March 2


March 2nd is the 61st ᵉʳ (sixty-first) day of the year in the Gregorian calendar and the 62nd in leap years. There are 304 days left to end the year.


  • 986: In the present France, Louis V became king of the Franks.
  • 1332: In the current Spain, Álava is incorporated into Castile.
  • 1498: In Africa, Vasco da Gama arrives in Mozambique.
  • 1561: at the end of the Andes mountain range (Argentina), Pedro del Castillo founded the village Mendoza del Nuevo Valle de La Rioja (current city of Mendoza).
  • 1616: In current Colombia, Francisco de Herrera Campuzano founded the village of San Lorenzo de Aburrá, which years later became the city of Medellín.
  • 1657: In the present city of Tokyo, Japan, the Great Meireki Fire is happening.
  • 1807: In the United States, Congress approves an act that "prohibits the importation of slaves by any port or place within the jurisdiction of the United States."
  • 1811: In Venezuela the First Congress is formed, one year after the revolutionary movement of 1810.
  • 1811: in the waters of the Paraná River, in front of the village of San Nicolás de los Arroyos, 230 km north of Buenos Aires, a Spanish fleet beats the Argentinian—leadered by lawyer Manuel Belgrano and Captain Juan Bautista Azopardo—in the battle of San Nicolás.
  • 1815: the period known as the Empire of the Hundred Days begins in France, where Napoleon, freed from the island of Elba, regains power.
  • 1821: in Alicante (Spain), more than a thousand workers in armed strike attack the textile factories of Alcoy and destroy their machines.
  • 1821: In Mexico, the realistic army commanded by Agustín de Iturbide, swears the Plan de Iguala.
  • 1822: In Uruguay, the capitulation of Fructuoso Rivera has just consolidated Portuguese domination over Uruguayan territory. Already on July 31, 1821, a congress gathered by the Portuguese general Lecor had voted to incorporate the "East Bank" into Portugal (with the name of the Cisplatin Kingdom).
  • 1836: The state of Texas declares its independence from Mexico.
  • 1855: In Russia, Alexander II becomes a tsar.
  • 1861: United States creates Nevada and Dakota.
  • 1865: in Paris, France, the telegraphic communication system and its rates are established.
  • 1867: The United States approves the Reconstruction Act to vote for free blacks and the South is controlled by a military regime.
  • 1884: In the city of La Plata (Argentina) the newspaper El Día is founded.
  • 1891: Spain celebrates the first elections for men's suffrage (received in 1931 will have universal suffrage).
  • 1903: in Barcelona it is serene The boatVicente Blasco Ibáñez.
  • 1906: In La Coruña (Spain) the Real Club Deportivo de La Coruña is founded.
  • 1906: King Alfonso XIII of Spain inaugurates the works of the canal of Aragon and Catalonia.
  • 1907: In Belgium, the House is pronounced by the "examination" of the Congo.
  • 1907: in Budapest the opera is premiered Monna VannaEmil Ábrányi.
  • 1908: An international conference on arms reduction is held in London.
  • 1908: In Paris, Gabriel Lippmann presents to the Academy of Sciences his new photography procedure in relief.
  • 1909: the Russian ambassador and the representatives of Great Britain, France, Italy and Germany advise Serbia to renounce its territorial claims.
  • 1911: In Washington, United States, the Senate approves a credit to meet the fortification costs of the Panama Canal.
  • 1912: in Spain the reading of The Quixote in public schools.
  • 1913: In Madrid, many Catholics hold a rally of protest against the government's project to declare the teaching of the Catholic religion not compulsory in schools.
  • 1915: in Uruguay, Feliciano Viera is elected president.
  • 1916: In New York, the Spanish poet Juan Ramón Jiménez married Zenobia Camprubí Aymar.
  • 1917: In Washington, Congress Reforms Organic Act (Law Jones) so that the invaded island of Puerto Rico can be the territory of the Union.
  • 1917: the Spanish law called the Protection of Industries is proclaimed, creating the Industrial Credit Bank.
  • 1917: In Russia, as part of the beginning of the October Revolution, Tsar Nicholas II abandoned his reign after more than twenty years.
  • 1919: In Moscow, the first Congress of the Communist International was opened.
  • 1923: in Vienna the opera is released Madame de Pompadourby composer Leo Fall.
  • 1925: introduction of the new Austrian currency, the shilling (chelin).
