Mexicali ([ˌme.xiˈ]) is a city mexicana, capital of the state of Baja California and head of the homonymous municipality. It is located in the extreme northwest of the Valley of Mexicali, on the border with the United States. Located at 32° 39' 48" north latitude, it is one of the northernmost cities in Mexico and Latin America.
In Mexicali, the headquarters of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches of the Government of the state of Baja California are concentrated, as well as the state offices of the Federal Government and the Mexicali City Hall. Founded on March 14, 1903, it is the youngest state capital in Mexico.
It stands out nationally for registering one of the highest temperatures in Mexico in summer, as well as for being one of the cities with the lowest level of annual precipitation and one of the most seismic areas in the entire country. Its GDP per Capita is $11,658, the highest in all of Baja California and the second highest in Northwestern Mexico, just below Los Cabos, Baja California Sur.
Mexicali is considered a versatile city, based on its growth in the agricultural sector, its boost in the industrial field, mainly in the Aerospace area, in the service sector, such as medical tourism, and since 2017, it has had a boom in the Real Estate sector, being one of the cities with the highest surplus value today. According to the 2020 Population and Housing Census, carried out by INEGI and published on January 25, 2021, Mexicali is the seventeenth most populous city of the country, with a population of 854,186 inhabitants. On January 6, 2023, Mexicali broke the Guinness record for "the largest bread in the world"
Border Crossing
Mexicali has two checkpoints within the urban sprawl: the first is located in the downtown area of the city, the old Checkpoint Center or "Old" and the Garita Río Nuevo, with 12 traffic lanes towards Calexico; The second one, called Garita Nuevo Mexicali or New Garita, is located 6 km to the east of the first garita and has 10 lanes.
The relationship between Mexicali and Calexico is very great, since between both cities there is a great link both economically and socially, culturally and demographically. The checkpoints that connect both cities registered in 2014 an average crossing of 4.7 million passenger vehicles, with a total of 7.2 million people and 4.5 million pedestrians per year from south to north, which which is listed by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection as the fifth busiest crossing in the world (in Mexico only below Ciudad Juárez - El Paso AND Tijuana - San Diego
At the end of the XIX century, the federal government awarded Guillermo Andrade large tracts of land in this part of the country, seeking colonize the border area with the United States. In the agricultural valley, the development of Mexicali began with the installation of companies dedicated to irrigation that wanted to take advantage of the water of the Colorado River in agriculture, promoting the construction of irrigation canals between 1898 and 1900.
The word "Mexicali" arises from the contraction of the names Mexico and California; in the same way Calexico arises. It is said that this name was imposed in 1902 by Colonel Agustín Sanginés, then political chief of the Northern District. Although the official name is Mexicalense, the term cachanilla is common, which is a plant found in those lands, particularly next to irrigation water channels. There is also the hypocoristic Chicali to refer to the city, although its use is informal and probably a Chicanismo, or part of a marginal jargon; However, it is used de facto within the Cachanilla culture and had a clear example of its use in the magazine El Chicali News created by Manuel Alberto León.
First trips
The first description of the site where the city of Mexicali is located today was made in the diary kept by Juan Bautista de Anza, on his second trip from Sonora to Alta California in December 1775, in which he recounts: "We arrived at a dry ravine where there was a vast amount of mesquite firewood that helped us a lot to defend ourselves from the great cold it was doing". Upon signing the Treaty of Peace and Limits between Mexico and the United States, the draws the dividing line between the two countries. In the map drawn up in the place, the International Line is marked with the sign "constantly dry". Human settlements could hardly have been found in this place. However, we must point out that when the Colorado River flowed under natural conditions, during the summer floods it occasionally overflowed into the New River and small lagoons formed in its course.
Guillermo Andrade, Mexican consul in Los Angeles, began to acquire land in what is known as the Mexicali Valley, until he owned almost all of what would later become the Mexicali Valley. In 1904, he sold almost all of the land to the Colorado River Land Company, the same company that promoted the colonization of the Valley, at the same time that it had been promoting the development of the Imperial Valley. That forces there to be settlements of the workers. At the beginning of the last century, in the year 1901, Mexicali was just a few houses, with the exception of the occasional human settlement such as Los Algodones; the Cucapá indigenous community had inhabited this inhospitable region for hundreds or perhaps thousands of years.
Anthony Heber, a US citizen, acquired in 1902 from the Sociedad de Irrigación y Terrenos de la Baja California S.A., an area of 187 hectares at the corner of the international line and the New River, where the newcomers were. Mexicans and asked him to draw a plan of the new town. In that same year, the Political Chief, Colonel Agustín Sanginés, arrived from Ensenada, which was the capital of the Northern District of Baja California, and coined the name of the city. The small population continued to grow and as the number of inhabitants increased, businesses began to be created. On March 15, 1903, Mr. Manuel Vizcarra was appointed Assistant Justice of the Peace, dependent on Los Algodones.
On November 4, 1914, the then political chief, Mayor Baltazar Avilés decreed the municipality of Mexicali and also called for elections to form the first city council, which was headed by Francisco López Montejano. From 1927 to 1930, the Mexicali City Council remained as a council and from 1930 to 1952 as a delegation, until Baja California ceased to be a territory to become state No. 29.
In 1968 a history congress was organized to determine the founding date of Mexicali and at that congress it was determined that the day the first authority of Mexicali was named would be designated as the date of its foundation.
The first areas that were opened to cultivation in the Valley of Mexicali were planted with fodder in support of existing cattle farms. It was from 1912 that cotton planting began. The area planted with this crop was expanded as the network of irrigation canals increased. In 1914 World War I began and fiber prices rose, inducing farmers to plant larger areas. This fiber production demanded the construction of gins, compressors and oil processing plants, which required operators that little by little were constituting the working class in Mexicali.
Chinese Immigration
At the end of the XIX century, a strong immigration of Chinese to the United States was fostered in order to work in the construction of railroad tracks for the Inter-California Railroad from Mexicali to Algodones as well as agricultural irrigation canals.
When the irrigation works were completed, the northern country began to reject them until in 1904, when a law was issued that prohibited their entry. This almost coincided with the agricultural development of Mexicali which required labor and the existing Mexicans were not enough at that time to provide it. For this reason, from 1910 to 1920 the entry of Asians to work in this region was facilitated, and they settled predominantly in what would later be known as La Chinesca, a Chinatown that still exists within the first section or center of the city. Because of this, in Mexicali Chinese cuisine is considered typical of the city, with more than 200 restaurants.
Assault on the Lands
In 1902, the Colorado River Land Company S.A. was formed. under Mexican law and acquired those lands to exploit them, something that Andrade had not achieved due to lack of sufficient economic resources. La Colorado followed the policy of leasing its land to other agricultural companies, generally American and Chinese, with the commitment that they would clear it, channel it and condition it for cultivation, charging them reduced fees in the first few years. In this way almost half of the valley surface that was not affected by the summer floods of the river came under cultivation. Starting in the thirties, he also began to rent land to Mexican peasants on smaller surfaces.
When the Hoover dam came into operation, which controlled the flow of the Colorado River, it was possible to sow the areas corresponding to the southern part, which used to be flooded, then Japanese, Indian and Mexican ranches were established.
As the immigration from the interior of Mexico continued, the pressure of national peasants requesting land for cultivation increased, thus, in 1937 the so-called Assault on the Lands arose, which provoked the agrarian distribution carried out by President Lázaro Cárdenas, later in 1945 the Mexican government acquired from Colorado the land it still owned and handed it over exclusively to Mexican settlers. In this way, after more than forty years of possession of almost the entire Valley of Mexicali, the Colorado River Land Company S.A. withdrew from Baja California.
