March 13


March 13 is the 72nd (seventy-second) day of the year in the Gregorian calendar and the 73rdᵉʳ (seventy-third) in leap years. There are 293 days left to end the year.


  • 222: Alexander Severo is proclaimed Roman emperor.
  • 624: In the Hejaz region of Western Arabia, the new followers of Mohammed beat the Quraysh tribe of Mecca in the important battle of Badr.
  • 874: In the Church of the Holy Apostles of Constantinople (Turkey), the bones of Saint Nicephorus were buried.
  • 1138: Cardinal Gregorio Conti is elected Pope with the name of Victor IV happening to Pope Anacleto II. At present, they are all considered antipapas.
  • 1192: issue of the papal bula "cum universi" by Pope Celestino III.
  • 1328: In Navarre, Philip of Evreux and Joan II are enthroned as kings.
  • 1567: the battle of Oosterweel begins, traditionally regarded as the beginning of the Eighty Years War.
  • 1591: the battle of Tondibi in Mali is waged, the Moroccan forces of the Saadi dynasty led by Judar Pasha defeat the Empirehai song despite being overcome in number at least five to one.
  • 1604: a fire destroys part of the Royal Palace of El Pardo (Madrid), losing numerous works of art.
  • 1639: Harvard College receives its name in homage to clergy John Harvard.
  • 1697: the city of Nojpetén (Tayasal), capital of the Mayan kingdom itzá, falls before the Spanish conquerors. It is the final step of the conquest of Guatemala.
  • 1741: In Cartagena de Indias, during the so-called War of the Sea, the battle begins in which Blas de Lezo, counting on 6 ships, 2830 men and 990 artillery pieces defeats the British fleet in command of Edward Vernon with 180 boats, 23 600 fighters and about 3000 pieces armed; most of the deaths of both sides were due to an epidemic of yellow fever.
  • 1781: In Bath (England), German astronomer William Herschel (1738-1822) discovers the planet Uranus.
  • 1809: In Sweden, a coup against King Gustavo IV, who is deposed by disagreements with his Anglofil policy.
  • 1821: Victor Manuel de Saboya abdicates in his brother Carlos Félix.
  • 1831: in the Mexican Republic the State of the West is separated (formed by Sonora and Sinaloa) and the State of Sonora is formed.
  • 1831: Night of the Bottles, trim between Brazilians and Portuguese in Rio de Janeiro that would aggravate tensions between the two groups.
  • 1841: The railway from Seville to Cadiz is inaugurated in Spain.
  • 1845: in Leipzig the Concert for violin of Felix Mendelssohn, with Ferdinand David as a soloist.
  • 1862: In the framework of the U.S. Civil War, the Government prohibits the return of fugitive slaves by the anti-slavery armies of the North, in fact annulling the Law of Fugitive Slaves of 1850, and establishing the framework for the proclamation of the emancipation of slaves.
  • 1865: In the framework of the U.S. Civil War, the enslaved confederate army began to use African-American soldiers as a "barrel.
  • 1881: tsar Alexander II is killed in Russia by a bomb attack.
  • 1884: The Khartoum site begins in Sudan. It will end on January 26, 1885.
  • 1888: In New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts and Connecticut, the 1888 Grand Snowstorm continues from the day before yesterday, with winds of 72 km/h. Until tomorrow more than 120 cm will fall, making people locked in their homes for a week.
  • 1897: In California, the State University of San Diego is founded.
  • 1900: In the Free State of Orange (South Africa)—in the framework of the Second War, the British army occupies the city of Bloemfontein.
  • 1900: in France, a law limits to 11 hours the working day of men and women.
  • 1900: The Spanish Courts approve a law regulating the work of women and children.
  • 1902: in Spain, it resigns the Cabinet chaired by Práxedes Mateo Sagasta.
  • 1902: in Madrid (Spain), the first car, belonging to the Marquis de Bolaños, is registered.
  • 1904: On the border between Argentina and Chile, the statue of Christ the Redeemer is inaugurated, putting an end to some clashes between those two countries.
  • 1913: In Sonora, Mexico, the Constitutionalist Revolution began at the command of the first head Venustiano Carranza.
