March 17


March 17 is the 76th (seventy-sixth) day of the year in the Gregorian calendar and the 77th in leap years. There are 289 days left to end the year.


  • 45 B.C.: In the battle of Munda, in his last victory, Julius Caesar defeats the Polish forces of Titus Labieno and Pompeyo the Young.
  • 180: Marco Aurelio dies, leaving Comfort as the only emperor of the Roman Empire.
  • 455: In Ancient Rome, with the support of the Roman Senate, Petronio Máximo succeeds Valentinian III as emperor of the Roman Empire of the West.
  • 1001: In the Philippines, the majarás of Bhutan sends a tax mission to the Song dynasty (in China).
  • 1452: on the Iberian peninsula, Christian troops conquer the kingdom of Murcia after their victory in the battle of Los Alporchones.
  • 1564: in France, Enrique de Valois receives the title of Duke of Orleans.
  • 1586: Ecuador founded the Central University, the largest in the country.
  • 1734: in New Spain, Juan Antonio Vizarrón and Eguiarreta occupy the position of virrey, replacing Juan de Acuña.
  • 1749: In England, at the Covent Garden Theatre in London, Georg Friedrich Händel presents his oratory entitled Solomon.
  • 1776: The Boston siege ends, during the U.S. War of Independence, the British evacuate the city and take refuge in Halifax.
  • 1800: After a long investigation, Alessandro Volta sends a letter to the Royal Society of London, revealing its invention, the electric stack.
  • 1805: the Italian Republic, with Napoleon as president, becomes the Kingdom of Italy, with Napoleon as king.
  • 1808: In Aranjuez, Spain, there is a popular uprising—the riot of Aranjuez. The supporters of Fernando VII de Borbón assault the palace of Manuel Godoy. This fact will provoke the abdication of Carlos IV of Spain in favor of his son Fernando.
  • 1811: Chile dissolves the Government Board of the Kingdom (chaired by Fernando Márquez de la Plata) and forms the Superior Board of Government (with Juan Martínez de Rozas as president).
  • 1830: in the National Theatre of Warsaw (Poland), pianist Frédéric Chopin makes his first soloist performance Concert in minor fa.
  • 1840: On Norfolk Island, Alexander Maconochie assumes the command of the British criminal settled on the island.
  • 1852: Anníbale de Gasparis discovers the 16th asteroid, the one that baptizes Psiquis.
  • 1855: In Brazil the city of Aracayú is founded.
  • 1861: the states of the Italian peninsula and the Two Sicilies join in forming the Kingdom of Italy, governed by Victor Manuel II. The proclamation establishes, among other things, the flag of Italy, used to date.
  • 1893: Auguste Charlois discovers an asteroid named Padua, the 363rd of the series.
  • 1901: In Paris (France) there are 71 works by Vincent van Gogh, who died 11 years earlier; this exhibition gave a strong boost to the painter's fame.
  • 1905: in Germany, Albert Einstein sends to the magazine Annalen der Physik the first of his revolutionary articles on physics.
  • 1913: the Uruguayan Air Force is established.
  • 1914: in the province of Santa Fe (Argentina), León Laborde Boy founded what would later be called the people of Labordeboy.
  • 1923: in Peru, José Carlos Mariátegui returns to the country, after three years of exile for his criticism of the government of Augusto Leguía.
  • 1923: in Russia the international airline Aeroflot is created, the most recognized of its time
  • 1932: in Spain the PCE celebrates the IV Congress, first from its departure from the underground to which it was subjected during the dictatorships.
  • 1938: in Belarus, due to its large size, the city of Minsk is organized in three districts: Kahanovichski-Kastrychnitsky (since 1957), Stalinsky-Zavodski (since 1961) and Varashylauski-Savetski (since 1961).
  • 1941: In Washington City, President Franklin D. Roosevelt opened the National Art Gallery.
  • 1942: In the framework of the Holocaust, in the camp of extermination of Belzec (in what is today the East of Poland), the Nazis “gave” the first Jews, coming from the ghetto of Lvov.