The first activity that could be considered industrial occurred when the first cotton gin came into operation in 1917. Although the company managers and foremen were Americans, the workers were Mexicans and thus the labor sector was born at that time. in Mexicali.
In the 1920s, industrialization diversified, cotton seed processing companies were established, such as mills to obtain oil, and in 1923 the Compañía Industrial Jabonera del Pacífico S. C. de R. L. was established, which processed cotton seed oil. cotton to transform it into soap and edible fat. That same year, the Mexicali Brewery was built, which benefited the barley produced in the valley. Also at that time, three wheat mills were built that used local production as raw material. In the fifties, agrochemical processing companies proliferated and Aceros del Norte S.A. was also established. which used scrap metal to produce steel.
In the sixties, the establishment of maquiladoras for different products became widespread, assembly plants, of which Kenworth was the most important, and plastic processors.
Sierra El Mayor - Cucapá earthquake
The Baja California Earthquake 2010 was a earthquake that occurred at 15:40:40 local time (UTC-7), on Sunday, April 4, 2010, which reached a magnitude of 7.2 Mw{displaystyle M_{mathrm {w} }}. According to the United States Geological Service, the epicenter of the earthquake was recorded at 60 km south-south of Mexicali.
The earthquake was felt very strongly in the northern part of the state of Baja California and the United States-Mexico border; it was also perceived in western cities such as Tijuana, Ensenada, Tecate and in the south of the US state of California such as San Diego, Los Angeles and the state of Arizona.
The intensity of the earthquake caused damage to the electrical infrastructure in the Valle de Mexicali area, affecting the transmission line coming from Tijuana, the Rosita substation and the interconnection line with the Imperial Valley, in the United States, which caused the interruption of the electricity supply in the city and its surroundings. On the other hand, the Tijuana-Mexicali highway collapsed at kilometer 21 La Rumorosa. In other types of affectations, the irrigation channels Nuevo Delta and Reforma suffered serious damage and affecting 60,000 hectares of crops in the Valley of Mexicali.
On the same day of the earthquake, the Ministry of the Interior reported the death of one person when their home collapsed and the medical attention of three others after suffering nervous breakdowns. Later, the State Civil Protection Directorate confirmed the indirect death of another person who was run over when leaving his home when the earthquake occurred and a balance of hundreds injured. The Valley of Mexicali was seriously affected, with almost entire communities losing their homes and farmland, due to the floods caused by the earthquake.
Mexicali Timeline
- 1903: On March 14, the city of Mexicali was founded, with Manuel Vizcarra as the first official representative.
- 1904: On May 23, the first settlements are registered, where the Gonzalez Ortega delegation is currently delimited, informally known as Palaco.
- 1906: flooding of the Valleys of Mexicali-Imperial-Coachella-Yuma, which destroys the populated.
- 1909: Start the operation of the Mexicali Inter-California Railway to Los Algodones.
- 1915: On January 1, Francisco L. Montejano became the first municipal president; on November 20, Mexicali became the capital of the Northern Territory of Baja California.
- 1920: first settlement of Chinese immigrants.
- 1937: On January 27, he was expropriated by decree of the president Lázaro Cárdenas del Río la Colorado River Land Company arousing an agrarian movement called Assault on the Earth.
- 1942 Connected by Sonora Baja California Railway to the south of the country
- 1952: On March 1, Mexicali is officially recognized as the capital of the state No. 29 Baja California, and the first town hall is installed
- 1957: foundation of Canal 3 XHBC Tu Canal, which transmits from Av. Wood, Mexicali Center Zone.
- 1957: By promulgating its Organic Law, published on February 28, the Autonomous University of Baja California is founded
- 1961: the Centre for Technical and Higher Education is founded.
- 1963: construction of the UABC Mexicali campus by President Adolfo López Mateos.
- 1964: The forest and zoo of Mexicali is founded.
- 1976: the Civic Center of Mexicali is established, one of the largest in the country.
- 1979: on October 15, a 6.6° earthquake hits the valley and urban area of Mexicali.
- 1979: the National Pedagogical University is established.
- 1981: the Mexicali Technological Institute is founded.
- 1986on January 3, then President of the United States, Ronald Reagan, and President of Mexico, Miguel de la Madrid, met in the building of the State Executive of the Civic Center.
- 1989: April 26, opening Plaza La CachanillaOne of the biggest in his time.
- 1989: On July 2, Ernesto Ruffo Appel won the elections to Governor of Baja California. On November 1 he takes office, so he becomes the first Panista Governor of Mexico.
- 1999: On 7 November, Commercial Development is created New Mexicali in the delegation González Ortega.
- 2003: on its founding date, Mexicali celebrates its first 100 years.
- 2005: the INEGI officially recognizes the Mexicali Metropolitan Zone.
- 2006: founded the Polytechnic University of Baja California.
- 2008: between February and March, more than 500 earthquakes occur in the valley and urban area of Mexicali.
- 2009: on December 30, a 5.9° earthquake hits the city and valley area.
- 2010: April 4th at 15:40 (UTC-8), a 7.2° earthquake occurs in the Mexicali valley area: it affects public and private buildings, roads and boulevards, and leaves 5000 families affected in the city and valley and 4 dead.
- 2011: On September 8, an electrical interconnection failure in Arizona, the U.S., causes an electrical outlet in Baja California for 12 hours.
- 2014: initiative is presented at the Congress of the Union, to join the city of San Luis Rio Colorado, from the neighboring state of Sonora to the Metropolitan Zone.
- 2015: The celebrations begin for the celebration of the first centenary of Mexicali, as the capital of Baja California. From March 26, 2015, the analog blackout started in Mexicali.
Historical facts of Mexicali | ||||
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Magonist Rebellion in 1911. | Cuauhtémoc School Foundation in 1915 | Fever of the Braceros in 1954 | Vice-rectory damaged by 7.2° earthquake in 2010 |
Historical population | ||
Year | Pob. | ±% |
1910 | 462 | - |
1921 | 6782 | +1368.0% |
1930 | 14 842 | +118.8% |
1940 | 18 775 | +26.5% |
1950 | 64 658 | +244.4% |
1960 | 174 540 | +169.9% |
1970 | 263 498 | +51.0% |
1980 | 341 559 | +29.6% |
1990 | 438 377 | +28.3% |
2000 | 549 873 | +25.4% |
2010 | 689 775 | +25.4% |
2020 | 854 186 | +23.8% |
Mexicali's demographic evolution figure between 1910 and 2020 |
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Population of censuses and counts of the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) from 1910 to 2020. |
According to the 2020 Population and Housing Census carried out by INEGI, the city of Mexicali has 854,186 inhabitants, with 49.8% men and 50.2% women. Men have a median age of 27 years, a year more than women, whose median is 25 years. The age group from 0 to 14 years concentrates 25.8% of the population, between 15 and 64 years 68.1% is grouped and the remaining 6.1% in the inhabitants of 65 years of age and over.