  • 1920: early in the incipient Republic of Weimar (Germany), Wolfgang Kapp (a right-wing politician) and General Walther von Lüttwitz perpetrated a coup d'etat (the Kapp-Putsch). In the following days hundreds of workers from the Communist Party of Germany will be killed. March 17 will be suffocated.
  • 1921: the Asian country of Mongolia is independent of China. The Russian military dictator, Roman von Ungern-Sternberg declares the monarchy.
  • 1925: in the state of Tennessee (United States) a law prohibits the teaching of the theory of evolution of Charles Darwin for contradicting the Judeo-Christian dogma of Creation.
  • 1925: In Mexico, the regiments Vicente Lombardo Toledano and Juan Rico choose this date to celebrate the 600th anniversary of the foundation of Mexico-Tenochtitlan.
  • 1930: The news of Pluto's discovery is telegraphed at the Harvard College Observatory.
  • 1933: In the United States—in the framework of the Great Depression, banks begin to reopen after President Franklin D. Roosevelt decrees a bank fair.
  • 1940: As part of the Second World War, the Winter War between the Soviet Union and Finland ends.
  • 1943: in the framework of the Holocaust, the German Nazi army liquidated the Jewish Ghetto of Krakow.
  • 1954: In current Vietnam, the independence forces of the Viet Minh attack the French invaders.
  • 1957: In Havana, Cuba, the attack on the presidential palace by the students of the Revolutionary Board with the aim of killing the dictator Fulgencio Batista. The police kill José Antonio Echeverría in an ambush in front of the University of Havana.
  • 1960: in Buenos Aires, Argentina, President Arturo Frondizi introduced the plan Conintes (Internal Concussion of the State) - a state of siege, application of the Code of Military Justice to the civilian citizen, military jurisdiction over the provincial police - and again puts into force Decree 4161 of the dictatorship of Aramburu: it is forbidden to pronounce the name of the "profugue shooter" (John Domingo Perón).
  • 1962: Lyman Lemnitzer, president of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, makes a proposal, called Operation Northwoods, to Defense Secretary Robert McNamara. The proposal is discarded and President John F. Kennedy withdraws Lemnitzer from his post.
  • 1964: in New York (United States) a serial killer stabbed Kitty Genovese. People who attended her murder did nothing to help her or call the police. It is considered a case of spectating effect (which will be called “Genovese syndrome” from that year).
  • 1968: at the U.S. Army chemical and biological weapons test base in Utah state, a jet spreads nerve gas, which in the following days will produce the Skull Valley sheep slaughter, in which 6000 sheep will die.
  • 1969: Under the Apollo program, the American spacecraft Apollo 9 returns to Earth after testing the lunar module.
  • 1979: In Granada, the New Jewel movement (‘new united effort for well-being, education and liberation’), led by Maurice Bishop, is a coup against Prime Minister Eric Gairy.
  • 1986: The United States launches the Giotto spacecraft (unmanned) into Halley comet.
  • 1988: between the cities of Aomori and Hakodate (Japan) the Seikan tunnel, the longest submarine tunnel in the world, is inaugurated.
  • 1989: a solar storm hits Quebec (Canada), six million people are affected by a large blackout that lasts 90 seconds, as the Montreal power grid paralysed for more than nine hours, causing losses of hundreds of millions of dollars.
  • 1991: The United States Department of Justice announces that Exxon has agreed to pay $1 billion for the cleaning of Exxon Valdez's oil spill in Alaska.
  • 1996: In Scotland (United Kingdom) the Dunblane Massacre happens.
  • 2003: the magazine Nature reports that traces of an erect human of 350 000 years old were found in Italy.
  • 2010: in Buenos Aires (Argentina) the solidarity concert Argentina embraces Chile to collect food and materials intended to help the victims of the 2010 Chilean earthquake.
  • 2013: In the Vatican City, the 2013 Conclave chooses as a Pope S. E. R. Monsignor Jorge Mario Cardenal Bergoglio, from Argentina, who adopts the name of Francis.