  • 1948: in Mexicali, Mexico, the Mexicali Eagles baseball club is created.
  • 1950: at Berkeley (California), researchers at the University of California announce the creation of element 98, which they call California.
  • 1953: At the Nevada Test Site, the United States detonates the 16 kiloton Annie atomic bomb. It's the first bomb (eleven) of Operation Upshot-Knothole. This atomic explosion is the first to be televised for the whole nation. Eight shelters were tested for residential bombs, fifty cars at various distances from the hypocentre, and two wooden houses.
  • 1956: in Israel, a Palestinian group kills 12 passengers from a bus.
  • 1957: in Cebu (Philippines) President Ramón Magsaysay and the Fierro dies and 24 other people in an accident on the Douglas C-47 plane they were traveling in.
  • 1958: United States launches Vanguard 1The second satellite in that country.
  • 1958: in Santiago de Chile, the director general of Carabineros de Chile Jorge Ardiles Galdames creates the Carabineros Historical Museum of Chile.
  • 1959: the Dalai Lama (absolute Tibetan monarch) flees from his country and travels to India.
  • 1960: In Washington, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signs the directive for the National Security Council on a covert action program against Cuba, which will trigger the attempted invasion of Playa Girón (ordained by President John F. Kennedy), in which the United States will be defeated.
  • 1963: In Bali the Agung volcano erupted; more than 1100 people died.
  • 1963: in Bogotá, Colombia, RTI Televisión begins to broadcast its first programs.
  • 1964: Spain air accident of a DC-3 plane, in the village of La Esperanza near the Tinerfeño airport of Los Rodeos, when attempting a night landing, causing the death of four crew members and a score of wounded, including the then Minister of Labour, Jesús Romeo Gorría, and other senior officials and journalists.
  • 1966: On the Mediterranean coast of Spain, the American submarine Alvin finds the hydrogen bomb that had fallen from an airplane.
  • 1968: four days after a jet spread nevious gas into a chemical and biological weapons test base of the U.S. Army near Dugway, Utah; the first of about 6000 sheep bodies are found, in what would be known as the Skull Valley sheep slaughter.
  • 1969: In Israel, Golda Meir became the first female prime minister of Israel.
  • 1970: In Washington, the U.S. Army judicially prosecutes 14 officers for hiding information about the My Lai massacre, in which dozens of U.S. soldiers raped and tortured hundreds of civilians to death (mainly women and children).
  • 1973: Vietnam, after defeating the United States in the Vietnam War, drives out most of the few remaining American invaders.
  • 1973: In the Venezuelan city of Maracaibo, Colombian boxer Kid Pambelé retains the title of world champion in the junior drum category, in front of the Argentine retator Nicolino Locche.
  • 1973: In London, UK, the new London Bridge is opened.
  • 1976: Wilfred Benítez defeats Antonio Cervantes and gains the world title Junior drum of the World Boxing Association, with 17 years he is the youngest champion in history.
  • 1977: Colombia and Costa Rica sign the Fernández-Facio Treatywhich establishes its maritime borders.
  • 1981 Born Nicky Jam, Cantante and American Composer.
  • 1985: in Los Angeles, California, serial killer Richard Ramirez commits his first two murders.
  • 1987: in Spain, the Academy of Arts and Film Sciences holds the first award of the Goya Awards.
  • 1988: On a mountain on the border between Colombia and Venezuela, a Boeing 727 plane from the Avianca airline is crashed; 143 people die.
  • 1992: in Buenos Aires, Argentina, a car bomb explodes in front of the Israeli embassy and leaves 29 dead and 242 wounded.
  • 1997: In the United States, Toonami, a programming block of Cartoon Network, was inaugurated.
  • 1997: In Atlanta, the CNN cable channel is opened in Spanish.
  • 2000: In Uganda, 540 members of the sect of the Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God die in a fire orchestrated by the leaders of the sect: Joseph Kibwetere (67) and Credonia Mwerinde (47). A further 248 members were killed later.
  • 2002: The United States launches the GRACE mission (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment).
