March 12
Contenido March 12 is the 71st ᵉʳ (seventy-first) day of the year in the Gregorian calendar and the 72nd in leap years. There are 294 days left to end the year.
- 538: Witiges, king of the ostrogotes, finishes his place in Rome and retires to Rávena, leaving the city in the hands of the victorious Roman general Belisario.[
- 1254: The wording begins, by Alfonso X de Castilla, called the Sabio, of the so-called Complied book of the juizios of the stars.
- 1354: Pedro IV de Aragón founded the Sertorian University of Huesca.
- 1376: In the town of Vicenza, 70 km west of Venice (in present Italy) there is a very violent earthquake.
- 1535: Captain Francisco Pacheco founded the city of Puerto Viejo, the first to be erected on the coast of Ecuador
- 1550: the Battle of Penco occurs, a battle waged in the War of Arauco
- 1595: In Tolima, Colombia, the Nevado del Ruiz volcano erupted, leaving a balance of 636 victims.
- 1622: Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Jesuits, and Teresa of Jesus, founder of the bare Carmelites, are converted into saints by the Catholic Church.
- 1664: New Jersey becomes a UK colony.
- 1732: Royal Order issued in Seville where the establishment of the Government of Sonora and Sinaloa was authorized by a Governor and general captain.
- 1806: In Venezuela, the prosperous Francisco de Miranda made the flag for the first time that would become the teaching of that country.
- 1813: In Argentina, the Constituent General Assembly officially approved the national shield of the country.
- 1833: Carlist wars: the battle of Larremiar (Navarra), in which Espoz and Mina and Zumalacárregui face.
- 1854: Argentina: The municipality is installed in San Nicolás de los Arroyos.
- 1868: in Sydney (Australia), a Henry James O'Farrell tries to murder Prince Alfredo of Edinburgh. (It will be hanged a month later.)
- 1871: Germany: astronomer Karl Theodor Robert Luther discovers Amaltea (the fifth satellite of Jupiter).
- 1881: In Scotland (United Kingdom), Andrew Watson becomes the first black Scottish captain of his country's soccer team.
- 1888: In New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts and Connecticut, the 1888 Grand Snowstorm continues since yesterday, with winds of 72 km/h. In the next two days more than 120 cm will fall, making people locked in their homes for a week.
- 1894: In Vicksburg (Misisipi) the first bottles of Coca-Cola are sold.
- 1896: Chile founded the commune of Río Negro.
- 1908: the panmacedonio group is formed in Athens to support the Greek Macedonian minority.
- 1913: Canberra becomes the capital of Australia.
- 1918: Moscow becomes the capital of Russia by removing from that privilege that lasted 215 years to St.Petersburg. Lenin settled in the Kremlin.
- 1919: a nationalist movement against the British explodes in Egypt, reaching great proportions.
- 1924: the highest organ of Turkey's power abolates the caliphate and the sultanate.
- 1925: Chiang Kai Shek assumes the command of the Kuomintang.
- 1928: In California (United States) the San Francisco dam is broken; about 400 people die.
- 1930: In India, Mahatma Gandhi leads the Salt March. The pacifist leader and his entourage travel 300 km to the sea to challenge the monopoly that the British Empire made on salt.
- 1933: Great Depression: Franklin D. Roosevelt addresses the American nation for the first time as president.
- 1938: Germany annexes Austria, the so-called Anschluss planned by the Nazis.
- 1939: Finland capitulates the Soviet Union.
- 1939: crowning Pope Pius XII.
- 1940: in Moscow (Soviet Union)—in the framework of the Second World War— Finland signs the Moscow Peace Treaty with the Soviet Union, yielding almost the entire area of Karelia. Thin troops evict the resident population.
- 1943: In the context of World War II, the German city of Essen is bombarded and much of the Krupp factories are destroyed.
- 1945: In the framework of the Second World War, the German city of Dortmund is bombed by 1108 planes that fired 4158 bombs, producing 1148 fatalities and 2451 seriously wounded.
- 1945: In the context of the Second World War, the German city of Swinemünde, currently Polish city called Swinoujscie in the voivody of Western Pomerania, is bombarded by 671 bombers and 412 fighters who dropped 1609 tons of bombs, causing 23,000 victims, most civilians, but no one took care of counting them, nor those of the 13 sunk vessels.
- 1947: The Truman Doctrine is proclaimed to eradicate communism.
- 1948: in Costa Rica the civil war erupted, caused by the annulment of the presidential elections in which Otilio Ulate Blanco had been elected.
- 1950: the Belgians approve in referendum the return of King Leopoldo.