  • 2015: In Valparaíso, at about 15:30 local time, a fire begins that with the course of the hours is considered a zone of catastrophe to the city of Valparaíso, firefighters from different localities and even Santiago travel to the area. The catastrophe has characteristics very similar to that of 11 months ago, the Great Fire of Valparaiso, which occurred on 12 April 2014.
  • 2020: Donald Trump declares national emergency in the United States by COVID-19 and the beginning of COVID-19 confinement in Spain.


  • 1372: Luis de Valois, French aristocrat (f. 1407).
  • 1593: Georges de La Tour, French painter (f. 1652).
  • 1615: Inocencio XII, Italian Catholic Pope (f. 1700).
  • 1683: John Theophilus Desaguliers, an Anglo-French philosopher (f. 1744).
  • 1696: Louis François Armand de Vignerot du Plessis, French aristocrat (f. 1788).
  • 1720: Charles Bonnet, Swiss biologist and philosopher (f. 1793).
  • 1733: Joseph Priestley, British scientist and minister (f. 1804).
  • 1741: Joseph II of Habsburg, king of Hungary (f. 1790).
  • 1753: Luisa María Adelaida de Borbón, aristocrat french (f. 1821).
  • 1764: Charles Grey, British politician (f. 1845).
  • 1769: Fernando Camborda, Spanish writer (f. 1823).
  • 1781: Karl Friedrich Schinkel, German architect, designed the Konzerthaus Berlin (f. 1841).
  • 1787: Pedro Sainz de Baranda and Borreiro, Mexican marine (f. 1845).
  • 1815: James Curtis Hepburn, American missionary and linguist (f. 1911).
  • 1825: Hans Gude, Norwegian painter (f. 1903).
  • 1830: José Marco and Sanchís, a Spanish writer (f. 1895).
  • 1855: Percival Lowell, American astronomer (f. 1916).
  • 1857: B. H. Roberts, American historian and politician (f. 1933).
  • 1860: Hugo Wolf, Austrian composer (f. 1903).
  • 1864: Alekséi von Jawlensky, Russian painter (f. 1941).
  • 1869: Ramón Menéndez Pidal, philologist, historian, folklorist and Spanish medievalist (f. 1968).
  • 1870: Henri Étiévant, French actor and director (f. 1953).
  • 1870: William Glackens, American painter (f. 1938).
  • 1879: Alfredo Kindelán, a Spanish military and aviator.
  • 1883: Enrico Toselli, Italian composer (f. 1926).
  • 1884: Hugh Walpole, British novelist (f. 1941).
  • 1885: Alejandro Oms, Cuban baseball player (f. 1946).
  • 1888: Antón Makárenko, pedagogue and Russian writer (f. 1939).
  • 1888: Paul Morand, French writer (f. 1976).
  • 1889: Pedro Leandro Ipuche, Uruguayan poet (f. 1976).
  • 1890: Fritz Busch, director of German orchestra and pianist (f. 1951).
  • 1892: Janet Flanner, American journalist and writer (f. 1978).
  • 1895: Juan Larrea, Spanish poet (f. 1980).
Bill of 1000 Armenian dramas in homage to the poet Yeghishe Charents.
  • 1897: Yeghishe Charents, Armenian poet (f. 1937).
  • 1898: Henry Hathaway, American filmmaker (f. 1985).
  • 1899: John Hasbrouck van Vleck, American physicist, Nobel Prize in Physics in 1977 (f. 1980).
  • 1900: Salote Tupou III, Queen of Tonga between 5 April 1918 and 16 December 1965 (f. 1965).
  • 1900: Yorgos Seferis, Greek poet, Nobel Prize in Literature in 1963 (f. 1971).
  • 1900: Béla Guttman, footballer and Hungarian coach (f. 1981).
  • 1902: Hans Bellmer, German sculptor (f. 1975).
  • 1907: María Pía de Saxony-Coburg Gotha and Braganza, writer, journalist and infanta of Portugal (f. 1995).
  • 1911: José Ardévol, Cuban composer of Spanish origin (f. 1981).
  • 1911: L. Ron Hubbard, American writer of science fiction, founder of the cult Cyenciology (f. 1986).
  • 1911: Marcelo Chávez, Mexican comic actor (f. 1970).
  • 1913: William Casey, American politician (f. 1987).
