May 11


May 11 is the 131st (one hundred and thirty-first) day of the year in the Gregorian calendar and the 132nd in leap years. There are 234 days left to end the year.


  • 330: the city of Byzantium is renamed as Nova Roma during a "commitment ceremony", however, it continues to be more popularly known as Constantinople.
Sutra del Diamante, found in the cave of Dunhuang, China. It is the oldest known date printed document that is preserved.
  • 868: in China, Wang Jie prints Diamond Sutra (Buddhist text), translated from the Sanskrit language. It is considered the first printed book that has reached the present.
  • 912: In Byzantium, Alexander became emperor.
  • 1310: In France, 54 templars are burned by the Inquisition, accused of heresy.
  • 1678: On the Dutch island of Curacao, the French ships were shipwrecked by Jean d'Estrées who were trying to conquer it.
  • 1745: In the plain of Fontenoy, 7 kilometres south-east of the village of Tournai—in the framework of the Austrian War of Succession—French forces defeat the Anglo-Dutch Army in the Battle of Fontenoy.
  • 1812: In the offices of the House of Lords (London) a John Bellingham assassinated British Prime Minister Spencer Perceval.
  • 1813: In Argentina, the Assembly of the year XIII approved the creation of the National Anthem.
  • 1820: In England the boot is made HMS Beagleship that, a decade later, will take Charles Darwin to his scientific journey.
  • 1850: In Naples, Italy, the astronomer Anníbale de Gasparis (1819-1892) discovered the asteroid Parténope (11).
  • 1857: In Delhi, India—in the framework of the 1857 Rebellion—the Indians release the city.
  • 1858: Minesota is admitted as the state number 32 of the United States.
  • 1867: Luxembourg is independent of Belgium and the Netherlands.
  • 1880: 11 km northwest of the town of Hanford (California) several civilian police from Southern Pacific Railroad kill seven residents who refused to sell their land for the railroad pass. (See Mussel Slough Tragedy.)
  • 1891: in Otsu, Japan, zarévich Nicholas Alexandrovich (later Nicholas II) is attacked by a Japanese member of his escort, who is apprehended. See Incident ⋅tsu.
  • 1911: in front of the coasts of Cape Charles (Virginia, United States) the passenger ship USS Mérida collides with the warship USS Farragut.
  • 1918: In Vladikavkaz (North Ossetia), the Republic of the North Caucasus Mountains is established. In June 1920 it will be eliminated by the Red Army.
  • 1924: in Germany the Mercedes-Benz formed by Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz are created as a merger of the two companies.
  • 1927: In Los Angeles (California) the Academy of Arts and Film Sciences is created.
  • 1931: in the Second Spanish Republic in Madrid begins a burning of churches and convents.
  • 1939: Initiating the battle of Khalkhin Gol between forces of the Red Army and troops of Japan.
  • 1940: Münchengladbach is the first German city bombed from World War II by 35 Hampden and Whitley planes, producing 4 civilians killed.
  • 1943: In Changshiao (Hunan Province) the Japanese Expeditionary Army, led by General Shunroku Hata, perpetrate the third day (of four) of the Changshiao Massacre, in which 30,000 men, women and children were raped and killed.
  • 1943: In the Aleutian Islands—as part of the Second World War—American troops invade the Attu Island of Japanese troops.
  • 1944: Allied troops begin the major offensive of the Second World War on the Gustav Line.
  • 1946: In Malaysia the UMNO (United Malays National Organisation: National Organization of United Malaysia), the country's largest political party, is founded.