With this figure, Mexicali is the second most populous city in the state of Baja California, behind Tijuana. The city in recent years has been growing and expanding considerably. Due to being a border city with the United States, it is characterized as being of interest to people from the center and south of the country, people from other Central American countries (Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica) and/or South America who seek employment and cross over to the United States, those who fail consider staying and becoming townspeople.[citation needed]
Metropolitan area of Mexicali
According to the data published by the Ministry of the Interior (SEGOB) and the National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Informatics (INEGI), the metropolitan area of Mexicali has been recognized since 2005. The corresponding geographic area of the ZM of Mexicali is 202.50 km², which places it as the second largest agglomeration in the Northwest of Mexico and tenth in the entire country, considering its territorial extension. While in the 2020 Population and Housing Census of INEGI, it calculates the population of the metropolitan area of Mexicali with 1,049,792 inhabitants, placing it in second place among the most populous municipalities in the state and thirteenth in all of Mexico.
The corresponding to the metropolitan area of Mexicali, this is made up of the urban sprawl of the city of Mexicali, which covers from west-east, from Calz Manuel Gómez Morin (Periférico Poniente) in the Colonia Nacionalista to Blvd. Venustiano Carranza and North-South from Av. Colón (International Line) to Colonia Campestre; the area of Santa Isabel, located 5 km from the city of Mexicali, which has a population of 29,311 inhabitants; the area of Colonia Progreso, located 7 km from Mexicali along the Mexicali-La Rumorosa Highway, with a population of 12,557 inhabitants; the section corresponding to the González Ortega Delegation, which covers from the west-east, from Blvd. Venustiano Carranza to Ejido Cuernavaca and from North-South of the International Line to Calz Gustavo Vildosola Castro (Palaco Corridor), whose population is around 132,500 inhabitants approximately, and finally the area of Valle de Puebla, which covers a population of around 30,000 inhabitants.
Accession of San Luis Río Colorado
The relationship between both cities has been very close for many years, and their connection has been economic, demographic, social and cultural between them. Under this point, at the beginning of 2014 an initiative was launched before the Congress of the Union to recognize San Luis Río Colorado as part of the Mexicali metropolitan area, for purposes related to Agenda 21, in support of the mayors of both cities., this merger is proposed. Despite the fact that the distance between the cities is notorious, the relationship between them is very close, and this can increase competitiveness in the region. Due to its strategic importance, it has not shown significant progress since its application.
The fruit and vegetable sector is one of the most successful activities in Mexicali; onion and green asparagus are among the most important crops, cotton and wheat continue to be cultivated but their farmers have expressed that there is a lack of guarantees, collaborations and prices from the government in prices leading to demonstrations and protests throughout the year. There is an annual agribusiness fair in March of interest throughout Mexico and the States.
The current perspective of Mexicali's economic growth is linked to the annual investments of mainly electronic companies that establish their assembly plants for export mainly to the United States. Companies such as TIMSA, Mitsubishi, Honeywell, Kenworth, FEVISA Industrial, Rockwell Collins (EEMSA), Vitro, Skyworks Solutions, Cardinal Health, Bosch, Price Pfister, Gulfstream, UTC Aerospace Systems, and Kwikset, has a Daltile Ceramic branch plant (Mohawk Industries Group), a carpet plant of the same Group Mohawk inaugurated in 2016 and other companies dedicated to food processing such as Jumex, Bimbo, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Sabritas, Barcel and the Kellogg's company that was announced in a press release on March 27, 2008 by Governor Osuna Millán at a press conference.
Continued efforts by the Baja California government and the private sector to attract businesses to Mexicali based on the strategy of focusing on the strengths of skilled labor, abundant energy and water supplies, favorable economic environment and the border with California, one of the richest states in the world.
The 1994 North American Free Trade Agreement, which eliminated most restrictions on trade between the two nations, places Mexicali as an economy tied to that of its American neighbor. Recently Businessweek magazine listed Mexicali as the best place in the country to establish a company. Mexicali is considered among the most prosperous cities in Mexico for its resources and attachment to the United States border.
Silicon Border
At the end of 2006, then-President Felipe Calderón announced one of the most important projects for the country's industrial sector: the Silicon Border. The industrial park would be compared to Silicon Valley, California, where the highest technology in the world is generated, according to his words, which coincided with the promoters of the project. They never imagined that the project would be covered by the desert sand of this border area. It began during the government of Eugenio Elorduy Walther and had as its first director his then son-in-law, Octavio Garza. It would have industrial warehouses, laboratories, housing units and a headquarters of the Faculty of Engineering of the Autonomous University of Baja California.[citation required]
The promise was to make it a spearhead for the nanotechnology sector worldwide, so one of the changes it generated was the promotion of educational programs in various branches of technology, such as the mechatronics engineering career that began to be taught in higher education institutions in Mexicali.
Despite numerous projects and investments announced, almost nothing has been realized to date. In 2012, Congress agreed to reduce the original area to 953 hectares, to be paid quarterly $6 million. So far only one payment has been made.
It is estimated that since the Silicon Border project began, the Mexican Federal State and the State of Baja California have delivered around $2 million dollars of public money to private individuals.
In Mexicali there is a highly diversified industry, with food products occupying first place, where there are dairy pasteurizers, bottling plants, wheat mills, tortilla shops, and meat packing plants, among the most important. The maquiladora industry is highly developed, with Mexicali being the pioneer in Mexico in this industrial branch, initially with sewing; Currently, approximately 190 maquiladora plants operate with 55,857 people employed in a non-unionized and low-turnover work environment.
The development of the transformation industry and the maquiladora has been mainly in the food, automotive, metal, mechanical, glass containers, electronics, plastic and textile sectors. Other no less important industries are the manufacture and assembly of electrical and electronic articles, tractor trucks, cargo trailers, and toy maquiladoras. The electrical industry has developed thanks to geological characteristics; Mexicali has a geothermal plant, which is enough to supply the entire state and also export this energy.
Currently the Mexicali industrial plant generates more than 40 exports that exceed 2.4 billion dollars annually. The city of Mexicali enjoys a preferential tax regime for the import of raw materials and certain products, which represents a greater advantage over other cities in the country. Mexicali has a business community with extensive experience in international business and willing to co-invest.
The development of Mexicali was initially driven by agricultural activity. Irrigated agriculture is practiced in the Valley of Mexicali, with a gross area of 340 ha. The main crops in the municipality are: wheat, barley, cotton, alfalfa, oats, sesame, safflower, forage sorghum, "rye grass", vegetables for export and regional consumption; chili, onion, cabbage, radish, cilantro, lettuce, broccoli, beets, cauliflower, tomato, tomatillo, cucumber, pumpkin, quelite and asparagus. Other crops are watermelon, melon, corn, corn, grapevine, nopal, and beans.
In the town of Compuertas del Valle de Mexicali, there is a farm called "El Vergel" where he presents an extraordinary case, since gigantic vegetables grow in the middle of the desert, weighing up to 10 kilos, for which no explanation has been found as to why. Due to the abundance of water and more than 200,000 hectares of fertile land, agricultural activity has been of great importance in this municipality. The Valley of Mexicali offers the investor the ideal conditions to establish agro-industries and grain and food packaging.
These activities are mainly concentrated in the town of Mexicali and some populations considered semi-urban, located in rural areas, such as Ciudad Guadalupe Victoria, Ciudad Morelos, Los Algodones, Benito Juárez, among others. In the town of Mexicali there are large shopping centers that have supermarkets and a variety of small businesses, where you can buy basic necessities, furniture, electrical and electronic appliances, stationery, office supplies, construction materials, clothing, etc. Likewise, there are wholesale distribution stores that supply small and medium-sized businesses.
Parallel to the development of commerce, there is an extraordinary variety of services to the public, highlighting, due to their importance, repair shops for motor vehicles, electronic and electrical equipment, watches, jewelry and shoes; welding shops, professional services, banking service (there are branches and banking agencies of all banks in the country), gas stations, among others.