  • 1925: In San Blas (Panama), Aboriginals are replaced and replaced in 6 cities.
  • 1925: in Barcelona, Spain, Austrian composer Richard Strauss begins to direct the Barcelona Municipal Band.
  • 1926: in Managua (Nicaragua), Gabry Rivas founded the newspaper La Prensa, which circulates the same day with the headline Aspects of the presidential tour.
  • 1928: In Spain, King Alfonso XIII replaced Miguel de Unamuno of his chair at the University of Salamanca.
  • 1930: in his article “The Vertigo of Success”, Stalin orders to stop the collectivization of the lands.
  • 1930: in France, André Tardieu, head of the opposition (left republican), new form Government.
  • 1933: presentation of the Spanish Renovation program, the first monarchical party that was formed in the Second Republic.
  • 1936: the drafting of a draft autonomous status for Aragon is started in Caspe.
  • 1936: the film is released in Barcelona The cute catdirected by Rosario Pi.
  • 1937: The Italian Fascist Council calls for an effort in the rearmament of the country.
  • 1937: in Barcelona, the maximum bread ration is 250 g per person.
  • 1938: Third process in Moscow, called "process to the right-wing and Trotskyist bloc," against 21 defendants, including eminent veterans of the revolutionary movement such as Bujarin and Rakovski.
  • 1939: in the Vatican City, Pius XII is elected Pope.
  • 1940: In Spain, the Franco Regime dictates the Law of Repression, which persecutes masonry and communism.
  • 1940: In England the traditional Oxford-Cambridge regatta is celebrated. This last team rises with victory.
  • 1941: From Romania, German troops enter Bulgaria.
  • 1943: In Spain, the Franco Regime enacted the Military Rebellion Act, for which all political crimes will be tried in the Council of War.
  • 1944: in the Spain of Franco the National Identity Document is created.
  • 1944: Britain suspends the shipment of military goods to Turkey.
  • 1945: creation of the Arab League.
  • 1946: In North Vietnam, HIDE Chí Minh is elected president.
  • 1949: In Fort Worth (United States) take off a B-50 plane that will make the first unscheduled flight of a bomber around the world.
  • 1950: the Talgo train is officially opened with a journey from Madrid to Valladolid.
  • 1951: 224 000 pine trees are planted in Jaén at the first stage of the forest repopulation of Spain.
  • 1952: in Santander, Spain, the Maria Lisarda theatre is completely destroyed by a fire.
  • 1955: In Australia, large floods cause 200 deaths and leave 44,000 homeless people. In New South Wales, 300 000 sheep perish drowned.
  • 1956: Morocco is independent of France.
  • 1956: last journey of the train that joins Gerona and Palamós.
  • 1957: Ghana and Costa de Oro are independent of the British Empire.
  • 1958: In the United States, German scientist Wernher von Braun states that, in the space field, the United States has been delayed for several years from the Soviet Union.
  • 1959: in a recording studio in Manhattan (New York), the jazz trumpeter Miles Davis (1926-1991) records Kind of blue with pianist Bill Evans (1929-1980) and saxophoneist John Train Coltrane (1926-1967).
  • 1959: In Bolivia there are violent anti-American demonstrations.
  • 1959: in Cuba, who was part of the revolution in that country, Fidel Castro, gives the titles of ownership over the land to 340 vegueros of Las Villas.
  • 1960: first issue, rehearsal, from Spain through Eurovision.
  • 1961: in Washington, President John F. Kennedy announced the commercial blockade against Cuba.
  • 1961: in Ecuador, President José M. Velazco denounces that U.S. President John F. Kennedy conditioned a loan for his country in exchange for breaking relations with Cuba.
  • 1962: In the United States, in a NBA match, Wilt Chamberlain marks 100 points (maximum annotation in history).
  • 1963: China announces the withdrawal of all its troops from the disputed border areas with India.
  • 1963: in Seville, Spain, the roof of a school collapses. 29 buried children die.
  • 1965: they begin in Barcelona, Bilbao, Madrid and other Spanish cities university demonstrations in favor of union freedom and the suppression of SEU.
  • 1966: In the United States, President Lyndon Johnson asked the FBI to redoubt surveillance of the alarming growth of drug addiction among young people.
  • 1969: about the city of Toulouse (France), the supersonic plane Concorde performs your first flight test.
  • 1969: In Chile, the demochristians of Eduardo Frei Montalva, despite the defeat of the parliamentary elections, lose the absolute majority.