  • 1949: Siam changes his name for Thailand for the second time. That name was imposed in 1939 but changed in 1945.
  • 1949: Israel joins the UN.
  • 1958: in the Bikini atoll (Marshall Islands, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean), the United States detonates its atomic bomb Fir1360 kiloton. Very good performance is achieved: 93.4 % fusion of radioactive material.
  • 1958: In the Enewetak atoll (Marshall Islands), the United States detonates its atomic bomb Butternut81 kiloton. It is the first time the B46 (or Mk-46) pump is tested again.
  • 1960: In the United States the first birth control pill is released.
  • 1960: In the city of Bancalari, in the north of Gran Buenos Aires (Argentina), agents of the Israeli secret service (Mosad) kidnap the Nazi genocidal Adolf Eichmann (54), who lived incognito (with the name of Roberto Klement) in a house. He will be taken to Israel, judged and executed.
About 600 km from San Diego (California), the United States explodes a submarine atomic bomb.
  • 1962: about 600 km off the coast of San Diego (California), the destroyer Agerholm shoots a torpedo missile with a nuclear head, which explodes 4 km away.
  • 1967: in Athens, the Greek military junta jails the Greek politician Andreas Papandreou.
  • 1972: in Mexico the program El Chavo del Ocho is released.
  • 1974: in Buenos Aires, the religious, professor and social activist Carlos Mugica (Father Mugica) is shot dead. The crime is attributed to the paramilitary organization Triple A (Alianza Anticomunista Argentina).
  • 1985: In Bradford, UK, the Valley Parade Stadium is set on fire during a football game. 56 people die.
  • 1986: In the city of Barranquilla (Colombia) the Metropolitan Stadium Roberto Meléndez was inaugurated with a football match between the Junior and the selection of Uruguay.
  • 1987: in Lyon, France, Klaus Barbie is judged for war crimes during World War II.
  • 1990: Mexican singer Juan Gabriel performs the third of four successful consecutive concerts at the Palacio de Bellas Artes, Mexico City.
  • 1992: in Colombia the radio station Colorín ColorRadio of the radio station Caracol Radio was launched and was the first and only broadcaster dedicated to the children's audience.
  • 1993: the Australian soft rock duo Air Supply, launches its tenth studio album titled The Vanishing Raceproduced by the Chilean producer Humberto Gatica (n. 1951).
  • 1995: in New York City, more than 170 countries decide to extend the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty indefinitely and without conditions.
  • 1997: IBM Deeper Blue's supercomputer, an advanced version of the Deep Blue, wins a match to six chess games to Russian Garri Kaspárov, arousing a polemic as it becomes unclear if the best player in the world was a machine.
  • 1999: Puerto Rican singer Ricky Martin released his fifth studio album and second homonym also his debut album in English entitled Ricky Martin..
  • 2006: In Antwerp (Belgium), Belgian skinhead student Hans Van Themsche (18), influenced by the ideas of the Interés Flamenco party shoots with a rifle three people, killing two and seriously hurting another. He is imprisoned and sentenced to life imprisonment.
  • 2010: In the UK, David Cameron is elected prime minister, happening to Gordon Brown.
  • 2011: in Murcia, Spain, an earthquake of 5.1 degrees in the scale of magnitude of the moment; the most affected city is Lorca.
  • 2011: Council of Europe has adopted the Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention and Combating of Violence against Women and Domestic Violence.


