Miahuatlan by Porfirio Diaz


Miahuatlán is a Mexican town located in the state of Oaxaca. Its official name is Miahuatlán de Porfirio Díaz, according to Decree No. 44 of September 27, 1948 of the then governor of the state of Oaxaca, Rubén Cortez González.


The word Miahuatlán is derived from the Nahuatl miahuatl, ear of corn, and tlan, place or field. In the Zapotec language it was called Pelopenitza, which means "where our spring begins" or "town by the water", Those who still speak Zapotec call it Yezhe Doo, as it was also named in its indigenous splendor, and which means "great town" 34;[<citation needed] is a district of the Sierra Sur, although many writings say that it belongs to the Central Valleys.


At the end of the 15th century, Pelopenitza was once again reconquered by the Aztecs, this time under the command of Ahuitzotl, the eighth huey tlatoani (king) of Mexico, after strong and prolonged struggles they defeated the Zapotecs. They imposed their religion, customs, and language on them, and once again they took away the Zapotec name of Pelopenitza[citation required] and gave it the Mexica word Miahuatlán, name that to date holds.

Within this, there is also the municipality of San Sebastián Río Hondo, a place famous for the production of woolen handicrafts. On March 1, 1767, the eighth Mayor's Office was formed with headquarters in Miahuatlán, which then included the parishes that had the following towns as head: San Andrés Miahuatlán, San Pablo Coatlán, Santa María Ozolotepec, San Luis Amatlán, San Agustín Loxicha, San Miguel Suchixtepec, San Mateo Piñas and San Juan Ozolotepec. Basilio Rojas points out in his work the jurisdiction with sixty-three towns.

Battle of October 3rd

Miahuatlán is a town that has contributed to the history of the country in heroic acts. This is shown by the Battle of Miahuatlán on October 3, 1866, where the Army of the East commanded by General Porfirio Díaz (from whom it bears his name) and, with the help of local people, headed by Captain Apolinar García, defeated to the French army under the command of Don Carlos Oronoz in the "Loma de los Nogales", called "la pilaster" by the inhabitants of the town, located to the west of their local territory.

The topography of the place of the battle, in the vicinity of the town of Miahuatlán, and the knowledge of the terrain gave Porfirio Díaz the victory, which he himself would later consider in his memoirs as the most strategic and brilliant action he waged during the Second French intervention in Mexico, because with only approximately 1,000 soldiers he defeated the French army, with more than twice as many troops, better armed and trained than the Mexican soldiers; victory that, added to that obtained in the Battle of the Carbonera, would give Díaz national fame.

The skinny, Miahuateca participation in the Revolution

The guerrilla group made up of members of the towns that make up the District of Miahuatlán was called cuerudos. or capulinas, hence the name. The cuerudos are a part of Miahuateca history that has caused confusion, since in the October festivities the vast majority of riders carry cueras or capulinas. Many believe that the cuerudos participated in the battle on October 3, but in reality this was not the case: the group was not created until 1916, when the community felt sullied by the Carrancista military occupation. Around those dates, José Inés Dávila decided to resume the sovereignty of the State of Oaxaca, which was considered an act of rebellion by the Carrancista government. In the state, the military presence gave rise to many outrages, which caused discontent in the local groups. In the case of Miahuatlán, the people grouped around a group of local chiefs from different towns in the district and acted as guerrillas.

1970 eclipse

On March 7, 1970, there was a total solar eclipse for which Miahuatlán, due to its geographical location, was the ideal place to observe it; for such an occasion the city was declared “Scientific Center of the World”.

In 2015, the 45th anniversary of that event was celebrated in Miahuatlán.


The municipality of Miahuatlán de Porfirio Díaz is located in the southern part of the state of Oaxaca, at coordinates 96°35'43" west longitude, 16°19'42" north latitude, at an altitude of 1550 meters above sea level. It limits to the north with Ejutla de Crespo and with Coatecas Altas, to the south with San Pablo Coatlán|, Santa Catarina Cuixtla, Santo Tomás Tamazulapan, San Andrés Paxtlán and with San Sebastián Río Hondo; to the west with San Nicolás, San Simón Almolongas, Santa Cruz Xitla; to the east with San Luis Amatlán, Sitio Xitlapehua and San Francisco Logueche. It is located at a distance of 100 km in relation to the state capital. The territory of the municipality has an area of 326.6 km², which represents 0.3 percent of the state total.

Currently, the municipal presidency is in charge of José Alberto Martínez Luna.


