May 18
Contenido May 18 is the 138th (one hundred thirty-eighth) day of the year in the Gregorian calendar and the 139th in leap years. There are 227 days left to end the year.
- 1152: In England, Henry II married Leonor of Aquitaine.
- 1268: the sultan mameluco Baibars I beat the crusaders of the Principality of Antioch in the Battle of Antioch.
- 1291: In Palestine, Muslims expel Christians after the Acre Fall, the last Christian bastion.
- 1302: in Bruges (Belgium), the events known as Maitines de Brugeswhen the Flemish militia massacred the French invading forces during the morning.
- 1498: In India, the Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama arrives at the port of Calcutta.
- 1499: from the Port of Santa María (Cádiz, Spain) part of a fleet of four ships, sent by Alonso de Ojeda and accompanied by Américo Vespucio and Juan de la Cosa. They will reach the coast of Suriname, and explore the Gulf of Paria and the island of Curacao, in the Caribbean Sea.
- 1525: In Honduras the village of Trujillo is founded.
- 1541: In Mexico, the virrey Antonio de Mendoza and Pacheco founded the village of Valladolid de la Nueva España (the current city of Morelia).
- 1565: In the southern city of Concepción (Chile), the Royal Audience of Chile is established, by the name of King Philip II.
- 1593: In England, writer Thomas Kyd leads heresy charges against Christopher Marlowe.
- 1631: In Dorchester (Massachusetts), John Winthrop becomes the first colony governor of the Massachusetts Bay.
- 1643: in Ardennes, France, the French, commanded by the future Prince Condé, defeat the Spaniards—with Francis of Melo at the forefront—in the battle of Rocroi, during the open struggle between France and Spain for hegemony in Europe.
- 1652: Rhode Island becomes the first state to enact a law to abolish slavery.
- 1680: The collection of the Indian Laws, consisting of nine books and more than 6000 laws.
- 1756: France declares war on England. The French land in Menorca.
- 1765: In Canada, a fire destroys most of the city of Montreal.
- 1781: In Peru, the Spaniards murder the Inca leader Tupac Amaru II through public dismemberment.
- 1793: Rosellion Campaign. Thuir's military action, won by General Antonio Ricardos, the French revolutionary troops.
- 1803: In the context of the Napoleonic Wars, the United Kingdom revokes the Treaty of Amiens and declares war to France.
- 1804: In Paris, the Senate of France proclaims emperor to Napoleon Bonaparte.
- 1810: In the city of Buenos Aires, the capital of the Virreinato del Río de la Plata begins the revolution of May.
- 1811: In the Battle of Las Piedras (Uruguay) the revolutionary forces in charge of General José Gervasio Artigas defeat the forces of the Spanish Empire.
- 1845: Infant Carlos María Isidro de Borbón abdica en su hijo Carlos Luis sus pretendeidos derechos a la Corona de España.
- 1848: The first National Assembly of Germany is opened in Frankfurt.
- 1848: in Buenos Aires, Juan Manuel de Rosas gives the order of dissolution of the Society of Jesus and the expulsion of its members from the Argentine territory.
- 1863: In the United States—in the framework of the American Civil War—the Battle of Vicksburg begins.
- 1869: in Japan the surrender and dissolution of the Republic of Ezo occurs.
- 1870: In Portugal, Marshal Saldanha Oliveira (82 years old), invades with some soldiers the palace of Ajuda and forces the king to appoint him president of the Government.
- 1875: the city of Cúcuta (Colombia) is destroyed by an earthquake of 7.3 degrees, leaving a balance of 30 500 victims. It also affects the Venezuelan state of Táchira.
- 1896: in the camp of Khodynka, in Moscow (Russia) during the celebrations of the coronation of the Tsar Nicholas II a mob of people ends the lives of 1389 people (Tragedia of Khodynka).
- 1900: The United Kingdom proclaims its “protected” over the Kingdom of Tonga.
- 1903: In Spain, King Alfonso XIII made the opening of the Courts with a speech.
- 1904: international agreement for the suppression of white trafficking.
- 1910: Halley's maximum approach to Earth.
- 1910: Infanta Isabel de Borbón arrives in Buenos Aires, representing the king of Spain at the celebrations of the first centenary of the May Revolution.
- 1919: the Republic of the Palatinate is proclaimed, separated from the Reich and supported by France.
