May 3
Contenido May 3 is the 123rd (one hundred and twenty-third) day of the year in the Gregorian calendar and the 124th in leap years. There are 242 days left to end the year.
- 1375 BC: In China, a solar eclipse is recorded, "The Sun is ashamed, it was hidden during the day."
- 170: On the sea coast of Marmara, near the village of Cícico (Turkey) there is an earthquake of magnitude 7.0 in the seismological scale of Richter.
- 326: In Byzantium, Helena of Constantinople (mother of the emperor Constantine) says to have found the wooden cross in which Jesus Christ died.
- 754: near Jerusalem (Palestine) an earthquake occurs. Its effects are also recorded in Halab (Syria) and Antioch (Turkey).
- 1240: in the village of Écija (Seville) the Christian troops beat the Muslims.
- 1248: As part of the Christian Conquest of Seville, the Cantabrian fleet traces the Guadalquivir River with the aim of destroying the Barcas Bridge, which facilitated the arrival of supplies to the city. Defenders protect him with arrows and Greek fire.
- 1283: In the naval combat of Malta, the Aragonese squadron of Roger de Lauria defeats the French.
- 1487: In the people of Vélez (Malaga), which surrendered on 27 April, King Fernando the Catholic triumphed.
- 1493: On the island of San Miguel de La Palma (Canary Islands) the Spanish conquerors founded the village of Santa Cruz de La Palma.
- 1493: In Rome, Pope Alexander VI issues a bull that delimits the discovery area of Spain and Portugal.
- 1494: On the island of Tenerife (Canary Islands) the Spanish conquerors founded the village of Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
- 1494: On the island of Jamaica the Spanish conquerors led by Christopher Columbus landed.
- 1502: In the current Venezuelan Guajira, the Spanish conquerors led by Alonso de Ojeda founded the village of Santa Cruz de Coquibacoa, the first population founded on the American continent by Europeans.
- 1523: On the coast of the Caribbean Sea, the Spanish conquerors led by Cristóbal de Olid disembark on what is now Honduras and take possession of that territory in the name of the king of Spain.
- 1720: In Sweden, Frederick of Hesse is crowned king.
- 1721: In Bergen (Norway) the Norwegian Lutheran missionary Hans Egede is embarking on an evangelizing mission on the island of Greenland, which will be called the "Aposter of Greenland".
- 1787: Carlos III authorizes the creation, in Cusco (Peru), of a pretorial audience to better manage the virreinate.
- 1791: The first Constitution of the country is adopted in Poland; it is the second modern Magna Carta in the world (after that of the United States).
- 1808: near the mountain of Prince Pius (Madrid) the Government executes the rebels who rose on May 2. This event gave rise to the famous painting On May 3, 1808 in MadridFrancisco de Goya.
- 1808: During the Finnish War, the fortress of Suomenlinna, which was in the hands of Sweden, surrendered to Russia, facilitating the occupation of Finland by the Russian forces in 1809.
- 1814: The Chilean Government and the realistic army of Gabino Gaínza sign the Treaty of Lircay, through which there is a brief cessation of hostilities. A determining factor was the subsequent evolution assumed by the Chilean Emancipation War.
- 1814: The French Government displaces exemperator Napoleon Bonaparte to the island of Elba.
- 1844: in Madrid, General Ramón María Narváez holds for the first time the presidency of the Spanish government, with which the "moderate Decade" begins.
- 1865: a Royal Decree repeals the annexation to Spain of Santo Domingo.
- 1888: the last ship with African slaves arrives at the Brazilian coast.
- 1902: in the Argentine patagonia, a presidential decree gives an official foundation to the Patagonian settlement that bears the name of San Carlos de Bariloche.
- 1909: In Berlin, Polish scientist Paul Ehrlich announced the success of his medication against syphilis.
- 1914: In Russia, Social Democratic deputies are expelled from the Duma (the lower chamber of the Russian Parliament).
- 1919: in New York (United States) part of the first flight of passengers on the American continent, towards Atlantic City.
- 1919: In the Soviet Union—in the framework of the allied intervention in the Russian Civil War—French troops leave Ukraine.
