Mathematical notation

square root x.

Mathematics is supported by a formal symbolic language, mathematical notation, which follows a series of its own conventions. The symbols represent a concept, a relationship, an operation, or a mathematical formula according to certain rules. These symbols should not be considered abbreviations, but entities with their own and autonomous value.

Some basic principles are:

  • The symbols of a letter are represented in italics: etc.
  • The symbols of several letters are represented in round lyrics: , etc.; instead of should not be written , because that would represent the product instead of the neperian logarithm.
  • According to ISO/IEC 80,000 differential operators and constant universal maths (), also written with round letter: .

Set theory

Sean. an element and joints

RelationshipNotationHe reads
membershipx belongs to A
inclusionA is contained in B
A is contained in B or equal to B
inclusionA contains B
A contains B or is equal to B

A crossbar on the symbol denies the statement; for example It's "x" No. belongs to A";

Numeric sets

The following table lists some examples of symbols that use blackboard bold. The symbol created with LaTeX is shown, the equivalent Unicode character (might not be visible depending on the browser and available fonts), and its usual meaning in mathematics:

TeX Unicode Use in mathematics
CComplex numbers
NNatural numbers
PNumber of cousins
QRational numbers
RActual numbers
ZInteger numbers

Special number sets


RelationshipNotationHe reads
equalityx is just like and
lower thanx is less than y
greater thanx is greater than y
approachx is approximately equal to and


NotationHe reads
universal quantificationfor all x
existential quantifierThere is at least one x
existential quantifier with singleness markThere is only one x
such asx, so and
thereforex, therefore and


Weierstrass's theorem:

"Let f be a continuous real function on a closed and bounded real interval [a, b], where a is strictly less than b.

You have to:

  • The f function is set.
  • The function f reaches a maximum and a minimum in that interval, not necessarily unique. "

This theorem can be expressed in mathematical notation as follows:

" ".

Propositional logic, Boolean algebra

Basic Operators

The most basic logical operators are conjunction, disjunction, and negation.

Sean. and two proposals

OperationNotationHe reads
Negativeno 'p'
conjunction'p' and 'q'
Disjunction'p' or (exclusive) 'q'

The basic operators are used to form atomic declarations. The atomic statements tell which combination of pp and qq is true.


A very useful combination of mathematical operators is the implication. It's written or as abbreviation of . The Declaration " implies "it is always true that it's true, but not necessarily if it is (since it can be true for other reasons).

Yeah. and , it is written to read " implied and involved by "or" Yes and only if ".

One of the most common uses of logical operators is in the Programming of Information Systems, as well as in the generation of electrical circuits, and in general in any decision-making system for the company or for daily life, For example:

If I leave home late and I don't have a car, then I'll be late for work.

conjunction: I'm late I don't have a vehicle. I'll be late for work.

I travel by bus or I travel in my car, not both at the same time.

Logical disjunction: by bus I travel in my car or one or the other.
Contradictions of language

If we say: here there is nobody here and we literally apply the double negative expressed in our everyday speech, then, we could understand that there is someone here.

Logical denial: no There's nobody There's someone here.

If a company does not produce nothing, we could understand that the company produces something.

Logical denial: no produces nothing produces something.

Other languages, such as French, avoid this ambiguity or contradiction by delimiting the negation with a double mark, replacing only the second mark when using "nothing" or "no one", so when conjugating the negation only the second mark, "ne...pas" becomes "ne...rien" or "ne...personne", which avoids a possible double negative interpretation of the basic structure.


So far the statements we can make do not say when they are true. To tell us when a statement is true, we need quantifiers. There are three basic quantifiers: the universal quantifier, the existential quantifier, and the uniquely marked existential quantifier. Here are the symbols.

NameNotationHe reads
universal quantificationFor all x...
existential quantifierThere is at least one x...
existential quantifier with singleness markThere's only one x...

Quantified statements are written in the form to read "for everything" It's true that "and there is at least one such as It's true."

These last two quantifiers can be used for the same, as He says the same thing he says. . In words, saying "it's not for everything that It's true. It's just like saying "there is such as It's fake."

Number Theory

Mathematical analysis

Actual analysis


To say that the function limit That's it. When tends to , it is written:

or or simply .

Likewise, to say that the succession Go. When tends to infinity, it is written:

or .


Ordinary derivatives

The derivative of a function is defined as the limit of the quotient of the change in the ordinate and the abscissa. There are several notations to denote the derivative of a function of a single variable:

The derivatives would be:

Partial derivatives

If the function depends on two or more variables, for example:

The partial derivatives with respect to each of the independent variables:

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