Luis Solari Tudela


Luis Solari Tudela (Lima, December 3, 1935 - February 9, 2013) was a Peruvian diplomat, lawyer, and professor; expert in Public International Law, Law of the Sea and one of the only two Peruvian jurists elected to be part of the United Nations International Law Commission.

He was one of the main defenders of the Peruvian thesis in the controversy over maritime delimitation between Peru and Chile. He was the one who first proposed to Chile the possibility of resorting to the International Court of Justice in The Hague to resolve said maritime dispute, being also recognized as the intellectual author of the legal support and procedural strategy that allowed Peru to present its territorial claim. before that highest court of international justice.


Luis Solari Tudela was married and had two children. He graduated as a lawyer from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú and completed his postgraduate studies at the Diplomatic Academy of Peru and at the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva. Since joining the Peruvian Diplomatic Service in 1961, he held various important positions in the Peruvian Foreign Ministry until July 2006, when he left active diplomacy to dedicate himself to spreading the importance of resolve the dispute over maritime boundaries with Chile.

Main diplomatic posts

In Lima

  • Deputy Minister General for Foreign Affairs.
  • Secretary of Foreign Policy.
  • Legal adviser to the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
  • Assistant Secretary for Bilateral Affairs.
  • Director of International Agencies.
  • Director of Evaluation of Chancellery.
  • Secretary of the Minister for Foreign Affairs.

Special orders

  • As a Legal Counsel and then, as a Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, he made legal support and implemented the procedural strategy that allowed Peru to file its claim for this territorial dispute with the International Court of Justice of The Hague (2003-2004).
  • Member of the United Nations International Law Commission (1987-1991)
  • Peruvian expert in the Legal - Technical Group of the Lagartococha Sector, in the Negotiations with Ecuador that concluded with the Peace Agreement with that country (1998). [1].
  • Member of the negotiating team on the wheels of Peruvian-Chilean talks on the mediterraneanity of Bolivia (1976).


  • Ambassador of Peru to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, with participation in the Republic of Ireland. (6 October 2004 - 27 July 2006)
  • Ambassador of Peru to the Italian Republic, with concurrences in Croatia, Cyprus, Malta and the Sovereign Military Order of Malta.
  • Ambassador of Peru to the Holy See (1992 - 1995 and 3 October 1997 - 30 October 2000)
  • Ambassador of Peru to Panama.
  • Alternate Representative of Peru to the United Nations Office at Geneva.
  • Second Secretary Chargé d ' affaires a.i. in Haiti,
  • Third Secretary of the Embassy of Peru in the United Kingdom of Great Britain.


More than 35 years of teaching at different universities:

  • Professor of Public International Law at Federico Villarreal National University.
  • Professor of International Relations at Federico Villarreal National University.
  • Professor of Public International Law at the Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega.
  • Professor of Public International Law at the Peruvian Diplomatic Academy.
  • Professor of Public International Law at San Martín de Porres University.
  • Professor of Public International Law at the University of Lima.
  • Professor of Public International Law at the Central University of Panama.


  • Book International Law which has ten editions.
  • Collaborator on the publishing page of Limeños newspapers El Comercio y La República on topics of International Relations and Public International Law.
  • Publications in specialized journals.


  • Founding member of the group "Jorge Basadre"Peruvian intellectual society without political distinctions, concerned with the defense of national interests.
  • Member of the Bar Association of Lima.
  • Honorary member of the Panama Bar Association.
  • Member of the Peruvian Society of International Law.
  • Member of the National Club.


  • Knight of the Order "Cóndor de los Andes" of Bolivia
  • Gran Cruz de las Órdenes "El Sol del Perú" y "al Mérito por Servicios Distinguidos" del Perú.
  • Gran Cruz de la Orden "Vasco Núñez de Balboa" de Panamá.
  • Grand Cross of the Order of the Piano of the Holy See.
  • Grand Cross of the Order of Malta.
  • Gran Cruz de la "Orden de Río Branco" de Brasil.
  • Grand Cross of the Order Bernardo O ́Higgins of Chile [2].

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