- 1920: in New York (United States), an Italian anarchist immigrant named Andrea Salsedo is thrown from a window of the Bureau of Research in Park Row, while officials held him by the ankles outside the window in an attempt to obtain information against the Italian anarchists Nicola Sacco (29) and Bartolomeo Vanzetti (32).
- 1922: In Prussia (Germany), the Minister of the Interior announced the confiscation of anti-Semitic pamphlets, becoming more abundant.
- 1923: In the United States, the first flight is made by plane without scales crossing the country from coast to coast.
- 1924: In Barcelona, Spain, a false currency factory is discovered.
- 1926: In the United Kingdom the big strike called by the Trade Union Congress begins.
- 1929: In Mexico, a hurricane disrupts the railway line between Tampico and Veracruz.
- 1930: in Madrid, Spain, the Torero Niño de la Palma (Cayetano Ordóñez) experiences a strong "cogida".
- 1931: In Portugal, the government suffocates the revolution promoted on the island of Madeira by the political deportees.
- 1933: In Ireland, Dáil Éireann (the lower chamber of parliament) approves a law derogating from the oath of fidelity to the British Crown.
- 1933: In the United States, Nellie Tayloe Ross became the first woman named director of the United States Mint (American currency factory).
- 1937: in Barcelona, Spain, during the Spanish civil war, an anarchist and communist revolution will last five days. Government repression will cause 400 deaths and 1000 wounded.
- 1938: the Society of Jesus is restored in Spain.
- 1942: In Colombia, Alfonso López Pumarejo is elected president.
- 1942: In Yugoslavia—in the framework of World War II—German soldiers receive reinforcements to fight against the partisans.
- 1945: In the framework of the Second World War, the allies occupy Rangun.
- 1946: In Japan, U.S. General Douglas MacArthur forbids Ichirō Hatoyama (Japanese Liberal President) to accept the parliamentary mandate obtained.
- 1947: Japan becomes a constitutional monarchy, according to the new Constitution of Japan.
- 1948: American playwright Tennessee Williams wins the Pulitzer Prize for his play A tram called Wish.
- 1948: in Barcelona, Spain, the only Spanish pilots who won the first prize of the Peña Motorista Barcelona are Soler, Bultó and Cabestany.
- 1949: The United States launches the first probe rocket, the Viking, which rises to 80 km.
- 1950: on the site of atomic testing in Semipalatinsk (Kazakhstan) the Soviet Union fails to detonate its second atomic bomb (which would have been the ninth in human history).
- 1952: In Chile, the Government denounces the agreement with the United States on copper.
- 1963: in Buenos Aires (Argentina) the National and Popular Front is formed—a parody of a democratic party created by several anti-peronist people of the dictatorship, such as journalist Mariano Grondona, politician Oscar Camilión and General Justo Bengoa—their candidates are the non- Peronist politicians Silvestre Begnis and Vicente Solano Lima. Former dictator Pedro Aramburu starts his campaign in front of the Udelpa (Union of the Argentine People) and the radicals raise the Illia-Perette formula.
- 1965: Cambodia breaks diplomatic relations with the United States.
- 1965: first satellite TV broadcast.
- 1965: at the UN (New York), Cuba demands the Security Council to condemn the United States for its aggression against the Dominican Republic.
- 1966: London, United Kingdom, The Times starts the publication of news on the front page, instead of the usual small ads.
- 1968: in an artificial well, 241 meters underground, in the U3fz area of the Nevada atomic testing site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 8:00 (local time) United States detonates its 2 kt Hatchet atomic bomb. It's the 557 bomb of 1132 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
- 1972: in Swansea (United Kingdom), guitarist Les Harvey (27), who was performing a show with his band Stone the Crows, died electrocuted when playing his microphone (without ground connection) with breathed hands.
- 1972: from Havana to the Republic of Vietnam the Cuban medical brigade composed of 9 doctors (specialists in surgery and anesthesiology) and 6 nurses (some of them specialized in intensive therapy).
- 1973: A jewellery exhibition designed by Salvador Dalí is opened at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Madrid (Spain).
- 1977: In Spain, after the death of dictator Francisco Franco, the government legalizes the Unified Socialist Party of Catalonia (PSUC).
