March, 19


March 19 is the 78th (seventy-eighth) day of the year in the Gregorian calendar and the 79th in leap years. There are 287 days left to end the year.


  • 721 B.C.: the first lunar eclipse of which news is known is seen.
  • 1255: The University of Paris officially adopts aristotelism by proclaiming the Faculty of Arts a new plan that imposed the study of all the known works of Aristotle.
  • 1279: end of the Song dynasty, defeated in the battle of Yamen by the Mongols of the Yuan dynasty.
  • 1522: Mexico founded the city of Toluca de Lerdo.
  • 1563: In France the Edict of Amboise was promulgated which puts an end to the First War of Religion.
  • 1783: In the current territory of Argentina, Tomás de Rocamora founded the villa San Antonio de Gualeguay Grande (now the town of Gualeguay).
  • 1808: there is a riot in the Madrid town of Aranjuez, which will cause the fall of Manuel Godoy and later of King Charles IV.
  • 1812: In Cadiz, the first Spanish Constitution, popularly known as "the Pepa" (origin of the phrase "Live the Pepa!").
  • 1814: In the framework of the War of Independence of Chile, the Quilo fight takes place between the troops of Bernardo O'Higgins and Manuel Barañao.
  • 1818: In Chile, the Spanish army beats the Chilean/Argentine army in the battle of Cancha Rayada, during the War of Independence.
  • 1823: His Serene Highness Augustine I, abdicates as emperor of Mexico.
  • 1844: In Azua, Dominican Republic, the first battle of independence is waged; the patriotic forces beat the Haitians.
  • 1854: In the province of Buenos Aires (Argentina) the party of Zárate is founded.
  • 1858: in the City of Buenos Aires (Argentina) is founded the Historic Colegio San José in Buenos Aires.
  • 1880: In Fregenal de la Sierra (Badajoz), the first long-distance telephone call was made in Spain thanks to Rodrigo Sánchez-Arjona and Sánchez-Arjona, who had a telephone line between his house in the Bajoextremeño municipality and a farm of his property, called "Las Mimbres".
  • 1905: In the city of Córdoba (Argentina) is founded the Belgrano Atlético Club.
  • 1911: International Women ' s Day is celebrated for the first time, in years after the celebration is moved to 8 March.
  • 1915: the planet Pluto is photographed for the first time, although it was not recognized as such.
  • 1919: After a rally in Salvador I followed in the Plaza de toros de Las Arenas de Barcelona, it is agreed to finish the Huelga de la Canadiense, which had maintained the Catalan industry paralyzed for 44 days. The workers achieved a number of improvements, highlighting the eight-hour working day, making Spain the first country to establish it by law.
  • 1937: Pope Pius XI publishes the encyclical Divini Redemptoris about Marxist-Leninist atheism.
  • 1963: Joseph Losey releases his film The servant (the servant).
  • 1963: in Managua, Nicaragua, is consecrated the new Bishop of the Diocese of Estelí Monsignor Clemente Carranza and López as the first bishop of the diocese at the hands of the Ilustrísimo monseñor Alejandro González and Robleto, in Antigua Cathedral of Managua.
  • 1973: In the town of Vicente López (Province of Buenos Aires) is founded the Colegio Los Molinos.
  • 1982: In the framework of the Falklands War, Argentinian troops landed in the South Georgia Islands.
  • 1984: Uruguayan general Líber Seregni is released after seven years of imprisonment for political reasons.
  • 1989: in El Salvador, Alfredo Cristiani, presidential candidate of the opposition party, ARENA, defeats in the presidential elections held on that same day Fidel Chávez Mena, presidential candidate of the PDC official party.
  • 1992: in Rosario, Argentina, the Municipal Council orders the placement of a commemorative plaque at the door of the home of the revolutionary and guerrilla Ernesto Che Guevara (1928-1967). However, the 41 days later it explodes in the front of the building an EAM 75 grenade of Spanish origin, which intimates never to install the plate. The attack on the Embassy of Israel in Buenos Aires had been carried out on 17 March that year.