  • 2003: In London, United Kingdom, Robin Cook (Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs) resigns from the British cabinet in disagreement with the government's plans to invade Iraq.
  • 2004: in Kosovo there are riots that leave 22 dead and more than 200 wounded. In one day, Catholics destroy 35 Serbian Orthodox shrines in Kosovo and 2 Muslim mosques.
  • 2010: in Costa Rica the Popular Vanguard party is dissolved.
  • 2011: In New York, the United Nations Security Council adopted resolution 1972 (relative to Somalia), and resolution 1973 (relative to Libyan civil war).
  • 2013: a meteoroid of the size of a small rock collide on the lunar surface on the Mare Imbrium, and caused an explosion ten times brighter than all that had been observed so far.
  • 2021: Spanish composer Antón García Abril died.


  • 763: Harun al-Rashid, Abbasid caliph of Baghdad (f. 809).
  • 1231: Shijō, Japanese emperor (f. 1242).
James IV of Scotland
  • 1473: James IV, Scottish king (f. 1513).
  • 1628: François Girardon, French sculptor (f. 1715).
  • 1665: Elisabeth Jacquet de La Guerre, French composer and filmmaker (f. 1729).
  • 1686: Jean-Baptiste Oudrý, French painter (f. 1755).
  • 1766: Matías de Córdova, Mexican religious and political (f. 1828).
  • 1768: Isidoro Máiquez spanish actor (f. 1820).
  • 1777: Patrick Brontë, Irish writer and pastor (f. 1861).
  • 1794: Gabriel Antonio Pereira, Uruguayan president (f. 1861).
  • 1804: Jim Bridger, American leather merchant and explorer (f. 1881).
  • 1805: Manuel García, Spanish baritone (f. 1906).
Gottlieb Daimler
  • 1834: Gottlieb Daimler, German engineer and businessman, co-founder of Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft (f. 1900).7
  • 1839: Josef Rheinberger, organist and composer of Hachtensteiniano-German (f. 1901).
  • 1843: Patricio Escobar, a military and a Paraguayan politician (f. 1912).
  • 1846: Kate Greenaway, British writer and illustrator (f. 1901).
  • 1849: Charles F. Brush, American businessman and philanthropist, arch lamp coventor (f. 1929).
  • 1849: Cornelia Clapp, American marine biologist (f. 1934).
  • 1856: Mikhail Vrúbel, Russian painter (f. 1910).
  • 1858: Policarpo Bonilla, politician and Honduran president (f. 1926).
  • 1862: Silvio Gesell, anarchist and German economist (f. 1930).
  • 1877: Frank Castleman, American football coach (f. 1946).
  • 1877: Otto Gross, psychoanalyst and Austrian-German philosopher (f. 1920).
  • 1879: Walter Kirchhoff, German tenor (f. 1951).
Lawrence Oates
  • 1880: Guillermo Uribe Holguín was a composer, violinist and Colombian musical teacher. (f. 1971).
  • 1880: Lawrence Oates, military and British polar explorer (f. 1912).
  • 1881: Walter Rudolf Hess, Swiss psychologist and academic, nobel prize for medicine (f. 1973).
  • 1883: Urmuz, Romanian judge and writer (f. 1923).
  • 1884: Alcide Nunez, American clarinetist (f. 1934).
  • 1885: Ralph Rose, American athlete (f. 1913).
  • 1888: Paul Ramadier, French politician and lawyer, Prime Minister of France (f. 1961).
  • 1889: Harry Clarke, a glass artist and Irish illustrator (f. 1931).
  • 1892: Sayed Darwish, Egyptian musician and composer (f. 1923).
  • 1894: Paul Green, American playwright and academic (f. 1981).
  • 1895: Patricio Arabolaza, Spanish footballer (f. 1935).
  • 1901: Alfred Newman, American composer (f. 1970).
  • 1902: Bobby Jones, American golfer (f. 1971).
  • 1904: Patrick Hamilton, British writer (f. 1962).
  • 1906: Brigitte Helm, Swiss-German actress (f. 1996).