  • 1913: Serguéi Mijalkov, Russian writer (f. 2009).
  • 1913: Abraham Guillén, a Spanish anarchist (f. 1993).
  • 1914: Conchita Montes, a Spanish actress (f. 1994).
  • 1914: Giovanni Lilliu, Italian archaeologist (f. 2012).
  • 1916: Lindy Boggs, US policy (f. 2013).
  • 1916: Jacque Fresco, industrial designer and American philanthropist (f. 2017).
  • 1919: Irina Baronova, Russian dancer (f. 2008).
  • 1925: Angelo Conterno, Italian cyclist (f. 2007).
  • 1925: Medardo Fraile, Spanish writer and teacher (f. 2013).
  • 1925: Roy Haynes, American drummer.
  • 1926: Carlos Roberto Reina Idiáquez, a Honduran politician, president between 1994 and 1998 (f. 2003).
  • 1927: Alfredo Avelín, an Argentine politician (f. 2012).
  • 1929: Peter Breck, American actor (f. 2012).
  • 1930: Günther Uecker, German sculptor.
  • 1931: Rodrigo Rubio, Spanish writer (f. 2007).
  • 1935: Leslie Parrish, American actress.
  • 1937: Antonio Betancort, Spanish footballer (f. 2015).
  • 1938: Erma Franklin, American soul singer (f. 2002).
  • 1939: Jan, Spanish hysterist.
  • 1939: Neil Sedaka, American singer and pianist.
  • 1940: José Enrique Sarabia, singer, musician, composer, poet, publicist, television producer and Venezuelan political advisor. (f. 2022).
  • 1940: Alfonso Cortina, Spanish entrepreneur (f. 2020).
  • 1941: Charo, Spanish guitarist.
  • 1941: Mahmud Darwish, Palestinian poet and writer (f. 2008).
  • 1941: Donella Meadows, American environmental scientist and writer (f. 2001).
  • 1941: Manuel Reyes Millán (the Pozi), television character gaditano (f.2012).
  • 1942: Scatman John, American singer (f. 1999).
  • 1942: José Barrionuevo, Spanish politician.
  • 1943: André Téchiné, a French filmmaker and screenwriter.
  • 1944: Barbara Mujica, an Argentine actress (f. 1990).
  • 1945: Anatoli Fomenko, Russian mathematician.
  • 1945: Esteban Mellino, Argentine actor and humorist (f. 2008).
  • 1946: Yonatan Netanyahu, Israeli military (f. 1976).
  • 1946: Manolo Galván, an Argentine singer of Spanish origin (f. 2013).
  • 1949: Julia Migenes, American soprano.
  • 1949: Emmy Verhey, a Dutch violinist.
  • 1950: William H. Macy, American actor.
  • 1952: Wolfgang Rihm, German composer.
  • 1953: Ridley Pearson, American writer.
  • 1953: Deborah Raffin, American actress and producer (f. 2012).
  • 1954: Valerie Amos, British politician and diplomat.
  • 1955: Bruno Conti, Italian footballer.
  • 1955: Glenne Headly, American film and theatre actress (f. 2017).
  • 1956: Dana Delany, American actress.
  • 1958: Mágico González, a Salvadoran footballer.
  • 1959: Kathy Hilton, American fashion designer and actress.
  • 1959: Íñigo Liceranzu, Spanish footballer.
  • 1959: Nancy E. Soderberg, U.S. attorney, advisor and lobbyist.
  • 1960: Jorge Sampaoli, Argentine soccer coach.
  • 1960: Adam Clayton, British bassist and composer, of the U2 band.
  • 1960: Joe Ranft, animator, voice actor and American screenwriter (f. 2005).
  • 1960: Claudia Ruffinatti, Argentine singer and composer, of the band Viuda e Hijas de Roque Enroll.
  • 1960: Alonso Salazar, Colombian journalist and politician.
  • 1962: Terence Blanchard, trumpetist and American composer.
  • 1963: Fito Páez, musician and Argentine composer.
  • 1965: Miquel Soler, Spanish footballer.
  • 1966: Marcial Álvarez, Spanish actor.
  • 1967: Andrés Escobar, Colombian footballer (f. 1994).