- 1926: Evangelist Aimee Semple McPherson disappears while visiting Venice Beach (California).
- 1927: In Michigan (United States) the Bath School Disaster happens: 45 people die from the explosion of a bomb.
- 1927: The Grauman's Chinese Theatre is inaugurated in Hollywood (California).
- 1930: the "Graf Zeppelin" airship begins a flight in which the Atlantic will cross twice, with a journey of about 27,000 kilometers.
- 1933: In the United States—in the framework of the New Deal—President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signs a law that creates the Tennessee Valley Authority.
- 1941: In Abishainia—in the framework of the Second World War—the troops of the Duke of Aosta are captured.
- 1944: In Italy – in the framework of the Second World War – the battle of Montecassino ends after seven days when the Nazi paratroopers (Fallschirmjäger) They evacuate Montecassino.
- 1944: the government of the Soviet Union deports the Crimean Tatars.
- 1944: In France, General Gerd von Rundstedt assumes the supreme command.
- 1948: In Nanking, China, the first legislative Yuan of the Republic of China is installed.
- 1950: the Plenary Assembly of the United Nations decides to seize the goods of the Republic of China as reprisal.
- 1951: The first contingent of the Army to participate in the Korean war left Buenaventura in the Pacific of Colombia.
- 1953: Jackie Cochran becomes the first woman to break the sound barrier.
- 1954: In Argentina, the government of Juan Domingo Perón – as part of the Quinquenal Plan – begins the construction of the 1490 km pipeline between the oil fields of Campo Durán (province of Salta) and the Argentine Litoral.
- 1958: In the United States, a Lockheed F-104 Starfighter aircraft set a new speed record: 2259.82 km/h.
- 1959: In Conakri, Guinea, the National Committee for the Liberation of Ivory Coast was opened.
- 1959: In the plain of the Jarros (Laos) the battles between the Royal Army and the Pathet Lao begin.
- 1960: In Cuba, commander Ernesto Che Guevara participates in a needle fishing contest with American writer Ernest Hemingway and commander-in-chief Fidel Castro.
- 1963: in Madrid (Spain) the Sports City of the Real Madrid Club of Football is inaugurated on the Paseo de la Castellana.
- 1969: from the installations of Cabo Cañaveral (Florida)—in the framework of the Apollo Program—takes off the tripled mission Apollo 10, the second crewed mission to the Moon.
- 1974: As the end of the Smiling Buddha project (the smiling Buddha), India successfully detonates its first nuclear bomb, becoming the sixth "nuclear power" in the world.
- 1974: the Warsaw radio tower is inaugurated, the highest construction so far. He stopped operating on 8 August 1991.
- 1980: In the United States, the Santa Helena volcano erupted, leaving the greatest demographic and economic damage in the history of that country.
- 1989: the Parliament of Lithuania amends its Constitution and proclaims the sovereignty of the Lithuanian people.
- 1990: in France, the TGV train makes a new record in the railway world: 515.3 km/h.
- 1990: In Bonn, the Ministers of Finance of the RFA and the RDA, Theo Waigel and Walter Rombers sign the agreement of monetary, economic and social union between the two German countries.
- 1990: the Latin pop singer, Mexican composer and music producer Luis Miguel, released his album entitled 20 yearsproduced by Juan Carlos Calderón.
- 1991: North Somalia declares its independence from the rest of the country and is named the Republic of Somaliland although it will not be recognized internationally.
- 1993: In Denmark, the people affirmatively respond to the referendum on the Maastricht Treaty.
- 1994: in Venezuela, former president Carlos Andrés Pérez is imprisoned, as he discovered that he committed embezzlement of public funds.
- 1996: In the Norwegian city of Oslo, the 41st edition of the Eurovision Song Festival is held. The Irish representative, Eimear Quinn, will achieve victory with the theme The Voice.
- 1996: the Governments of Cuba and Dominica establish diplomatic relations.
- 1998: in the judicial complaint United States against Microsoft, the United States Department of Justice proceeds to the monopoly cause against Bill Gates' Microsoft company.
- 1999: The American Boy Band Backstreet Boys publishes his third album titled Millennium.
- 2005: In Chile the Tragedy of Antuco, the second largest disaster of the militia in times of peace, is happening.
- 2011: in the Argentinian province of Río Negro, flight 5428 of the company Sol crashes, causing 22 deaths.