Despite its arid and desert landscapes, Mexicali is a privileged municipality due to the amount of natural resources, highlighting the aquifers in its valley, a consequence of the filtration of water from the Colorado River and its tributaries. In addition to the slopes of the Cerro Prieto volcano is the third largest geothermal plant in the world, which supplies steam to four machine rooms for the generation of approximately 70% of the electrical energy consumed in the state, and generate a surplus sent to the United States.[citation needed]
Due to the growth of the city and the insufficient paving of the neighborhoods, Mexicali has pollution problems such as dust, and emissions from automobiles and factories affect respiratory diseases such as asthma. Likewise, there is contamination by solid waste, which constitutes an important source of infection; This is partly due to the fact that there is no culture of recycling, and that there is no necessary infrastructure to institutionalize the proper management and recycling of these wastes under the regulations of the municipality. The green areas in the city occupy one of the lowest places nationwide, both due to the same pollution and the extreme climate of almost 52 °C, which occurs every year in the city (1.5 m² for every 3 inhabitants).
In a publication by The Economist, citing the World Health Organization as a source, Mexicali was found to be the third most polluted city in the world.
The climate of Mexicali, due to its low annual precipitation, presents a hot desert climate (BWh), according to the criteria of the Köppen climate classification. The temperature is rarely below 3° or above 50°C.
The lowest temperature recorded in the city is −8 °C (December 15, 1972), and the maximum is 52 °C (July 28, 1995/July 13, 2016).
Summer is extremely hot, with daytime temperatures exceeding 41 degrees Celsius virtually every day of the season, and temperatures of up to 48 °C and heat indexes of over 60 °C each year. nights are warm and humid, and sometimes hot, reaching over 30 °C.
Winter days are cool, sometimes cold, and there are frosts at dawn. Frontal systems generate most of the scarce rain that falls in the city. And except for one occasion (October 11, 1932), it never snows. Nighttime temperatures usually drop below 7 °C, while daytime temperatures do not usually exceed 23 °C.
Summary by month:
- January: this is the coldest month of the year where the maximum temperatures during the day range from 16 °C to 24 °C, while the minimum temperatures during the nights reach between 3 °C and 7 °C. Frosts occur in the city when there is snowfall in La Rumorosa where thermometer drops to 0 °C. The cloudy days this month are frequent due to the front systems and winter storms that enter the region from the peaceful.
- February: the maximum temperatures reach between 20 °C and 27 °C, while the minimum temperatures between 7 °C and 10 °C. The cloudy days remain present because of the cold fronts, although more so than the previous month.
- March: the maximum temperatures reach between 25 °C and 30 °C, while the minimum temperatures between 12 °C and 15 °C. The winds begin as a result of the cold fronts.
- April: is in this month where the weather varies a lot as a result of the spring entrance and the presence of the last cold fronts, the maximums reach 27 °C and 30 °C and minimums between 15 °C and 19 °C, although in days where there is presence of cold front can generate strong winds and decrease of temperatures.
- May: heat begins to feel as the maximum temperatures reach between 35 °C and 40 °C and the minimum temperatures between 20 °C and 24 °C. The strong winds as well as some light rains can appear at the entrance of the last cold fronts.
- June: this month according to the records is the warmest and dryest month where there is no rain, the sun is abundant and the maximums reach between 43 °C and 46 °C, although in days of extreme heat the temperature can reach between 47 °C and 49 °C, it is not ruled out that at least one day of this month thermometer reaches 50 °C, while the minimums fall to 31 °C.
- July: in this month the heat remains present with maximum temperatures of 42 °C and 45 °C with minimums of 26 °C and 29 °C. In this month there are some isolated storms facing the influx of humidity and monsoonical conditions.
- August: this month continues the presence of isolated but more frequent storms before the monsoon and temperatures are slightly less hot between 41 °C and 44 °C as maximum and minimal between 25 °C and 28 °C.
- September: this month is when the monsoon becomes more present generating strong but short-lived storms that can generate floods in the city, temperatures vary in the presence of storms there are days where the temperature can reach 40 °C but in days of storms can lower the maximum to 33 °C and there is a lot of humidity.
- October: heat begins to fall with maximum temperatures between 29 °C and 33 °C with minimums between 19° and 22 °C. The storms stop being present.
- November: in this month the temperatures vary greatly in the presence of winds in the city as a result of the first cold fronts. Maximums can reach between 25 °C and 28 °C, although in windy days they can reach only 22 °C or 24 °C. Some precipitation may be recorded as a result of the frontal systems.
- December: in this month the cold begins to become present with maximums between 15 °C and 21 °C and with minimums between 3 °C and 7 °C as well as strong winds as a result of the frontal systems.
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Month | Ene. | Feb. | Mar. | Open up. | May. | Jun. | Jul. | Ago. | Sep. | Oct. | Nov. | Dec. | Annual |
Temp. max. abs. (°C) | 34.0 | 34.0 | 39.5 | 41.0 | 47.0 | 51.4 | 52.0 | 49.4 | 47.1 | 47.4 | 39.8 | 31.3 | 52.0 |
Average temperature (°C) | 20.5 | 23.0 | 26.0 | 29.7 | 35.0 | 40.0 | 42.3 | 41.5 | 38.7 | 32.5 | 25.3 | 20.4 | 31.2 |
Average temperature (°C) | 13.1 | 15.3 | 18.0 | 21.3 | 25.8 | 33.2 | 36.0 | 33.5 | 30.4 | 24.3 | 17.5 | 13.1 | 23.1 |
Temp. medium (°C) | 5.8 | 7.6 | 10.0 | 12.8 | 16.7 | 20.9 | 25.6 | 25.5 | 22.1 | 16.1 | 9.8 | 5.7 | 14.9 |
Temp. min. abs. (°C) | −8.0 | -3.5 | -0.9 | 0.0 | 6.0 | 9.1 | 13.5 | 14.5 | 8.0 | 0.3 | -1.5 | -8.0 | -8.0 |
Total precipitation (mm) | 10.6 | 7.2 | 5.8 | 1.6 | 0.5 | 0.2 | 3.8 | 10.1 | 7.5 | 8.4 | 4.9 | 10.3 | 70.9 |
Precipitation days (≥ 0.1 mm) | 2.7 | 2.2 | 2.1 | 0.7 | 0.3 | 0.1 | 1.0 | 1.3 | 1.1 | 1.1 | 1.2 | 2.2 | 16.0 |
Source: National Meteorological Service11 July 2012 |
The first years were isolated from any cultural movement. The existing infrastructure was not sufficient to meet the demand of a developing community. In 1975 the Government created a department for the investigation and diffusion of culture in general: the Directorate of Cultural Diffusion of the Government of the State of Baja California, which was given legal personality for the fulfillment of its functions. It is currently housed in the ICBC headquarters and the City Gallery.
Rock Festival
Mexicali is home to one of the most important international progressive rock festivals Baja Prog, a series of progressive rock concerts by bands from Mexico and other countries.
Restoration of the Colorado River Delta
Thanks to the binational and multidisciplinary efforts between Mexico and the United States, the Colorado River and its delta will be considered another user of water, since in March 2014 the release of a total volume of 130,000 cubic meters of water will be allowed for environmental purposes. Ecologist Martín Sau Cota, director of the Upper Gulf of California and Colorado River Delta Biosphere Reserve of the National Commission of Natural Protected Areas (Conanp), spoke about the important advances in the temporary restart of the flow of water on the river. He recalled that on November 20, 2012, the countries signed a historic five-year agreement, Act 319, which defines the way in which both countries will share the Colorado River, during which time pressures on water resources increased..