  • 1907: Takeo Miki, Japanese politician, 41st Prime Minister of Japan (f. 1988).
  • 1912: Bayard Rustin, American activist (f. 1987).
  • 1914: Sammy Baugh, American football player and coach (f. 2008).
  • 1914: Juan Carlos Onganía, Argentine military, dictator between 1966 and 1970 (f. 1995).
  • 1915: Bill Roycroft, Australian Olympic rider (f. 2011).
  • 1916: Volodia Teitelboim, a Chilean writer, politician and lawyer (f. 2008).
Nat King Cole
  • 1919: Nat King Cole American singer, pianist and presenter (f. 1965)
  • 1920: Manuel Zapata Olivella, was a doctor, anthropologist and Colombian writer. (f. 2004).
  • 1920: José Tomás Sánchez, Cardinal Filipino (f. 2012).
  • 1920: Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Bangladeshi politician, 1.o president of his country (f. 1975).
  • 1920: Olga Orozco, an Argentine poet (f. 1999).
  • 1921: Meir Amit, Israeli general and political (f. 2009).
  • 1925: Gabriele Ferzetti, an Italian actor (f. 2015).
  • 1926: Siegfried Lenz, German writer (f. 2014).
  • 1927: Betty Allen, American soprano and educator (f. 2009).
  • 1927: Francisco González Ledesma, a Spanish writer (f. 2015).
  • 1929: Nelly Panizza, an Argentine actress (f. 2010).
  • 1930: Paul Horn, American flutist (f. 2014).
  • 1930: James B. Irwin, American astronaut (f. 1991).
  • 1930: José Migliore, pilot of Argentine cars.
  • 1933: Penelope Lively, British writer.
  • 1936: Ken Mattingly, American military and astronaut.
  • 1938: Rudolf Nuréyev, Russian dancer and choreographer (f. 1993).
  • 1938: Keith O'Brien, Scottish Cardinal (f. 2018).
  • 1939: Bill Graham, Canadian politician.
  • 1939: Alejandro Lozano, Spanish artist (f. 2003).
  • 1939: Giovanni Trapattoni, footballer and Italian coach.
  • 1942: John Wayne Gacy, American serial killer (f. 1994).
  • 1944: Pattie Boyd, American model and photographer.
  • 1944: Cito Gaston, American baseball player and manager.
  • 1944: John Sebastian, American singer, composer and guitarist.
  • 1944: Juan Ramón Verón, Argentine soccer player.
  • 1945: Michael Hayden, American general.
  • 1945: Elis Regina, Brazilian singer (f. 1982).
  • 1945: José Watanabe, Peruvian poet (f. 2007).
  • 1947: James Morrow, American writer.
  • 1948: William Gibson, Canadian writer and writer.
  • 1949: Patrick Duffy, American actor.
  • 1949: Pat Rice, Irish soccer player and coach.
  • 1949: Manuel Rodríguez Tablas, diplomat, politician and Peruvian university professor.
  • 1951: Scott Gorham, American musician, Thin Lizzy.
Kurt Russell
  • 1951: Kurt Russell, American actor.
  • 1952: Barry Horne, British activist (f. 2001).
  • 1952: Perla, Paraguayan-Brazilian singer.
  • 1953: Romualdo Brito, was a Colombian musician and composer of vallenato (f. 2020).
  • 1954: Marta Albertini, Uruguayan actress.
  • 1954: Lesley-Anne Down, British actress.
  • 1955: Mark Boone Junior, American actor.
  • 1955: Josep Maria Margall, Spanish basketball player.
  • 1955: Cynthia McKinney, American politics.
Gary Sinise
  • 1955: Gary Sinise, actor, director and U.S. bassist.
  • 1956: Frank McGarvey, footballer and British football coach (f. 2023).
  • 1958: José Manuel Abascal, Spanish athlete.
  • 1958: Carlos Martini (periodist), journalist, sociologist and Paraguayan writer
  • 1959: Danny Ainge, basketball player and American coach.