  • 1970: Rodesia is declared a republic, breaking his last ties with the British Empire.
  • 1971: Bangladesh (Eastern Pakistan) is independent of India.
  • 1972: The United States launches Pioneer 10 probe with a message for the hypothetical extraterrestrial intelligent life.
  • 1973: In Sudan, a Palestinian command executes three Arab diplomats, kidnapped on the eve.
  • 1983: approval of the Statute of Autonomy of Castile and Leon.
  • 1983: In Spain, the Congress of Deputies—of a socialist majority—approves the expropriation of Rumasa decreed by the Government.
  • 1985: in Pakistan, President Mohamed Zia Ulk Haq announced the re-establishment of the Constitution, repealed after a coup d ' état.
  • 1987: In the United States, Chrysler Corporation purchases American Motors.
  • 1989: Twelve nations of the European Community agree to ban the production of all chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) before the end of the twentieth century.
  • 1990: German Foreign Minister Helmut Kohl accepts that the German border with Poland is not modified.
  • 1991: In Colombia, more than two thousand guerrillas of the People's Liberation Army surrender their weapons.
  • 1991: 450 Albanians flee to Italy on a merchant ship. In the following weeks, thousands more follow their example.
  • 1992: Moldova enters the United Nations Organization.
  • 1994: the queen of Spain receives the Wiesenthal Human Rights Award for its continued commitment to tolerance and the fight against anti-Semitism and racism.
  • 1995: the Yahoo company is created.
  • 1998: Galileo Space Probe sends information about Europe (Jupiter Light) having a liquid ocean under a thick layer of ice.
  • 1999: The United States Olympic Committee recommends Juan Antonio Samaranch to end the bribes of the International Olympic Committee.
  • 2000: in London (United Kingdom), Chilean exdictator Augusto Pinochet is released after 503 days of detention.
  • 2001: the Spanish government approves by decree-law a labour reform that is rejected by opposition parties and trade union centers.
  • 2003: Jacques Chirac becomes the first French head of State to visit Algeria since the independence of that country.
  • 2003: In Italy, terrorists from the reconstituted Red Brigades gang murder a police officer.
  • 2003: In the rally in Turkey, Carlos Sainz achieved the 25th partial victory of his career in the world.
  • 2003: the Swiss Alinghi takes the prestigious Sailing Cup to New Zealand.
  • 2004: In Mexico, the news Monitor departs from the air from the frequencies of Grupo Radio Centro, due to the ruling of the International Court of Paris in favor of Infored and the journalist José Gutiérrez Vivó, for breach of contract of the radio transmitter to the journalist.
  • 2004: rocket Ariane 5 liberates the European probe Rosetta to start your 10-year journey to comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
  • 2005: A member of the court responsible for the trial of Saddam Hussein is killed in Baghdad.
  • 2005: in Saqqara, Egypt, an Australian archaeologist team discovers a mummy from 600 a. C. in a surprising state of conservation.
  • 2006: In Algeria, the Government of Abdelaziz Buteflika announced the release of 2000 Islamists to promote national reconciliation.
  • 2006: a study conducted by the National Ocean and Atmosphere Agency (NOAA) reveals that each year Antarctica loses approximately a volume of 152 km3 (such as a cube of 5336 m side) of ice since 2002.
  • 2006: in the vicinity of the Prudhoe Bay (Alaska), about 1000 km from Anchorage, a pipeline spills more than a million litres of oil in an area covered by the tundra.
  • 2016: the Clash Royale video game is released
  • 2022: As part of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, a Ukrainian sniper, from 1,500 metres away, debated Russian General Andrey Sukhovetsky, the highest military in the Russian incursion.
  • 2022: The Ministry of Health announces that Spain exceeds 100,000 deaths per COVID-19.


  • 1316: Roberto II, Scottish king (f. 1390).
  • 1459: Adriano VI, Italian pope (f. 1523).
  • 1585: Juan Macías, a religious and holy Spanish dominic, based in Peru (f. 1645).
  • 1707: Louis-Michel van Loo, French painter (f. 1771).
  • 1760: Camille Desmoulins, a French politician and revolutionary (f. 1794).
  • 1769: DeWitt Clinton, American politician and naturist (f. 1828).
  • 1770: Louis Gabriel Suchet, French Marshal (f. 1826).
  • 1779: Joel Roberts Poinsett, physicist, botanist and American statesman (f. 1851).