  • 482: Justinian I, Byzantine emperor between 527 and 565 (f. 565).
  • 1571: Niwa Nagashige, Japanese military (f. 1637).
  • 1698: Pierre Contant d'Ivry, French architect (f. 1777).
  • 1720: Baron of Münchhausen, German military (f. 1797).
  • 1722: Petrus Camper, doctor, naturalist and Dutch biologist (f. 1789).
  • 1733: Victory of France, French aristocrat, daughter of King Louis XV (f. 1799).
  • 1751: Ralph Earl, American painter (f. 1801).
  • 1752: Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, German anthropologist (f. 1840).
  • 1763: János Batsányi, Hungarian poet (f. 1845).
  • 1797: José Mariano Salas, Mexican politician and military (f. 1867).
  • 1801: Henri Labrouste, French architect (f. 1875).
  • 1811: Chang and Eng Bunker, Siameses Thaies (f. 1874).
  • 1817: Fanny Cerrito, Italian dancer (f. 1909).
  • 1823: Alfred Stevens, a Belgian painter (f. 1906).
  • 1824: Jean-Léon Gérôme, a French painter and sculptor (f. 1904).
  • 1826: Mamerto Esquiú, an Argentine religious (f. 1883).
  • 1827: Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux, French sculptor and painter (f. 1875).
  • 1834: Leopoldo Montes de Oca, doctor and Argentine academic (f. 1906).
  • 1835: Kārlis Baumanis, Latvian composer (f. 1905).
  • 1852: Charles Warren Fairbanks, American politician, vice president between 1905 and 1909 (f. 1918).
  • 1854: Ottmar Mergenthaler, German inventor (f. 1899).
  • 1861: Frederick Russell Burnham, American military (f. 1947)
  • 1871: Stjepan Radić, Croatian politician (f. 1928).
  • 1871: Mariano Fortuny and Madrazo, a Spanish painter (f. 1949).
  • 1875: Harriet Quimby, American Aircraft (f. 1912).
  • 1879: Eloy Bullón Fernández, Spanish philosopher (f. 1957).
  • 1881: Theodore von Kármán, Hungarian physicist (f. 1963).
  • 1881: Jan van Gilse, German composer (f. 1944).
  • 1884: Evelio Boal, Spanish anarchist trade unionist (f. 1921).
  • 1886: José García-Siñeriz, Spanish politician (f. 1974).
  • 1887: Paul Wittgenstein, Austrian pianist (f. 1961).
  • 1888: Irving Berlin, American composer (f. 1989).
  • 1892: Margaret Rutherford, British actress (f. 1972).
  • 1894: Martha Graham, dancer, dance teacher and American choreographer (f. 1991).
  • 1895: Jiddu Krishnamurti, Indian philosopher (f. 1986).
  • 1895: William Grant Still, American composer (f. 1978).
  • 1896: Filippo De Pisis, an Italian painter (f. 1956).
  • 1897: Kurt Gerron, German filmmaker (f. 1944).
  • 1899: Paulino Masip, writer and Spanish film writer (f. 1963).
  • 1901: Rose Ausländer, German poet (f. 1988).
  • 1902: Kiril Moskalenko, Soviet military (f. 1985).
  • 1904: Salvador Dalí, a Spanish painter (f. 1989).
  • 1907: Bernardo Estornés Lasa, writer and promoter of Basque culture (f. 1999).
  • 1911: Phil Silvers, an American actor (f. 1985).
  • 1912: Edmundo Pérez Zujovic, a Chilean politician (f. 1971).
  • 1912: Foster Brooks, American actor and comic (f. 2001).
  • 1913: Robert Jungk, Austrian publicist (f. 1994).
  • 1914: Haroun Tazieff, French vulcanologist (f. 1998).
  • 1916: Camilo José Cela, Spanish writer (f. 2002).
  • 1918: Richard Feynman, U.S. physicist, Nobel Prize in Physics in 1965 (f. 1988).
  • 1918: Pilar Sen, Mexican actress of Spanish origin (f. 1973).
  • 1924: Antony Hewish, British radiostronomer, nobel physics award in 1974 (f. 2021)
  • 1927: Bernard Fox, British actor (f. 2016).
  • 1927: Gene Savoy, American explorer and writer (f. 2007).
  • 1927: Mort Sahl, comedian and American actor (f. 2021).
  • 1928: Marco Ferreri, Italian filmmaker (f. 1997).
  • 1928: Yaacov Agam, an Israeli artist.
  • 1928: Anne van der Bijl, a Dutch Christian missionary (f. 2022).
  • 1930: Edsger Dijkstra, Dutch scientist and computer (f. 2002).