- 2011: In San Vicente de Chucurí (Colombia) the Chucurí River destroys two bridges, leaving 12 dead.
- 2013: The Eurovision Song Festival is held in Malmö.
- 2014: in Fundación (Magdalena), (Colombia), 33 children die.
- 2015: in the Colombian city of Salgar (Department Antioquia) an avalanche in the Corridor La Margarita leaves more than 50 dead.
- 2016: replicas of the Ecuadorian Earthquake of 2016 of magnitude 6.7 and 6.9 leave a total of 11 wounded and 1 dead, reported small material damage, housing collapse and electric service cut, although there was no tsunami alert.
- 2018: in Havana (Cuba) a commercial plane operated by the Cuban Aviation Company, Boeing 737 model, leased to the Mexican company Global Air, with 113 people on board (6 crew members and 107 passengers), soon after taking off the international airport José Martí de la capital in the direction of the city of Holguín.
- 2019: In Argentina, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner announced that she will be a vice president with Alberto Fernández as president.
- 2019: The 64th Eurovision Song Festival is held in Tel Aviv, Israel.
- 2022: In Argentina, Censo 2022 is performed.
- 1048: Omar Jayam, mathematician, astronomer and Iranian writer (f. 1131).
- 1186: Konstantin of Vladimir, Russian prince (f. 1218).
- 1450: Piero Soderini, Florentine statesman (f. 1522).
- 1474: Isabel de Este, an Italian aristocrat (f. 1539).
- 1475: Alfonso de Portugal, prince heir of Portugal (f. 1491).
- 1610: Stefano della Bella, Italian editor (f. 1664).
- 1616: Johann Jakob Froberger, German composer (f. 1667).
- 1692: Joseph Butler, bishop and British philosopher (f. 1752).
- 1711: Ruđer Bošković, Croatian physicist and astronomer (f. 1787).
- 1731: José Camarón Bonanat, a Spanish painter (f. 1803).
- 1742: Felix de Azara, a Spanish scientist (f. 1821).
- 1788: Hugh Clapperton, British explorer (f. 1827).
- 1792: Margaret Ann Neve, first verified supercentennial woman (f. 1903).
- 1797: Federico Augusto II de Saxony (f. 1854).
- 1808: Venancio Flores, Uruguayan President (f. 1868).
- 1812: Francisco Coll i Guitart, a Spanish saint, founder of Dominicas de la Anunciata (f. 1875).
- 1817: Joaquín José Cervino, a Spanish writer and magistrate (f. 1883).
- 1822: Mathew B. Brady, American photographer (f. 1896).
- 1850: Oliver Heaviside, British physicist (f. 1925).
- 1868: Nicholas II, Russian tsar between 1894 and 1917 (f. 1918).
- 1869: Andrés Cepeda, anarchist Argentine poet (f. 1910).
- 1872: Bertrand Russell, a British philosopher and mathematician, a nobel literature award in 1950 (f. 1970).
- 1874: Juan Aguirre Escobar, Mexican military and political (f. 1954).
- 1876: Hermann Müller, German chancellor (f. 1931).
- 1882: Eduardo Fabini; Uruguayan composer of academic music (f. 1950).
- 1883: Eurico Gaspar Dutra, militar, politician and Brazilian president between 1946 and 1951 (f. 1974).
- 1883: Walter Gropius, German architect (f. 1969).
- 1887: Jeanie MacPherson, American actress and screenwriter (f. 1946).
- 1889: Thomas Midgley, American mechanical engineer (f. 1944).
- 1891: Rudolf Carnap, German philosopher (f. 1970).
- 1892: Emilio Esteban Infantes, a Spanish military officer (f. 1962).
- 1895: Augusto C. Sandino, a Nicaraguan guerrilla and revolutionary (f. 1934).
- 1897: Frank Capra, American filmmaker (f. 1991).
- 1901: Vincent du Vigneaud, American biochemist, nobel chemistry award in 1955 (f. 1978).
- 1908: Moses Broggi, a Spanish doctor (f. 2012).
- 1909: Javier de Belaúnde Ruiz de Somocurcio, politician, lawyer and Peruvian historian (f. 2013).
- 1909: Fred Perry, British tennis player (f. 1995).
- 1909: Isabel Chabela Villaseñor, Mexican sculptor and painter. (f. 1953).
- 1911: Big Joe Turner, American blues singer (f. 1985).
