March 3rd
Contenido March 3 is the 62nd (sixty-second) day of the year in the Gregorian calendar, and the 63rd in leap years. There are 303 days left to end the year.
- 473: In Rávena (Italic peninsula) Gundebaldo (Rycimer's syrene) designates Glycerius as emperor of the Western Roman Empire.
- 705: In China, Tang Dynasty is reestablished after the interregno of Wu Zetian.
- 724: Empress Genshō abdicates the throne in favor of her nephew Shōmu who becomes emperor of Japan.
- 1478: In Spain, the Catholic Kings publish a pragmatic to promote the naval industry in their kingdoms.
- 1522: the royal troops enter Valencia, where Vicente Peris, the leader of the revolt of the Germans, is executed.
- 1547: In Zaragoza (Spain) the works of the last extension of the temple of La Seo begin.
- 1585: The Olympic Theatre, designed by the architect Andrea Palladio, is inaugurated in Vicenza.
- 1613: In Russia the Roman dynasty begins to reign, in the person of young Michael Romanov.
- 1687: In the indigenous village of Guaicanamar (Cuba), 10 km from Havana, the Spaniards founded the village of Regla.
- 1799: French defeat on the site of Corfu (War of the Second Coalition)
- 1803: the last parliament begins between Spaniards and Mapuches, the Parliament of Negrete.
- 1806: In Venezuela, General Francisco de Miranda first launched the tricolor flag.
- 1816: near Villar (Bolivia), Bolivian hero Juana Azurduy (35), at the forefront of thirty riders, including several women, attacks the forces of Spanish colonel José de La Hera (24), removes the banner and makes of rifles and ammunition. For this action, in August she will be appointed Lieutenant Colonel.
- 1820: The United States Congress passes the Missouri Commitment.
- 1845: Florida becomes the 27th state of the United States.
- 1857: As part of the second war of opium, France and the British Empire declare war on China.
- 1865: The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, the founding member of the current HSBC group, is opened in China.
- 1873: In the United States, Congress decrees the Comstock Law, which makes sending by mail "obscenes or lascivious" books illegal.
- 1875: at the Opera-Comique in Paris (France), the opera is premiered Carmenby composer Georges Bizet.
- 1878: the Treaty of San Stefano is signed, which puts an end to the Russian-Turkish War (1877-1878) and determines the independence of Bulgaria from the Ottoman Empire.
- 1879: in Spain the first total crisis of the government of the reign of Alfonso XII takes place.
- 1879: in Spain, Antonio Cánovas del Castillo is replaced as President of the Council of Ministers of Spain by Arsenio Martínez-Campos Antón.
- 1885: In New York, the company AT blindfolds (American Telephone & Telegraph Company: American telephone and telegraph company).
- 1886: the second Bucharest Treaty (1866) was signed, concluding the conflict between Serbia and Bulgaria.
- 1891: in Madrid (Spain) the building of the Banco de España is opened.
- 1891: in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the Brothers of the Christian Schools founded the Colegio De La Salle.
- 1899: in Madrid, Francisco Silvela is the first to form a government.
- 1903: The United States Government enacts a new immigration law, establishing a high rate of entry into the country, preventing the immigration of poor people.
- 1904: In Ohio, the U.S.—in the framework of racial segregation that hit that country until 1967—the National Guard intervenes in Springfield to end a pogrom against the black population.
- 1904: In Germany, William II recorded the first sound political document in an Edison phonograph cylinder.
- 1904: The law establishing Sunday rest is enacted in Spain.
- 1905: Fritz Schaudinn discovers the spirochete Treponema pallidumSyphilis agent.
- 1906: in Spain begins the demolition of the walls of Cadiz, with the primary purpose of paving the workers' crisis.
- 1906: In Germany, Albert Hoffa, a pioneer of modern orthopaedics, promotes homes of crippled children.
- 1910: The Baroness of Laroche, the first woman who died of an air accident, was awarded the aviation pilot.
- 1910: the first successes are known in the treatment of syphilis with savann (arsfenamine), a medicine developed by the serologist Paul Ehrlich and his Japanese collaborator Sahachiro Hata.
- 1911: In an attempt to rise from the Madrid racetrack (Spain), the French aviator Jean Mauvais clashes against the public who invades the track; a woman dies.
- 1913: In Washington DC, thousands of women join in a demonstration for female suffrage.
- 1915: NACA (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics) is created in the United States. This is the predecessor organization of the U.S. space agency, NASA.
- 1916: Portugal declares war on Germany in the framework of the First World War (1914-1918).
- 1917: it is serene The Tornadowhich is considered the first film directed by John Ford.