  • 1995: Michael Jordan announced his return to the NBA with a press conference in which he only said: «I'm back» (‘I came back’).
  • 1999: In Colombia, the Colombian version of Canadian channel Citytv was born for the first time
  • 2002: In Antarctica, an iceberg of great proportions (3000 m2 and 200 m deep) departs from the continental shelf; it will dissolve in a month.
  • 2003: In Iraq, U.S. troops invaded that country for the second time (Second Gulf War). According to the UTC (coordinated universal time), the invasion begins at 01:00 on March 20.
  • 2006: In Belarus, Aleksandr Lukashenko achieved his third term as president.
  • 2007: in Spain, wind power strikes a new production record, reaching 8375 MW at 17:40 (local time). This is a power greater than that produced by the six nuclear power plants in Spain (8 reactors that together generate 7742 MW).
  • 2010: in Medellín (Colombia) the South American Games are inaugurated.
  • 2010: in Mexico the Mexican army kills 2 students at the Monterrey Technological School accusing them of being narco hitmen.
  • 2011: The Moon, in its ellipsis, crosses the nearest point to Earth, 356 577 km.
  • 2013: Dominican selection wins the World Baseball Classic to the combination of Puerto Rico.
  • 2013: American singer Justin Timberlake launches his third album, The 20/20 Experience.
  • 2015: Richard Williamson consecrates bishop without mandate from Rome to Jean Michel Fauré.
  • 2016: in Rostov del Don a Flydubai B737 model plane crashes at the time of its approach to the airport of that city.
  • 2019: the purchase of 21st Century Fox by The Walt Disney Company for $ 71 300 million is made official, creating as a result Fox Corporation, which began to quote at the SUALP 500.
  • 2019: In Kazakhstan, Nursultán Nazarbáyev resigns to the presidency after almost 30 years in power.
  • 2020: In Argentina, the president of that nation, Alberto Ángel Fernández, decreed by a decree of necessity and urgency (DNU) that from March 20, 2020 to 00:00:00 until March 31, 2020 at 23:59:59 hours there will be "Full isolation" and "Cuarentena Obligatoria" to avoid the circulation of people on the public road, and in this way to avoid the spread of the crown. It was also decreed that whoever rapes the curfew will commit a crime.


  • 1434: Ashikaga Yoshikatsu, Japanese shōgun (f. 1443).
  • 1488: Johannes Magnus, the last Swedish Catholic archbishop (f. 1544).
  • 1534: José de Anchieta, linguist, literato, doctor, architect, engineer and poet Jesuit canary, father of Brazilian literature (f. 1597).
  • 1590: William Bradford, American settler (f. 1657).
  • 1595: Carlos Fernando de Médici, Italian bishop (f. 1666).
  • 1601: Alonso Cano, Spanish painter (f. 1667).
  • 1661: Francesco Gasparini, Italian composer (f. 1727).
  • 1684: Jean Astruc, French doctor (f. 1766).
  • 1721: Tobias Smollett, British writer (f. 1771).
  • 1734: Vicente García de la Huerta, Spanish poet and playwright (f. 1787).
  • 1738: Túpac Amaru II, indigenous leader of the American revolution against Spain (f. 1781).
  • 1739: Charles-François Lebrun, a French politician (f. 1824).
  • 1784: José Prudencio Padilla, the first Colombian admiral (f. 1828).
  • 1792: José María Carreño, militar y política Venezuela (f. 1849).
  • 1801: Salvatore Cammarano, opera writer and Italian poet (f. 1852).
  • 1803: Joseph-Frédéric-Benoît Charrière, French inventor, builder of surgical instruments (f. 1876).
  • 1813: Pedro Carbo, politician and Ecuadorian writer (f. 1894).