- 1912: Richard Brooks, American filmmaker (f. 1992).
- 1912: Perry Como, American singer (f. 2001).
- 1912: Walter Sisulu, a South African activist. (f. 2003).
- 1913: Charles Trenet, French singer (f. 2001).
- 1914: Pierre Balmain, French designer (f. 1982).
- 1914: Boris Christoff, under Bulgarian opera (f. 1993).
- 1916: Manuel Viola, a Spanish painter (f. 1987).
- 1918: Manuel Pertegaz, Spanish modisto (f. 2014).
- 1918: Massimo Girotti, Italian actor (f. 2003).
- 1919: Margot Fonteyn, British ballet dancer (f. 1991).
- 1920: John Paul II, Polish Pope between 1978 and 2005 (f. 2005).
- 1922: Bill Macy, American actor (f. 2019).
- 1922: Kai Winding, Danish musician (f. 1983).
- 1923: Hugh Shearer, politician and Prime Minister of Jamaica (f. 2004).
- 1924: Priscilla Pointer, American actress.
- 1928: Pernell Roberts, American actor and singer (f. 2010).
- 1929: José María Mendiola Insausti, a Spanish writer (f. 2003).
- 1930: Alfredo Leal Kuri, Mexican actor (f. 2003).
- 1931: Don Martin, American cartoonist (f. 2000).
- 1931: Robert Morse, American actor (f. 2022)
- 1934: Dwayne Hickman, American actor.
- 1935: Elena Zuasti, Uruguayan theatre actress (f. 2011).
- 1937: Jacques Santer, a Luxembourg politician and lawyer.
- 1937: Raúl Amundaray, first Venezuelan television actor (f. 2020).
- 1939: Giovanni Falcone, Italian judge; murdered by the Mafia (f. 1992).
- 1939: Peter Grünberg, German physicist, nobel physics award in 2007 (f. 2018).
- 1940: Salvo Basile, Colombian actor of Italian origin.
- 1941: Fernando Arbex, Spanish drummer, of the band Los Brincos (f. 2003).
- 1941: Juan María Atutxa, Spanish politician.
- 1941: Miriam Margolyes, British actress.
- 1942: Albert Hammond, British composer and musician.
- 1942: Nobby Stiles, British footballer (f. 2020).
- 1944: W. G. Sebald, German writer (f. 2001).
- 1946: Reggie Jackson, American baseball player.
- 1946: Andreas Katsulas, American actor (f. 2006).
- 1947: John Bruton, Taoiseach, Irish chief of government.
- 1949: Rick Wakeman, British keyboardist and composer, of the Yes band.
- 1949: Terry Zwigoff, American filmmaker
- 1950: Mark Mothersbaugh, American singer, Devo band.
- 1951: Ben Feringa, Dutch chemist.
- 1951: Gabriele Krocher Tiedemann, a German sociologist and anarchist (f. 1995).
- 1951: Nikolái Shulguinov, Russian politician and economist
- 1952: George Strait, American musician.
- 1953: Enrique Jiménez Carrero, Spanish painter.
- 1955: Chow Yun-Fat, Chinese actor.
- 1956: Dragan Miranović, footballer and Serbian coach (f. 2012).
- 1957: Michael Cretu, German musician of Romanian origin, creator of the Enigma musical project.
- 1960: Nanne Grönvall, Swedish singer and songwriter, from the One More Time band.
- 1960: Yannick Noah, an extenist and a French singer.
- 1962: Nanne Grönvall, Swedish singer.
- 1962: Sandra, German singer.
- 1964: Ignasi Guardans, Spanish politician.
- 1964:Das letzte Einhorn, German singer, of the In Extremo band.
- 1965: Ingo Schwichtenberg, German drummer, of the Helloween band (f. 1995).
- 1966: Marlon Moreno, Colombian film and television actor.
- 1967: Heinz-Harald Frentzen, German Formula 1 pilot.
- 1968: Clemente Alvarez, Venezuelan baseball player.
- 1969: Martika, American singer.
- 1969: Delcy Rodríguez, politics and Venezuelan Foreign Minister.
- 1970: Billy Howerdel, American musician; founder, guitarist, composer and producer of the band A Perfect Circle.
- 1970: Tina Fey, American actress.
- 1971: Brad Friedel, American footballer.
- 1971: Adamari López, Puerto Rican actress.