- 1955: On the Nevada Test Site, the United States detonates its 4-kilometre Hornet atomic bomb. It is the 56th bomb of 1132 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
- 1958: the attacks of Moroccan armed bands of the Istiqlal party against the Spanish garrisons of Ifni conclude.
- 1967: Suharto relieves Sukarno in power and becomes president of Indonesia.
- 1967: In the UK the album is released The Velvet Underground and NicoThe first of the Velvet Underground band.
- 1968: Mauritius is independent of the British Empire.
- 1971: Hafez al-Assad is elected head of the State of Syria.
- 1977: Rutilio Grande is assassinated in El Salvador, considered the first Jesuit martyr in the Civil War of El Salvador.
- 1986: the Spaniards vote in a referendum on the country's stay in NATO.
- 1986: the European Giotto probe is with Halley comet.
- 1989: Tim Berners-Lee writes the first draft that defined the web and hypertext, a proposal that will lay the foundations for the global network of collective knowledge.
- 1993: North Korea announces that it withdraws from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and refuses to allow inspectors to enter nuclear facilities.
- 1994: The Anglican Church commands its first female priest.
- 1995: in the American city of Salt Lake City (Utah), Gordon B. Hinckley is ordained president of The Church of Jesus Christ of the Last Day Saints.
- 1996: In Washington, the U.S. Government approves the Helms-Burton Act, which strengthens economic and financial measures against Cuba.
- 1999: the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland enter NATO.
- 2003: Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindic is murdered in Belgrade.
- 2006: The legislative elections are held in Colombia.
- 2006: The legislative and municipal elections are held in El Salvador.
- 2013: In the Vatican City the conclave of which the successor of Benedict XVI will be elected will begin.
- 2014: In the Latin quarter of Harlem, two buildings were broken down in New York City, United States.
- 2015: It ends in the United States the first season of the animated series Steven Universe, with the episode
- 1270: Carlos de Valois, son of Philip III of France (f. 1325).
- 1479: Julian II of Medicis, governor of Florence (f. 1516).
- 1607: Paul Gerhardt, German poet and hymnologist (f. 1676).
- 1613: André Le Nôtre, French architect (f. 1700).
- 1626: John Aubrey, an antiquarian and an English writer (f. 1697).
- 1672: Richard Steele, Irish writer and politician (f. 1729).
- 1683: John Theophilus Desaguliers, Franco-British philosopher (f. 1744).
- 1685: George Berkeley, Irish theologian and philosopher (f. 1753).
- 1710: Thomas Arne, British composer (f. 1778).
- 1795: William Lyon Mackenzie, Canadian politician (f. 1861).
- 1804: Gregorio Zambrano, a Mexican businessman and politician (f. 1873).
- 1812: Ignacio Comonfort, Mexican President (f. 1863).
- 1815: Louis Jules Trochu, French military and political (f. 1896).
- 1824: Gustav Kirchhoff, German physicist (f. 1887).
- 1825: August Manns, director of German orchestra (f. 1907).
- 1835: Simon Newcomb, American astronomer and mathematician (f. 1909).
- 1837: Alexandre Guilmant, French composer (f. 1911).
- 1838: William Perkin, British chemist (f. 1907).
- 1843: Gabriel Tarde, sociologist, criminologist and French social psychologist (f. 1904).
- 1860: Eric Stenbock, German poet and writer (f. 1895).
- 1862: Mariano Dubón, Nicaraguan priest and Servant of God (f. 1934).
- 1863: Gabriele D'Annunzio, Italian writer (f. 1938).
- 1863: Vladimir Vernadsky, a Russian miner and geochemical (f. 1945).
- 1864: William Rivers, British psychiatrist and anthropologist (f. 1922).
- 1870: Gregorio D. Martínez, Mexican physician and politician (f. 1950).
- 1879: Alfred Abel, German actor (f. 1937).
- 1889: Thorbergur Thordarson, Icelandic writer (f. 1974).
- 1889: Idris I, Libyan king (f. 1983).
- 1890: Vátslav Nizhinski, dancer and Polish choreographer (f. 1950).
- 1891: Wilhelm Reinhardt, a German military and aviator (f. 1918).
- 1894: Henri Cliquet-Pleyel, French musician (f. 1963).
- 1900: Inés Murray, actress and vedette argentina (f. 1984).
- 1900: Gustavo Rojas Pinilla, militar y dictator colombiano, presidente entre 1953 y 1957 (f. 1975).
- 1904: Liudmila Kéldysh, Russian math (f. 1976).
- 1907: José Guerra Vicente, composer, cellist and Lusobrasileño professor (f. 1976).
- 1907: Dorrit Hoffleit, American astronoma (f. 2007).