- 1918: the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk is signed, ending hostilities between Russia and Germany.
- 1918: The Russian Empire recognizes Finnish independence.
- 1919: The Government of Poland calls on Germany to reconstitute the Polish borders of 1722.
- 1923: The first issue of the magazine appears in New York Time.
- 1924: peace treaty between Turkey and Germany.
- 1924: The 407-year-old Islamic caliphate is suppressed when the Ottoman Caliphate Abdul Mejid II is deposed. The last remnant of the old regime gives way to the reformed Turkey of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.
- 1928: Spanish-French agreement on Tangier.
- 1931: The United States Government takes the march The Star-Spangled Banner as his national anthem.
- 1931: in Spain the Constitutional Center party, formed by Cambó and the Duke of Maura, among others.
- 1933: south of Yokohama (Japan) an earthquake, followed by a tsunami, causes the death of some 3,000 people.
- 1933: The Ching Yun University is inaugurated in China.
- 1933: The Monte Rushmore National Monument is inaugurated in the United States.
- 1935: Mexico founded the Autonomous University of Guadalajara, the first private university in that country.
- 1938: oil is discovered in Saudi Arabia.
- 1939: In the United States the film is released The diligenceJohn Ford, model in western gender.
- 1940: In Finland the Red Army (Soviet) occupies Víborg.
- 1940: In Luleå, Sweden, five people die in an arson attack on the offices of the communist newspaper Flamman.
- 1941: in Barcelona (Spain) the I Salón de la Moda Española is celebrated.
- 1941: In Libya, British forces occupy the Cirenaica.
- 1942: In France, the British air force carried out an air strike against the Renault vehicle factory.
- 1942: British incursion against the base Diego Suárez (Madagascar).
- 1942: In Australia—in the framework of the Second World War—ten Japanese planes attack the people of Broome, killing more than 100 civilians.
- 1943: In London, UK, 173 people are killed when trying to enter an anti-aircraft shelter at Bethnal Green Metro Station.
- 1943: in Bombay, the pacifist politician Mahatma Gandhi ceases in his hunger strike, a sign of protest against the British presence in India.
- 1943: naval battle between Japanese and Americans in the Bismarck archipelago.
- 1943: In Colombia, Elvira Dávila Ortiz graduated from a nurse with a laureated thesis; he became a pioneer of the infirmary and blood banks.
- 1943: In Spain, in the framework of the Franco dictatorship, the ban on the celebration of Carnival is recalled.
- 1945: In the city of The Hague (Netherlands) the British RAF bombs the civilian population of the Bezuidenhout district. 511 people die.
- 1945: Finland declares war on Germany.
- 1945: in Pavlokoma (Poland), an old unit of the Polish resistance group Armia Kraiova massacres at least 150 Ukrainian civilians.
- 1947: In the Soviet Union, Stalin appoints Nikolái Bulganin Minister of Defense.
- 1951: in the recording studio of Sam Phillips in the American city of Menfis (Ténesi), Jackie Brenston, with Ike Turner and his band, graban Rocket 88which is considered the first album of rock and roll.
- 1952: in Puerto Rico, as an unincorporated territory of the United States, the current Constitution is approved.
- 1953: in Karachi (capital of Pakistan) a De Havilland Comet plane from the Canadian Pacific Air Lines company crashes; 11 people die.
- 1958: In Iraq, Nuri al-Said becomes prime minister for the eighth time.
- 1961: in Morocco, Hassan II is crowned king.
- 1962: At the McMurdo base in Antarctica, the first U.S. nuclear power plant is operational.
- 1963: in Peru, General Ricardo Pérez Godoy, president of the military junta, is dismissed by his colleagues, who instead appoint General Nicolás Lindley López.
- 1963: Spain expels formercoronel Gardés, a member of the French criminal OAS (‘Secret Army Organization’), who murdered thousands of Algerians during the Algerian war of independence.
- 1964: in Bilbao, Spain, the Third Technical Fair of the Tool Machine opened.
- 1965: Bilbao opens the First Fair of Electrical Industry and Elevation and Transportation Machinery.
- 1969: In Cabo Cañaveral (Florida), NASA launches Apollo 9 to test the lunar module. (It will just land on the Moon on July 20, with Apollo 11).
- 1969: In the United States, Sirhan Bishara Sirhan admits to a court in Los Angeles that he murdered Robert F. Kennedy.
- 1971: China launches its second satellite: China 2.
- 1971: the Polish Church and Government restore relations, interrupted for eight years.
- 1972: Gregorio López-Bravo states that "the Saharawis will freely choose their destiny."
- 1972: launch of the soviet Cosmos 482 probe towards Venus, which failed by explosion in orbit of the rocket to propel it.