- 1973: Toni Garrido, Spanish journalist.
- 1975: Peter Iwers, Swedish bassist, of the In Flames band.
- 1975: Jack Johnson, American musician.
- 1975: Jem, British singer.
- 1976: Laisha Wilkins, Mexican actress.
- 1977: Lee Hendrie, British footballer.
- 1977: Danny Mills, British footballer.
- 1978: Ricardo Carvalho, Portuguese footballer.
- 1978: Borgeous, DJ and American Producer
- 1979: Mariusz Lewandowski, Polish footballer.
- 1979: Michal Martikán, Slovak skier.
- 1979: Julián Speroni, Argentine footballer.
- 1979: Milivoje Novakovič, Slovenian footballer.
- 1979: Jens Bergensten, Swedish video game designer.
- 1979: Antonio Jesús Marfil Roca, Spanish footballer.
- 1979: Iago García, Spanish actor.
- 1980: Esperanza Gómez porn actress and Colombian model.
- 1981: Mahamadou Diarra, Malian footballer.
- 1982: Marvin Obando, Costa Rican footballer.
- 1984: Niki Terpstra, Dutch cyclist.
- 1984: Simon Pagenaud, a French motor racing pilot.
- 1985: Dalma Kovács, Romanian singer and actress.
- 1986: Liss Pereira, an actress, comedian and Colombian speaker.
- 1986: Yū Kijima, Japanese footballer.
- 1987: Joe Brooks, British singer.
- 1987: Luisana Lopilato, an Argentine actress and model.
- 1992: Spencer Breslin, American actor.
- 1992: Fernando Pacheco, Spanish footballer.
- 1994: Laura Esquivel, an Argentine actress.
- 1999: Laura Omloop, Belgian singer.
- 526: John I, Italian pope, between 523 and 526 (n. 470).
- 1013: Hisham II, Andalusian caliph (n. 965).
- 1450: Sejong the Great, Korean leader (n. 1397).
- 1473: Alonso I de Fonseca, noble and ecclesiastical Spanish (n. 1418).
- 1551: Domenico di Pace Beccafumi, Italian painter (n. 1486).
- 1642: Alonso de Bonilla, Spanish poet (n. 1570).
- 1675: Jacques Marquette, a French missionary and explorer (n. 1637).
- 1675: Stanisław Lubieniecki, Polish astronomer (n. 1623).
- 1692: Elias Ashmole, British antiquarian (n. 1617).
- 1733: Georg Böhm, German composer and organist (n. 1661).
- 1781: Túpac Amaru II (José Gabriel Condorcanqui), Peruvian cacique (n. 1738).
- 1781: Micaela Bastidas, a Peruvian revolutionary (n. 1744).
- 1799: Pierre-Augustin de Beaumarchais, French playwright (n. 1732).
- 1800: Aleksandr Suvorov, Russian general (n. 1729).
- 1807: Antonio Felipe de Orleans, French prince (n. 1775).
- 1829: María Josefa de Saxony, German aristocrat, wife of King Fernando VII of Spain (n. 1803).
- 1865: Francisco Bilbao, a Chilean writer (n. 1823).
- 1890: Casto Plasencia and Maestro, a Spanish painter (n. 1846).
- 1900: Jean Gaspard Felix Ravaisson-Mollien, French philosopher (n. 1813).
- 1909: Isaac Albéniz, Spanish composer (n. 1860).
- 1909: George Meredith, a British novelist and poet (n. 1828).
- 1909: Teodomiro Ramírez de Arellano, a Spanish writer (n. 1828).
- 1910: Pauline Viardot-García, French opera singer, of Spanish origin (n. 1821).
- 1910: Eliza Orzeszkowa, Polish novelist (n. 1841).
- 1911: Gustav Mahler, Austrian composer (n. 1860).
- 1916: Juan Bautista Cabrera Ibarz, poet, theologian and Spanish reformist (n. 1837).
- 1921: Filomena Tamarit and Ibarra, aristocrat and Spanish benefactor (n. 1845).
- 1922: Eduardo Jusué, Spanish historian (n. 1846).
- 1922: Charles Louis Alphonse Laverán, a French doctor, a nobel medical prize in 1907 (n. 1845).
- 1938: Aníbal Ponce, Argentinean essayist and politician (n. 1898).
- 1938: Juan Sánchez Azcona, politician, journalist and Mexican diplomat (n. 1876).