  • 1968: Pepe Rodríguez Rey, Spanish cook.
  • 1970: Ray Reyes, Puerto Rican singer (f. 2021).
  • 1971: Carme Chacón, Spanish politics (f. 2017).
  • 1971: Annabeth Gish, American actress.
  • 1972: Common, American rapper, of the Soulquarians band.
  • 1972: Khujo, American rapper, Goodie Mob band.
  • 1973: Edgar Davids, a Dutch footballer of Surinamese origin.
  • 1973: David Draiman, American musician, of the Disturbed band.
  • 1974: Thomas Enqvist, Swedish tennis player.
  • 1974: Vampeta, Brazilian footballer.
  • 1975: Erika de La Vega, Venezuelan cheerleader.
  • 1976: James Dewees, American keynote player and songwriter, The Get Up Kids.
  • 1976: Troy Hudson, American basketball player.
  • 1976: Danny Masterson, American actor.
  • 1977: Walter Gaitán, Argentine soccer player.
  • 1977: Brent Sancho, footballer trinitense.
  • 1977: Kay Tse, singer, composer and actress of hongkonesa.
  • 1978: Adriana Nieto, Mexican actress.
  • 1978: Tom Danielson, American cyclist.
  • 1979: Johan Santana, Venezuelan baseball player.
  • 1979: Spanky G, American musician, Bloodhound Gang band.
  • 1979: Arkadiusz Głowacki, Polish footballer.
  • 1979: Gustavo García Eugenio, Spanish footballer.
  • 1979: Maher Al-Sayed, Syrian footballer.
  • 1980: Caron Butler, American basketball player.
  • 1980: Kira Miró, Spanish actress and presenter.
  • 1981: Toccara Jones, American model and actress.
  • 1981: Blas Pérez, Panamanian footballer.
  • 1981: April Matson, American actress and singer.
  • 1982: Lee Soo-kyung, South Korean actress.
  • 1982: Gisela Mota Ocampo, Mexican politics (f. 2016).
  • 1984: Steve Darcis, Belgian tennis player.
  • 1984: Marc Zwiebler, a German player of the Badminton.
  • 1984: Juan Ramón Rallo, Spanish economist
  • 1985: Alcides Araújo Alves, Brazilian footballer.
  • 1985: Emile Hirsch, American actor
  • 1985: Matt Jackson, American fighter
  • 1985: Alfonso Dosal, Mexican actor.
  • 1987: Marco Andretti, American racing pilot.
  • 1987: Andreas Beck, German footballer.
  • 1989: Holger Badstuber, German footballer.
  • 1989: Marko Marin, German footballer.
  • 1991: Eli Kim, South Korean singer, of the U-KISS band.
  • 1991: Tristan Thompson, Canadian basketball player
  • 1991: Kwon Nara, South Korean singer and actress.
  • 1992: Ozuna, actor and Puerto Rican singer.
  • 1992: Kaya Scodelario, British actress.
  • 1992: L, actor, singer and South Korean dancer.
  • 1992: Fran Sol, Spanish footballer.
  • 1992: Luca Wackermann, Italian cyclist.
  • 1992: Crislan, Brazilian footballer.
  • 1993: Yuya, youtuber Mexican.
  • 1994: Gerard Deulofeu, Spanish footballer.
  • 1994: Yannick Gerhardt, German footballer.
  • 1997: Ruben Neves, Portuguese footballer.
  • 1998: Jay-Roy Grot, Dutch footballer.
  • 1998: Luigi D'Ignazio, Italian footballer.
  • 1998: Michel Ries, Luxembourg cyclist.
  • 1999: Kristian Thorstvedt, Norwegian footballer.
  • 1999: Vladimir Núñez, Chilean journalist.
  • 2001: Beomgyu, South Korean singer, member of the South Korean group TXT.
  • 2001: Michał Karbownik, Polish footballer.
  • 2001: Alejandro Aller, Congolese footballer.


  • 600: Leandro de Sevilla, Spanish bishop (n. 534).
  • 857: Saint Rodrigo, martyr, holy Spanish (n.?).
  • 1229: White of Navarre, infant of Navarre and Countess consort of Champagne (n. 1177).