- 1973: The Popular Unity obtains 43.39 % of the votes in the Chilean legislative elections; the opposition retains the majority.
- 1973: CITES by International Union for Conservation of Nature is adopted.
- 1974: in Ermenonville, near Paris (France) the Turkish Airlines company's plane crashes; 346 people die on board.
- 1975: attack in Spain against the monument of the Cross of the Falls.
- 1976: in Vitoria (Country of the Basque Country, Spain), the so-called Vitoria Successes are produced, with the death of five workers at the hands of the Armed Police.
- 1978: Spanish boxer Alfredo Evangelista is proclaimed champion of Europe of heavyweight.
- 1982: in Paris it is edited My last breath, autobiography of the filmmaker Luis Buñuel.
- 1985: the region of the Central Valley of Chile is shaken by a earthquake (Algarrobo earthquake of 1985), with a magnitude of 8.0 in the seismological scale of Richter; 177 people die, and one million are homeless.
- 1985: in Athens (Greece), the Spanish athlete José Luis González Sánchez Medina wins the gold medal in the 1500 meters, at the European Championship of Athletics on a covered track.
- 1985: in the United Kingdom the strike of the miners ends.
- 1986: Australia ' s 1986 Act enters into force, making Australia completely independent of the United Kingdom.
- 1986: in Madrid, Spain, Francisco Rico enters the Spanish Royal Academy.
- 1986: American rock group Metallica launches the album Master of Puppets.
- 1987: The Berlin Film Festival awards the film The year of the lightsFernando Trueba.
- 1989: in Sudan, political parties and trade unions came to an agreement to put an end to the civil war that that country had waged for almost six years.
- 1990: in Spain, the Telecinco channel begins to broadcast regularly.
- 1990: In the demilitarized zone of Korea there is a fourth tunnel through which the North Koreans access their neighbouring country, South Korea.
- 1991: Iraq accepts the conditions of surrender: restitution of Kuwaiti sovereignty and compliance with the UN sanctions, thus officially ending the Persian Gulf war.
- 1991: in Los Angeles (United States), an amateur video records the beating suffered by African American taxi driver Rodney King by white police from the Los Angeles Police Department.
- 1991: In a referendum held in the USSR (Soviet Union), 74% of Latvian voters and 83% of Estonians vote for independence from the USSR.
- 1991: Near the airport of the American city of Colorado Springs (state of Colorado) crashes the flight 585 of the United Airlines company; 25 people die on board.
- 1994: In Italy the first issue of the newspaper appears The Voice.
- 1994: The Holy See and Jordan establish diplomatic relations.
- 1996: the Popular Party, headed by José María Aznar, wins the general elections in a narrow margin.
- 1997: In the centre of the city of Auckland, New Zealand, the Sky Tower, the highest structure in the southern hemisphere, was inaugurated after two and a half years of construction.
- 1998: Madonna spear Ray of LightHis seventh album, which will sell more than 32 million copies around the world.
- 1998: In the United States, Microsoft's president, Bill Gates, plays a role with the representatives of the companies who accuse him of practising monopolistic practices before the US Senate Justice Committee.
- 2000: In Spain, the Ministry of Health gives permission to scientists to perform four genetic experiments in patients.
- 2000: In Chile, former dictator Augusto Pinochet returned to his country after 503 days of detention in London. He was released on humanitarian grounds.
- 2001: in the Azteca Stadium (Mexico) the recital United for Peace was performed by the Maná and Jaguares group.
- 2004: John Kerry becomes the Democratic candidate for the US presidential elections.
- 2005: a population of Iberian lynx was detected in the Montes de Toledo (Spain) and was believed to be extinct for fifteen years.
- 2005: in Salina (Kansas) the American businessman Steve Fossett landed after turning the world in 67 hours, at an average of 550 km/h. He's the first person to turn the world around in airplane without charging fuel.
- 2005: In New Zealand, Margaret Wilson is elected president of the House of Representatives, starting a period – until August 23, 2006 – in which all the most important political officials – including Queen Elizabeth II of England as head of State – were women, making New Zealand the first country in which this happened.
- 2006: The World Baseball Classic, which will win Japan, is held for the first time.
- 2006: near Baghdad (Irak) a Sunni armed group raids a village and kills 19 Shia civilians.
- 2006: The emergency meeting between the European Union and Iran to try to stop the nuclear crisis concludes without agreement.
- 2009: in the city of Cologne (Germany) the Historical Archive collapses, a building built in 1407. All occupants and employees escape minutes before, alerted by workers. Two people die in neighboring houses. In the following days most of the archived documents will be recovered.