  • 1780: Custos García Rovira, was a Colombian military and patriot. (f. 1816)
  • 1793: Sam Houston, American politician and military (f. 1863).
  • 1800: Evgeny Baratynsky, Russian poet (f. 1844).
  • 1810: Leo XIII, Italian potato (f. 1903).
  • 1817: János Arany, a Hungarian journalist (f. 1882).
  • 1820: Multatuli, Dutch writer (f. 1887).
  • 1824: Bedrich Smetana, Czech composer (f. 1884).
  • 1842: Enrique Gaspar and Rimbau, a Spanish writer (f. 1902).
  • 1843: María Clotilde de Saboya, French princess (f. 1911).
  • 1859: Sholem Aleijem, Russian writer (f. 1916).
  • 1860: Susanna M. Salter, American politician and activist (f. 1961).
  • 1865: Elise Richter, Austrian philosopher and professor (f. 1943).
  • 1873: Inez Haynes Irwin, American feminist author (f. 1970).
  • 1876: Pius XII, Italian pope (f. 1958).
  • 1883: Manuel Gamio, Mexican archaeologist (f. 1960).
  • 1885: Victor Houteff, Bulgarian Adventist leader (f. 1955).
  • 1895: Emilio Azcárraga Vidaurreta, Mexican businessman (f. 1972).
  • 1895: Eduardo Cansino, dancer and Spanish actor (f. 1968).
  • 1897: Lola Cueto, Mexican plastic artist (f. 1978).
  • 1900: Kurt Weill, German composer (f. 1950).
  • 1900: Matilde Muñoz Sampedro, Spanish actress (f. 1969).
  • 1901: Grete Hermann, mathematical and German philosopher (f. 1984).
  • 1902: Moe Berg, American baseball player and spy (f. 1972).
  • 1902: Edward Condon, American nuclear physicist (f. 1974).
  • 1904: Dr. Seuss, British writer of children's stories (f. 1991).
  • 1905: Marc Blitzstein, American composer (f. 1964).
  • 1908: Walter Bruch, German electronic engineer (f. 1990).
  • 1908: Quinche J. Felix, politician and Ecuadorian trader (f. 1972).
  • 1908: Fiódor Ojlópkov, Soviet military (f. 1968).
  • 1909: Mel Ott, American baseball player (f. 1985).
  • 1913: Celedonio Romero, Spanish guitarist (f. 1996).
  • 1913: Pepita Serrador, an Argentine theatre actress (f. 1964).
  • 1914: Martin Ritt, American filmmaker (f. 1990).
  • 1915: Lona Andre, American actress (f. 1992).
  • 1917: Desi Arnaz, Cuban actor and musician (f. 1986).
  • 1919: Jennifer Jones, American actress (f. 2009).
  • 1919: Tamara Toumanova, a Russian dancer and actress (f. 1996).
  • 1921: Jean-Bédel Bokassa, politician and Central African president (f. 1996).
  • 1921: Ernst Haas, Austrian artist and photographer (f. 1986).
  • 1921: Ginés Liébana, a Spanish painter and writer (f. 2022).
  • 1921: Mariano Yela, a Spanish psychologist and philosopher (f. 1994).
  • 1922: Eddie Lockjaw Davis, American jazz saxophoneist (f. 1986).
  • 1922: Frances Bilas Spence, American computer programmer (f. 2012).
  • 1923: Basil Hume, British Archbishop (f. 1999).
  • 1926: Murray Rothbard, an American economist and philosopher (f. 1995).
  • 1927: Roger Walkowiak, French cyclist (f. 2017).
  • 1928: Raúl Renán, Mexican poet (f. 2017).
  • 1930: Ismail Shammout, Palestinian painter (f. 2006).
  • 1930: Fernando Quiñones, Spanish writer and poet (f. 1998).
Mikhail Gorbachev
  • 1931: Mikhail Gorbachev, Soviet politician, Leader of the Soviet Union between 1985 and 1991 and Nobel Peace Prize 1990 (f. 2022).
  • 1931: Emma Penella, Spanish actress (f. 2007).
  • 1931: Tom Wolfe, American writer (f. 2018).
  • 1933: José Luis Pellicena, Spanish actor (f. 2018).
  • 1933: Meki Megara, Moroccan painter (f. 2009).
  • 1934: Antonio Gamero, Spanish actor (f. 2010).
  • 1935: Fabio Camero, film actor, theater and Colombian television (f. 2019).