  • 1395: John Barbour, Scottish poet (n. 1320).
  • 1516: Ladislaus II, Bohemian king (n. 1456).
  • 1569: Luis I de Borbón-Condé, general hugonote french (n. 1530).
  • 1573: Michel de L'Hospital, French statesman (n. 1507).
  • 1619: Richard Burbage, British actor (n. 1567).
  • 1711: Nicolas Boileau-Despréaux, French poet, academic and literary critic (n. 1636).
  • 1719: Johann Friedrich Böttger, German chemical (n. 1682).
  • 1767: María Josefa de Saxony, aristocrat (n. 1731).
  • 1773: Philibert Commerson, naturalist and French explorer (n. 1727).
  • 1808: Cristián VII, king dynamarquis (n. 1749).
  • 1823: John Jervis, Admiral and English politician (n. 1735).
  • 1833: William Bradley, Lieutenant and English Cartographer (n. 1757).
  • 1842: Metralla Henry, General English (n. 1761).
  • 1851: Karl Lachmann, German philologist (n. 1793).
  • 1854: Jean-Baptiste de Villèle, French politician, 6th Prime Minister (n. 1773).
  • 1873: David Swinson Maynard, American physician and businessman (n. 1808).
  • 1877: Cristóbal Oudrid, pianist, composer of zarzuelas and director of Spanish orchestra (n. 1825).
  • 1879: Adolf Anderssen, a German chess player (n. 1818).
  • 1880: Thomas Bell, zoologist surgeon and British writer (n. 1792).
  • 1881: Alexander II, Russian tsar (n. 1818).
  • 1885: Titian Peale, a naturalist, entomologist and American photographer (n. 1799).
  • 1885: Giorgio Mitrovich, a Maltese politician (n. 1795).
  • 1891: Théodore de Banville, a French writer (n. 1823).
  • 1893: Francesco Momo, Italian anarchist (n. 1863).
  • 1901: Benjamin Harrison, American politician, 23rd president between 1889 and 1893 (n. 1833).
  • 1901: Fernand Pelloutier, anarchist and French trade unionist (n. 1867).
  • 1906: Susan B. Anthony, American feminist (n. 1820).
  • 1911: John J. Toffey, American Lieutenant (n. 1844).
  • 1916: José Nicolás González Balcarce, Argentine politician (n. 1854).
  • 1918: César Cui, Russian composer and critic, one of the Five (n. 1835).
  • 1918: José White, violinist, composer and Afro-Cuban teacher (n. 1836).
  • 1921: Enrique Collazo, historian, journalist and Cuban military (n. 1848), general of the Libertador Army.
  • 1925: Lucille Ricksen, American actress (n. 1910).
  • 1933: Robert Innes, British astronomer (n. 1861).
  • 1938: Clarence Darrow, American lawyer (n. 1857).
  • 1938: Nikolái Bujarin, Russian politician (n. 1888).
  • 1938: Cevat Çobanlı, Turkish general (n. 1870).
  • 1940: The Jana, Austrian actress and dancer (n. 1905).
  • 1941: Elizabeth Madox Roberts, American poet and novelist (n. 1881).
  • 1943: Stephen Vincent Benét, American writer, poet and novelist (n. 1898).
  • 1953: Isabel Chabela Villaseñor, Mexican sculptor and painter. (n. 1909).
  • 1955: Tribhuvan Bir Bikram Shah, king of Nepal, restorer of the monarchy (n. 1906).
  • 1957: José Antonio Echeverría, Cuban student leader (n. 1932).
  • 1964: Kitty Genovese, victim of American murder (n. 1935).
  • 1965: Corrado Gini, Italian sociologist (n. 1884).
  • 1965: Fan S. Noli, politician and Albanian bishop, 14th Prime Minister (n. 1882).
  • 1975: Ivo Andrić, serbo-croata writer, Nobel Prize in Literature (n. 1892).
  • 1978: John Cazale, an American film and theatre actor (n. 1935).
  • 1980: Lillian Ngoyi, a South African anti-apartheid activist, the first woman in the executive of the African National Congress (n. 1911).
  • 1983: Louison Bobet, French cyclist (n. 1925).