- 2012: In the town of Szczekociny (Poland) two trains are crashed; 16 people die and 58 are injured.
- 2013: In the district with more Shiite Muslims in the city of Karachi (capital of Pakistan) a bomb explodes. More than 45 people die and 180 are injured.
- 2014: In Pretoria (South Africa) the trial against the legless athlete Oscar Pistorius for the murder of his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp (29) on 14 February 2013. On 21 October 2014, he will be sentenced to five years ' imprisonment, of which he served only 10 months.
- 2015: Slovenia legalizes same-sex marriage.
- 2015: In southern Chile, the Villarrica volcano erupted for the first time since 1984.
- 2017: the first hybrid console of Nintendo, Nintendo Switch is on sale.
- 2017: The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild game is launched for Wii U and Nintendo Switch.
- 2020: the first case of COVID-19 is confirmed in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- 2020: the first case of COVID-19 is confirmed in Talca, Chile.
- 2021: In Greece a 6.3-degree earthquake shook the central and northern part of the country. It also felt in northern Macedonia, Montenegro and Kosovo.
- 2022: a UNHCR report on the Russian invasion of Ukraine stated that 1 million people have already fled Ukraine since the beginning of the invasion in just one week: an exodus at an unprecedented rate in what goes from the century.
- 2022: in Mexico at 8:40 a 5.7 earthquake shakes the state of Veracruz.
- 1455: John II, Portuguese king (f. 1495).
- 1506: Luis de Portugal, Portuguese aristocrat (f. 1555).
- 1520: Flacio Illirico, theologian and Croatian reformer (f. 1575).
- 1583: Edward Herbert of Cherbury, English writer and diplomat (f. 1648).
- 1589: Gisbertus Voetius, theologian and Dutch philosopher (f. 1676).
- 1606: Edmund Waller, English poet (f. 1687).
- 1652: Thomas Otway, English playwright (f. 1685).
- 1700: Charles-Joseph Natoire, French painter (f. 1777).
- 1746: Izabela Czartoryska, a Polish writer and aristocrat (f. 1835).
- 1756: William Godwin, British writer and journalist (f. 1836).
- 1786: Marie Bigot, piano teacher and French composer (f. 1820).
- 1793: William Macready, British actor (f. 1873).
- 1800: Heinrich Georg Bronn, German geologist and paleontologist (f. 1862).
- 1802: Adolphe Nourrit, French tenor (f. 1839).
- 1819: Gustave de Molinari, Belgian economist (f. 1912).
- 1831: George Pullman, American inventor (f. 1897).
- 1839: Jamsetji Tata, an Indian entrepreneur (f. 1904).
- 1841: John Murray, Scottish oceanographer (f. 1914).
- 1845: Georg Cantor, German mathematician of Russian origin (f. 1918).
- 1846: Alan Ian Kuppfer, Poet and Catador of Chilean Cecinas.
- 1847: Alexander Graham Bell, British inventor and physicist, American nationalized (f. 1922).
- 1854: Juliusz Zarębski, pianist and Polish composer (f. 1885).
- 1857: Alfred Bruneau, French composer (f. 1934).
- 1861: Bonifacio Byrne, a Cuban poet (f. 1936).
- 1863: Arthur Machen, writer, journalist and British actor (f. 1947).
- 1866: Ernesto de la Cárcova Argentine painter (f. 1927).
- 1868: Émile Chartier, a French philosopher and journalist (f. 1951).
- 1869: Henry Joseph Wood, director of British orchestra and musician (f. 1944).
- 1871: Maurice Garin, French cyclist (f. 1957).
- 1878: Edward Thomas, British writer (f. 1917).
- 1879: George Wilkinson, British water polo player (f. 1946).
- 1880: Yōsuke Matsuoka, a Japanese diplomat and politician (f. 1946).
- 1882: Carlo Ponzi, Italian criminal (f. 1949).
- 1883: Cyril Burt, British pedagogue (f. 1971).
- 1886: José Isbert, Spanish actor (f. 1966).
- 1886: Holger Wederkinch, Danish sculptor (f. 1959).
- 1890: Norman Bethune, Canadian doctor and humanist (f. 1939).
- 1890: Edmund Lowe, an American actor (f. 1971).
- 1891:
- Arthur Drewry, British sports leader, FIFA President between 1955 and 1961 (f. 1961).
- Damascus of Athens, Greek archbishop (f. 1949).
- Federico Moreno Torroba, Spanish composer (f. 1982).
- 1893: Beatrice Wood, American artist and ceramist (f. 1998).
- 1895: Ragnar Frisch, Norwegian economist, nobel prize for economics in 1969 (f. 1973).
- 1895: Matthew Ridgway, American General (f. 1993).