  • 1960: Francisco Acuyo, Spanish poet and writer.
  • 1960: Arye Gross, American actor.
  • 1961: Alexander Bard, Swedish singer and composer, of the bands Army of Lovers, Vacuum and Bodies Without Organs.
  • 1961: Sam Bowie, American basketball player.
  • 1961: Dana Reeve, American actress, singer and activist (f. 2006).
  • 1962: Esteban Arce, Mexican radio and television driver.
  • 1962: Patricia Etchegoyen, an Argentine actress.
  • 1962: Janet Gardner, American singer and guitarist.
  • 1962: Roxy Petrucci, drummer and American music.
  • 1962: Pello Ruiz Cabestany, Spanish cyclist.
  • 1962: Juana Cordero, Spanish actress.
  • 1964: Stefano Borgonovo, Italian footballer (f. 2013).
  • 1964: Lee Dixon, British footballer.
Rob Lowe.
  • 1964: Rob Lowe, American actor and producer.
  • 1964: Jacques Songo'o, soccer player and Cameroonian coach.
  • 1966: José García, Spanish-French actor.
  • 1966: Jeremy Sheffield, British actor and dancer.
  • 1967: Van Conner, U.S. bassist, Screaming Trees band.
  • 1967: Billy Corgan, American musician, from the band The Smashing Pumpkins.
  • 1968: Mathew St. Patrick, American actor.
  • 1969: Alexander McQueen, British fashion designer (f. 2010).
  • 1970: Yanic Truesdale, Canadian actor.
  • 1970: Gene Ween, American guitarist, Ween band.
Mia Hamm.
  • 1972: Melissa Auf der Maur, singer, songwriter and Canadian bassist.
  • 1972: Mia Hamm, American footballer.
  • 1973: Rich White, Filipino guitarist, Rivermaya band.
  • 1973: Caroline Corr, Irish composer and percussionist, drummer of the band The Corrs.
  • 1974: Paty Díaz, Mexican actress and model.
  • 1974: Rodrigo José Carbone, Brazilian footballer.
  • 1974: Frode Johnsen, Norwegian footballer.
  • 1974: Serguéi Kravtsov, Russian politician since 21 January 2020, has served as Minister of Education of the Russian Federation.
  • 1975: Justin Hawkins, British musician, The Darkness band.
  • 1975: Gina Holden, Canadian actress.
  • 1975: Andrew Martin, Canadian professional fighter.
  • 1975: Natalie Zea, American actress.
  • 1976: Brittany Daniel, American actress.
  • 1976: Stephen Gately, Irish singer, composer and actor (f. 2009).
  • 1976: Alvaro Recoba, Uruguayan footballer.
  • 1976: Antoine van der Linden, Dutch footballer.
Pilar Rubio.
  • 1978: Pilar Rubio, actress, model and Spanish reporter.
  • 1978: Saša Stanišić, a Bosnian-German writer.
  • 1979: Nicole Coco Austin, American model and actress.
  • 1979: Stormy Daniels, American porn actress.
  • 1979: Sharman Joshi, Indian actor.
  • 1979: Stephen Kramer Glickman, actor, fashion designer and American live comedian.
  • 1979: Samoa Joe, American fighter.
  • 1980: Danny Califf, American footballer.
  • 1980: Katie Morgan, American porn actress.
  • 1980: Aisam-ul-Haq Qureshi, Pakistani tennis player.
  • 1981: Servet Çetin, Turkish footballer.
  • 1981: Leandro Romagnoli, Argentine footballer.
  • 1981: Kyle Korver, American basketball player.
  • 1981: José Serrano Arenas, Spanish footballer.
  • 1982: Steven Pienaar, South African footballer.
  • 1983: Raul Meireles, Portuguese footballer.
  • 1983: Matteo Paro, Italian footballer.
  • 1984: Ryan Rottman, American actor.
  • 1986: Chris Davis, American baseball player.
  • 1986: Edin Džeko, Bosnian footballer.
  • 1986: Miles Kane, British musician and guitarist, from the bands The Little Flames, The Rascals and The Last Shadow Puppets.