  • 1813: David Livingstone, British explorer and missionary (f. 1873).
  • 1821: Richard Francis Burton, consul, explorer, translator and British orientalist (f. 1890).
  • 1823: Advocate of Bavaria, aristocrat (“prince of Bavaria”) German (f. 1914).
  • 1845: José Pedro Varela, sociologist, journalist and Uruguayan politician (f. 1879).
  • 1847: Eduardo López de Romaña, Peruvian politician, president of Peru between 1899 and 1903 (f. 1912).
  • 1848: Wyatt Earp, American Sheriff of the Old West (f. 1929).
  • 1849: Alfred von Tirpitz, German military and political (f. 1930).
  • 1851: Roque Sáenz Peña, Argentine military and political, president of Argentina between 1910 and 1914 (f. 1914).
  • 1860: William Bryan, American politician (f. 1925).
  • 1866: Emilio de Bono, Italian Marshal (f. 1944).
  • 1873: Max Reger, German composer (f. 1916).
  • 1876: Felix Jacoby, a classicist and a German philologist (f. 1959).
  • 1876: John Marshall, British archaeologist (f. 1959).
  • 1880: Antonio Ballesteros Beretta, Spanish historian (f. 1949).
  • 1883: Walter Norman Haworth, British chemist, nobel chemistry award in 1937 (f. 1950).
  • 1885: María Collado Romero, a Cuban journalist and feminist (f. 1960).
  • 1888: José Sabogal, Peruvian painter (f. 1956).
  • 1888: Josef Albers, German artist (f. 1976).
  • 1888: Caracciolo Parra Pérez, a Venezuelan politician (f. 1964).
  • 1888: Léon Scieur, Belgian cyclist (f. 1969).
  • 1889: Manuel II, Portuguese king (f. 1932).
  • 1891: Earl Warren, American politician (f. 1974).
  • 1893: José María Velasco Ibarra, Ecuadorian President (f. 1979).
  • 1897: Betty Compson, American actress (f. 1974).
  • 1900: Jean Frédéric Joliot-Curie, French physicist, nobel chemistry award in 1935 (f. 1958).
  • 1901: Gino Gatti, an Argentine anarchist (f. 1989).
  • 1903: José Cuatrecasas Arumí, botanist and Spanish pharmacist (f. 1996).
  • 1905: Albert Speer, German Nazi architect (f. 1981).
  • 1906: Adolf Eichmann, German Nazi leader (f. 1962).
  • 1907: Elizabeth Maconchy, British composer (f. 1994).
  • 1907: Angel Carballeira Rego, Spanish anarchist (f. 1963).
  • 1909: Louis Hayward, British actor (f. 1985).
  • 1909: Józef Łobodowski, Polish writer (f. 1988).
  • 1913: José A. Morales, Colombian composer (f. 1978)
  • 1914: Jiang Qing, Chinese policy, wife of Mao Zedong (f. 1991).
  • 1915: Patricia Morison, American actress (f. 2018).
  • 1916: Irving Wallace, American writer (f. 1990).
  • 1917: Dinu Lipatti, pianist and Romanian composer (f. 1950).
  • 1919: Lennie Tristano, American jazz pianist (f. 1978).
  • 1920: José Gándara, Spanish cyclist (f. 2010).
  • 1923: Pamela Britton, American actress (f. 1974).
  • 1926: Alfonso Silva Placeres, Spanish footballer (f. 2007).
  • 1926: Valerio Zurlini, Italian filmmaker.
  • 1928: Hans Küng, Swiss theologian (f. 2021).
  • 1928: Patrick McGoohan, American actor (f. 2009).
  • 1929: Miquel Martí i Pol, a Spanish writer (f. 2003).
  • 1933: Philip Roth, American novelist (f. 2018).
  • 1933: Renee Taylor, American actress.
  • 1934: Jorge Rivera López, Argentine actor.