- 1897: Mate Cosido, Argentine rural bandit (f. 1940).
- 1898: Emil Artin, German mathematician (f. 1962).
- 1899: Ignacio Morones Prieto, Mexican doctor and politician (f. 1974).
- 1904: Gabriel Arias-Salgado, Spanish politician (f. 1962).
- 1906: Artur Lundkvist, Swedish writer (f. 1991).
- 1907: Federico Cantú, Mexican painter (f. 1989).
- 1911: Jean Harlow, American actress (f. 1937).
- 1913: Harold J. Stone, American actor (f. 2005).
- 1913: Roger Caillois, French writer and philosopher (f. 1978).
- 1913: Margaret Bonds, American pianist and composer (f. 1972).
- 1914: Asger Jorn, a Danish painter (f. 1973).
- 1916: Paul Halmos, Hungarian mathematician (f. 2006).
- 1918: Nan Huai-Chin, Chinese spiritual master (f. 2012).
- 1918: Arthur Kornberg, American physician and biochemical, nobel prize for physiology or medicine in 1959 (f. 2007).
- 1918: Arnold Newman, American photographer (f. 2006).
- 1920: Julius Boros, American golfer (f. 1994).
- 1920: James Doohan, Canadian actor (f. 2005).
- 1920: Ronald Searle, British cartoonist (f. 2011).
- 1921: Diana Barrymore, American actress (f. 1960).
- 1922: Maurice Biraud, French actor (f. 1982).
- 1922: Nándor Hidegkuti, Hungarian footballer (f. 2002).
- 1922: El Pescaílla, a Spanish musician (f. 1999).
- 1923: Barney Martin, American actor (f. 2005).
- 1923: Doc Watson, American singer, composer and guitarist (f. 2012).
- 1924: Tomiichi Murayama, Japanese Prime Minister.
- 1924: Lilian Vélez, actress and Filipino singer (f. 1948).
- 1926: Lys Assia, Swiss singer (f. 2018).
- 1927: Pierre Aubert, Swiss politician (f. 2016).
- 1928: Joe Conley, American actor (f. 2013).
- 1928: Pierre Michelot, French bassist, of the Play Bach Trio band (f. 2005).
- 1928: Chela Nájera, Mexican actress (f. 1998).
- 1930: Alfredo Alcón, Argentine actor (f. 2014).
- 1930: Heiner Geißler, German politician (f. 2017).
- 1930: Ion Iliescu, a Romanian politician.
- 1931: Anatoli Diátlov, Soviet engineer (f. 1995).
- 1932: Gabriel Ferraté Pascual, Spanish engineer.
- 1933: Alfredo Landa, Spanish actor (f. 2013).
- 1933: Marco Antonio Muñiz, Mexican singer and composer.
- 1933: Lee Radziwill, American designer (f. 2019).
- 1934: Jimmy Garrison, U.S. bassist and educator (f. 1976).
- 1935: Malcolm Anderson, Australian tennis player.
- 1935: Michael Walzer, American philosopher.
- 1935: Zheliu Zhelev, Bulgarian President (f. 2015).
- 1937: Bobby Driscoll, American actor (f. 1968).
- 1940: Germán Castro Caycedo, a Colombian writer and journalist (f. 2021).
- 1940: Perry Ellis, American fashion designer (f. 1986).
- 1940: Jean-Paul Proust, Prime Minister Monegasque (f. 2010).
- 1943: Mario Poggi, character, psychiatrist and Peruvian writer (f. 2016).
- 1945: George Miller, Australian filmmaker.
- 1946: Jorge Assisi, Argentine writer and politician.
- 1947: Óscar Washington Tabárez, teacher, footballer and Uruguayan coach.
- 1947: Jennifer Warnes, American singer and composer.
- 1948: Snowy White, British band support musician Pink Floyd.
- 1948: César Castillo, Chilean payer (f. 2005).
- 1949: Bonnie J. Dunbar, American engineer, academic and astronaut.
- 1949: Gloria Hendry, American model and actress.
- 1951: Lindsay Cooper, British composer and fagotist (f. 2013).
- 1951: Mario Pasik, Argentine actor.
- 1952: Rudy Fernández, Filipino actor (f. 2008).
- 1953: Zico, Brazilian footballer.
- 1954: Édouard Lock, dancer and Canadian-Marroquí choreographer.
- 1954: Jorge José Emiliano dos Santos, Brazilian football referee (f. 1995).
- 1955: Jorge Vergara, Mexican businessman (f. 2019).
- 1956: Zbigniew Boniek, Polish footballer.
- 1956: Cachorro López, musician, composer, multi-nstrumentist and Argentine producer.