- 1908: Rita Angus, New Zealand painter (f. 1970).
- 1911: Gustavo Díaz Ordaz, Mexican president between 1964 and 1970 (f. 1979).
- 1913: Aquiles Roggero, violinist, director of orchestra and Argentine composer of tango (f. 1977).
- 1914: Dringue Farías, Argentine actor (f. 1980).
- 1915: Alberto Burri, an Italian painter, considered the creator of abstract expressionism (f. 1995).
- 1918: Elaine de Kooning, an American artist (f. 1989).
- 1919: Miguel Gila, Spanish humorist (f. 2001).
- 1919: Guillermo Verdejo Vivas, Spanish politician (f. 2011).
- 1921: Gordon MacRae, American actor (f 1986).
- 1922: Jack Kerouac, American writer (f. 1969).
- 1924: Arístides Bastidas, a Venezuelan journalist (f. 1992).
- 1925: Louison Bobet, French cyclist (f. 1983).
- 1925: George Delerue, French composer (f. 1992).
- 1925: Leo Esaki, Japanese physicist, nobel prize of physics in 1973.
- 1926: José Santos Meza Cortés, Mexican sports coach (f. 2013).
- 1926: Minerva Mirabal, an anti-trujillist activist and Dominican lawyer (f. 1960).
- 1927: Raúl Alfonsín, Argentine lawyer and politician, president between 1983 and 1989 (f. 2009).
- 1928: Edward Albee, American writer (f. 2016).
- 1928: Aldemaro Romero, pianist, composer, conductor and Venezuelan arranger (f. 2007).
- 1928: José Miguel Varas, locutor, journalist and Chilean writer (f. 2011).
- 1929: Win Tin, Burmese journalist (f. 2014).
- 1933: Jesus Gil, Spanish entrepreneur (f. 2004).
- 1933: Barbara Feldon, American actress.
- 1936: Alfredo López Austin, Mexican historian (f. 2021).
- 1938: Johnny Rutherford, American motor racing pilot.
- 1938: Alberto de Luque, Paraguayan singer and composer (f. 2020).
- 1939: Jude Milhon, American hacker and writer (f. 2003).
- 1940: Al Jarreau, American jazz singer (f. 2017).
- 1942: Ratko Mladić, military and genocidal Catholic Bosnian.
- 1946: Liza Minnelli, American singer and actress.
- 1946: Frank Welker, an American voice actor.
- 1947: Mitt Romney, American politician.
- 1948: James Taylor, American musician.
- 1949: Rob Cohen, director, producer and writer of American cinema.
- 1950: Javier Clemente, player and Spanish football coach.
- 1953: Margarita Belandria, writer, philosopher and Venezuelan poet.
- 1956: Steve Harris, bassist and British composer, founder of the Iron Maiden band.
- 1957: Patrick Battiston, French footballer.
- 1960: Courtney B. Vance, American actor.
- 1962: Julia Campbell, American actress.
- 1963: Joaquim Cruz, Brazilian athlete.
- 1965: Mauro Entrialgo, Spanish graphic humorist.
- 1965: Mirta Wons, an Argentine actress.
- 1966: Luis Milla, Spanish footballer.
- 1967: Julio César Dely Valdés, Panamanian footballer.
- 1968: Aaron Eckhart, American actor.
- 1969: Graham Coxon, British musician, of the Blur band.
- 1970: Dave Eggers, American writer.
- 1970: Roy Khan, Norwegian singer, Kamelot band.
- 1971: Isaiah Rider, American basketball player.
- 1972: Ernestina Pais, Argentine television driver.
- 1972: Ricardo Gallen, classical Spanish guitarist.
- 1972: James Maritato, American fighter.
- 1973: Pablo Illanes, Chilean writer and writer
- 1974: Scarlet Ortiz, actress, exreina de belleza, modelo y presentera de televisión.
- 1975: Mr.đan Pecelj, Bosnian footballer.
- 1976: Maria Adamez, Spanish actress.
- 1977: Ramiro Corrales, American footballer.
- 1977: Antonio Mateu Lahoz, Spanish football referee.
- 1977: Guille Mustard, musical producer, composer and Spanish singer.
- 1979: Pete Doherty, British musician, of the Babyshambles band.
- 1979: Edwin Villafuerte, Ecuadorian footballer.
- 1979: Gerard López, ex-futbolist and Spanish coach.
- 1980: Angélica Blandon, Colombian actress.
- 1980: Eduardo Orozco, Venezuelan actor.
- 1980: Arap Bethke, Kenyan actor.
- 1982: Gonzalo Heredia, Argentine actor.