  • 1983: Paul Citroen, illustrator and educator German-Dutch (n. 1896).
  • 1985: Jesús Silva Herzog, Mexican economist and historian (n. 1892).
  • 1988:
    • John Holmes, American pornographic actor (n. 1944).
    • Stefano Vanzina, Italian filmmaker (n. 1915).
  • 1990: Bruno Bettelheim, a child psychologist and a Jewish-American pedagogue (n. 1903).
  • 1990: Juan Antonio Vallejo-Nágera, a Spanish writer (n. 1926).
  • 1994: Mónica Santa María, Peruvian television model and driver (n. 1972).
  • 1996: Lucio Fulci, Italian filmmaker (n. 1927).
  • 1996: Krzysztof Kieślowski, filmmaker and Polish scriptwriter (n. 1941).
  • 1998: Hans von Ohain, German engineer (n. 1911).
  • 1998: Manuel Pacheco, Spanish poet and prosist (n. 1920).
  • 1998: Bill Reid, Canadian artist (n. 1920).
  • 1999: Lee Falk, historietist, filmmaker and American producer (n. 1911).
  • 1999: Bidu Sayão, Brazilian soprano (n. 1902).
  • 2002: Carlos Castellano Gómez, Spanish composer.
  • 2002: Hans-Georg Gadamer, German philosopher (n. 1900).
  • 2003:
    • Carmen Gracia Tesán, Spanish singer (n. 1914).
    • Lois Tobío Fernández, Spanish diplomat, writer and translator (n. 1906).
  • 2004: Franz König, Austrian cardinal (n. 1905).
  • 2005: Andrés Donoso, Chilean engineer (n. 1927).
  • 2006: Jimmy Johnstone, British footballer (n. 1944).
  • 2006: Maureen Stapleton, American actress (n. 1925).
  • 2007: Ana Casares, an Argentine actress of Polish origin (n. 1930).
  • 2009: Betsy Blair, American actress (n. 1923).
  • 2009: Andrew "Test" Martin, Canadian professional fighter (n. 1975).
  • 2010: Jean Ferrat, singer and French poet (n. 1930).
  • 2010: He Pingping, Chinese dwarf (n. 1988).
  • 2011:
    • Alejandro Miró Quesada, Peruvian journalist (n. 1915).
    • Andrés Resino, Spanish actor (n. 1940).
  • 2012: Teresa Pàmies, Spanish writer (n. 1919).
  • 2013: Władysław Stachurski, Polish footballer (n. 1945).
  • 2013: Malachi Throne, American actor (n. 1928).
  • 2014: Ahmad Tejan Kabbah, Sierra Leonean politician, president of Sierra Leone between 1996-1997 and 1998-2007 (n. 1932).
  • 2015: Daevid Allen, Australian musician (n. 1938).
  • 2016: Hilary Putnam, American philosopher and mathematician (n. 1926).
  • 2017: Ricardo de Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg, German aristocrat (n. 1934).
  • 2018: Eduardo Colombo, doctor and Argentine anarchist (n. 1929).
  • 2021:
    • Marvin Hagler, American medium-weight boxer (n. 1954).
    • Murray Walker, American sports commentator (n. 1923).
  • 2022: William Hurt, American actor (n. 1950).


In Colombia mayor's day

Catholic saints list

  • Saints Macedonius, Patricia and Modesta de Nicomediamartyrs
  • St. Euphrasian of Iliturgi
  • San Sabino de Hermópolismartyr (s. IV)
  • Santa Cristina de Persiamartyr (f. 559)
  • San Pientio de Poitiers, bishop (s. VI)
  • San Ramiro de León and twelve companionsmonks and martyrs (s. VI)
  • San Leandro de Sevilla, bishop (f. c. 600)
  • San Eldrado de Novalesaabad (f. c. 840)
  • Saints Rodrigo and Solomon of Cordobamartyrs (f. 857)
  • San Ansovino de Camerino, bishop (f. 868)
  • Blessed Pedro II de Cavaabad (f. 1208)
  • beato Agnelo de Pisa, presbyter (f. c. 1275).
  • Blessed Francisca Tréhet(f. 1794)

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