  • 1986: Olesya Rulin, Russian actress.
  • 1987: Federico Fazio, Argentine footballer.
  • 1987: Rob Kardashian, American television personality.
  • 1987: Francisca Valenzuela, Chilean singer and composer.
  • 1987: Patrick Ebert, German footballer.
  • 1988: Rasmus Elm, Swedish footballer.
  • 1988: Fraser Forster, British footballer.
  • 1988: Grimes, Canadian singer.
  • 1988: Davide Brivio, Italian footballer.
  • 1989: Arán de las Casas, a Venezuelan actor.
  • 1989: Shinji Kagawa, Japanese footballer.
  • 1989: Juan Lagares, Dominican baseball player.
  • 1990: Hozier, Irish singer.
  • 1990: Saina Nehwal, an Indian player in Chad.
  • 1990: Jean Segura, Dominican baseball player.
  • 1991: Antonio Luna Rodríguez, Spanish footballer.
  • 1991: Gabriel López Rodríguez, actor, singer, model and Venezuelan presenter.
  • 1992: John Boyega, British actor.
  • 1992: Yeltsin Tejeda, Costa Rican footballer.
  • 1993: Matteo Bianchetti, Italian footballer.
  • 1993: Simon Sluga, Croatian footballer.
  • 1993: Khouma el Babacar, a Senegalese footballer.
  • 1995: Thiago Martins Well, Brazilian footballer.
  • 1996: Viola Calligaris, Swiss footballer.
  • 1997: Katie Ledecky, American swimmer.
  • 1997: Paik Seung-ho, South Korean footballer.
  • 1997: Pablo Aránguiz, Chilean footballer.
  • 1997: Tommaso Fantacci, Italian footballer.
  • 1998: Luis Henrique, Brazilian footballer.
  • 2001: Pietro Pellegri, Italian footballer.
  • 2002: Manlio Moro, Italian cyclist.
  • 2004: Hugo Anglada, Spanish footballer.
  • 2007: Abdul Muntaqim, Prince of Brunéi.


  • 45 a. C.: Titus Labieno, military and Roman tribune (n. 100 B.C.).
Aurelio Framework
  • 180: Marco Aurelio, Roman emperor between 161 and 180 (n. 121).
  • 461: Patricio de Ireland, saint, Catholic missionary known as the patron saint of Ireland (n. 385).
  • 624: Amr ibn Hisham, Arab polytheist (n. 570).
  • 659: Gertrudis of Levelles, Franciscan religious (n. 626).
  • 1040: Haroldo Harefoot, son of Canuto the Great, king dynamarquis (n. 1015).
  • 1058: Lulach I, Scottish king, son of Macbeth of Scotland (n. 1030).
  • 1270: Philip of Montfort, knight and French aristocrat (n. 1206).
  • 1272: Go-Saga, Japanese emperor (n. 1220).
  • 1425: Ashikaga Yoshikazu, Japanese shogun (n. 1407).
  • 1516: Julian II de Médicis, son of Lorenzo de Médicis (n. 1479).
  • 1620: John Sarkander, Polish priest and saint (n. 1576).
  • 1640: Philip Massinger, British playwright (n. 1583).
  • 1649: Gabriel Lalemant, a French missionary and martyr (n. 1610).
  • 1663: Jerome Weston, English diplomat (n. 1605).
  • 1680: François de La Rochefoucauld, a French writer (n. 1613).
Jean-Baptiste Rousseau.
  • 1741: Jean-Baptiste Rousseau, French poet and playwright (n. 1671).
  • 1782: Daniel Bernoulli, Swiss mathematician (n. 1700).
  • 1815: Matthew Pumacahua, a Spanish soldier of the Incaic Nobility, decapitated by charge of treason to the King by the Cuzco authorities (n. 1740).
  • 1828: James Edward Smith, British botanist and entomologist (n. 1759).
  • 1830: Laurent de Gouvion Saint-Cyr, French Marshal (n. 1764).