- 1978: The German Federal Republic signs the European Convention against Terrorism.
- 1980: in the district of El Cerro (city of Havana), an anti-revolutionary Cuban terrorist launches his car at full speed against a popular demonstration. It causes the death of the cederist Francisca Navia Cuadrado and wounds to several people.
- 1982: in Iran the plane in which Algerian Foreign Minister Mohammed Ben Yahía traveled fell down.
- 1982: In the framework of the Falkland War, the collapse of the Argentine General Belgrano cruise by a British war submarine is confirmed.
- 1983: In the United States, an earthquake destroys part of the city of Coalinga.
- 1983: Yuri Andropov proposes that the nuclear warheads be, and not the launcher apparatuses determine the quantity of missiles, which awakes a lively polemic. (See Salt Treaties.)
- 1984: In France, the GAL (Releasation Anti-Terrorist Groups) murder the Ethra Jesus Zugarramurdi, alias Kishur, accused by the Spanish police of participating in the attack against Luis Carrero Blanco.
- 1985: in Bonn (capital of West Germany), G8 is committed to continuing to work for peace, freedom, democracy, social justice and prosperity.
- 1986: in Bergen, Norway J’aime la vie of the young Sandra Kim, wins for Belgium the XXXI edition of Eurovision.
- 1987: In the Federal Republic of Germany the Congress of the Greens concludes, with a broad victory of the radical sector. (See ecology).
- 1989: Vietnamese forces begin the withdrawal of Cambodia.
- 1989: Hamas commits the second murder of its history, that of Israeli soldier Ilan Saadon.
- 1991: in Spain, the Council of Ministers approves the creation of the Spanish Banking Corporation.
- 1992: in Los Angeles and other U.S. cities, the acquittal of four police officers who had brutally beaten the Black-Black citizen Rodney King three days of racial revolts, with a balance of 58 dead and serious material damage.
- 1992: In Afghanistan, despite amnesty, former Supreme Court President Abdul Karim Shardan was tortured and killed.
- 1993: In Italy, Giulio Andreotti asked the Senate to authorize the prosecution that had been ordered against him.
- 1997: The XLII edition of Eurovision is held in Dublin, Ireland. Wins the song of the UK, Love shine a light Katrina & The Waves band.
- 1997: the clash between Chess player Gari Kaspárov and the Deep Blue computer begins.
- 1997: in Spain, members of the ETA terrorist gang murder a civilian guard.
- 1998: the meeting of Yasser Arafat (Palestinian leader) and Benjamin Netanyahu (Israeli Prime Minister) is closed without agreement on the withdrawal of Israeli troops from the West Bank.
- 1999: The United States is devastated by thirty tornadoes, causing 43 deaths.
- 2000: the stock exchanges of London and Frankfurt join to create the largest European stock exchange, with a turnover of 5.2 billion euros (865 billion pesetas).
- 2003: the Barcelona Basketball Club, the most laureate in the world, wins the EHF Cup against the Astrakán Dinamo.
- 2003: Pope John Paul II visits Spain for the fifth time.
- 2004: Vicente Fox President of Mexico withdrew his ambassador to Havana, Cuba.
- 2005: Iran proclaims at United Nations headquarters its right to develop nuclear plans.
- 2005: In Mogadishu, the accidental explosion of a grenade kills 10 people attending a rally of the Somali prime minister.
- 2005: In the Pakistani city of Lahore, a gas explosion collapses 3 buildings and kills 26 people.
- 2006: in Madrid, the police confiscate 20 000 kilos of Chinese food in poor condition that had been introduced in Spain illegally.
- 2007: In a hotel in Algarve (Portugal) the girl Madelaine McCann disappears from her room.
- 2008: the island of Burma is rooted by the cyclone Nargis, leaving more than 100,000 dead and 40 000 disappeared.
- 2009: in Panama the opponent Ricardo Martinelli is elected as president-elect, plus another 1590 popular election charges are elected
- 2012: In Argentina, the National Congress punishes the law 26.741, which, the National State recovers the actions of YPF S.A.
- 2016: In Spain, King Felipe VI calls for general elections, ending the XI Legislature
- 2018: The ETA terrorist gang ends its historical cycle and dissolves, leaving behind 853 victims and more than 700 attacks.