  • 1937: Abdelaziz Bouteflika, Algerian military and political, president of Algeria between 1999 and 2019 (f. 2021).
  • 1937: Héctor Biwhere, actor, director and politician.
  • 1938: Ricardo Lagos Escobar, Chilean politician, president of Chile between 2000 and 2006.
  • 1938: Simon Estes, U.S. bas-bariton.
  • 1940: Juan Luis Galiardo, Spanish actor (f. 2012).
Lou Reed, músico nacido un 2 de marzo.
Lou Reed
  • 1942: John Irving, American writer.
  • 1942: Lou Reed, American singer, of the Velvet Underground band (f. 2013).
  • 1942: Mir-Hosein Musaví, Iranian politician, Prime Minister of his country.
  • 1943: Peter Straub, American writer.
  • 1946: Blanca Sánchez, Mexican actress (f. 2010).
  • 1946: Rolando Hanglin, Argentine radio driver.
  • 1947: Harry Redknapp, British football coach.
Nelson Ned
  • 1947: Nelson Ned, Brazilian Bolerist (f. 2014).
  • 1948: Rory Gallagher, Irish musician, Taste band (f. 1995).
  • 1949: Alain Chamfort, French singer and composer.
  • 1949: Antonio Vodanovic, Chilean television animator.
  • 1949: Javier Rojo, Spanish politician.
Karen Carpenter, música nacida el 2 de marzo de 1950.
Karen Carpenter
  • 1950: Karen Carpenter, American singer and drummer, of the duo The Carpenters (f. 1983).
  • 1951: Roberto Dañino Zapata, Peruvian entrepreneur and lawyer, Prime Minister from 2001 to 2002.
  • 1952: Mark Evanier, American writer.
  • 1953: Russ Feingold, American politician.
  • 1954: Josema Yuste, humorist and Spanish actor.
  • 1955: Shōkō Asahara, Japanese spiritual and terrorist leader (f. 2018).
  • 1955: Ken Salazar, American politician.
  • 1956: Mark Evans, Australian rock musician, AC/DC band.
  • 1958: Ian Woosnam, Welsh golfer.
  • 1958: Kevin Curren, South African tennis player.
  • 1958: Pedro Uralde, Spanish footballer.
  • 1960: Juan Simón, Argentine soccer player.
  • 1961: Emma Ozores, Spanish actress.
  • 1961: Julia Calvo, an Argentine actress.
Jon Bon Jovi, músico nacido el 2 de marzo de 1962.
Jon Bon Jovi
  • 1962: Gabriele Tarquini, Italian motor racing pilot.
  • 1962: Jon Bon Jovi, American musician and actor.
  • 1966: Sergio Gendler, Argentine sports journalist (f. 2019).
  • 1968: Daniel Craig, British actor.
  • 1969: Victor Hugo Pereira, lawyer, university professor and Paraguayan politician.
  • 1970: Wibi Soerjadi, Dutch pianist.
  • 1970: Alexander Armstrong, comedian, British actor and presenter.
  • 1971: Amber Smith, American actress and model.
  • 1971: Method Man, rapper and American actor, Wu-Tang Clan band.
  • 1972: Mauricio Pochettino, Argentine coach.
  • 1972: Xavier O'Callaghan, Spanish basketball player.
  • 1973: Leave Bodiroga, Serbian basketball player.
  • 1973: Trevor Sinclair, British footballer.
  • 1974: Ante Razov, American footballer.
  • 1975: Noriyuki Haga, a Japanese bike rider.
  • 1975: Flor de la V, actress, comediante and vedette argentina.
  • 1976: Jesús Carballo, Spanish gymnast.
  • 1976: Melina Petriella, an Argentine actress.
Chris Martin, músico nacido el 2 de marzo de 1977.
Chris Martin
  • 1977: Chris Martin, British musician, leader of the Coldplay band.
  • 1978: Claudio Sánchez, American musician, of the band Coheed and Cambria.
  • 1978: Giannis Skopelitis, Greek footballer.
  • 1979: Damien Duff, Irish footballer.
  • 1979: Francesco Tavano, Italian footballer.
  • 1979: Carlos Eduardo Soares, Brazilian footballer.
  • 1980: Édson Nobre, Angolan footballer.
  • 1980: Lance Cade, American professional fighter (f. 2010).
  • 1980: Rebel Wilson, American actress.
  • 1980: Sunny Lane, American porn actress.
