

The magnolids (taxon Magnoliidae) are a group of dicotyledonous plants. Its definition varies depending on the authors, it is usually located in the subclass category, which in old classification systems such as Cronquist's belonged to the Magnoliopsida class (dicotyledons), Magnoliophyta division (angiosperms).

Modern molecular phylogenetic analysis determined that among basal angiosperms (paleodicots = neither monocots nor eudicots) the most important clade is the redefined group of magnolids.

Modern phylogenetic classification

Magnolia grandiflora
Aristolochia eriantha (Piperales)

In modern classification systems such as the APG, APG II and APW this taxon is still used but with a different circumscription (that is, what subtaxa it is composed of) and it is not within the eudicots, although it is within the mesangiosperms.

In modern classification systems, this subclass consists of 4 monophyletic orders and is a sister clade to Chlorantaceae:








Magnoliidae sensu Takhtajan / Cronquist

Tin tree (Lauraceae)

In the old Cronquist system it comprises 8 orders and 43 families.

  • Order Magnoliales
Magnoliaceae (family Magnoliaceae).
Annoniáceas (family Annonaceae).
Canelaceae (family Canellaceae).
Miristicaceae (Myristicaceae family).
Winteraceae (family Winteraceae).
  • Order Nymphaeales
Ninfeáceas (family Nymphaeaceae).
Nelumbonaceae (family Nelumbonaceae).
  • Order Laurales,
  • Order Piperales,
  • Aristolochial order,
  • Illiciales Order,
  • Random order,
  • Papal Order

Magnoliidae sensu Chase & Reveal

Queules Forest (Laurales)

For these authors, Magnoliidae is equivalent to Angiospermae, being considered part of Equisetopsida sensu lato and divided into about 18 superorders. The superorder Magnolianae is equivalent to the APG magnolids.

Magnoliidae sensu Dahlgren / Thorne

In the Dahlgren et al. 1985 and in the Thorne System, Magnoliidae is equivalent to the paraphyletic group Dicotyledoneae.

Comparison chart

Hydnora Flowers (Paperales paraásita)
Mapuche Canelo in Tierra del Fuego
Comparison of magnolide in five systems
APG II 2003
Takhtajan 1958 Cronquist 1981
Dahlgren 1980
Thorne System (1992)
Thorne Systems (2000)
Laurales Laurales Laurales Magnoliales Magnoliales
Magnoliales Magnoliales Magnoliales
Canellales Winters
Piperales Lactoridales
Aristolochiales Aristolochiales
Piperales Piperales in Nymphaeanae
Baseline or reassignedChloranthales
Illiciales Illiciales
in RosidaeRafflesiales in Rafflesianaein Rafflesianae
Nymphaeales in Nymphaeanaein Nymphaeanaein Nymphaeanae
Ceratophyllales in Ranunculidae
regrouped as scholarsNelumbons Nelumbons
Ranunculales in RanunculanaeBerberidales
in Dilleniidaein TheanaePaeoniales

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