For the first time in history, the two countries have agreed to work together to allocate water to the Colorado River, as well as undertake conservation efforts to restore the river delta, an ecosystem of global importance. Minute 319 establishes the allocation of environmental flows to the delta and a reference framework to promote restoration work called "pulse flow". Sau Cota explained that the "pulse flow" It will be a unique event during the five years of validity of the aforementioned Act for the restoration of the riparian system.
The water will be released through the Morelos Dam in Los Algodones, Baja California, with a monthly volume in March of 63,936 cubic meters; 54,432 cubic meters will be delivered in April and 11,232 cubic meters in May. This incorporates temporary measures to restore river flows in Mexico and to conserve the Colorado River delta. Minute 319 is an unprecedented binational agreement, the product of a multi-institutional effort for the comprehensive management of the Colorado River basin, where civil society organizations have also played a fundamental role. The Act specifies the terms of binational cooperation in terms of water surpluses, scarcity conditions, salinity, joint investment projects, environmental and conservation projects, which does not modify the Water Treaty of 1944 nor does it imply the alienation of the water corresponding to one country and another. Sau Cota added that the pulse flow will restore life to the Colorado River delta and to the species associated with it, some subject to protection by NOM-059-Semarnat-2010.
Among some of the benefits is recharging aquifers, creating new habitat for wildlife and the possible historic opportunity to reconnect the river with the sea. The release of water for the Colorado River is the culmination of many binational efforts. The water that will be released through the riverbed will surely bring great benefits such as the creation of new habitats (wetlands) for birds and fauna in general; much of the vegetation such as poplars, willows will recover and that will produce more clean air. On the other hand, although it is unknown if the water will reach the Upper Gulf of California and in what quantity, if it does, a possible contribution of nutrients would be achieved that would undoubtedly contribute to the productivity of the waters of the Upper Gulf and therefore to the maintenance and recovery of the Upper Gulf fisheries.
Another very important benefit will be the recharge of the aquifers, that is, a water bank will be created that will mainly benefit farmers in the valley of San Luis Río Colorado and Mexicali. One of the actions contemplated and contained in Act 319 is ecological monitoring, in order to assess the impact that restoration actions and water deliveries have on the hydrology, flora, and fauna of the region.
Pop Culture
Mexicali Shmoes is a 1959 Looney Tunes short, directed by Friz Freleng and starring Speedy Gonzáles and the singing cats José and Manuel. Voice actors include Mel Blanc as the voices of Gonzáles and José, and Tom Holanda, uncredited as the voice of Manuel.
The short was nominated by the United States Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. The short introduces Lento Rodríguez, Speedy's cousin, who would later appear in another classic Looney Toons short, Mexican Boarders from 1962.
The Rosa de Mexicali or Mexicali Rose in English, was a song recorded in 1923, with music by Jack Tenney and lyrics by Helen Stone. The song is a love story of a man who must leave his love for a while.
The lyrics of the song in English and Spanish:
Helen Stone | Manuel Sanches De Lara |
I'm Pure Cachanilla
The Cucapá indigenous people used the cachanilla plant as a construction and thermal material. Due to this, the name of the plant serves as a demonym applied to the inhabitants of the city of Mexicali. The Sonoran author and broadcaster, trained in Mexicali, Antonio Valdez Herrera immortalized the name worldwide in his corrido & # 34; Puro Cachanilla & # 34; performed by Caín Corpus in the 1960s. The song speaks primarily of Mexicali and its Valley, but mentions the other cities of Baja California. It was recorded for the Fiesta record label by Caín Corpus in 1962. It is recognized as the "Himno" of the people of Mexico, and many people, from the rest of the republic, ignoring the bases and the previously expressed historical context and based on the mere mention of the main Baja California cities within this song, erroneously tend to call "cachanillas&# 3. 4; to all Baja Californians, but as already mentioned: "cachanilla" it is only applicable, at least formally, to those born in the municipality of Mexicali.
Mexicali has important sports history throughout its life, hosting renowned athletes such as Enriqueta Basilio, who was the first woman in history to light an Olympic torch at the 1968 Olympic Games in Mexico. Likewise, Mexicali is the birthplace of two-time Olympian gymnast Denisse López Sing, who was 7th place in Sydney 2000 in the Vault and World Collegiate Champion in Sicily, Italy, in 1997.
Suns of Mexicali
Los Soles de Mexicali is a team in the National Professional Basketball League based in Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico.
The Soles de Mexicali team was founded as such in 2005, and entered the LNBP that same season, having as headquarters the State Auditorium located in the "Ciudad Deportiva" complex.
Throughout its history the team has managed to obtain four LNBP titles in 2006, 2015, 2018 and 2020.
Mexicali Eagles
Los Águilas de Mexicali is a baseball team belonging to the Mexican Pacific League (LMP), it has 4 league titles and 1 Caribbean Series in 1986 Maracaibo, Venezuela. Its headquarters is the Farmacias Santa Mónica Stadium, commonly known as the Nido de los Águilas.
Throughout its history the team has managed to obtain 4 titles of the Mexican Pacific League in the years 1986, 1989, 1999 and 2017.
Sentinels of Mexicali
Los Centinelas de Mexicali is a team that competes in the Northern Baseball League, it was founded in March 2014, because the "Aguiluchos de Mexicali", as the club was previously known, decided to change of name and image, considering that the name "aguiluchos" He was overly dependent on the Águilas de Mexicali baseball club.
The name "Sentinels" It is in honor of the Cerro del Centinela, icon of the municipality of Mexicali and natural patrimony of the State of Baja California.
In the 2015 season, they obtained their first and only championship in the Northern League of Mexico by beating the Toritos de Tijuana 5-2 in the seventh game of the series at the Farmacias Santa Mónica Stadium.
Mexicali Soccer Club Dragones
Mexicali Fútbol Club is an official team that will be part of its participation in the Premier League of the FMF (Mexican Football Federation). Its headquarters are in the Ciudad Deportiva, with a capacity of 5,000 attendees.
High Discipline Sports Groups
The high-discipline sports groups have gained representation in the city's sports, which have been awarded recognition in national competitions. Mexicali has various organizations and disciplinary sports groups that seek to promote the culture of sport among the city's youth as a crime prevention strategy. The first organizations of this type in the city were the Militarized University Sports Pentathlon, founded on May 5, 1964 (from Mexico City where it was founded in 1938) and the Centro Social Deportivo Mexicano (CESDEM Black Berets), which began activities on November 17, 1966.
Currently, there is a wide diversity of groups focused on crime prevention with a sports-disciplinary focus, such as the BRAVO-10 A.C. Rescue Squad. founded on August 31, 1991, the Youth Sports Squad (ESJUDE) sponsored by the Municipal Public Security Directorate since May 27, 2005, Panteras Negras Deportivo de Mexicali founded on August 10 of 2008 and BC Youth Patrol, which began activities on September 2, 2006 in the city of Ensenada and was later promoted by the Secretariat for Public Security of the State to the five municipalities of Baja California, starting activities in Mexicali on March 17, 2012.
Currently the Centro Social Deportivo Mexicano, the Youth Sports Squad and the BC Youth Patrol are affiliated and recognized by the National Federation of High Discipline Associations (FENAAD), consolidated in 2013 as the non-governmental entity in charge of regulating, approving, strengthen and approve the activities of sports-disciplinary groups with the purpose of promoting values, ethics, nationalism, family unity and the integration of young people into high discipline institutions as measures to prevent crime.