- 2018: The musical video of Accelerate by Christina Aguilera was released.
- 2021: In Mexico City there is a tragic 2021 Metro Accident on line 12, where 26 people were unfortunately killed. At 10:11pm a FE-10 convoy fell from the high stretch between Tezonco and Olivos stations, the trains were not suitable for the line and ended in the tragedy, was inaugurated by Marcelo Ebrad and former President Felipe Calderón Hinojosa.
- 612: Constantine III of Byzantium, Byzantine emperor (f. 641).
- 1428: Pedro González de Mendoza, Spanish cardinal (f. 1495).
- 1446: York Margarita, English aristocrat (f. 1503).
- 1451: Rafael Sansoni Riario, Italian cardinal (f. 1521).
- 1469: Nicholas Machiavelli, philosopher and Italian writer (f. 1527).
- 1662: Matthäus Daniel Pöppelmann, German architect (f. 1736).
- 1678: Amaro Pargo, trader and Spanish corsair (f. 1747).
- 1695: Henri Pitot, French engineer and physicist (f. 1771).
- 1748: Emmanuel-Joseph Sieyès, a French politician (f. 1836).
- 1761: August von Kotzebue, German playwright (f. 1819).
- 1764: Isabel de France, aristocrat (f. 1794).
- 1768: Augustine de Eyzaguirre, Chilean President (f. 1837).
- 1773: Giovanni Zantedeschi, Italian botanist (f. 1846).
- 1773: Giuseppe Acerbi, Italian explorer (f. 1846).
- 1785: Vicente López and Planes, writer and Argentine politician (f. 1856).
- 1786: Joseph Benito Cottolengo, religious and holy Italian (f. 1842).
- 1788: José de la Cruz Carrillo, Venezuelan military (f. 1865).
- 1804: Francisco Armero Peñaranda, Spanish politician (f. 1866).
- 1826: Charles XV, Swedish king (f. 1872).
- 1833: Felix Díaz Mori, Mexican military and political (f. 1872).
- 1842: Luis Aldunate Carrera, Chilean politician (f. 1908).
- 1842: Ramona Andreu, a Spanish printer (f. 1902).
- 1845: Elías Villanueva, a Chilean politician (f. 1913).
- 1849: Bernhard von Bülow, German politician and German chancellor between 1900 and 1909 (f. 1929).
- 1860: John Scott Haldane, a British philosopher and biologist (f. 1936).
- 1873: Nikolái Cherepnín, Russian composer and pianist (f. 1945).
- 1875: Cruz Laplana and Laguna, Spanish clergy (f. 1936).
- 1877: Karl Abraham, German psychoanalyst (f. 1925).
- 1881: José Alessio Robles, Mexican military (f. 1921).
- 1886: Marcel Dupré, French composer (f. 1971).
- 1888: José María Robles Hurtado, Mexican priest (f. 1927).
- 1891: Tadeusz Peiper, poet and Polish art critic (f. 1969).
- 1892: George Paget Thomson, British physicist, Nobel Prize in Physics in 1937 (f. 1975).
- 1898: Golda Meir, Israeli policy, Prime Minister between 1969 and 1974 (f. 1978).
- 1901: Gino Cervi, an Italian actor (f. 1974).
- 1901: Ebbe Schwartz, Danish sports leader (f. 1964).
- 1902: Alfred Kastler, French physicist, nobel prize of physics in 1966 (f. 1984).
- 1903: Bing Crosby, American singer and actor (f. 1977).
- 1903: Georges Politzer, a French philosopher of Hungarian origin (f. 1942).
- 1904: Bill Brandt, British photographer (f. 1983).
- 1905: Adelino da Palma Carlos, a Portuguese politician (f. 1992).
- 1906: Mary Astor, American actress (f. 1987).
- 1906: Pierre Vilar, French historian and hyspanist (f. 2003).
- 1913: William Motter Inge, American playwright (f. 1973).
- 1914: Armando Bó, director of Argentine cinema (f. 1981).
- 1914: Martin de Riquer, Spanish writer and medievalist (f. 2013).
- 1914: José R. Somoza, a Nicaraguan military officer (f. 2004).