  • 1981: Bryce Dallas Howard, American actress.
  • 1982: Kevin Kurányi, German footballer.
Lisandro López, futbolista nacido el 2 de marzo de 1983.
Lisandro 'Licha' López
  • 1983: Igor Antón, Spanish cyclist.
  • 1983: Lisandro López, Argentine soccer player.
  • 1985: Luke Pritchard, British singer, The Kooks band.
  • 1985: Bea Ranero, Guatemalan actress.
  • 1985: Reggie Bush, American football player.
  • 1988: Edgar Andrade, Mexican footballer.
  • 1988: James Arthur, British musician.
  • 1989: André Bernardes Santos, Portuguese footballer
  • 1989: Franco Vivian, an Argentine motor racing pilot.
  • 1990: Luis Advíncula, Peruvian footballer.
  • 1992: Armando Izzo, Italian footballer.
  • 1994: Andrea Conti, Italian footballer.
  • 1995:
    • Veronica Dunne, American actress.
    • Yahia Attiyat Allah, Moroccan footballer.
  • 1997: Arike Ogunbowale, American basketball player.
  • 1997: Becky G, American singer.
  • 1997: Luis Malagón, Mexican footballer.
  • 1998: Tua Tagovailoa, American football player.
  • 2000: Nona Sobo, Catalan actress.
  • 2001: Fernando Báez Sosa, an Argentine student of Paraguayan descent (f. 2020).
  • 2016: Swedish Oscar, Swedish aristocrat.


  • 986: Lotario, French king (n. 941).
  • 1009: Mokjong, the seventh ruler of the Korean Goryeo dynasty (n. 980).
  • 1282: Welcome Scotívoli, Italian bishop canonized by the Catholic Church (n. 1188).
  • 1572: Mem de Sá, Portuguese governor of Brazil (n. 1500).
  • 1589: Alejandro Farnesio, Italian cardinal (n. 1520).
  • 1619: Anne of Denmark, Danish aristocrat, wife of King James VI of Scotland (n. 1574).
  • 1724: Joaquín Churriguera, Spanish architect, master of the New Cathedral of Salamanca (n. 1674).
  • 1725: José Benito de Churriguera, Spanish architect (n. 1665).
  • 1755: Louis de Rouvroy, French writer (n. 1675).
  • 1783: Francisco Salzillo, Spanish Baroque sculptor (n. 1707).
  • 1791: John Wesley, Anglican pastor and British Christian theologian (n. 1703).
  • 1793: Carl Gustaf Pilo, Swedish painter and artist (n. 1711).
  • 1797: Horace Walpole, aristocrat and British politician (n. 1717).
  • 1829: Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez, hero of Mexico's independence (n. 1768).
  • 1834: José Cecilio del Valle, a Honduran politician (n. 1777).
  • 1835: Francis I, Austrian emperor (n. 1768).
  • 1840: Heinrich Olbers, doctor and German astronomer (n. 1758).
  • 1855: Nicholas I, Russian tsar (n. 1796).
  • 1871: Victor de Bonald, French writer, lawyer and journalist (n. 1780).
  • 1895: Berthe Morisot, French painter (n. 1841).
  • 1895: Ismail Pachá, virrey Egyptian (n. 1830).
  • 1897: Guillermo Prieto, Mexican writer (n. 1818).
  • 1916: Isabel de Wied, Romanian queen (n. 1843).
  • 1919: Melchora Aquinas, a revolutionary Filipino (n. 1812).
  • 1922: Henry Bataille, French poet (n. 1972).
  • 1923: Rui Barbosa, Brazilian politician, author of the Constitution (n. 1849).
  • 1927: La Mara (Marie Lipsius), historian of German music and writer (n. 1837).
  • 1928: Jorge Holguín, Colombian president (n. 1848).
  • 1929: Nikolái Kuznetsov, Russian painter (n. 1850).
  • 1930: D. H. Lawrence, British novelist (n. 1885).
  • 1932: Angela de la Cruz, a Spanish religious canonized by the Catholic Church (n. 1846).
  • 1939: Howard Carter, British Egyptian, discoverer of the tomb of Tutankhamon (n. 1874).
  • 1940: Ricardo Miró, Panamanian poet (n. 1883).
  • 1942: Charlie Christian, American jazz guitarist (n. 1916).
  • 1945: Emily Carr, Canadian writer (n. 1871).