- 1957: Angel Sánchez, Argentinian football referee.
- 1958: Marc Silvestri, American hysterist.
- 1958: Miranda Richardson, British actress.
- 1958: Marcos Valcárcel, Spanish historian and writer (f. 2010).
- 1958: Siti Musdah Mulia, Indonesian writer and women's rights activist.
- 1959: Fabiana Cantilo, Argentine singer and composer.
- 1959: Duško Vujošević, Montenegrin basketball player.
- 1959: Pedro Costa, Portuguese filmmaker.
- 1960: Eva Almunia, Spanish politics.
- 1961: Perry McCarthy, British racing pilot.
- 1962: Jackie Joyner-Kersee, American athlete.
- 1963: Martín Fiz, Spanish athlete.
- 1964: Raúl Alcalá, Mexican cyclist.
- 1964: Laura Harring, Mexican actress.
- 1965: Tedros Adhanom, Ethiopian politician, Director General of WHO since 2017.
- 1966: Mikhail Mishustín, Russian economist and politician, Prime Minister since 2020.
- 1966: Tone-Loc, rapper and American actor.
- 1966: Fernando Colunga, Mexican actor.
- 1966: Timo Tolkki, Finnish guitarist, Stratovarius.
- 1967: Shankar Mahadevan, Indian singer and composer.
- 1968: Brian Cox, British physicist.
- 1968: Aitor Garmendia, Spanish cyclist.
- 1968: Luz del Alba Rubio, soprano, creator, producer born in Uruguay, Italian and American citizen.
- 1970: Marie Paul Kambulu, Congolese singer.
- 1970: Julie Bowen, American actress.
- 1970: Gabriel Cedrés, Uruguayan footballer.
- 1971: Christian Eigner, Austrian drummer and composer, of the band Depeche Mode.
- 1972: Darren Anderton, British footballer.
- 1973: Xavier Bettel, lawyer, politician and prime minister of Luxembourg.
- 1973: Romāns Vainšteins, Latvian cyclist.
- 1973: Victoria Zdrok, Ukrainian model.
- 1974: Ada Colau, mayor of Barcelona.
- 1974: David Faustino, American actor, producer and screenwriter.
- 1974: Alvaro Espinoza, Chilean actor
- 1975: Joaquín Levinton, Argentine musician and composer, of the Turf band.
- 1977: Ronan Keating, Irish singer.
- 1977: Buddy Valastro, TV presenter and American chef.
- 1978: Alejandra Azcárate, model, presenter, editor, comedian and Colombian actress.
- 1978: Iván Lalinde, journalist and Colombian presenter.
- 1979: Albert Jorquera, Spanish footballer.
- 1979: Jorge Julio, Venezuelan baseball player.
- 1981: Lil' Flip, American rapper.
- 1981: Tobias Forge, Swedish musician and singer.
- 1982: Jessica Biel, American actress.
- 1982: Daniela Alcívar Bellolio, Ecuadorian writer.
- 1983: Igor Antón, Spanish cyclist.
- 1983: Annica Svensson, Swedish footballer.
- 1984: Javier Arizmendi, Spanish footballer.
- 1984: Santonio Holmes, American football player.
- 1984: Alessandro Potenza, Italian footballer.
- 1984: Vera Dyatel, Ukrainian footballer.
- 1984: Marie-Gayanay Mikaelian, Swiss tennis player.
- 1986: Stacie Orrico, American singer.
- 1986: Mehmet Topal, Turkish footballer.
- 1986: Martin Piroyansky, Argentine actor and filmmaker.
- 1987: Jesús Padilla, Mexican footballer.
- 1987: Mauricio Lambiris, Uruguayan automotive pilot.
- 1987: Rok Štraus, Slovenian footballer.
- 1987: Jacob Spoonley, New Zealand footballer.
- 1988: Bella Heathcote, Australian actress.
- 1988: Jan Arie van der Heijden, Dutch footballer.
- 1989: Erwin Mulder, Dutch footballer.
- 1989: Owen Kasule, Ugandan footballer.
- 1989: Alessandra Nencioni, Italian footballer.
- 1990: Emmanuel Rivière, French footballer.
- 1990: Alexina Graham, British model.
- 1990: Olek Czyż, Polish basketball player.
- 1991: Adrien Trebel, French footballer.
- 1992: Jordy Lucas, Australian actress.
- 1992: Simone Boye Sørensen, Danish footballer.
- 1993: Gabriela Cé, Brazilian tennis player.
- 1993: Nicole Gibbs, American tennis player.
- 1993: Michael Thomas, American football player.
- 1993: Antonio Rüdiger, German footballer.