- 1915: Stu Hart, Canadian professional fighter (f. 2003).
- 1916: Léopold Simoneau, Canadian tenor (f. 2006).
- 1917: Kiro Gligorov, politician and Macedonian president (f. 2012).
- 1917: Alan S. Trueblood, hispanist, cervantist and American translator (f. 2012).
- 1919: Pete Seeger, American musician (f. 2014).
- 1921: Sugar Ray Robinson, American boxer (f. 1989).
- 1921: Vasco Gonçalves, Portuguese politician (f. 2005).
- 1921: Cuco Sánchez, musician, singer and Mexican actor (f. 2000).
- 1924: Thomas B. Hayward, American military (f. 2022}.
- 1924: Ken Tyrrell, British Formula 1 pilot (f. 2001).
- 1924: Yehuda Amijai, an Israeli writer (f. 2000).
- 1928: Jacques-Louis Lions, French mathematician (f. 2001).
- 1928: Carel Visser, Dutch artist (f. 2015).
- 1930: Juan Gelman, Argentine writer (f. 2014).
- 1931: Efraín Barquero, a Chilean writer (f. 2020).
- 1931: Aureliano Tapia Méndez, priest, writer and Mexican historian (f. 2011).
- 1933: James Brown, American singer (f. 2006).
- 1933: Steven Weinberg, U.S. physicist, Nobel Prize in Physics in 1979 (f. 2021).
- 1934: Henry Cooper, British boxer (f. 2011).
- 1934: Georges Moustaki, French singer of Egyptian origin.
- 1934: Frankie Valli, American singer.
- 1936: Manuel Pachón, a Colombian actor (f. 2021).
- 1937: Nélida Piñón, a Brazilian writer.
- 1938: Lindsay Kemp, dancer, actor, mimo and British choreographer.
- 1939: Dennis O'Neil, writer and writer of American comics (f. 2020).
- 1940: Konrad Plank, producer of German music (f. 1987).
- 1941: Nona Gaprindashvili, Georgian chess player.
- 1942: Butch Otter, American politician.
- 1944: Alfredo Molano Bravo, a sociologist, journalist Historian and Colombian writer.
- 1945: Jeffrey C. Hall, American geneticist.
- 1948: Mauricio Pesutic, Chilean actor.
- 1949: Leopoldo Jacinto Luque, Argentine footballer (f. 2021).
- 1951: Massimo Ranieri, Italian singer and actor.
- 1951: Christopher Cross, American singer.
- 1952: Allan Wells, Scottish athlete.
- 1958: Rutilio Escandón Cadenas, Mexican politician.
- 1959: Ben Elton, English writer and comedian.
- 1960: Kathryn Smallwood, British athlete.
- 1960: Odiseo Bichir, actor of Mexican cinema, theatre and television.
- 1961: Steve McClaren, English football coach.
- 1965: Rob Brydon, comedian and presenter of Welsh.
- 1967: Juan Carlos Chirinos, Venezuelan writer.
- 1967: André Olbrich, German guitarist and composer, of the Blind Guardian band.
- 1973: Lourdes Maldonado, Spanish journalist.
- 1973: Michael Reiziger, Dutch footballer.
- 1973: Ivaylo Petrov, Bulgarian footballer.
- 1974: Fernando Morillo, Spanish writer.
- 1975: Christina Hendricks, American actress.
- 1975: Valentino Lanús, Mexican actor.
- 1976: Roberto Luís Gaspar Deus Severo, Portuguese footballer.
- 1977: Tyronn Lue, American basketball player.
- 1977: Hiro Mashima, Japanese mangaka.
- 1977: Ben Olsen, American footballer.
- 1978: Paul Banks, British singer and guitarist, of the Interpol band.
- 1978: Raúl Navas Paúl, Spanish footballer.
- 1979: Chus Bravo, Spanish footballer.
- 1979: Mikel Amantegui, Spanish footballer.
- 1980: Andrea Cossu, Italian footballer.
- 1981: Farrah Franklin, American singer, of the Destiny's Child band.
- 1981: Benoît Cheyrou, French footballer.
- 1982: Rebecca Hall, British actress.
- 1982: Joey Montana, Panamanian artist.