  • 1936: Ursula Andress, Swiss actress.
  • 1936: Eduard Gufeld, a Ukrainian chess player (f. 2002).
  • 1937: Egon Krenz, German politician.
  • 1937: Miguel González Avelar, a Mexican politician and lawyer (f. 2011).
  • 1940: Gabriel Díaz Berbel, Spanish politician (f. 2011).
  • 1941: Bruno Gelber, Argentine pianist.
  • 1941: Joxe Azurmendi, Spanish writer.
  • 1943: Mario J. Molina, Mexican scientist, nobel chemistry award in 1995 (f. 2020).
  • 1943: Mario Monti, Italian politician.
  • 1944: Said Musa, Prime Minister of Belize.
  • 1944: Sirhan Bishara Sirhan, Palestinian murderer.
  • 1946: Paul Atkinson, British musician, of the band The Zombies.
  • 1946: Kado Kostzer, director and theatrical author of Argentina.
  • 1946: Bigas Luna, director of Spanish cinema (f. 2013).
  • 1946: Ruth Pointer, American singer.
  • 1947: Glenn Close, American actress.
  • 1948: Teo Tapia, Mexican actor.
  • 1950: Paul Elliott, British tenor.
  • 1951: Edgardo Nieva, Argentine actor (f. 2020).
  • 1952: Harvey Weinstein, American film producer.
  • 1953: Billy Sheehan, American bassist, of the band Mr. Big.
  • 1953: Ricky Wilson, American musician, from the band The B-52's.
  • 1953: Lenín Moreno, Ecuadorian politician, president of Ecuador between 2017 and 2021.
Bruce Willis, actor nacido el 19 de marzo de 1955.
Bruce Willis
  • 1955: Bruce Willis, American actor.
  • 1955: Sarah McCorquodale, British aristocrat, sister of Diana of Wales.
  • 1955: Volker Tannert, German sculptor.
  • 1959: Terry Hall, British singer, of the band The Specials (f. 2022).
  • 1960: Eliane Elias, a Brazilian pianist.
  • 1960: Gerardo Fernández Noroña, Mexican politician and sociologist.
  • 1963: Gustavo Rowek, Argentine drummer.
  • 1963: Mary Scheer, actress, comedian and American voice artist.
  • 1964: Nicola Larini, Italian motor racing pilot.
  • 1964: Juan Carlos Arango, Colombian television actor.
  • 1966: Qin Gang, a Chinese politician and diplomat, since 30 December 2022, has been appointed as Minister for Foreign Affairs.
  • 1969: Gary Jules, American singer.
  • 1971: José Saturnino Cardozo, Paraguayan footballer.
  • 1973: Bun B, Afro-descendant rapper.
  • 1973: Brant Bjork, American musician.
  • 1974: Vida Guerra, Cuban actress and model.
  • 1975: Brann Dailor, American drummer, of the Mastodon band.
  • 1975: Vivian Hsu, singer, actress and Taiwanese model.
  • 1976: Rachel Blanchard, Canadian actress.
  • 1976: Zach Lind, American musician, from the Jimmy Eat World band.
  • 1976: Andre Miller, American basketball player.
  • 1976: Alessandro Nesta, Italian footballer.
  • 1977: Fayez Banihammad, an Emirati terrorist who participated in 11S (f. 2001).
  • 1979: Ivan Ljubicic, Croatian tennis player.
  • 1979: María Vázquez, Spanish actress.
  • 1979: Hedo Türkoğlu, Turkish basketball player.
  • 1980: Antonella Costa, actress ílo-argentina.
  • 1980: Michel Renggli, Swiss footballer.
  • 1981: José Castillo, Venezuelan baseball player (f. 2018).
  • 1981: Kolo Touré, Ivory footballer.
  • 1982: Eduardo Saverín, Brazilian businessman, Facebook co-founder.
  • 1982: Patricio Toranzo, Argentine footballer.