- 1993: Karl Holmberg, Swedish footballer.
- 1993: Dion Smith, New Zealand cyclist.
- 1994: Gaetano Monachello, Italian footballer.
- 1995: Bryan Cristante, Italian footballer.
- 1995: Simone Valli, Italian footballer.
- 1996: Jeremy Zucker, American singer.
- 1997: Camila Cabello, Cuban-American singer.
- 1997: Juan Carlos Corbalan, a Maltese footballer.
- 1997: David Neres, Brazilian footballer.
- 1997: Juan Andrés Balanta, Colombian footballer.
- 1997: Mario Rodríguez Ruiz, Spanish footballer.
- 1997: Maximiliano Villa, Uruguayan footballer.
- 1997: Elia Alessandrini, Swiss footballer (f. 2022).
- 2001: Inde Navarrette, American actress.
- 2002: Lorenzo Musetti, Italian tennis player.
- 2004: Ander Astralaga, Spanish footballer.
- 532: Winwaleo, founder of the Abbey of Landévennec (n. 460).
- 1009: Abd al-Rahman Sanchuelo, minister omeya (n. 983).
- 1111: Bohemundo de Tarento, Italian prince (n. 1058).
- 1239: Vladimir IV Rurikovich, Ukrainian prince (n. 1187).
- 1459: Ausiàs March, Spanish poet (n. 1397).
- 1554: Juan Federico I, Saxon governor (n. 1503).
- 1578: Sebastiano Venier, dogo of Venice (n. 1496).
- 1578: Michael Kantakouzenos Şeytanoğlu, Ottoman Greek magnate.
- 1603: Antonio de Villacastín, mater of the work of the monastery of El Escorial (n. 1512).
- 1605: Clement VIII, Catholic Pope between 1592 and 1605 (n. 1536).
- 1700: Rajaram I, monarch of the Marathian Empire (n. 1670).
- 1703: Robert Hooke, British architect and philosopher (n. 1635).
- 1706: Johann Pachelbel, German organist and composer (n. 1653).
- 1707: Aurangzeb, the last great Mogol emperor (n. 1618).
- 1765: William Stukeley, archaeologist and British historian (n. 1687).
- 1766: Nicola Porpora, Italian composer (n. 1686).
- 1792: Robert Adam, Scottish architect and politician (n. 1728).
- 1808: Johan Christian Fabricius, Danish entomologist (n. 1745).
- 1824: Giovanni Viotti, violinist and Italian composer (n. 1755).
- 1850: Oliver Cowdery, American religious leader (n. 1806).
- 1854: Giovanni Battista Rubini, Italian tenor (n. 1794).
- 1857: Guillermo Brown, Argentine Admiral (n. 1777).
- 1861: José Joaquín Pesado, Mexican writer (n. 1801).
- 1869: Manuel Cepeda Peraza, Mexican military and political (n. 1828).
- 1906: Francisco Romero Robledo, Spanish politician (n. 1838).
- 1920: Theodor Philipsen, Danish painter (n. 1840).
- 1927: Mikhail Petróvich Artsibáshev, Russian writer (n. 1878).
- 1932: Eugen d'Albert, a pianist and German composer born in Scotland (n. 1864).
- 1939: Edmund Beecher Wilson, American zoologist (n. 1856).
- 1946: León Cortés Castro, President Costarricense
- 1953: James J. Jeffries, American boxer (n. 1875).
- 1958: Wilhelm Zaisser, a German politician (n. 1893).
- 1959: Lou Costello, American actor and comedian (n. 1906).
- 1961: Paul Wittgenstein, Austrian pianist (n. 1887).
- 1963: Juan Gálvez, Argentine motor racing pilot (n. 1916).
- 1966: William Frawley, American actor (n. 1887).
- 1966: Alice Pearce, American actress (n. 1917).
- 1975: Óscar Bonilla, Chilean military and political (n. 1918).
- 1976: Francisco González de la Vega, Mexican jurist (n. 1901).
- 1976: Ramiro Támez, a Mexican doctor and politician (n. 1889).
- 1976: Crescencio Salcedo, flautist, musician and Colombian composer (n. 1913).
- 1982: Georges Perec, French writer (n. 1936).
- 1982: Firaq Gorakhpuri, Indian poet and critic (n. 1896).
- 1983: Hergé, Belgian historietist (n. 1907).
- 1987: Danny Kaye, American actor (n. 1911).
- 1988: Henryk Szeryng, Polish-Mexican violinist (n. 1918).
- 1988: Sewall Wright, American biologist (n. 1889).
- 1988: Lois Wilson, American actress (n. 1894).
- 1991: Arthur Murray, American dancer and choreographer (n. 1895).