- 1983: Romeo Castelen, Dutch footballer.
- 1985: Ezequiel Lavezzi, Argentine soccer player.
- 1987: Damla Sönmez, Turkish actress.
- 1989: Katinka Hosszu, Hungarian swimmer.
- 1990: Brooks Koepka, American golfer.
- 1991: Raffaele Pucino, Italian footballer.
- 1995: Ander Bardají, Spanish footballer.
- 1996: Noah Munck, American actor.
- 1996: Domantas Sabonis, Lithuanian basketball player.
- 1996: Morten Konradsen, Norwegian footballer.
- 1997: Desiigner, American rapper.
- 1997: Carmen Vento, Spanish singer.
- 1997: Bartal Wardum, ferocious footballer.
- 1998: Bae Hyun-sung, South Korean actor.
- 1999: Lennart Czyborra, German footballer.
- 1999: Sofia Tanghetti, Italian shirt.
- 1999: Waleed Al-Ahmed, Saudi footballer.
- 2000: Louie Annesley, Gibraltarian footballer.
- 2000: Guillem Molina Gutiérrez, Spanish footballer.
- 2000: Mohamed Simakan, French footballer.
- 2000: Franz Schmidt Silva, Peruvian footballer.
- 2000: Iñigo Royo, Spanish basketball player.
- 2000: Svetlana Osipova, taekwondista uzbeka.
- 2000: Meryem Çavdar, Turkish taekwondista.
- 2000: Juan Peñaloza, Colombian footballer.
- 2000: Lucas Matzerath, German swimmer.
- 2000: Irina Krivonogova, Russian swimmer.
- 2000: Maureen Jenkins, French swimmer.
- 2000: Adam Magri Overend, Maltese footballer.
- 2001: Rachel Zegler, American actress.
- 2003: Florian Wirtz, German footballer,
- 762: Xuanzong de Tang, Chinese emperor (n. 685).
- 1152: Matilde I of Boulogne, queen consort of England (n. 1103).
- 1270: Bela IV, Hungarian king (n. 1206).
- 1410: Alexander V of Pisa, an Italian antipape (n. 1340).
- 1481: Mehmed II, Ottoman sultan (n. 1432).
- 1616: William Shakespeare (according to the Gregorian calendar), playwright, poet and English actor (n. 1564).
- 1704: Heinrich Ignaz Biber, Austrian composer and violinist (n. 1644).
- 1719: Pierre Legros, French sculptor (n. 1666).
- 1739: María Ana de Borbón, French aristocrat (n. 1666).
- 1758: Benedict XIV, Italian Pope (n. 1675).
- 1764: Francesco Algarotti, Italian writer (n. 1712).
- 1833: Dimitrios Galanos, first Greek indologist (n. 1760).
- 1853: Juan Donoso Cortés, Spanish diplomat and politician (n. 1809).
- 1856: Adolphe Adam, French composer (n. 1803).
- 1884: León Guzmán, lawyer, military, political and Mexican diplomat (n. 1821).
- 1885: Bernardo Ferrándiz, a Spanish painter (n. 1835).
- 1899: José Zapater and Ugeda, a Valencian lawyer and writer (n. 1826):
- 1916: Patrick Pearse, Irish activist (n. 1879).
- 1926: Knut Wicksell, Swedish economist (n. 1851).
- 1927: David Arellano, Chilean footballer and founding member of the Colo-Colo Social and Sports Club (n. 1902).
- 1932: Charles Fort, American writer and researcher (n. 1874).
- 1936: Robert Michels, German sociologist (n. 1876).
- 1942: Elías Alippi, playwright, businessman, actor and Argentine director (n. 1883).
- 1945: Odon de Buen, Spanish naturist (n. 1861).
- 1949: Mariano Fortuny and Madrazo, a Spanish painter (n. 1871).
- 1951: Homero Manzi, tango litrist and Argentine poet (n. 1907).
- 1966: Concepción Castella de Zavala, Spanish writer (n. 1889).
- 1971: Kondrat Melnik, Soviet military (n. 1900)
- 1984: Alan Schneider, American filmmaker (n. 1917).
- 1987: Dalida, Egyptian singer and actress (n. 1933).