High Discipline Sports Group | Start of activities in Mexicali |
Deportivo Militarizado Universitario | 5 May 1964 |
Centro Social Deportivo Mexicano | 17 November 1966 |
BRAVO-10 A.C. Rescue Squad. | 31 August 1991 |
Sports Youth Squad | May 27, 2005 |
Mexicali Black Panthers | 10 August 2008 |
BC Youth Patrol | 17 March 2012 |
Regarding education, the city has the necessary elements to absorb the population of all academic levels. The basic or elementary level, whose demand is covered in its entirety, is served by the State Educational System, a dependency of the State Government. At the middle and high school level there are several schools, among which the Baja California College of Bachelors, the National Center for Technical Professional Education, the Industrial and Services Technological Baccalaureate Center, as well as highly prestigious private institutions that cover in the claims made.
The illiterate population in Mexicali reaches a minimum proportion with respect to the total population. The National Institute for Adult Education (INEA) is in charge of teaching literacy courses and the National Council for Educational Promotion (CONAFE) is teaching secondary and high school courses for adults in all towns in the municipality. It also has the State Police Academy.
The academic offer of the universities in the city is very varied and wide, among which are engineering, bachelor's and master's degrees. These careers are distributed in different universities, both public and private; Among the public ones are the Autonomous University of Baja California (UABC), the Polytechnic University of Baja California, the Technological Institute of Mexicali (ITM), the State University of Pedagogical Studies (UEEP) and the Benemérita Normal Urban Federal Border School (BENUFF). and among the private ones are the Center for Technical and Higher Education (CETYS), Universidad del Valle de México (UVM), Vizcaya de las Américas (UVA), as well as the new private institutions that have recently emerged, Universidad Xochicalco, Universidad UNEA and Universidad CUT.
The municipality of Mexicali is administratively subdivided into 14 Delegations that depend on the municipal government of Mexicali. Of these delegations, 4 are part of the urban area of Mexicali (Historic Center in the first squares of the urban sprawl, Cerro Prieto to the South, González Ortega in the eastern zone and Progreso in the western zone), while the remaining delegations, They are in the valley area.
Notable personalities born in Mexicali
- Lupita Jones: actress, writer and businesswoman, winner of the contest "Miss Mexico 1990", ex-Miss Universe 1991, currently national director of the Mexican Universal contest.
- Enriqueta Basilio: She was the first woman to wear the Olympic torch and turn on the fisherman in Mexico 68.
- Jorge Enríquez García: soccer player gold medal with the national selection of Mexico in London 2012
- Jorge Páez, world champion of boxing.
- Carlos Girón Gutierrez: he was a cloister for winning the Silver Medal at the 1980 Moscow Olympic Games in the 3-meter trampoline modality.
- Luis Álvarez Murillo: Mexican Olympic Archer. winner of the bronze medal in Tyre with mixed arch modality, in Tokyo 2020
- Alexa Moreno: Mexican Olympic gymnast, bronze medalist on horse leap at the 2018 Gymnastics World Championship, being the first Mexican to achieve it in the aforementioned discipline.
- Denisse López Sing: Mexican gymnast retired. Mexico's first gymnast to qualify for an event final at the Gymnastics World Championship and the Olympic Games.
- Daniel Sada: Mexican writer, nationally and internationally recognized. National Prize for Science and Arts 2011 among others.
- Gabriel Trujillo Muñoz, writer, essayist, who has published more than 100 books.
- Manuel Alberto León: Mexican cartoonist and historietist, creator of the comic «El Chicali News»
- Annette Cuburu: TV presenter.
- Leexa Fox: Mexican dredging and Top 5 in the La Mas Draga 4 contest
- Dino Cazares: guitarist and founder of the Death Metal Industrial Fear Factory band.
- Sergio Dipp: driver and commentator on the ESPN (Latin America) chain
- Raúl Sandoval: Mexican actor and singer. Known for being part of the Academy's first generation.
- Reik: Mexican band of Latin pop and reggaeton, composed by Jesús Alberto Navarro Rosas, Julio Ramírez Eguía and Gilberto “Bibi” Marín.
- Vázquez Sounds: Mexican musical group, known for playing a video of the cover "Rolling in the Deep" by British singer Adele.
- Los Muecas: Mexican group of shots.
- Juan Cirerol: Cantautor, Mexican composer and musician.
- Román Torres/Melissa Robles: members of the Matisse group
- Alan Slim: Mexican actor.
- Sebastián Ferrat: was a Mexican actor recognized for participating in the series of the Telemundo chain, The Lord of the Sky.
- Armando Torrea: Mexican actor.
- Enrique Camarena Salazar: Mexican DEA agent.
Tourism has become an important income for the city. Restaurants, taquerias, pharmacies, bars and dance clubs are some of the places visited by tourists, mostly Americans. Many shops and stalls selling Mexican handicrafts and souvenirs are also located along the border.
Historic buildings and sites
Old Mexicali Brewery Building
This historic building was built on July 4, 1923; The “Mexicali” beer, the most famous of its time, was brewed here. Constructed of wood with a concrete top that gave the look of granite. On the third floor, there was a mill that crushed the rice with fire, then it was taken to a beater; On the same floor there was another mill that refined the malt and after a period of four months of rest the beer went on sale. The rice was brought from the United States and the malt from Bohemia. The beer was homemade. Street "E" and Av. Zaragoza.
Former Government Palace, today UABC Rectory Building
Built during the term of the Governor of the Territory of Baja California in 1916, Colonel Esteban Cantú; construction began in June 1919 and was completed by José Inocente Lugo on September 15, 1922. It was the seat of the Mexicali City Council during the period of Governor Abelardo L. Rodríguez. In 1957 it became the property of the UABC. Its architectural style is French.
Colorado River Land Building, Co.
It was the year 1902 when this company was created, managed from Mexico City and owned by the Valley of Mexicali for almost four decades. In 1904, 185,000 were obtained but 400,000 hectares were planted, becoming one of the most important cotton producers in the world. Having around 8000 employees from Mexico, China, India and Japan. At that time the daily production was 25 tons (55,200 pounds) of cotton. It was the most important cotton producer in northwestern Mexico. It currently functions as offices for various private companies and is one of the most beautiful buildings in the city.
Calafia Bullring
It was inaugurated on November 16, 1975; It has a capacity for 11,500 people, it is the main stage for bullfights and massive events in the city. It has an arena that is also used in the famous Mexican shows called "charreadas" and artistic festivals as well as concerts by renowned national and foreign artists.
Square of the Three Powers On the esplanade of the Civic Center are the buildings of the three levels of government built in April 1977, with the purpose of simplifying public administration procedures for people. In the center of the buildings a monument was built that represents the four municipalities of the State, currently the State has a fifth municipality, Playas de Rosarito. The monument that appears to be a giant cactus holds a golden sphere that represents the sun; this was built during the period of Governor Milton Castellanos Everardo.
Cuauhtémoc School (Today House of Culture)
Built in the 1920s with the rise in the city of the construction of schools and public and private buildings due to the imminent center of industrial and agricultural development.
Building of the Institute of Fine Arts
This building was created as Banco Agrícola Peninsular in 1927, the first official credit institution in the district and in the country, years later this building would be used as the State Institute of Fine Arts, it is located on Álvaro Obregón Ave. and Peter Street. F. Ramirez
Cathedral of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Already with a permanent population, Mexicali saw the birth of the Temple of Our Lady of Guadalupe in 1917, where a Christmas mass was celebrated for the first time months after its construction. Today, that almost hundred-year-old temple is the seat of the bishopric of Mexicali, in other words, it is the Cathedral of Mexicali, and it is located in the heart of its historic center, a couple of blocks from the border line.