  • 1950: Alberto Gerchunoff, Argentine writer and journalist (n. 1883).
  • 1953: Jim Lightbody, American athlete (n. 1882).
  • 1962: Charles-Jean de la Vallée Poussin, Belgian mathematician (n. 1866).
  • 1967: Azorín (José Martínez Ruiz), Spanish writer (n. 1873).
  • 1973: José Rojas Moreno, Spanish diplomat (n. 1893).
  • 1974: Salvador Puig Antich, a Spanish anarchist, executed in vil garrote in the Barcelona Model Prison (n. 1948).
  • 1975: Milagros Leal, Spanish actress (n. 1902).
  • 1975: Salvador Mestres, historietist and Spanish illustrator (n. 1910).
  • 1981: Enrique Pérez Comendador, Spanish sculptor (n. 1900).
  • 1982: Philip K. Dick, American writer of science fiction (n. 1928).
  • 1982: Karen Carpenter, singer and drummer
  • 1987: Randolph Scott, American actor (n. 1898).
  • 1991: Serge Gainsbourg, French singer and composer (n. 1928).
  • 1991: Mary Edgar Mussi (alias Mary Howard and Josephine Edgar), British writer (n. 1907).
  • 1992: Sandy Dennis, American actress (n. 1937).
  • 1997: Bloodshed, American rapper (n. 1975).
  • 1997: Vicente Parra, Spanish actor (n. 1931).
  • 1999: Dusty Springfield, British singer (n. 1939).
  • 2002: Héctor Anglada, Argentine actor (n. 1976).
  • 2002: Juan Carlos Lectoure, entrepreneur and promoter of Argentine boxing (n. 1936).
  • 2003: Hank Ballard, American blues singer and composer (n. 1927).
  • 2004: Alberto Miralles, director of theatre and Spanish writer (n. 1940).
  • 2004: Mercedes McCambridge, American actress (n. 1918).
  • 2005: Martin Denny, American composer and singer (n. 1911).
  • 2007: Henrí Troyat, French writer (n. 1911).
  • 2008: Jeff Healey, Canadian musician (n. 1966).
  • 2009:
    • João Bernardo Vieira, Bisauian policy, President of Guinea-Bisáu between 1980 and 1999 and between 2005 and 2009 (n. 1939).
    • Joaquín Gutiérrez Cano, a Spanish politician and diplomat (n. 1920).
  • 2010: Jesús Antonio Sam López, Mexican politician and lawyer (n. 1935).
  • 2011:
    • Enrique Curiel, Spanish politician and political scientist (n. 1947).
    • Luis Martínez Villicaña, acronym and Mexican politician, Governor of Michoacán between 1986 and 1988 (n. 1939).
    • Thor Vilhjálmsson, Icelandic writer (n. 1925).
  • 2011: José Rogelio Álvarez, writer, editor, historian and Mexican academic (n. 1922).
  • 2012: Rafael Quirós, civil engineer and Peruvian footballer (n. 1910).
  • 2014: Ryhor Baradulin, writer and Belarusian artist (n. 1935).
  • 2017: Andrés Ocaña, Spanish politician, Mayor of Córdoba between 2009 and 2011 (n. 1954).
  • 2018: Gillo Dorfles, art critic, Italian painter and philosopher (n. 1910).
  • 2018: Jesús López Cobos, director of orchestra and Spanish musician (n. 1940).
  • 2019: Franco Macri, an Italian businessman and executive (n. 1930).
  • 2020: Ulay, photographer and German artist (n. 1943).
  • 2021: Bunny Wailer, Jamaican singer and composer (n. 1947).
  • 2021: Àlex Casademunt, singer, actor and Spanish presenter (n. 1981).
  • 2022:
    • Johnny Brown, American actor (n. 1937).
    • Andréi Sujovetski, Soviet military (n. 1974).


Catholic saints list

  • San Troadio de Neocesareamartyr (f. c. 250)
  • San Ceada de Lichfield, bishop (f. 672)
  • St. Luke Casali of Nicosia, monk (s. IX)
  • St. Ines of Pragueabadesa (f. c. 1282)
  • beato Carlos BonoPrince (f. 1127)
  • Blessed Angela of the Cross, founder (f. 1932)

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September 29th

September 29 is the 272nd day of the year in the Gregorian calendar and the 273rd in leap years. There are 93 days left to end the...


1975 was a common year beginning on a Wednesday according to the Gregorian calendar. He was designated...
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