- 1990: Carlos Palito Cerutti (21), Argentine basketball (n. 1969).
- 1997: Carlos Rojas González, Colombian painter (n. 1933).
- 1997: Narcis Yepes, Spanish guitarist (n. 1927).
- 1998: Rene Mugica, actor and Argentine filmmaker (n. 1909).
- 2003: Suzy Parker, American model and actress (n. 1932).
- 2006: Karel Appel, a Dutch painter (n. 1921).
- 2007: Rodrigo Cisternas, a forest worker, murdered by the Chilean police (n. 1981).
- 2008: Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo, Spanish politician, president between 1981 and 1982 (n. 1926).
- 2008: Morgan Sparks, American scientist (n. 1916).
- 2009: Pablo Lizcano, Spanish journalist (n. 1951).
- 2010: Florencio Campomanes, Filipino chess player (n. 1927).
- 2011: Jackie Cooper, American actor (n. 1922).
- 2013: Brad Drewett, Australian professional tennis player (n. 1958).
- 2014: Gary Becker, American economist (n. 1930).
- 2016: Angel de Andrés López, Spanish actor (n. 1951).
- 2016: Kaname Harada, Japanese aviator (n. 1916).
- 2018: Afonso Dhlakama, a Mozambican politician (n. 1953).
- 2020: John Ericson, German-American actor (n. 1926).
- 2020: Miguel Ors, Spanish sports journalist (n. 1926).
- 2021: Jah Mohan Malhotra, Indian politician (n. 1927).
- 2021: Lloyd Price, American singer and pianist (n. 1933).
- World Press Freedom Day (General Assembly decision 48/432 of 1993) has been held since 1994.
- World Asthma Day is celebrated under the auspices of the World Health Organization, the GINA (World Initiative Against Asthma).
- ♪ Sun Day
- Cruz de mayo, Cruces de mayo, Fiesta de las Cruces., festivals on the theme of the Vera Cruz, held in some cities and countries despite the official celebration of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross on 14 September.
Argentina: "World Jador Day."
- Colombia
- Saint Peter of the Miracles: Patrons of the Lord of the Miracles.
- "Día del Ingeniero Forestal."
- Spain
- Vega de Valdetronco (Valladolid) Fiestas de la Santa Cruz.
- Cieza (Murcia) Day of the Cross.
- Hellín (Albacete) Cross Day, local party.
- El Carpio (Córdoba): Romería de Our Lord Ecce Homo (Patron of El Carpio).
- Santa Cruz de La Palma: Santa Cruz Day and anniversary of the foundation of the city.
- Santa Cruz de Tenerife: Cruz de la Cruz, Fiestas de mayo.
- Santa Cruz de Bezana (Cantabria): Day of the Cross.
- Ibros (Jaén): Day of the Cross. Patron parties.
- El Viso del Alcor (Sevilla): Fiestas de la Santa Cruz.
- Caravaca de la Cruz (Region of Murcia): Day of the Cross.
- Granada: Day of the Cross.
- Abanilla (Region of Murcia): pilgrimage in honor of the Santa Cruz de Abanilla.
- Sama de Grado (Principado de Asturias): Most Holy Cross of May
- Ubrique (Cádiz): May Crosses (Gamon Day).
- Toulouse, Académie des Jeux Floraux poetry contest.
- Guatemala
Guatemala: "Día del albañil".
- Honduras
Honduras: "Día del arquitecto".
- Japan
Japan: "Kenpō Kinen Bi"Feast of the Constitution).
- Lithuania
Lithuania: "Feast of the Constitution."
- Mexico
- "Día del albañil."
- "Day of the archaeologist.
- Poland
Poland: "Feast of the Constitution."
Catholic saints list
- Saint Alexander I, Pope
- San Ansfrido
- San Conleto
- Saint Philip, Apostle
- San Juvenal de Narni
- Santa Maura de Antinoe
- San Pedro de Argo
- Santiago el Menor, Apostle
- St. Theodosius of Kiev
- San Timoteo de Antinoe
- Santa Violeta, virgin and martyr
- Beata Emilia Bicchieri
- Beato Estanislao Kazimierczyk
- Blessed Maria Leonia Paradis
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