second time.

His work falls within the fantastic genre. He has achieved universal fame with books such as Momo (1973) and The Neverending Story (1979), both made into movies. The first narrates the adventures of a girl who confronts the gray men who steal men's time (a fantastic story that has surreal and metaphysical cuts). The second is a book that talks about a book. It is the story of Bastián Baltasar Bux, who, upon stealing a book, discovers that the book talks about him and is absorbed by its plot. This work was made into a film three times, the first time in 1984, modifying many aspects of the book, for which Ende stated that she was dissatisfied with it. It was still a box office success.

Her books have strange, flashy names. Some of the most notable are The Monicacos' Book (1969), Dream Eater (1978), Jojo: Story of a Saltimbanqui (play by theater, 1982), El Goggolori (1984), The mirror in the mirror (1986), The punch of wishes (1989) and Carta de apuntes (1994), which contains some autobiographical essays with some fantastic and adventure stories.

In 1992, he was diagnosed with stomach cancer that ended his life three years later. Michael Ende died at the age of 65, in Filderstadt (Germany), on August 28, 1995.


  • 1947: Enter the anthroposophical school of philosopher Rudolf Steiner in Stuttgart. Write that year his first play of theatre, It's time.dedicated to the massacre of Hiroshima.
  • 1948: Enter the House Theatre School of Otto Falckenberg in Munich. He was a professional actor and a film critic.
  • 1955: Write the play The Feo.
  • 1960: His first work of success, Jim Boton and Lucas the Machinist is published after being rejected for two years. It's worth the "Premio de Literatura Infantil de Germany".
  • 1964: He married in Rome with the singer Ingeborg Hoffmann, whom he had met in 1949.
  • 1973: Publica Momobut with great difficulties due to the harsh social criticism of history. In 1974 the work was awarded with the "Premio de Literatura Adolescente de Germany".
  • 1979: Publishes with great success The endless story. He got the Janusz Korczak Award.
  • 1982: Sign a contract for the film production The endless storywithout knowing all the details of the legal document. When he realizes that the story had been changed, he wants to prevent him from telling his name, without getting it. He held a lawsuit against the producers, who finally lost, in 1985.
  • 1985: Your wife dies from lung cancer.
  • 1989: Mariko Sato is married to the Japanese.
  • 1992: He is diagnosed with stomach cancer.
  • 1995: Michael Ende died in Filderstadt on 28 August.
  • 1998: The "Bibliothek für internationale Kinder- und Jugendliteratur" (Munich, Germany) inaugurates the Michael Ende Museum. Visitors can see author works in various languages, manuscripts, paintings by their father, books from their private library, etc. Ende was a collector of turtle figures made of all kinds of materials.


Children's novels

  • Jim Boton and Lucas the Machinist (Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivführer(1960), ISBN 3-522-17650-2
  • Jim Button and the 13 savages (Jim Knopf und die Wilde 13(1962), ISBN 3-522-17651-0
  • Momo (Momoor Momo oder Die seltsame Geschichte von den Zeit-Dieben und von dem Kind, das den Menschen die gesturehlene Zeit zurückbrachte(1973), ISBN 3-522-11940-1
  • The endless story (Die unendliche Geschichte(1979), ISBN 3-522-17684-7
  • The punch of desires (Der satanarchäolügenialkohöllische Wunschpunsch(1989), ISBN 3-522-16610-8
  • Rodrigo Bandido and Chiquillo, his squire (Rodrigo Raubein und Knirps, sein Knappe(2019), with Wieland Freund, ISBN 978-3-522-18500-4; novel initiated by Ende and developed and concluded by Freund.

