Melgar Province


The province of Melgar, created and officially called province of Ayaviri until 1925, is one of the thirteen that make up the department of Puno, in southern Peru. Its capital is the city of Ayaviri.

It borders on the north with the province of Carabaya, on the east with the province of Azángaro, on the south with the province of Lampa and on the west with the provinces of Canchis and Canas (Cusco).

From the hierarchical point of view of the Catholic Church, it is part of the prelature of Ayaviri in the archdiocese of Arequipa.


The province, in its creation law of October 25, 1901, was called province of Ayaviri. However, during the government of President Augusto Leguía, Congress approved Law No. 5310, of December 2, 1925, renaming it province of Melgar, in honor of the famous Arequipa poet Mariano Melgar, shot by royalist forces after an improvised summary trial after the patriot defeat in the battle of Umachiri, which occurred in the current district of the same name.


The arrival of the railway to Ayaviri brought effective progress to the town, turning it into a commercial, cultural and social center with the formation of educational, cultural, sports and social centers, as well as artistic ones, being recognized as a land of artists and poets. Becoming the busiest of the towns in the north of the department of Puno, a separatist feeling was born in the province of Lampa in favor of Ayaviri due to the proximity of all the northern districts to the city of Ayaviri, since many are only five hours away by car. beast of burden to the city of Ayaviri and three hours by road. The province was created by law of October 25, 1901.

On September 23, 2019, the municipality approved, through Ordinance No. 018-2019-CM.MPM/A, to recognize the waters of the Llallimayo River basin as a subject of rights in its jurisdiction, thus becoming the first provincial government in the country to do so.


The province has an area of 6446.85 km².

Administrative division

Melgar is divided into nine districts:

  1. Antauta
  2. Ayaviri
  3. Cupi
  4. Llalli
  5. Macari
  6. Nuñoa
  7. Orurillo
  8. Santa Rosa
  9. Umachiri


The capital is the city of Ayaviri, livestock capital of Peru.

By Law No. 30031, dated June 4, 2013, the province of Melgar, in the department of Puno, is declared the Livestock Capital of Peru.

Santa Rosa is located in the province of Melgar, Puno, Peru. It is located on the Collao or Titicaca plateau—Puno—. Santa Rosa is located at an altitude of 3993 m s. n. m. It is reached by paved road from Juliaca, with a distance of 128 km. The temperature varies from 18-20° maximum to 0° minimum.


The province has a population of approximately 85,000 inhabitants.


To the north is the Carabaya mountain range; to the east and south, the Lampa and Azángaro pampas, and to the west, the Vilcanota mountain range.


Provincial anthem of Melgar


Melgar, Melgar, crucible and light;

strength and work, sun and caress,

for you my heart and my soul vibrate

with joy and hope

Your name lives in my blood

with faith that blossoms into love,

blessed land, sacred cradle of history,

legend and future.


With our chest inflamed with pride we promise to defend you and work

with love, gratitude and respect in concord, harmony and loyalty

Lifting high the names that your Gentile people have forged.

That union, action and progress will be the light, will be the voice of well-being.


Your name is north, it is a guide and it is brilliance

Melgar, livestock capital of Peru

Vital heartbeat, gale of freedom

Up forever, province of Melgar.


The prosapy of Huamán Tapara with the Golgotha of Mariano Melgar,

the reason of Pacheco and Castro They are emblems of honor and dignity.

With faith in our mother Altagracia under the mantle of her blessing,

between q’aqchas and songs of glory love and peace will flourish in the heart.


Ayaviri, Antauta and Cupi, Orurillo, Santa Rosa and Macarí,

Umachiri, Ñuñoa and Llalli They are brothers of a single heart.

Cunurana, the sacred apu, for being god of my ancestral people,

with the strength of being a Melgarian take my faith: summit of light and eternity.


The Echave and the Huirse spread through the world of identity song

and the student girls flourish with the echoes of the Musical Center.

My land of white and emerald with your endless pampas and peaks,

generous collavina province You are a banner of harmony and friendship.


In history your name shines Ayaviri, capital of Melgar,

which is the sap that nourishes my blood and it is a flag of pride and tradition

Tinajani of dreams and legends, Taripakuy, hug and carnival

with a flavor of cancacho and wiphalas, native land, beautiful ear of the heart.



  • Regional adviser
    • 2019-2022: Samuel Pacori López (Movimiento de Integración por el Desarrollo Regional, Mi Casita)


  • 2015-2018
    • Mayor 2019: Esteban Álvarez.
    • Mayor: Luciano Elías Huahuasoncco Hancco, of the Andean Regional Reform Movement Integration, Economic and Social Participation (RAICES).
    • Regidores: Miguel Ángel Huamán Huallpa (RAICES), Brigitte Sylvia Villalba Quispe (RAICES), Rito Felipe Huayta Arizaca (RAICES), Roger Isidro Barra Mamani (RAICES), Julián Morocco (RAICES), Wilber Roberto Velarde Ccoyto (RAICES), Juan Manuel Zea Japara (Moral and Development), Hua


  • Ayaviri police station
    • Commissioner: Commander PNP


  • Prelature of Ayaviri
    • Prelate Bishop: Mons. Kay Martin Schmalhausen Panizo SCV
  • Parish San Francisco de Assisi
    • parish administrator: Pbro. Miguel Coquelet SCV, foreign vicar.


  • Festival de la Candelaria (Puno)
  • Feast of the Virgin of Alta Gracia (Ayaviri)

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