Lugo Province


Lugo is a Spanish province, one of the four that make up the autonomous community of Galicia. It limits to the north with the Cantabrian Sea, to the west with the province of La Coruña, to the southwest with that of Pontevedra, to the south with the province of Orense and to the east with the Principality of Asturias and the province of León.

Although it is the largest of the four Galician provinces, it is the third in number of inhabitants (326,013 in 2021).

Its capital is Lugo and the main towns, apart from the capital, are Monforte de Lemos, Vivero, Villalba, Sarria and Foz.

The main rivers are the Sil and the Miño, which also runs through the province of Ourense and forms the border between the province of Pontevedra and Portugal, flowing into the Atlantic. On the Cantabrian coast it has many small rivers.


The population of the province of Lugo has experienced a strong and continuous decline since the 40s of the 20th century, mainly motivated by low fertility, but also by emigration to the other coastal provinces of Galicia, to other provinces of Spain and abroad, mainly to Latin American countries such as Argentina or Uruguay.

Graphic of demographic evolution of the province of Lugo between 1842 and 2018

Source: Spanish National Statistical Institute - Graphical development by Wikipedia.


Provincial boundary

Interactive map — Lugo Province


The estuaries of the province of Lugo are part of the Rías Altas. From west to east they are:

  • Ría del Barquero, mouth of the river Sor, border of the provinces of Lugo and La Coruña.
  • Ría de Vivero, mouth of the Landro River, north of Vivero.
  • Ría de Foz, mouth of the river Masma, east of Foz.
  • Ría de Ribadeo, mouth of the river Eo, boundary between Galicia and Asturias.


  • Rio MiñoIt is born in the Meira mountain range and flows into the Atlantic Ocean on the Spanish-Portuguese border.
  • Rio Eume, born in Abadín and flows into the Ría de Pontedeume in the province of La Coruña.
  • Rio Sil, born in the region of Babia (Leon) and flows into the Miño River.
  • River Landro, born in the Gistral mountain range and flows into the ria of Vivero.
  • Rio OuroIt is born in the Gistral mountain range and flows into the Cantabrian Sea.
  • Río Masma, born in the Tojiza mountain range and flows into the Foz river.
  • Rio Eo, born in the region of Fonsagrada and flows into the river of Ribadeo.
  • Rio Ladra, born in Vilalba and flows into the Miño River.
  • Río NarlaIt is born in the mountains of the Corno de Boi and flows into the Miño River.
  • Rio Anllo, born in the Gistral mountain range and flows into the Miño River.
  • Rio Lea, born in the mountain range of the Monciro and flows into the river Miño.
  • Rio NeiraIt is born in the Portelo mountain range and flows into the Miño River.
  • Río Navia, born in Los Ancares and flows into Navia (Asturias).
  • Rio Cabe, born in Incio and flows into the Sil River.
  • Rio Lor, born in the Caurel mountain range and flows into the Sil River.
  • Rio Ulla, born in the parish of Olveda, Antas de Ulla and flows into the Atlantic Ocean in the Ría de Arosa.


The best known are:

  • Punta Socastroin the municipality of Vicedo.
  • Punta Roncadoirain the municipality of Jove.
  • Cape of Morásin the municipality of Jove.
  • Cabo de San CibraoIn the municipality of Cervo.
  • Corporal Burelain the municipality of Burela.


The following table shows all the municipalities in the province of Lugo as well as their population as of January 1, 2021:

No.MunicipalityPopulation (2021)
1 Coat of Arms of Lugo (2012).svg Lugo (Capital)
97 613
2 Escudo de Monforte de Lemos 2002.svg Monforte de Lemos
18 242
3 Escudo de Viveiro.svg Vivero
15 312
4 Escudo de Vilalba (Lugo).svg Villalba
14 006
5 Escudo de Sarria.svg Sarria
13 257
6 Escudo de Foz.svg Foz
10 078
7 Ribadeo.svg Ribadeo
8 Escudo de Burela (Lugo).svg Burela
9 Chantada.svg Chantada
10 Escudo de Guitiriz.svg Guitiriz
11 Escudo de Outeiro de Rei.svg Otero de Rey
12 Castro de Rei.svg Castro de Rey
13 Escudo de Cospeito.svg Cosper
14 Escudo de Cervo.svg Cervo
15 Escudo de Friol.svg Friol
16 Escudo do Saviñao.svg Saviñao
17 Escudo de Monterroso.svg Monterroso
18 Escudo de Mondoñedo.svg Mondon
19 Escudo de O Corgo.svg Corgo
20 Escudo color de A Fonsagrada.gif Fonsagrada
21 Escudo de Quiroga.svg Quiroga
22 Palas de Rei.svg King shovels
No.MunicipalityPopulation (2021)
23 Xove.svg Jove
24 Escudo de Barreiros.svg Barreiros
25 Escudo de Begonte.svg Begonte
26 Escudo de A Pastoriza.svg Pastoriza
27 Becerreá.svg Becerre
28 Escudo de Taboada.svg Taboada
29 Escudo de Guntín.svg Guntín
30 Escudo de Castroverde.svg Castroverde
31 Escudo de Láncara.svg
32 Escudo de Baralla.svg Baralla
33 Escudo de Pantón.svg Panton
34 Abadín.svg Abbot
35 Escudo de Sober.svg Sovereign
36 Escudo de A Pontenova.svg New bridge
37 Escudo de Carballedo.svg Carballedo
38 Escudo de Lourenzá.svg Lorenzana
39 Escudo O Valadouro.jpg Golden Valley
40 Escudo de Antas de Ulla.svg Antas de Ulla
41 Escudo de Xermade.svg Germade
42 Paradela.svg Stop it.
43 Escudo Meira.jpg Meira
44 Escudo de Alfoz.svg Alfoz
45 O Vicedo.svg Vice-President
No.MunicipalityPopulation (2021)
46 Escudo de A Pobra do Brollón.svg Puebla del Brollón
47 Escudo de Pol.svg Pol
48 Escudo de Rábade.svg Rábade
49 Escudo de O Incio.svg Indecent
50 Escudo de Bóveda.svg Boveda
51 Escudo de Portomarín.svg Puertomarin
52 Escudo de O Páramo.svg Paraamo
53 Cervantes.svg Cervantes
54 Escudo de Samos (2009).svg Samos
55 Escudo de Riotorto.svg Riotorto
56 Escudo de Baleira.svg Baleira
57 Escudo de Trabada.svg Worked
58 Escudo de Navia de Suarna.svg Navia de Suarna
59 As Nogais.svg The Nogales
60 Escudo de Folgoso do Caurel (2009).svg Folgoso de Caurel
61 Escudo de Ourol.svg Orol
62 Pedrafita do Cebreiro Coat of Arms.svg Cebrero stone
63 Escudo de Ribas de Sil.svg Ribas de Sil
64 Muras Coat of Arms.svg Muras
65 Escudo de Triacastela.svg Triacaste it
66 Escudo de Ribeira de Piquín.svg Ribera de Piquín
67 Escudo de Negueira de Muñiz.svg Negueira de Muñiz

The municipalities of Castro de Rey and Otero de Rey are located in the metropolitan area of the city of Lugo, thus adding (and together with the municipalities of Rábade and Corgo) an area of 113,117 inhabitants as of 1/1/ 2018.

The province of Lugo is the 31st in Spain in which there is a higher percentage of inhabitants concentrated in its capital (29.59%, compared to 31.96% for the whole of Spain).


Aerial view of Monforte de Lemos station, the most important in the province

Road network

  • A-6: Arteijo - La Coruña - Lugo - Ponferrada - Benavente - Medina del Campo - Madrid.
  • N-634 (future A-8): Santiago de Compostela - Villalba - Ribadeo - Gijón - Santander - Bilbao - San Sebastián
  • N-120 (A-76): Logroño - Burgos - León - Monforte de Lemos - Orense - Vigo
  • CG-2.1: Lalin (AP-53) - Chantada - Monforte de Lemos
  • CG-2.2: Lugo - Sarria - Monforte de Lemos
  • CG-2.3: Vicedo - Vivero - Burela - San Ciprián
  • N-547 (A-54): Santiago de Compostela - Mellid - Palas de Rey - Guntín (N-540)
  • N-642 (A-82): Ferrol - Ortigueira - Vivero - Burela - Foz
  • N-540 (A-56): Lugo - Guntín (N-547) - Chantada - Orense
  • N-640: Vegadeo-Ribadeo (N-634) - Lugo - Lalín - Villagarcía de Arosa

Rail transport

  • The Coruña-Palencia (Renfe) passing through Lugo, Sarria and Monforte de Lemos.
  • Vigo-Orense-Monforte de Lemos (Renfe)
  • Ferrol-Oviedo (FEVE) passing through Vivero, Burela, Foz and Ribadeo.

Air transportation

  • Rozas airfield (Lugo)
  • Airfield of Villaframil (Ribadeo)
  • Northern Costa (Vivero)



The vast majority of its inhabitants speak Galician as their habitual and majority language. Some people, especially the older ones, are monolingual Galician. It is only possible to find mixed Galician and Spanish speaking nuclei in some of the nuclei with more than 10,000 inhabitants, which are generally few. Even in the capital, the vitality of the Galician language in conversations is very strong.

Several variants of Galician are spoken in the province of Lugo. However, they have the characteristic of being the closest isoglosses to Leonese and therefore also to the Castilian languages, which is why they present some phonetic and grammatical signs that are erroneously considered to be influences from Spanish or Leonese. However, the Galician of Lugo, especially in non-coastal areas, is probably one of the most genuine[citation required] in all of Galicia, due to the almost zero influence[citation required] history of Spanish in the rural population.

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