Children's stories

  • "Tranquila Trabalenguas, the turtle tenacious", or "Tranquila Tragaleguas, the turtle Cabezota" ("Tranquilla Trampeltreu, die beharrliche Schildkröte") (1972), ISBN 3-522-41030-0
  • "The Little Puppet," or "The Trap Doll" (1975), ISBN 3-522-43537-0
  • "Liri Loré Willi Why" ("Lirum Larum Willi Warum") (1978), ISBN 3-87838-231-6
  • "Tragasueños" (1978), ISBN 3-522-41500-0
  • "The Dragon and the Butterfly," or "The Dragon and the Butterfly or The Strange Change" ("Der Lindwurm und der Schmetterling oder Der seltsame Tausch") (1981), ISBN 3-522-43495-1
  • "Filemon the Arrugado" (1984), ISBN 3-522-43483-8
  • "Norberto Nucagorda or El rinoceronte nude" ("Norbert Nackendick oder Das nackte Nashorn") (1984), ISBN 3-522-42430-1, based on his play. Die Ballade von Norbert Nackendick; oder das nackte Nashom
  • "The Shadow Theatre of Ofelia" (1988), ISBN 3-522-42520-0
  • "The history of the sopera and the cazo", or "The sopera and the cazo" ("Die Geschichte von der Schüssel und vom Löffel") (1990), ISBN 3-522-14870-3
  • "Lena's Secret" ("Lenchens Geheimnis") (1991), ISBN 3-522-16690-690-6
  • "The long road of Santa Cruz", or "The long road to Santa Cruz" ("Der lange Weg nach Santa Cruz") (1992), ISBN 3-522-16809-7
  • "The Teddy Bear and Animals," or "The Teddy Bear and Other Animals" (1993), ISBN 3-522-43138-3
  • "Instead of a prologue: to be more accurate" ("Anstelle eines Vorworts: Genau genommen") (1994)
  • "The Magic School" ("Die Zauberschule im Wünschelreich") (1994)
  • "The History of the Desire of All Desire" ("Die Geschichte vom Wunsch aller Wünsche") (1994)
  • "Moni paints an art work" ("Moni malt ein Meisterwerk") (1994)
  • "It doesn't matter" ("Macht nichts") (1994)
  • "Tontolico y Tontiloco" (1994)
  • "A story of truffles" ("Eine Zungenbrechergeschichte") (1994)
  • "A bad night" ("Eine schlimme Nacht") (1994)


  • The best stories of Michael Ende (Die Zauberschule und andere Geschichten(1994), collection of 20 stories:
    "Dee Zauberschule im Wünschelreich"

Stories for adults


  • The mirror in the mirror. A maze (Der Spiegel im Spiegel. Ein Labyrinth(1984), collection of 30 stories, ISBN 3-423-13503-4:
    "Der Sohn"
  • Prison of liberty (Das Gefängnis der Freiheit(1992), collection of 8 stories, ISBN 3-492-24990-6
    "Einer langen Reise Ziel", "Der Korridor des Borromeo Colmi", "Das Haus an der Peripherie", "Zugegeben etwas klein", "Die Katakomben von Misraim", "Aus den Aufzeichnungen des Traumweltreisenden Max Muto", "Das Gefängnis"

Not published in collections

  • The legend of the full moon (Die Vollmondlegende) (1993), ISBN 3-492-71460-9


  • Die Spielverderber oder: Das Erbe der Narren (1967)
  • Ein sehr kurzes Märchen (1976), based on the story "Hansel and Gretel"
  • Momo und die Zeitdiebe (1978), opera based on the novel Momo
  • Die Ballade von Norbert Nackendick; oder das nackte Nashom (1982)
  • Die zerstreute Brillenschlange (1982)
  • Jojo, story of a jumper (Das Gauklermärchen(1982)
  • The Goggolori (Der Goggolori(1984), opera
  • Die Jagd nach dem Schlarg (1988), poem-based opera The Snark Hunt by Lewis Carroll
  • Das Traumfresserchen (1991), opera based on the story "Tragasueños"
  • Der Rattenfänger: ein Hamelner Totentanz. Oper in elf Bildern Opera (1993)
  • Die Geschichte von der Schüssel und vom Löffel (1998), opera based on the story "The story of the sopera and the cazo"