  • 1932: Valentino Garavani, Italian designer.
  • 1932: Francisco Umbral, Spanish writer (f. 2007)
  • 1935: Doug McClure, American actor (f. 1995).
  • 1936: Carla Bley, American musician
  • 1938: Joan Margarit i Consarnau, Spanish poet (f. 2021).
  • 1939: René Cardona Jr., Mexican actor and filmmaker (f. 2003).
  • 1939: Carlos Lyra, Brazilian musician.
  • 1940: Zhanna Projorenko, Soviet actress (f. 2011)
  • 1941: Eric Burdon, British musician, of the band The Animals.
  • 1943: Nancy Greene, Canadian skier.
  • 1946: Robert Jarvik, American physicist and inventor.
  • 1948: Pam Ferris, German-British actress.
  • 1951: Andrés Pérez, director of theatre and Chilean actor (f. 2002).
  • 1951: Ricardo Rubio, writer, poet and Argentine playwright.
  • 1952: Shohreh Aghdashloo, Iranian actress.
  • 1952: Frances Fisher, British actress.
  • 1952: Renaud Séchan, French singer.
  • 1952: Beatriz Spelzini, an Argentine actress.
  • 1955: María Sorté, Mexican actress
  • 1958: Phil Smyth, Australian basketball player.
  • 1960: Kike Santander, a Colombian doctor and composer.
  • 1963: Natasha Richardson, British actress (f. 2009).
  • 1963: Masatoshi Hamada, Japanese comic.
  • 1964: Marcela Osorio, Chilean actress
  • 1964: Tim Blake Nelson, American actor.
  • 1965: Monsour del Rosario, actor and practitioner of Filipino taekwondo.
  • 1966: Christoph Schneider, German drummer, Rammstein.
  • 1968: Jeffrey Donovan, American actor.
  • 1969: Sylvia Pantoja, Spanish singer.
  • 1970: Nicky Katt, American actor.
  • 1971: Alberto Rodriguez, Spanish filmmaker.
  • 1973: James Haven, American actor.
  • 1974: Benoît Magimel, a French actor.
  • 1974: Billy Kidman, American fighter.
  • 1975: Ziad Jarrah, a Lebanese terrorist who participated in 11S (f. 2001).
  • 1975: Coby Bell, American actor.
Cory Monteith, actor que nació el 11 de mayo de 1982.
Cory Monteith
  • 1977: Pablo García, Uruguayan footballer.
  • 1977: Bobby Roode, Canadian professional fighter.
  • 1978: Perttu Kivilaakso, Finnish cellist, of the Apocalyptic band.
  • 1978: Laetitia Casta, model and French actress.
  • 1978: Jonathan Montenegro, actor, model and Venezuelan singer.
  • 1980: Francisco Buttó, Venezuelan baseball player.
  • 1981: Lauren Jackson, Australian basketball player.
  • 1981: Austin O'Brien, American actor.
  • 1982: Cory Monteith, American singer and actor (f. 2013).
  • 1982: Jonathan Jackson, American actor.
Andrés Iniesta, futbolista nacido el 11 de mayo de 1984.
Andrés Iniesta
  • 1983: Holly Valance, Australian singer and actress.
  • 1983: Hanna Verboom, a Dutch actress.
  • 1984: Victorio D'Alessandro, Argentine actor.
  • 1984: Andrés Iniesta, Spanish footballer.
  • 1984: Abel Pintos, Argentine singer.
  • 1986: Abou Diaby, French footballer.
  • 1986: Ronny Heberson Furtado de Araújo, Brazilian footballer.
  • 1986: Miguel Veloso, Portuguese footballer.
  • 1987: Monica Roşu, Romanian gymnast.
  • 1987: Enikő Mihalik, Hungarian model.
  • 1987: Kenth Kvien, Norwegian dj belonging to the musical duo Da Tweekaz.
  • 1988: Ace Hood, American rapper.
Sabrina Carpenter, cantante nacida el 11 de mayo de 1999.
Sabrina Carpenter
  • 1988: Ruud Vormer, Dutch footballer.
  • 1989: Giovani dos Santos, Mexican footballer.
  • 1989: Prince Royce, American singer.
  • 1991: Cattana, rapper and poetess (f. 2017).
  • 1992: Thibaut Courtois, Belgian keeper.
  • 1992: Pablo Sarabia, Spanish footballer.
  • 1993: Miguel Sanó, Dominican baseball player.
  • 1997: Lana Condor, Vietnamese actress.
  • 1999: Sabrina Carpenter, American actress and singer.
  • 1999: Madison Lintz, American actress.
  • 2000: Yuki Tsunoda, Japanese Formula 1 pilot.