- 1991: William Penney, British mathematician (n. 1909).
- 1992: Lella Lombardi, Italian motor racing pilot (n. 1941).
- 1993: Carlos Marcello, American gangster (n. 1910).
- 1993: Carlos Montoya, guitarist and Spanish composer (n. 1903).
- 1993: Albert Sabin, American nationalized Polish virologist (n. 1906).
- 1994: John Edward Williams, American writer and academic (n. 1922).
- 1995: Howard W. Hunter, American Mormon Religious Leader (n. 1907).
- 1996: Marguerite Durás, French writer and director (n. 1914).
- 1997: Vasco José Taborda Ribas, Brazilian writer, teacher and linguist (n. 1909).
- 1999: Gerhard Herzberg, a German chemistry chemistry award in 1971 (n. 1904).
- 2001: Maija Isola, Finnish textile designer and painter (n. 1927).
- 2001: Eugene Sledge, American writer (n. 1923).
- 2003: Horst Buchholz, German actor (n. 1933).
- 2003: Luis Marden, American photographer (n. 1913).
- 2003: Goffredo Petrassi, director of orchestra and Italian composer (n. 1904).
- 2003: Peter Smithson, British architect (n. 1923).
- 2005: Rinus Michels, a Dutch footballer and coach (n. 1928).
- 2006: Ivor Cutler, Scottish poet (n. 1923).
- 2007:
- Pompín Iglesias, Colombian-Mexican comic actor (n. 1926).
- Giuseppe di Stefano, tenor and Italian actor (n. 1921).
- 2008: Norman Smith, British singer and producer (n. 1923).
- 2010: Michael Foot, British journalist and politician (n. 1913).
- 2010: María Dólina, a Soviet military pilot (n. 1922).
- 2011:
- Aldo Clementi, Italian composer (n. 1925).
- Irena Kwiatkowska, Russian actress (n. 1912).
- 2012: Ralph McQuarrie, American designer and illustrator (n. 1929).
- 2012: Ronnie Montrose, American guitarist, Montrose and Gamma band (n. 1947).
- 2013:
- Luis Cubilla, football player and Uruguayan coach (n. 1940).
- Tony Ronald, Dutch singer and musical producer (n. 1941).
- 2014: Robert Ashley, American military and composer (n. 1930).
- 2014: William R. Pogue, American astronaut (n. 1930).
- 2017: René Préval, Haitian politician, president of Haiti between 1996-2001 and 2006-2011 (n. 1943).
- 2017: Raymond Kopa, French footballer (n. 1931).
- 2018: Roger Bannister, British athlete and neurologist (n. 1929).
- 2020: Henry N. Cobb, American architect (n. 1926).
- 2021: Celestino Bocale, Ecuadorian politician (n. 1957).
- 2022:
- Dean Woods, Australian cyclist (n. 1966).
- Thomas B. Hayward, American military (n. 1924).
- International Day of the Hearing
- World Wildlife Day
- World Birth Defects Day
- Bulgaria
Bulgaria: Independence Day
- Egypt
Egypt: Sports Day
United States: Charlottesville Liberation and Freedom Day (Virginia)
- Georgia
Georgia: Mother's Day
- Japan
Japan: Festival de las Niñas (Hina Matsuri/Fiesta de las Muñecas).
- Lebanon
Lebanon: Master's Day
- Malaui
Malaui: Day of Martyrs
- Morocco
Morocco: Independence Day
Catholic saints list
- San Marino and Asterio de Cesareamartyrs (f. v. 260)
- Saints Emeterio and Celedonius of Calahorrasoldiers and martyrs (c. s. IV).
- Clementian saints and Amazé's Eutropiummartyrs (s. IV).
- San Ticiano de Brescia, bishop (f. c. 526)
- San Winwaleo de Landevenecabad (f. 533)
- Santa Artelaides de Benevento(f. c. 570)
- San Anselmo de Nonántola, founder and abbot (f. 803)
- Saint Cunegunda of Kaufungen (f. c. 1033)
- Beato Federico de Mariengaarde, priest and abbot (f. 1175)
- Blessed Pedro Geremia, priest (f. 1452)
- Beato Jacobino de Canepacci(f. 1508)
- Blesseds Liberato Weisss, Samuel Marzorati and Miguel Pío Fasoli da Zerbo, priests and martyrs (f. 1716)
- Blessed Pedro Renato Rogue, priest and martyr (f. 1796)
- Saint Teresa Eustoquio Verzeri, virgin and founder (f. 1852)
- Beato Inocencio de Berzo Scalvinoni, priest (f. 1890)
- Saint Catherine Drexel(f. 1955)
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