Macruronus magellanicus
The Hake or Huelca (Macruronus magellanicus) is a fish, which has a blue color steely and metallic green, which forms schools at depths between about 50 and 400 meters.
It differs from the other hakes by the shape of the tail, which ends in a point due to the confluence of the dorsal and anal fins. It reaches up to about 60-110 cm and 5 kg. It feeds on small fish and crustaceans. It has an intense blue coloration on the back and fins. The flank and belly have a lighter coloration. It is from the Merlucciidae family. He has the ability to regenerate the caudal pendulum when damaged. Breeds in deep water in late winter.
It is fished for its great commercial interest as fish for human consumption. In Argentina, it constitutes an important part of deep-sea fishing.[citation required]