  • 912: Leo VI the Sabio, Byzantine emperor between 886 and 912.
  • 1304: Mahmud Ghazan, Mongolian President (n. 1271).
  • 1547: Francisco de los Cobos y Molina, Contador Mayor de Castilla y León, Secretário de Estado del Emperor Carlos I (n. 1477)
  • 1570: Alonso de Covarrubias, Spanish architect.
  • 1610: Matteo Ricci, Italian Jesuit missionary.
  • 1686: Otto von Guericke, German physicist (n. 1602).
  • 1706: Juan de Ovando, Spanish poet.
  • 1708: Jules Hardouin Mansart, French architect.
  • 1723: Jean Galbert de Campistron, French playwright (n. 1656).
William Pitt.
  • 1778: William Pitt, British politician (n. 1708).
  • 1780: Nicolás Fernández de Moratín, Spanish playwright.
  • 1801: Pepe-Hillo (José Delgado Guerra), Spanish bullfighter (n. 1754).
  • 1812: Spencer Perceval, politician and British Prime Minister (n. 1762).
  • 1849: Francisco Ortega, Mexican poet and politician.
  • 1849: Jeanne Françoise Julie Adélaïde Récamier, a French sociologist (n. 1777).
  • 1849: Otto Nicolai, composer and orchestra director, founder of the Vienna Philharmonic (n. 1810).
  • 1871: John Herschel, astronomer and British mathematician.
  • 1881: Henri Fréderic Amiel, Swiss writer.
  • 1881: Juan Díaz de Garayo, Spanish criminal psychopath (n. 1821).
  • 1891: Alexandre-Edmond Becquerel, French physicist.
  • 1891: Karl Wilhelm von Nägeli, Swiss botanist.
  • 1899: Ricardo Macías Picavea, a Spanish writer and thinker (n. 1847).
  • 1905: Ceferino Namuncurá, beato mapuche argentina (n. 1886).
  • 1905: Manuel Reina Montilla, Spanish writer and politician (n. 1856).
  • 1916: Karl Schwarzschild, astronomer, mathematician and German physicist.
  • 1916: Max Reger, German composer.
  • 1920: William Dean Howells, American writer (n. 1837).
  • 1927: Juan Gris (Victoriano González), Spanish painter.
  • 1935: Francisco Antonio Cano, was an important painter, engraver, sculptor and Colombian writer (n. 1865).
  • 1935: Juan Antonio Morán, anarchist Argentine expropriator, executed.
  • 1935: Józef Piłsudski, Polish statesman.
  • 1939: Evgenii Miller, Russian counter-revolutionary (n. 1867).
  • 1940: Chūjirō Hayashi, Japanese master of reiki.
  • 1946: Pedro Henríquez Ureña, Dominican writer.
  • 1956: Eugenio Baroffio, Uruguayan architect (n. 1877).
  • 1963: Herbert Spencer Gasser, American physiologist, Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1944.
  • 1963: Antonio Soto, Spanish-Argentine anarcho-syndicalist (n. 1897).
  • 1969: Alberto Bianchi, Argentine translator and anarchist (n. 1898).
  • 1970: Johnny Hodges, American jazz musician.
  • 1970: Julio Torri, Mexican writer (n. 1889).
  • 1973: Lex Barker, American actor.
  • 1973: Juan Eduardo Cirlot, poet and critic of Spanish art.
  • 1974: Carlos Mugica, Argentine priest (n. 1930).
  • 1976: Alvar Aalto, architect and designer of Finnish furniture.
  • 1979: Lester Flatt, American musician (n. 1914).
  • 1980: Fernando Soto, Mexican actor (n. 1911).