- 1982: Gabriel Ucar, Swedish footballer.
- 1984: Jaimie Alexander, American actress.
- 1985: Stromae (Paul Van Haver), composer, producer and Belgian singer.
- 1986: Danny Jones, vocalist, guitarist and British composer, of the McFly band.
- 1986: František Rajtoral, Czech footballer (f. 2017).
- 1986: Oleg Dopilka, Ukrainian footballer.
- 1989: Silvia Meseguer, Spanish footballer.
- 1989: Alanzo Adlam, Jamaican footballer.
- 1989: Vytautas Černiauskas, Lithuanian footballer.
- 1990: Andrea G Hidalgo Flores, a woman very loved by the Monclovense community, always faithful to her ideals, great mother, wife, daughter, niece and sister.
- 1990: Vanessa Pose, Venezuelan actress.
- 1991: Niclas Heimann, German footballer.
- 1991: Felix Kroos, German footballer.
- 1992: Jiří Skalák, Czech footballer.
- 1992: Daniele Baselli, Italian footballer.
- 1994: Christina Grimmie, singer, actress, youtuber and American composer. (f. 2016).
- 1995: Guillermo Cotugno, Uruguayan footballer.
- 1996: Robert Murić, Croatian footballer.
- 1996: Robert Bartczak, Polish footballer.
- 1997: Felipe Vizeu, Brazilian footballer.
- 1997: Aubrey Gold, pornographic actress and American erotic model.
- 1997: Dean Henderson, British footballer.
- 1998: Nikola Moro, Croatian footballer.
- 1998: Giulio Maggiore, Italian footballer.
- 1998: Emma Bading, German actress.
- 1999: Sakura Oda, Japanese idol, of the Morning Musume band.
- 1999: Florian Vermeersch, Belgian cyclist.
- 1999: Diego Ohlsson, Chilean footballer.
- 1999: Janja Garnbret, Slovenian climber.
- 1999: José Cifuentes, Ecuadorian footballer.
- 1999: Sergio Quintero, Ecuadorian footballer.
- 1999: Brandon Servania, American footballer.
- 1999: Rodrigo Vilca, Peruvian footballer.
- 1999: Muhannad Al-Shanqeeti, Saudi footballer.
- 2000: Álex Tamayo, Spanish basketball player.
- 2000: Scottie Lewis, American basketball player.
- 2000: Søren Wærenskjold, Norwegian cyclist.
- 2000: Alexis Duarte, Paraguayan footballer.
- 2000: Andy Pelmard, French footballer.
- 2000: Javier Sánchez Santos, Spanish athlete.
- 2000: Jan Kałusowski, Polish swimmer.
- 2000: Tigist Mengistu, Ethiopian athlete.
- 2000: Alessandro Plizzari, Italian footballer.
- 2003: Malina Weissman, American actress and model.
- 2006: Gabriel de Nassau, Prince of Nassau.
- 2006: Lee Re, South Korean actress.
- 2007: Xan Windsor, a member of the British royal family.
- 417: Inocencio I, Italian pope canonized by the Catholic Church (n.?).
- 604: Gregorio Magno, Italian pope canonized by the Church (n. ca. 540).
- 636: Sisenando, Visigoth king (n. ca. 605).
- 1374: Go-Kogon, Japanese emperor (n. 1336).
- 1496: Johann Heynlin, German humanist (n. 1425).
- 1507: Cesare Borgia, Italian governor and general (n. 1475).
- 1620: Prudencio de Sandoval, Benedictine clergy and Bishop of Tuy and Pamplona (n. 1553).
- 1648: Tirso de Molina, Spanish playwright (n. 1579).
- 1730: Diego Morcillo Rubio de Auñón, Spanish military, virrey of Peru (n. 1642).
- 1787: Vicente García de la Huerta, Spanish poet and playwright (f. 1734).
- 1815: Mariano Melgar, Peruvian writer (n. 1790).
- 1832: Friedrich Kuhlau, Dutch composer (n. 1786).
- 1853: Mateo Orfila, a Spanish scientist (n. 1787).
- 1906: Manuel Quintana, Argentine conservative lawyer and politician, president between 1904 and 1906 (n. 1835).
- 1914: George Westinghouse, American inventor (n. 1846).
- 1916: Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach, Austrian writer (n. 1830).
- 1925: Sun Yat-sen, a Chinese politician and revolutionary (n. 1866).
- 1929: Asa Griggs Candler, American businessman (n. 1851).
- 1933: Xabier de Lizardi, Basque poet (n. 1896).
- 1935: Patricio Arabolaza, Spanish footballer (n. 1893).
- 1937: Juan Torrendell, a Spanish writer (n. 1869).