UABC School of Arts
The building of what is now the UABC School of Arts, built between 1923-1925, functioned as the Municipal Palace of Mexicali from 1926 to 1986.
Leona Vicario Federal Elementary School
In 1923, the construction of one of the most emblematic buildings in the city of Mexicali was completed. The Leona Vicario federal elementary school, which opened its doors on April 1, 1924, initially only for girls, although the demand forced its services to be extended to boys. In 1997 it was declared Cultural Heritage of the City and is the only school from the first half of the XX century that is still operating.
North Hotel
A quarter of a century later, the Hotel del Norte was founded, which is still in operation. With a unique architectural style, avoiding sharp edges, it set a stage in the architecture of Mexicali that was followed by other buildings of the time that are still standing in the historic center of the city.
The Pagoda
The Pagoda is a monument that was inaugurated by the Mexicali City Council in 1995, this monument is in honor of the great importance of the Chinese community and culture in the city, it is called "To Sister Cities Mexicali and Nan Jing”. In 2020, after spending 25 years on Avenida Madero and Calle Melgar, it was relocated to the Morelos roundabout, near the Cathedral. The Chinese Pagoda is a symbol of the brotherhood of Mexicali with the city of Nanking, China.
The Torres del Sol. Located in Calz. Francisco L.Montejano in the area of the hotel zone, also known as Las Torres Moradas.
El Tecolote
This building was built due to a fire in “El Tecolote” located on the southwest corner of Reforma avenue and Azueta street in 1922 and Mr. W.C. Allen and his partners Beyers and Wittigton decided to build a new one on the corner of López Mateos Boulevard and Melgar Street in 1924, its trade name was "ABC CLUB" and later changed to "ABW CLUB"; for the people of Mexico it was always “El Tecolote”. In 1927 it suffered a fire for which it was rebuilt until its closure by order of President Lázaro Cárdenas in 1935. It was recently restored and serves as an Oxxo convenience store.
Locomotive 2703 of the Sonora-Baja California Railroad
Located between Av. de la Industria and Nacozari, in Colonia Nacozari in front of the Mexicali Railroad Station, owned by Ferromex.
Parks, Museums and Recreation Centers
Sol del Niño Museum
Sol del Niño, in Mexicali, is an interactive museum, focused on showing the scientific explanation of some natural phenomena. It is located in the Vicente Guerrero park, a few minutes from the historic center of the city and the border crossing with Calexico, California. The building where it is constituted was, many years before, a gin and this fact links it closely with the origin of the city.
Cultural Research Institute: UABC Museum The Cultural Research Center, the place is divided into two parts, the research area and the museum area. Broadly speaking, the research area has teachers and doctors who carry out sociocultural studies in the state. The part that is open to the public is the museum, which has 2 exhibitions, a permanent one on the first settlers of the state of Baja California. Among them, the cucapá, an indigenous ethnic group that continues to fight to this day. In this area, a permanent exhibition, there are mannequins, handicrafts, artifacts, among other interesting things that will arouse the interest of children. In the second it is the one that changes periodically for the public, it is usually the strong card of the museum.
Centennial Integral Human Development Center This place is not just a park, it is a 14-hectare space where for only seven pesos for the entrance fee you can enjoy endless recreational activities such as sports, whenever you go to one of these places the first thing you think is that they are limited to having basketball, soccer, softball or baseball fields, this is not the case of this center because it also has fast soccer, American and fronton, tournaments can be organized in all of them.
Vicente Guerrero Park A great option to spend some time with family, friends or simply go to exercise for a while or meditate is the Vicente Guerrero Park because at no cost you can enjoy the areas that the place has such as games, grills, skating ramps, cycling or just running. The place has been around for many years and is known for its healthy and warm atmosphere. Musical events or some workshops are organized for children, women or adults in general, they have the science wagon where they put children to exercise their minds and spend a pleasant time with other children doing activities their age so they don't get bored while they are outside. There are several stores where you can eat, have snacks or have a drink. Outside there are generally stalls for people to learn about other cultures, on some dates you will find people from the Oaxaca region who come to Mexicali to share a little of what they live in their land such as food, snow, clothes, music, instruments music, and souvenirs for any occasion. People are served very well and there is space to put the car and not struggle because the entrance is very close.
City Forest and Zoo
Spacious area with children's games, botanical museum, zoo, cafeteria, green meadows, grills, open-air theater, lake and water park. Services and attractions offered: Green areas, grills, a wading pool, recreational games, a lake for boat rides, an aviary, children's games, a giant slide, a railway train, a desert botanical garden, a tour of pre-Hispanic cultures, a zoo, mini zoo, audiovisual room, natural history museum, open-air theater, bear house, palapas, souvenir shop, zip line, el lago restaurant, soda fountain, area for walking and jogging, parking. In addition to artistic events that are being presented, Casa de la Energía has a food court.
Youth 2000
Green areas, areas for children with disabilities, gym, swimming pool, bicycle circuit, infirmary, parking, etc. Classes are taught in various sports disciplines.
Fiestas del Sol
It is an event held once a year since 1976 in Mexicali, it has musical events, mechanical games, a food area, snacks, exhibitions and sales promotions, shows among many other things.
Promocasa performance center It is a forum where many events take place, from concerts with national and international artists, as well as the Mexicali Orchestra, it is also rented for conferences and sports. The box is something that keeps Mexicans very aware of this place because they want to be part of this type of attraction. When the Fiestas del Sol and the Fiestas del Sol fair take place, the palenque opens its doors to receive the Rooster Tournament and musical shows.
Farmacias Santa Mónica Stadium (formerly Nido de las Águilas)
The stadium was built in the sports city of Mexicali, Baja California between 1972 and 1973, it was conceived as a park for practicing sports at an amateur level. In 1975, due to the incorporation of the Águilas de Mexicali club, it became the team's headquarters.
Sports City They are the facilities where high-performance athletes carry out their training for competitions at the municipal, state, national and international level, as well as where any individual can enjoy the facilities to exercise and live in a healthy way. It has multiple areas to practice a variety of different sports such as tennis, boxing, archery, swimming, among others. It has a baseball stadium, an Olympic pool, a walking track and an auditorium where basketball is played. It is located between Calzada Aviación and Cuauhtémoc streets. The sports city is a facility that helps train all aspiring athletes in Mexicali, from representative teams, professional athletes, to future Olympians.
- Monument to Lazarus Cárdenas
It is located in the roundabout of Blv. Lazaro Cardenas and Blv. Benito Juarez. At a 1:7 scale, with the front facing south and arms outstretched, with the sculpture of a man and a woman on each side, and with bronze material, it was sculpted in 1978 by Julián Martínez.
- Monument to Benito Juárez
It is located on Blvd. Benito Juárez, Calle Francisco L. Montejano and Calzada Justo Sierra. It was sculpted in 1973 by Julián Martínez.
- Monument to Rodolfo Sánchez Taboada
On Blvd. Benito Juárez - Carretera a San Felipe and Carretera a San Luis Río Colorado.
- Monument to the Pioneros
In Calzada Independencia in front of the Civic Center.
- Monument to Francisco Zarco
On Blvd. Lázaro Cárdenas and Carretera a Tijuana - Calle Heroico Colegio Militar.