  • 1983: Evan Bourne, American professional fighter.
  • 1983: Ana Rezende, director of Brazilian film and guitarist, of the Cansei band of Being Sexy.
  • 1985: Ernesto Viso, Venezuelan motor racing pilot.
  • 1987: Josie Loren, American actress.
  • 1987: Mike Zubi, actor, singer and Argentine composer.
  • 1988: Clayton Kershaw, American baseball player.
  • 1989: Yano Shōgo, Japanese actor and seiyū.
  • 1989: Craig Lamar Traylor, American actor.
  • 1991: Aleksandr Kokorin, Russian footballer.
  • 1993: Hakim Ziyech, Dutch-Marrochi footballer.
  • 1995: Héctor Bellerín, Spanish footballer.
  • 1996: Quenton Nelson, American football player.
  • 1996: Mariona Caldentey, Spanish footballer.
  • 1997: Meilutyte Route, Lithuanian professional swimmer.
  • 1998: Sakura Miyawaki, Japanese singer and actress.
  • 2020: Jigme Ugyen Wangchuck, Prince of Bhutan.


  • 235: Alexander Severo, Roman emperor (n. 208).
  • 953: Al-Mansur Billah, caliph of the Fatimid caliphate (n. 913).
  • 1279: Zhao Bing, Chinese emperor (n. 1271).
  • 1330: Edmundo de Woodstock, English aristocrat (n. 1301).
  • 1406: Ibn Jaldun, a Tunisian-Arab historian and sociologist (n. 1332).
  • 1534: Ayşe Hafsa Sultan, the first "Sultana value" of the Ottoman Empire and the mother of Solián the Magnificent (n. 1479).
  • 1644: Guru Hargobind, 6.o guru of the earthquake (n. 1595).
  • 1683: Thomas Killigrew, English playwright (n. 1612).
  • 1687: Rene Robert Cavelier de La Salle, French explorer (n. 1643).
  • 1721: Clemente XI, Italian pope (n. 1649).
  • 1797: Philip Hayes, organist and English composer (n. 1738).
  • 1801: Ambrosio O'Higgins, governor of Chile and viceroy of Peru (n. 1720).
  • 1843: Antonia Nava de Catalán (63), Mexican military insurgent, hero of independence (n. 1779).
  • 1884: Elias Lönnrot, a Finnish physicist and philologist (n. 1802).
  • 1895: Faustina Sáez de Melgar, a Spanish writer (n. 1834).
  • 1902: Manuel Antonio Sanclemente, statesman, educator, jurist and Colombian politician. (n. 1813).
  • 1908: Eduard Zeller, German philosopher and theologian (n. 1814).
  • 1916: Vasili Surikov, Russian painter (n. 1848).
  • 1930: Arthur Balfour, politician and aristocrat (“1st count of Balfour”) British, prime minister between 1902 and 1905 (n. 1848).
  • 1923: Vicente Climent, a Spanish painter (n. 1872).
  • 1927: Henry Campbell Black, American linguist (n. 1860).
  • 1930: Wilfrid Voynich, Lithuanian Bible, discoverer of Manuscript Voynich (n. 1865).
  • 1930: Henry Lefroy, Australian politician (n. 1854).
  • 1942: Clinton Hart Merriam, American ornithologist (n. 1855).
  • 1944: William Hale Thompson, American politician (n. 1869).
  • 1950: Edgar Rice Burroughs, American writer (n. 1875).
  • 1950: Walter Norman Haworth, a British chemist and academic (n. 1883).
  • 1952: Robert Guérin, President of FIFA between 1904 and 1906 (n. 1876).
  • 1965: Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej, a Romanian politician and president between 1947 and 1965 (n. 1901).
  • 1974: Edward Platt, American actor (n. 1916).
  • 1978: Norberto Aroldi, actor, poet and Argentine writer (n. 1931).
  • 1978: Gaston Juliá, French mathematician, inventor of the fractals (n. 1893).
