Maximilian Veers
In the fictional universe of the Star Wars series, Maximilian Veers was one of Darth Vader's most trusted generals. He started his military career as a soldier of the Galactic Empire and ended as a Great General. He is played by English actor Julian Glover.
Maximilian Veers was born into a working-class family and joined the Imperial forces, earning great prestige as an AT-AT pilot. He worked with Darth Vader and joined the Death Squad.
Veers would commission a specially designed AT-AT, the Blizzard, much more heavily armored and powerful than normal, on the planet Zaloriis. However, the inhabitants of Zaloriis revolted, taking Veers prisoner, and the few soldiers they did not kill were imprisoned alongside him. Shortly before his execution, he was lucky that Darth Vader and his army arrived in time and saved him. Taking Blizzard 1 to the city of Fondor II (named after the Imperial shipyard planet) where it was completed. It was during the Battle of Zaloriis that Veers first used this advanced AT-AT, to great effect.
Veers was promoted to General, and his talents earned him Lord Vader's respect. Once the Sith located the hidden Rebel base in the Hoth system, Veers was informed that he would lead the surface attack, as Admiral Ozzel had made a mistake for which he paid with his life. Even so, Veers scored a great victory, taking out the shield generator and receiving infantry support from Commander Bow's 501st, thus facilitating Lord Vader's landing but falls after a risky barrage from a snowspeeder manned by Luke Skywalker.