  • 1846: Friedrich Bessel, German mathematician and astronomer (n. 1784).
  • 1849: William II, Dutch king (n. 1792).
  • 1853: Christian Doppler, Austrian mathematician and physical (n. 1803).
  • 1861: Victory of Saxony-Coburg-Saalfeld, German aristocrat (n. 1787).
  • 1862: Jacques Fromental Halévy, French composer (n. 1799).
  • 1871: Robert Chambers, Scottish geologist and publicist (n. 1802).
  • 1875: Ferdinand Laub, a violinist and Czech composer (n. 1832).
  • 1876: Ignacio Merino, Peruvian painter (n. 1817).
  • 1886: Pierre-Jules Hetzel, French editor (n. 1814).
  • 1893: Jules Ferry, a French politician (n. 1832).
  • 1906: Johann Most, German anarchist (n. 1846).
  • 1913: Soledad Acosta de Samper, was one of the most prolific writers of the nineteenth century in Colombia. (n. 1833).
  • 1917: Franz Brentano, German philosopher and psychologist (n. 1838).
  • 1917: Heliodoro Castillo, Mexican military (n. 1887).
  • 1917: Marjan Raciborski, botanist, taxonomy and Polish phytogeographer (n. 1863).
  • 1926: Alekséi Brusilov, Russian general (n. 1853).
  • 1927: Victorine Meurent, French painter and painter (n. 1844).
  • 1937: Arturo Álvarez-Buylla Godino, a Spanish military officer (n. 1895).
  • 1937: Austen Chamberlain, British politician, Nobel Peace Prize in 1925 (n. 1863).
  • 1941: Nicolae Titulescu, a Romanian diplomat (n. 1882).
  • 1940: Mario Bravo, Argentine politician (n. 1882).
  • 1942: Alfredo Piwonka, Chilean politician (n. 1887)
  • 1946: Dai Li, Chinese General (n. 1897).
  • 1946: William Merz, American gymnast (n. 1878).
  • 1953: Conrado del Campo, Spanish composer (n. 1878).
  • 1956: Fred Allen, actor, comedian, writer and American writer (n. 1894).
  • 1956: Irène Joliot-Curie, French chemistry, nobel chemistry award in 1935 (n. 1897).
  • 1957: Ramón Magsaysay, militar, politician and Filipino president (n. 1907).
  • 1958: John Pius Boland, Irish tennis player and politician (n. 1870).
  • 1960: Fernando Alvarez de Sotomayor, a Spanish painter (n. 1875).
  • 1961: Susanna M. Salter, American activist and policy (n. 1860).
  • 1965: Amos Alonzo Stagg, American football player and coach (n. 1862).
  • 1969: Frederick Garfield Gilmore, American boxer (n. 1887).
  • 1969: Daniel Vázquez Díaz, a Spanish painter (n. 1882).
  • 1970: Jesús Álvarez, a Spanish journalist (n. 1926).
  • 1970: Jérôme Carcopino, French historian (n. 1881).
  • 1971: Augustine Pedro Pons, Spanish doctor (n. 1898).
  • 1974: Louis Kahn, American architect (n. 1901).
  • 1975: Alfredo Silva Santiago, Chilean bishop (n. 1894).
Luchino Visconti
  • 1976: Luchino Visconti, Italian filmmaker (n. 1906).
  • 1979: Giacomo Lauri-Volpi, Italian tenor (n. 1892).
  • 1983: Haldan Keffer Hartline, U.S. physiologist, Nobel Prize for Medicine (n. 1903).
  • 1985: Carlos Arturo Mullin, Uruguayan religious (n. 1914).
  • 1985: Bernardo Sepúlveda Gutiérrez. Mexican physician and academic (n. 1912).
  • 1987: Santo Trafficante, Jr., American gangster (n. 1914).
  • 1988: Nikolas Asimos, Greek singer (n. 1949).
  • 1990: Capucine (Germaine Lefebvre), French actress (n. 1931).
  • 1990: Ric Grech, British drummer of Blind Faith and Traffic bands (n. 1946).