  • 1982: Randy Rhoads, American guitarist of heavy metal (n. 1956).
  • 1983: Pepe Rosario, Dominican singer of merengue, of the band Los Hermanos Rosario (n. 1957).
  • 1984: Garry Winogrand, American photographer (n. 1928).
  • 1985: Jesús Reyes Heroles, politician, lawyer and Mexican historian (n. 1921).
  • 1985: Leopold Tyrmand, Polish-American writer and journalist (n. 1920).
  • 1987: Louis-Victor of Broglie, French physicist, nobel prize of physics in 1929 (n. 1892).
  • 1988: Sabino Barinaga, footballer and Spanish coach (n. 1922).
  • 1990: Andrew Wood, American singer (n. 1966).
  • 1994: José Coronel Urtecho, Nicaraguan poet (n. 1906).
  • 1997: Willem de Kooning, a Dutch painter (n. 1904).
  • 1999: Juanita Reina, singer of Spanish coplas and actress (n. 1925).
  • 1999: Jaime Sabines, Mexican poet (n. 1926).
  • 2003: Olivier Long, Swiss jurist and political scientist (n. 1915).
  • 2005: John De Lorean, a car entrepreneur (n. 1925).
  • 2006: Ernesto Duchini, footballer and Argentine coach (n. 1910).
  • 2007: Cleofé Elsa Calderón, botanical Argentina (n. 1929).
  • 2008: Arthur C. Clarke, British writer of science fiction (n. 1917).
  • 2008: Paul Scofield, British actor (n. 1922).
  • 2010: Raúl de la Torre, Argentine filmmaker (n. 1938).
  • 2011:
    • Guillermo Ford, a Panamanian politician (n. 1936).
    • Knut, German polar bear (n. 2006).
    • Argentino Luna, Argentine singer (n. 1941).
  • 2012: Dragan Miranović, footballer and Yugoslav coach (n. 1956).
  • 2013: José Félix Pons, a Spanish journalist (n. 1932).
  • 2015: Leandra Becerra Lumbreras, Mexican supercentenary (n. 1887?).
  • 2018: Julio Garrett, Bolivian lawyer and politician (n. 1923).
  • 2018: Keith O'Brien, Scottish Cardinal (n. 1938).
  • 2019: Marlen Khutsiev, director of Soviet cinema (n. 1925).
  • 2021: Luis Bambarén Gastelumendi, Peruvian Jesuit bishop (n. 1928).
  • 2021: Cristián Cuturrufo, a Chilean jazz trumpetist (n. 1972).
  • 2022: Shahabuddin Ahmed, Bangladeshi politician, President of Bangladesh between 1996 and 2001 (n. 1930).


  • Father's Day in Spain and many other countries.
  • Las Fallas in Valencia.
  • Peasant fair in San José de Suaita (Colombia) in honor of the village pattern.
  • Patron Festival in Villa Insurgentes in the San José del Calabazal parish.
  • Fiestas Patronales en la “Capital Folclórica de Venezuela” Elorza, del Estado Apure.
  • International Craft Day.
  • Carpenter's Day.
  • University Worker Day in Venezuela.
  • Day of Health Care and Conductor Assistant (Chile)
  • Day of the Province of Cadiz (Spain).
  • Underwater Day in Russia.

Catholic saints list

  • Saint Joseph of Nazareth.
  • San Juan de Parranoabad (f. s. VI).
  • beato Isnardo de Chiampo, priest (f. 1244).
  • beato Andrés Gallerani (f. 1251).
  • beato Juan de Parma Buralli, priest (f. 1289).
  • beata Sibilina Biscossi(f. 1367).
  • Beato Marcos de Marchio de Montegallo, priest (f. 1496).
  • beato Narcis Turchan, priest and martyr (f. 1942).
  • beato Marcelo Callomartyr (f. 1945).

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