  • 1981: Bob Marley, musician of reggae and Jamaican pacifist.
  • 1981: Odd Hassel, Norwegian physicist and chemistry award in 1969.
  • 1985: Chester Gould, cartoonist, creator of Dick Tracy.
  • 1987: Guillermo Silveira, Spanish painter and sculptor (n. 1922).
  • 1988: Kim Philby, Anglo-Soviet spy.
  • 1996: Nnamdi Azikiwe, politician and Nigerian president (n. 1904).
  • 1996: Ademir Marques de Menezes, Brazilian footballer.
  • 1999: Juanita Simón, Argentine folk singer, of the group Los Hermanos Simón (n.?).
  • 2000: Hector Azar, Mexican writer (n. 1930).
  • 2000: Rene Muñoz, Cuban actor and writer (n. 1938).
  • 2000: Paula Wessely, Austrian actress (n. 1907).
  • 2001: Douglas Adams, British writer.
  • 2001: Jesús Aguirre, aristocrat, theologian and Spanish academic.
  • 2003: Luis Ignacio Helguera, Mexican poet and essayist (n. 1962).
  • 2003: José Manuel Lara, Spanish editor (n. 1914).
  • 2003: Noel Redding, British bassist, of the band The Jimi Hendrix Experience (n. 1945).
  • 2006: Floyd Patterson, American boxer (n. 1935).
  • 2007: Malietoa Tanumafili II, Samoan king (n. 1913).
  • 2008: John Rutsey, Canadian drummer, Rush band (n. 1953).
  • 2009: Claudio Huepe, engineer, economist and Chilean politician (n. 1939).
  • 2010: Doris Eaton Travis, American actress (n. 1904).
  • 2011: Robert Traylor, American basketball player (n. 1977).
  • 2014: Francisco Sobrino Ochoa, Spanish sculptor (n. 1932).
  • 2017: Alberto Perdomo, Uruguayan politician (n. 1967).
  • 2019: Peggy Lipton, American actress (n. 1946).
  • 2019: Silver King, Mexican actor and professional fighter (n. 1968).
  • 2019: Pua Magasiva, Samoano-neozeland actor (n. 1980).
  • 2020: Jerry Stiller, American actor and comic (n. 1927).
  • 2021: Norman Lloyd, actor, film director and American producer (n. 1914).
  • 2021: Colt Brennan, American football player (n. 1983).


GuatemalaFlag of Guatemala.svgGuatemala

  • Civil Service Day in Guatemala.

Bandera de ArgentinaArgentina

  • Argentine National Anthem Day.

BulgariaBandera de BulgariaBulgaria

  • Day of Saints Cyril and Methodius, creators of the Cyrillic alphabet.

ChileBandera de ChileChile

  • Student Day.
  • National Theatre Day, recalling the birth of Andrés Pérez Araya.

SpainBandera de EspañaSpain

  • Badalona: Night of San Anastasio, patron of the city, with the Burn of the Demon.
  • Lérida: Festival mayor, patron of the city.

Catholic saints list

  • Saint Antimo of Rome
  • San Evelio, martyr
  • San Francisco de Jerónimo
  • San Gangulfo de Varennes
  • San Gualterio de Esterp
  • San Ignacio de Laconi
  • San Severino Lighting
  • San Illuminated, monk
  • San Mamerto de Vienne
  • San Mateo Lê Van Gâm
  • San Mayolo de Cluny
  • San Mayulo de Bizacena
  • San Mocio de Byzancio
  • Blessed Gregorio Celli
  • Beato Domingo Iturrate, Trinitarian Religious
  • Santa Estela

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