

Lythraceae is a family of the order Myrtales; It includes between 500 and 600 species of herbs, mainly, with some shrubs and trees in about thirty genera. Its distribution is worldwide, with most of the species in the tropics, but they also cover temperate climate regions, including an autochthonous genus from the Iberian Peninsula, related to the edges of streams.

The family is named after the type genus, Lythrum whose common name is salicaria. It now also includes the pomegranate trees, formerly classified in a separate family, Punicaceae.


They are herbs, shrubs, or small trees, often with 4-angled stems; hermaphrodite plants. Leaves membranaceous or less frequently coriaceous, opposite, rarely subalternate or whorled, simple and entire; stipules as minute axillary projections. Inflorescences in racemes or axillary cymes or terminal panicles, bracteoles 2, opposite on pedicels; flowers actinomorphic or zygomorphic, 4–6-merous, perigine perianth and stamens, floral tube campanulate to tubular, persistent (except Laphoensia); calyx lobes valvate, (3–) 4–6 (–16), with or without small sinus appendages; petals absent or in the same number as the calyx lobes, wrinkled, deciduous, inserted into the internal margins of the floral tube between the calyx lobes; stamens usually equal in number to parts of perianth or twice (in Cuphea usually 11), rarely numerous, anthers versatile, introrse; ovary superior, free from floral tube, 2–4 (–6)-locular, style 1, stigma capitate or punctiform, rarely bilobed (Adenaria). Fruit a dehiscent or indehiscent capsule usually surrounded by the persistent floral tube; seeds 3 or more, winged or not, without endosperm.


Traditionally, Salicaria has been used as an infusion during bouts of diarrhea, due to its high astringent power.


  • Subfamily Lythroidae Juss. ex Arn. 1832 = "Lythraceae sensu stricto», 28 genera:
    • Adenaria
    • Ammania
    • Capuronia
    • Crenea
    • Cuphea
    • Decodon
    • Didiplis
    • Diblusdon
    • Galpinia
    • Ginoria
    • Haitia
    • Heimia
    • Hionanthera
    • Koehneria
    • Lafoensia
    • Gerstroemia
    • Lawsonia
    • Lourtella
    • Lythrum
    • Nesaea
    • Pehria
    • Pemphis
    • Peplis
    • Physocalymma
    • Pleurophora
    • Rotala
    • Tetrataxis
    • Woodfordia
  • Subfamily Punicoideae (Horan, 1834) S.A.Graham, Thorne & Reveal, 1998 = Punicaceae, Bercht. > J.Presl
    • Punica
  • Subfamily Sonneratioideae (Engl. " Gilg, 1924) S. A. Graham, Thorne " Reveal, 1998
    • Sonneratia
  • Subfamily Duabangoideae (Takht, 1986) S. A. Graham, Thorne Reveal, 1998 = 'Duabangaceae'
    • Duabanga
  • Subfamily Trapoideae Voigt, 1845 = 'Trapaceae'
    • Trap


  • Ammanniaceae Horan., Blattiaceae Engler, Duabangaceae Takht., Lagerstroemiaceae J.Agardh, Lawsoniaceae J. Agardh, Punicaceae Bercht. J.Presl, Nom. cons., Sonneratiaceae Engler, Nom. cons., Trapaceae Dumortier

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