The city of Mexicali has different means of transportation:
- Bus, with the Mexicali Bus Central in Civic Center.
- An international airport operated by GAP.
- Public transport: Buses and Taxis.
- On September 1, 2015 it was announced that the "Easy Taxi" application will operate in Mexicali from the month of [October 2015 with a first stage of a hundred cars last model.
- Transportation through apps: UBER and Didi.
Mexicali has various Media, below are the open TV channels available in Mexicali (They will be withdrawn by analog blackout decreed by the Federal Institute of Telecommunications on March 26, 2015.
List of TV Channels in Mexicali, San Luis Río Colorado and El Centro CA / Yuma Az
HD Digital Television in Mexico and the United States
- 1.1 XHAQ-TDT Aztec One (Mexicali, B.C. Mex)
- 1.2 XHAQ-TDT DNA 40 (Mexicali, B.C. Mex)
- 2.1 XHLRT-TDT Stars (San Luis Rio Colorado - Sonora. Mex)
- 2.1 XHBM-TDT Stars (Mexicali, B.C. Mex)
- 2.2 XHBM-TDT TV Forum (Mexicali, B.C. Mex)
- 3.1 XHCTME-TDT Image Television (Mexicali, B.C. Mex)
- 3.4 XHCTME-TDT Excélsior TV (Mexicali, B.C. Mex)
- 4.1 XHBC-TDT 4 XHBC (Mexicali, B.C. Mex)
- 5.1 XHMEX-TDT Channel 5* (Mexicali, B.C. Mex)
- 5.1 XHLRT-TDT Channel 5* (San Luis Rio Colorado - Sonora. Mex)
- 7.1 KVYE-DT Univision 7 (The Center - Yuma)
- 7.2 KVYE-DT Aztec America (The Center - Yuma)
- 7.3 KVYE-DT Comet (The Center - Yuma)
- 7.4 KVYE-DT Charge! (The Center - Yuma)
- 7.5 KVYE-DT Court TV (The Center - Yuma)
- 9.1 KECY-DT Fox 9 (The Center - Yuma)
- 9.2 KECY-DT ABC 5 (The Center - Yuma)
- 9.3 KECY-DT THE CW 6 (The Center - Yuma)
- 9.4 KESE-DT Telemundo 3 (The Center - Yuma)
- 10.1 XHMEE-TDT NU9VE (Mexicali, B.C. Mex)
- 11.1 KYMA-DT NBC 11 (The Center - Yuma)
- 13.1 KYMA-DT CBS 13 (The Center - Yuma)
- 13.3 KYMA-DT Star TV (The Center - Yuma)
- 13.4 KYMA-DT ION Televisión (El Centro - Yuma)
- 15.1 XHRCS-TDT TELEMAX (San Luis Rio Colorado - Sonora)
- 20.1 XHEXT-TDT Azteca 7 (Mexicali, B.C. Mex)
- 20.2 XHEXT-TDT A+ (Mexicali, B.C. Mex)
- 24.1 K24NI-DT Good News TV
(Yuma AZ)
- 24.2 K24NI-DT GNTV Latino (Yuma AZ)
- 24.3 K24NI-DT GNTV Kids (Yuma AZ)
- 24.4 K24NI-DT Amazing Facts TV (Yuma AZ)
- 35.1 KESE-DT Telemundo 3 Repeater 9.4 (The Center - Yuma)
- 54.1 KAJB-DT Unimas 54 (The Center - Yuma)
- 54.2 KAJB-DT LATV (The Center - Yuma)
- 54.3 KAJB-DT TBD (The Center - Yuma)
- 54.4 KAJB-DT Stadium (The Center - Yuma)
- 66.1 XHILA-TDT Channel 66 "The News Channel" (Mexicali, B.C. Mex)
- 66.2 XHILA-TDT Channel 66 "The News Channel" (Mexicali, B.C. Mex)
- 66.3 XHILA-TDT Millennium Television (Mexicali, B.C. Mex)
- 66.4 XHILA-TDT Once Girls and Children (Mexicali, B.C. Mex)
Radio Stations (AM, FM)
- 790 XESU-AM Dynamics
- 820 XEABCA-AM Radio Frontera
- 850 XEZF-AM Beautiful
- 910 XEAO-AM Mexican Radio
- 940 XEMMM-AM 940 AM Oldies
- 990 XECL-AM La Rocola 990
- 1050 XED-AM The Powerful
- 1120 XEMX-AM MiC Radio
- 1150 XERM-AM Radio Formula
- 1190 XEMBC-AM Chain 1190
- 1340 XEAA-AM 1340 AM
- 1370 XEHG-AM Life
- 1490 KGBA-AM The Voice that Inspirates (Herber, CA)
- 88.7 KUBO-FM Radio Bilingual (Calexico, CA)
- 89.9 XHSOL-FM Super 89.9
- 90.7 XHMOE-FM The 40
- 91.5 XHJC-FM Exa FM
- 91.9 KYRM-FM Radio Manantial (Yuma, AZ)
- 92.3 XHMMF-FM The Gruper Beast
- 94.5 KSEH-FM La Suavecita (Brawley, CA)
- 94.9 K235BX-FM Radio Nueva Vida (Calexico, CA)
- 96.9 XHMUG-FM The Powerful
- 97.7 KQVO-FM Public Radio (El Centro, CA)
- 98.3 XHMIX-FM Power 98 Jams
- 99.3 KMXX-FM La Tricolor (Imperial, CA)
- 100.1 KGBA-FM KGBA-FM (Holtville, CA)
- 101.3 XHABCA-FM Voice Radio
- 101.9 XHPF-FM FM Globo
- 103.3 XHVG-FM The Best FM
- 104.1 XHBA-FM Radio University
- 104.9 XHMC-FM @FM 104.9
- 105.5 XHCMS-FM Image Mexicali
- 105.9 XHSU-FM Dynamics
- 106.7 XEWV-FM More FM
- 107.1 XHDY-FM Radio Ranchito (San Luis Rio Colorado)
- 107.5 KXO-FM FM107 (El Centro, CA)
The city of Mexicali has the following sister cities around the world:
San Bernardino, United States (1968)
Nanking, China (1991)
Gumi, South Korea (1998)
Calexico, United States (2006)
São José dos Campos, Brazil (2011)
Sacramento, United States (2013)
Coachella, United States (2015)
El Centro, Estados Unidos (2015)
- Ciudad Guadalupe Victoria 43 km
- City Morelos 50 km
- The Algodones 64 km
- Batáquez 43 km
- San Felipe 199 km
- Ensenada 240 km
- Rosarito 184 km
- La Rumorosa 75 km
- Tecate 128 km
- Tijuana 163 km
- San Luis Rio Colorado, Sonora 53 km
- Puerto Peñasco, Sonora 270 km
- Beautiful, Sonora 700 km
- Los Mochis, Sinaloa 1180 km
- Culiacán, Sinaloa 1598 km
- Ciudad Obregón, Sonora 960km
- Mexico City 2,661 km
- Guadalajara, Jalisco 2,119 km
- Monterrey, Nuevo León 2,220 km
- Reynosa, Tamaulipas 2,430 km
- Puebla de Zaragoza, Puebla 2,784 km
- León, Guanajuato 2,342 km
- Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua 1,520 km
- Victoria de Durango, Durango 1,810 km
- Los Angeles, California 368 km
- San Diego, California 200 km
- Phoenix, Arizona 416 km
- San Francisco, California 960 km
- Yuma, Arizona 68 km
- Las Vegas, Nevada 506 km
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Batak alphabet