The hydrographic map shows that Miahuatlán is located precisely in the center of the Pacific basin, in the middle of the two most important rivers in the state: the Atoyac river and the Tehuantepec river. Miahuatlán is a watershed of these rivers, since the Tabaje River is born in its territory, which gives rise to the Tehuantepec River and the Miahuatlán River, a tributary of the Atoyac River.

  • Miahuatlán River.

On the Yuxiub hill, to the south of Tamazulapan, the Verde River is born, which, with the union of other streams that are added along the way, forms the Tamazulapan River. This, following its course to the north, in the place formerly called Quehue and today La Junta, is joined by the San Miguelito river.

Its source is on Cerro del Venado under the name of Riovana and its tributary is the Temascaj stream, it passes under the small town of San Miguel Yogovana and between rows of ahuehuetes it joins the Tamazulapan river; Together, its waters continue northward, passing by the shores of Miahuatlán, from which it receives its name, where they form a small meadow that irrigates with its waters.

When leaving this city, the terrain through which it crosses is made up of hills that it has been wearing down, forming some depths (Pozas de Yolveo), following a boxed-in channel, which in a few places extends to form small meadows (irrigations of Monjas, San Guillermo, San Nicolás), to extend a little more by confusing its waters with the Atoyac river, in Yogana, after having collected those that the streams of Cuixtla, La Soledad, Almolongas and San Bernardo pay tribute to it, among other smaller ones.


Temperate with summer rains.

Flora and fauna of Miahuatlan de Porfirio Diaz
Oryctolagus cuniculus Tasmania 2.jpgCoral snake.jpgBlack scorpion.jpgArdilla española.JPGStriped skunk.jpg
Rabbit Coralillo Scorpions Ardilla Zorrillo
Mexican wolf lounging.jpgCobra cascavel 280707- 23 04 40s - 49 06 55w REFON (4)a.jpgTayassu pecari -Brazil-8.jpgPossum122708.JPG
Mexican Wolf Viper of cascabel Tayassu pecarí Tlacuache
Ceiba pentandra 0008.jpgWhitebarkPine 7467t.jpgSingapore Botanic Gardens Cactus Garden 2.jpgTronco-Detalles-Árbol-del-Tule-Oaxaca-Mexico.jpgMaguey landscape.jpg
Ceiba pentandra Pinus Echinocactus grusonii Taxodium mucronatum Agave potatorium


The city of Miahuatlán has 35 educational centers in the urban area:

  • 16 kindergartens
  • 12 primary schools
  • Multiple Care Center N° 19 (CAM)
  • 2 private schools
  • a technical secondary school
  • a general secondary school
  • a telesecondary school
  • 2 private secondary schools
  • a CBTIS plantel 183
  • a COBAO (plantel 27)
  • Conafe
  • a regional university UNSIS
  • a CEBA

Economic information

In 2000, the district of Miahuatlán had 2,979 economic units. In 2007 there were 47 ejidos and communities with agricultural activity, 33 with livestock activity, 19 with forestry activity and 20 dedicated to harvesting.

Main towns

The municipal seat is Miahuatlán de Porfirio Díaz, its predominant activity is agriculture.

Characterization of the town hall

The H. Ayuntamiento de Miahuatlán is integrated as follows:

  • Constitutional Municipal President.
  • A yesndic prosecutor
  • Six toilets:
    • Regidor de Hacienda
    • Regidor de obras públicas
    • Regiver of education culture and recreation
    • Market management
    • Prison and road manager
    • Garden and Pantheon Regiver

All with their respective substitutes.

Auxiliary authorities

It is made up of a municipal treasurer, a secretary and a mayor; each one of them has faculties and obligations that are established in the Municipal Organic Law and in the Police and Good Government Band.

The municipal and police agents are chosen by direct popular election, lasting one year in office. They are in charge of helping the City Council, representing it, as well as looking after the interests of the inhabitants of its population.

20 municipal agencies

  • Water of the Sun
  • Bramaderos
  • Santa Catarina Coatlán
  • Santa Cruz
  • San Felipe Yegachiin
  • Guixe
  • San Guillermo
  • San José Llano Grande
  • Lachidoblas Site
  • Santa Maria la Pila
  • Mengoli of Morelos
  • San Miguel Yogovana
  • Palo Grande
  • San Pedro Amatlán
  • San Pedro Coatlán
  • The Soledad
  • The Tepehuaje
  • The Zapote
  • The Zompantle
  • The Tecolote

Each one with its respective rancherías and rural nuclei.

Political regionalization

The municipality belongs to the X Federal Electoral District and the VI Local Electoral District.

