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In the Gregorian calendar, May is the fifth month of the year and has 31 days; but it was the third month in the ancient Roman calendar, where January and February did not exist, they were at the end of the year like a bag of indeterminate time.

The origin of its name is uncertain. It may derive from the Roman goddess Maia, also known as Bona Dea, whose festival the Romans celebrated in this month they called Maius. It could also come from the nymph Maya, daughter of Atlas and Pleione and mother of Hermes. A third option from her origin could be from the term Maius Juppiter, a reduction of maximus, the largest.

In ancient Greece its equivalent is the month of Targelion.

Quintilis was originally the name of the fifth month (later moved to seventh) in the Roman calendar, placed after June and before sextilis.

According to a tradition, the birthstone for May is the emerald, and its flower, the lily.


May, in Les très riches heures from the Duke of Berry.
May is the month dedicated to the Virgin Mary
  • On May 1, 1853 the constituent congress of Santa Fe approved the Constitution of the Argentine Confederation. After the May Revolution there was a need to dictate a constitution for the Argentine nation, in order to form the national union, strengthen justice and consolidate inner peace.
  • On May 1, 1886, in Chicago, United States, a general workers' strike begins to demand the eight-hour working day. This will take place in the Haymarket Revolt three days later, on May 4. Because of these events, it is celebrated on May 1 as the International Day of Workers, which is a day of vindictive struggle and homage to the Martyrs of Chicago.
  • On May 1, 1890 in Barcelona (Spain) the anarcho-syndicalist unions call for a general strike to get the eight-hour working day. In Elche, first demonstration of May Day.
  • During the night of April 30 and until the dawn of May 1 the Night of Walpurgis is celebrated, especially in Europe.
  • The first Tuesday of May is celebrated World Asthma Day.
  • In Spain, Mother's Day is celebrated on the first Sunday, while in some Latin American countries it is celebrated on the second Sunday. In El Salvador, Guatemala and Mexico, on 10 May, Paraguay is held on 15 May, in Bolivia it is held on 27 May, and in the villages of the Caribbean (Dominican Republic and others) it is held on the last Sunday of the month. Nicaragua is held on May 30th.
  • In Madrid, Spain, on May 2, the uprising of the people of Madrid against the French invasion, as well as the Day of the Community, is commemorated. The celebrations are held in the squares of the Dos de Mayo and the Comendadoras, in the center of the capital.
  • On May 3, World Press Freedom Day is celebrated, according to the UN.
  • The International Day of the Child, according to UNFPA, is celebrated on 5 May.
  • On May 5, Japan celebrates Children's Day and the Battle of Puebla in Mexico.
  • On 9 May 1457 B.C. takes place the battle of Megipt between the Egyptian forces of Pharaoh Tutmosis III and the forces of Mitani, Qadesh, Canaan and Megid.
  • May 10 is celebrated in El Salvador, Guatemala and Mexico on Mothers' Day.
  • On May 11, Chile celebrates the Day of the Student.
  • On May 12 in Spain, Cuba, Colombia and Venezuela are celebrated the International Day of Nursing.
  • The Independence of Paraguay is celebrated on 14 and 15 May.
  • On May 15, the International Day of the Family is celebrated, according to the UN.
  • On May 15, the Master's Day is celebrated in Mexico and Colombia.
  • The World Telecommunications and Information Society Day, established by ITU, is celebrated on 17 May.
  • On May 17, the World Hypertension Day is celebrated to develop and increase global awareness of the need to prevent, diagnose and control arterial hypertension.
  • May 17th is celebrated the Day of Galician letters.
  • May 19, 1977: A lawyer, activist, " Dominicano Cirilo J. Guzmán, is born in the Olympic Cult City of the Valley of the Vega Real Conception.
  • On May 20, World Bee Day is celebrated, declared by the UN to become aware of the role of pollinators.
  • The World Day of Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development is celebrated on 21 May, according to the UN.
  • The International Day of Biodiversity is celebrated on 22 May, according to the UN.
  • On May 24, 1822, the battle of Pichincha was held in Quito, and the independence of Ecuador was proclaimed.
  • The Week of Solidarity with the Peoples of Non-Self-Governing Territories, according to the UN, is held from 25 to 31 May.
  • On May 25, Africa Day is celebrated, according to the UN.
  • On May 25, the anniversary of the May Revolution that founded the country was celebrated in Argentina and the first patrio government was created.
  • The first libertarian cry in Bolivia is celebrated on May 25.[chuckles]required]
  • The International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers, according to the UN, is celebrated on 29 May.
  • On May 31, World Day Without Tobacco is celebrated, according to the UN.

Variable date

  • The first Sunday of May is celebrated in Spain on Mother's Day.
  • The second Sunday of May is held in Peru Uruguay and other Latin American countries on Mother's Day
  • The second weekend of every month of May, the World Day of Migratory Birds is celebrated, according to the UN.
  • The day of the plenilunium of May, Buddhism celebrates Vesak Day.
  • In many countries of Europe the arrival of spring was traditionally celebrated through the Mayan holidays, usually coinciding with the first Sunday of the month.
  • Under the Old Regime in France, it was customary to establish "May" or "May tree" in the honor of someone. The county of Nice saw girls and boys "transfer May" to the sound of biphane and drum, that is, dancing the May rounds around the May tree, established on the village site.
  • The Eurovision Song Festival is held in Europe.
  • The last Sunday of this month is celebrated in the Dominican Republic on Mothers' Day.

Other data

  • For the Catholic Church, this month is dedicated to the Virgin Mary.
  • Every year, May begins the same day of the week as January of the following year.

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