- 1937: Charles-Marie Widor, French composer (n. 1844).
- 1942: Robert Bosch, German industrialist (n. 1861).
- 1943: Gustav Vigeland, Norwegian sculptor (n. 1869).
- 1945: Friedrich Fromm, German Nazi officer (n. 1888).
- 1946: Ferenc Szálasi, Hungarian politician (n. 1897).
- 1948: Primitive Yela Montalván, jurist, writer and Ecuadorian politician (n. 1878).
- 1955: Charlie Parker, American jazz saxophoneist (n. 1920).
- 1956: Bolesław Bierut, Polish politician (n. 1892).
- 1984: Juana Mordó, Spanish marcher (n. 1899).
- 1985: Eugene Ormandy, director of Hungarian-American orchestra and violinist (n. 1899).
- 1990: Héctor Ayala, composer, folklorist and Argentine guitarist, father of Héctor Ayala of the duo Vivencia (n. 1914).
- 1990: Wallace Breem, British writer (n. 1926).
- 1990: Philippe Soupault, poet, critic, politician and surrealist French writer (n. 1897).
- 1991: Ragnar Granit, a Finnish scientist, Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1967 (n. 1900).
- 1999: Yehudi Menuhin, Israeli violinist (n. 1916).
- 2001:
- Henry Lee Lucas, American serial killer (n. 1936).
- Robert Ludlum, American novelist (n. 1927).
- 2002: Spyros Kyprianou, Cypriot politician (n. 1932).
- 2002: Jean-Paul Riopelle, Canadian painter and sculptor (n. 1923).
- 2003: Zoran Djindjic, Serbian Prime Minister (n. 1952).
- 2003: Howard Fast, American writer, novelist and writer (n. 1914).
- 2003: Andrei Kivilev, Kazakh cyclist (n. 1973).
- 2007: César Albiñana García-Quintana, a Spanish jurist (n. 1920).
- 2008: Jorge Guínzburg, humorist, screenwriter and producer of television, radio and Argentine theatre (n. 1949).
- 2008: Lazare Ponticelli, the last French veteran of World War I (n. 1897).
- 2009: Blanca Varela, Peruvian writer (n. 1926).
- 2010: Miguel Delibes, Spanish writer (n. 1920).
- 2011: Italo Pizzolante, Venezuelan poet and musician (n. 1928).
- 2011: Joe Morello, American jazz musician, drummer of the Dave Brubeck quartet (n. 1928).
- 2011: Nilla Pizzi, Italian singer (n. 1919).
- 2012: Jean-Pierre Salignon, French basketball player (n. 1928).
- 2013: Teresa Mattei, an Italian ex-partisan, a politician and activist for the rights of women and children (n. 1921).
- 2013: Clive Burr, British drummer, Iron Maiden band (n. 1957).
- 2014: Věra Chytilová, Czech filmmaker (n. 1929).
- 2015: Michael Graves, American architect (n. 1934).
- 2015: Terry Pratchett, British writer (n. 1948).
- 2016: Lloyd Shapley, American mathematician and economist (n. 1923).
- 2018: Jorge Luis Hortúa, Colombian singer (n. 1966).
- 2019: José Alzuet, Spanish painter and ceramist (n. 1928).
- 2021: Goodwill Zwelithini kaBhekuzulu, South African monarch, Zulu king between 1968 and 2021 (n. 1948).
- 2022:
- Alain Krivine, a French politician (n. 1941).
- Karl Offmann, Mauritanian politician, President of Mauritius between 2002 and 2003 (n. 1940).
Argentina: National Shield Day.
- Venezuela
Venezuela: Banner Day, held until 2006.
- World Glaucoma Day.
- International Tuiteros Day, held since 2012.
Catholic saints list
- San Maximiliano de Tebestemartyr (f. 295)
- Saints Minimum, Eugene, Maximum, Domna, Mardonio, Peter, Esmaragdo and Hilary of Nicomediamartyrs (f. 303)
- Saint Peter of Nicomediamartyr (f. 303)
- San Inocencio I(f. 417)
- St. Paul Aureliano, bishop (s. VI)
- St. Gregory I(f. 604)
- San Teófanes de Sigriana, monk (f. 817)
- San Elpegio de WinchesterBishop and monk (f. 951)
- Fina de San Geminiano, virgin (f. 1253)
- beato Jerónimo Gherarducci, presbyter (f. c. 1369)
- beata Justina Francucci Bezzoli(f. 1319)
- San José Zhang Dapengmartyr (f. 1815)
- Blessed Angela Salawa(f. 1922)
- beato Luis Orione, priest (f. 1940)
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