Municipal regulations

The municipality has a Police Band.

Cultural and tourist attractions

Cultural Attractives of Miahuatlán de Porfirio Díaz
Cerro de la Cruz Monument to the martyrs of October 3 Monument to Benito Juárez Cerro Gordo Municipal Explanation
Municipal Kiosk Poza del Gallo La Pilastra The Arcos Miahuatlán Old Temple of Sta. Catarina Cixtla


Commemorative Festival of the Battle of Miahuatlán

Miahuatlán has celebrated all the dates consecrated by history with enthusiasm and joy; but the most important patriotic festival, the most lucid, the one that arouses the love of the country and the enthusiasm of all the inhabitants at the district and state level, is the commemoration of the historic "Battle of Miahuatlán" given in the outskirts of the population on October 3, 1866.

The festivities begin on October 1, erecting a commemorative arch of the date on which the advance guard of the Republican Army arrived in Miahuatlán under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Feliciano García Bustamante. The arch rises in front of the house where Don Chano, as this republican patrician was affectionately called, with the assistance of all the municipal authorities, while a literary-musical program takes place, starting at 8:00 p.m.

On the esplanade of the municipal public market, “Lic. Orfa Bohórquez Valencia", a grandiose and lucid social act is carried out, which is attended by the town in general, to witness the solemn coronation of the queen of the October festivities, after a meticulous selection of the beautiful ladies of the city, enlivened by wind music bands, from nearby towns, musical ensembles, war bands from some schools selected for this purpose.

The queen of the October festivities is accompanied by ladies ambassadors dressed in their own clothes, appropriate for the coronation act, chamberlains wearing tuxedos, the herald carrying the trumpet in one hand and in the other the decree written on parchment by The one who declares the queen of the October festivities to the lady who was previously selected.

Featured Characters

Cuerudo chiefs 1914-1940.
  • Pedro Ojeda, General of the Federal Army defending Miahuatlán during the battle against the French (Batalla de Miahuatlán), 3

Exhibition fair in Miahuatlán

From May 1 to 5, the great Expoferia, crafts, socio-cultural events, rodeos, and cockfights takes place, lasting five days, in which producers of mezcal, maguey and their derivatives from all over the world participate. the region, which it attends, the population in general, municipal agencies, neighboring municipalities, as well as sympathizers, wind music bands, citizens and representative and significant relatives of the city of Oaxaca de Juárez.

Religious festivals

Relations between the town and the church, with the religious festivities, so deep in the town, are part of the popular customs, Miahuatlán has been a religious town and therefore performs certain acts that are included within its religious manifestations.

Holy Week is one of the main religious festivals of the year, which begins on Ash Wednesday, and is planned on each of the Fridays of Lent to end in the Greater Week. On Palm Sunday, the attendance of the faithful in the temple is very large because it is the day of the blessing of the palms, which the devotees keep in their homes, because in case of storms they preserve against lightning by burning a blessed palm.

When Holy Thursday arrives, all the Catholic people parade through the streets to attend divine services. On Good Friday the procession of the "encounter" is celebrated on public roads, the faithful walk in black as a sign of mourning, in the temple the priest with the audience celebrates the liturgy of that day.

On Holy Saturday the Catholic Church wakes up in mourning next to the tomb of its Lord, in the city profound silence reigns, at night in the temple packed with faithful, the priest celebrates the Mass of Glory, in which the glory, the bells that had been silent on Maundy Thursday after evening mass ring, the organ is played and now everything is joy, life in the city returns to normal.

On Easter Sunday there is a solemn mass in the temple and in the afternoon a large procession goes through the town with the image of the risen Christ ascending to heaven.

On October 7, great celebrations of honor and praise to "Our Lady of the Rosary", patron saint of the city of Miahuatlán, prior to the novena, there is an invitation, calenda, worship from all neighborhoods, neighborhoods, municipal agencies, and towns neighbors and the population in general, music, ringing of bells and fireworks.

On the day of the festival, in the afternoon, a procession passes through the main streets of the city, carrying on a litter the thaumaturgical image of the Virgin of “Nuestra Señora del Rosario”. All the Catholic people come to this celebration, at night colorful fireworks are burned and the castle made by lovers of this spectacular art.

On November 1st, the church celebrates the festivity of All Saints, this being a popular festival that all the inhabitants of the municipality celebrate, without there being a single home, however poor it may be, that does not remember that day and commemorate according to your resources, since the festival of the dead is the most important of the year for the people who do not omit efforts or sacrifices to celebrate that day.

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