  • 1991: Pilar Primo de Rivera, director of the Women's Section of the Spanish Falange (n. 1907).
Helen Hayes.
  • 1993: Helen Hayes, American actress (n. 1900).
  • 1994: Mai Zetterling, Swedish actress and filmmaker (n. 1925).
  • 1995: Rick Aviles, American actor (n. 1952).
  • 1995: José María Forqué, director of Spanish cinema (n. 1923).
  • 1996: René Clément, French filmmaker (n. 1913).
  • 1997: Jermaine Stewart, American singer and composer (n. 1957).
  • 1999: Humberto Fernández Morán, a Venezuelan scientist (n. 1924).
  • 1999: Ernest Gold, American composer (n. 1921).
  • 2002: Van Tien Dung, general and political Vietnamese (n. 1917).
  • 2003: Alfonso Alexander Hernández, Mexican veterinarian (n. 1911).
  • 2003: Juan Héctor Hunziker, botanist and Argentine geneticist (n. 1925).
  • 2005: Lalo Guerrero, Mexican composer (n. 1916).
  • 2005: George F. Kennan, American diplomat and historian (n. 1904).
  • 2005: Andre Norton, American writer (n. 1912).
  • 2005: Fernando von Reichenbach, Argentine engineer and inventor (n. 1931).
  • 2006: Oleg Cassini, American fashion designer (n. 1913).
  • 2006: Ray Meyer, American basketball player (n. 1913).
  • 2006: Adolfo Rincón de Arellano García, a Spanish cardiologist and politician (n. 1910).
  • 2007: John Backus, American computer engineer, Fortran language designer (n. 1924).
  • 2008: José Castillo Farreras, lawyer, professor and Mexican philosopher (n. 1930).
  • 2009: Clodovil Hernandes, stylist, television presenter and Brazilian politician (n. 1937).
  • 2010: Alex Chilton, American composer and guitarist, of the Box Tops and Big Star bands (n. 1950).
  • 2011: Michael Gough, British actor (n. 1916).
  • 2012: John Demjanjuk (Iván Mikoláiovich Demianiuk), a Ukrainian-born Nazi genocidal (n. 1920).
  • 2012: Shenouda III, Egyptian religious, Pope of the Copts between 1971 and 2012 (n. 1923).
  • 2014: Joseph Kerman, American musicologist and critic (n. 1924).
  • 2015: Juan Claudio Cifuentes, Franco-Spanish musical critic (n. 1941).
  • 2016: Meir Dagan, Israeli military officer (n. 1945).
  • 2017: Derek Walcott, poet and playwright, nobel literature award in 1992 (n. 1930).
  • 2019: Dick Dale, American guitarist (n. 1937).
  • 2020: Lyle Waggoner, American actor (n. 1935).
  • 2020: Betty Williams, Irish pacifist, Nobel Peace Prize in 1976 (n. 1943).
  • 2021: John Magufuli, politician, mathematician and chemist from Tanzania between 2015 and 2021 (n. 1959).
  • 2021: Vicente Rojo Almazán, Mexican painter (n. 1932).
  • 2021: Antón García Abril, Spanish composer (n. 1933).


  • Saint Patrick's Day, patron saint's party in honor of Saint Patrick.
  • Thailand: Muay Thai Day.

Roman festivals

  • 2nd day of the Bacchanals, honoring Bacchus.
  • Liberalia, honoring Liber.

Catholic saints list

  • Saint Patrick of Ireland, bishop (f. 461)
  • martyrs in Alexandria (f. c. 392)
  • San Agricultural of Chalons, bishop (f. 580)
  • Santa Gertrudis de Levellesabadesa (f. 659)
  • Saint Paul of Cyprus, monk (f. v. 770)
  • Beato Conrado de Modugno (f. c. 1154)
  • San Juan Sarkander, priest and martyr (f. 1620)
  • San Gabriel Lalemant, priest (f. 1649)
  • Blessed Juan Nepomuceno Zegri and Moreno, presbyter (f. 1905)

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