- 1941: Werner Sombart, German economist (n. 1863).
- 1948: Francisco Alonso, Spanish composer (n. 1887).
- 1955: Mary McLeod Bethune, American activist (n. 1875).
- 1967: Carlos Jiménez Díaz, Spanish doctor (n. 1898).
- 1972: Jan Bronner, Dutch sculptor (n. 1881).
- 1973: Jeannette Rankin, American political, feminist and pacifist (n. 1880).
- 1973: Abraham Shlonsky, Ukrainian-Israeli poet and editor (n. 1900).
- 1975: Kasimir Fajans, American chemical and physical of Polish origin (n. 1887).
- 1975: Leroy Anderson, American composer (n. 1908).
- 1980: Ian Curtis, British singer, Joy Division (n. 1956).
- 1981: William Saroyan, American writer (n. 1908).
- 1985: Erich Traub, a German scientist and virologist (n. 1906).
- 1988: Daws Butler, an American voice actor (n. 1916).
- 1990: Jill Ireland, British actress (n. 1936).
- 1992: Marshall Thompson, American actor (n. 1925).
- 1992: Salvador Nava, a Mexican physician and politician (n.1914).
- 1995: Juan Gyenes, Spanish photographer (n. 1912).
- 1995: Elizabeth Montgomery, American actress (n. 1933).
- 1995: Elisha Cook, Jr., American actor (n. 1903).
- 1995: Alexander Godunov, Russian dancer and actor (n. 1949).
- 1999: Augustus Paul, a Jamaican musician (n. 1954).
- 1999: Elizabeth Robinson, American athlete (n. 1911).
- 1999: Alfredo Dias Gomes, Brazilian playwright (n. 1922).
- 2002: Davey Boy Smith, British professional fighter (n. 1962).
- 2003: Javier Pulgar Vidal, geographer, philosopher and Peruvian historian (n. 1911).
- 2004: Elvin Jones, American jazz drummer (n. 1927).
- 2004: Çetin Alp, Turkish singer (n. 1947)
- 2005: Elsie Alvarado de Ricord, Panamanian poet (n. 1928).
- 2007: Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, French physicist, nobel prize of physics in 1991 (n. 1932).
- 2007: Yoyoy Villame, Filipino actor and singer (n. 1932).
- 2009: Wayne Allwine, American actor (n. 1947).
- 2010: Luis Sáez, a Spanish painter (n. 1925).
- 2011: Carlos Iván Degregori, an anthropologist and Peruvian writer (n. 1945).
- 2012: Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, baritone, director of German orchestra and musicologist (n. 1925).
- 2012: Héctor Alarcón Correa, Colombian teacher and farmer (n. 1942).
- 2013: Guillermo Rico, Argentine actor and humorist (n. 1920).
- 2013: Steve Forrest, American actor, protagonist of the series SWAT (n. 1924).
- 2013: Zahra Shahid Hussain, political activist and Pakistani teacher; murdered (n. 1953).
- 2014: Gordon Willis, director of American photography (n. 1931).
- 2016: Luis H. Álvarez, Mexican politician (n. 1919).
- 2017: Chris Cornell, American singer and musician (n. 1964).
- 2019: Analía Gadé, an Argentine actress (n. 1931).
- 2020: Michel Piccoli, French actor (n. 1925).
- 2021: Franco Battiato, singer, musician and Italian film director (n. 1945).
- 2021: Charles Grodin, American actor (n. 1935).
- 2022: Domingo Villar, Spanish writer (n. 1971)
- International Museum Day.
- Fascination Day by Plants.
Argentina: Scarapela Day.
- Mexico
Mexico: Oceanologist's Day.
- Mexico
Mexico: Museum Day.
- Uruguay
Uruguay: Battle of Las Piedras / Day of the Uruguayan National Army.
- Haiti
Haiti: Day of the Flag of Haiti.
- Bolivia
Bolivia: Anniversary of Punata.
Turkmenistan: Constitutional Day.
Catholic saints list
- Santa Claudia, virgin and martyr
- Saint Diocese of Alexandria
- San Erico IX
- San Felix de Cantalicio
- San Felix de Spalato
- Saint John I, Pope
- San Potamon and colleagues
- Beata Blandina Merten
- Blessed Beinwil Burcardo
- Blessed William of Toulouse
- Beata Guadalupe Ortiz de Landázuri
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