  • The Book of the Monicacos (Das Schnurpsenbuch(1969), ISBN 3-522-12890-7
  • The Shadow Sewing Machine (Die Schattennähmaschine(1982), ISBN 3-522-12790-0
  • Trödelmarkt der Träume: Mitternachtslieder und leise Balladen (1986), collection of poems and songs, ISBN 3-492-24798-9


  • Edgar Ende (1971)
  • Phantasie / Kultur / Politik. Protokoll eines Gesprächs (1982), with Erhard Eppler and Hanne Tächl, ISBN 3-522-70020-1, opinion
  • Die Archäologie der Dunkelheit. Gespräche über Kunst und das Werk des Malers Edgar Ende (1985), with Jörg Krichbaum, ISBN 3-522-70190-9, art
  • Series Kunst und Politik – ein Gespräch (art):
    1. Kunst und Politik – ein Gespräch (1989), with Joseph Beuys, ISBN 3-928780-48-4
    2. Kunst und Politik – Gesprächsfortsetzung (2011), with Joseph Beuys, ISBN 978-3-928780-53-7
  • Apuntes folder (Michael Endes Zettelkasten: Skizzen und Notizen(1994), ISBN 3-492-26356-9, compilation of stories, poems, essays, aphorisms, notes, letters, drafts, meditations and curiosities
  • Monogatari no yohaku (Der weiße Rand einer Geschichte) - ein Gespräch von Michael Ende/Toshio Tamura (2000), with Toshio Tamura, opinion, published posthumously
  • Die Rüpelschule (2002), with Volker Fredrich, ISBN 3-522-43381-5, published guide posthumously
  • Das große Michael Ende Lesebuch (2004), literature, published posthumously


  • Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivführer (1961), animated series led by Harald Schäfer, based on the children's novel Jim Boton and Lucas the Machinist
  • Jim Knopf und die wilde 13 (1962), animated series led by Harald Schäfer, based on the children's novel Jim Button and the 13 savages
  • Jim Knopf und Lukas, der Lokomotivführer (1970, telefilm directed by Günther Meyer-Goldenstädt and Eberhard Möbius, based on the children's novel Jim Boton and Lucas the Machinist
  • Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivführer (1977), animated series led by Manfred Jenning, based on the children's novel Jim Boton and Lucas the Machinist
  • Jim Knopf und die wilde 13 (1978), animated series led by Manfred Jenning, based on the children's novel Jim Button and the 13 savages
  • Die unendliche Geschichte (1984), film directed by Wolfgang Petersen, based on the children's novel The endless story
  • Momo (1986), film directed by Johannes Schaaf, based on the children's novel Momo
  • The Neverending Story II: The Next Chapter (1990), film directed by George T. Miller, based on the children’s novel The endless story
  • The Neverending Story III: Escape from Fantasia (1994), film directed by Peter MacDonald, based on the children's novel The endless story
  • The Neverending Story (1995-1996), animated series led by Marc Boreal and Mike Fallows, based on the children's novel The endless story
  • Jim Button (1999-2001), animated series led by Bruno Bianchi, André Leduc, Jan Nonhof and Jean-Michel Spiner based on the series of children's novels Jim Boton
  • Wunschpunsch (2000-2002), animated series directed by Philippe Amador, based on the children’s novel The punch of desires
  • Momo, an adventure to counterreloj (2001), animated film directed by Enzo D'Alò, based on the children's novel Momo
  • Tales from the Neverending Story (2001-2004), series led by Giles Walker and Adam Weissman, based on the children's novel The endless story
  • Momo (2003), animated series led by Cohem Burke and Colum Burke, based on child novel Momo
  • Kathedralen (2013), short documentary film directed by Konrad Kästner, based on the story "Die Bahnhofskathedrale stand auf einer großen Scholle"
  • Legend of Raana (2014), animated mini-series directed by Majid Ahmady, based on the children's novel Momo
  • Jim Knopf " Lukas der Lokomotivführer (2018), film directed by Dennis Gansel, based on the children's novel Jim Boton and Lucas the Machinist
  • Jim Knopf und die Wilde 13 (2020), film directed by Dennis Gansel, based on the children's novel Jim Button and the 13 savages

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