Luar na lubre

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Luar na Lubre is a Spanish folk music group born in 1986 in the city of La Coruña and part of what has come to be called "celtic music". Luar means "radiance of the moon" in Galician; lubre can be translated as "sacred forest where the Celtic druids performed their rituals".


Her style has evolved remarkably over the years, acquiring great sophistication over time. In 1996, British musician Mike Oldfield included an adaptation of the song O Son do Ar on his album Voyager and invited the group on his world tour, which gave Luar Na Lubre some international fame. In 2003 they composed the song Memoria da noite alluding to the sinking of the Prestige.

In 2009 Luar Na Lubre commemorated its 25th anniversary by recording its first album live (Ao Vivo) at the Teatro Colón in La Coruña and inviting musicians such as Luz Casal, Pedro Guerra and Diana Navarro.

In November 2010 the album Solsticio came to light, a project focused on medieval music and especially on the wealth of Galician-Portuguese lyric and the influences of the Camino de Santiago.

In September 2011 the band announced the departure of Sara Vidal for personal reasons and on November 3, 2011 the band presented the vocalist Paula Rey at the Teatro Colón. With it they present five albums, two of them with DVD recorded live: Sons da Lubre nas Noites de Luar with the concert recorded live in Santiago de Compostela in July 2012, and Torre de Breoghán, an audiovisual project presented in 2014 at the La Coruña Opera House, in which they are accompanied by the Galician Symphony Orchestra to narrate the story that unites Galicia and Ireland in the writings of Leabhar Ghabhála, and also the symphonic interpretation of the group's classics.

In 2016, the group from A Coruña closes a cycle with the release of their work XXX Aniversario in which, in addition to recovering some of his lesser-known songs, they pay homage to Emilio Cao with the interpretation of his theme Fonte do Araño, with the collaboration of Ismael Serrano.

In 2018 they present Ribeira Sacra, an album that, they say, aims to value the historical, ethnographic, natural and monumental wealth of this territory through music. Accompanied by various artists, such as Víctor Manuel, SES, the Coral de Ruada, Nani García, Marisa Valle Roso from Asturias, Belém Tajes, Juan A. Antepazo from Astarot, Irma Macías Suárez, Brais Maceiras, among many others. These last two, Irma (voice) and Brais (accordion), are currently accompanying the group on the Ribeira Sacra presentation tour, which takes Galician music, language and culture to different places in throughout Europe, America and Asia.


Rehearsing before a concert at the Ortigueira Festival.
  • Irma Macías (voz)
  • Xan Cerqueiro (flauts)
  • Patxi Bermúdez (bodhran, drum and djembé)
  • Bieito Romero (gaitas, diatonic accordion and zanfoña)
  • Brais Maceiras (diatonic accordion)
  • Nuria Naya (violin)
  • Pedro Valero (guitars)
  • Xavier Ferreiro (Latin effects and effects)


Among the instruments that the group uses are the Galician bagpipe, the midi bagpipe, the diatonic accordion, the violin, flutes and whistles, the acoustic guitar, occasionally the electric guitar, the bouzouki, the tambourine or the bodhrán. Its current vocalist is Irma Macías.


  • O Son do Ar (1988)
  • Beira Atlántica (1990): album dedicated almost entirely to adapted folkloric themes: several puppets, three dances and a compendium of jig and reels with Scottish air; in addition, a cradle song written by Celso Emilio Ferreiro and with music by Bieito Romero.
  • Ara Solis (1993)
  • Plenilunio (1997): eight traditional themes adapted by the group and four originals, including the review of the famous "O Son do Ar" (of Bieito Romero), the classic of the group "Tu Gitana", "Pola Ponte de San Xoán" and "Galaecia".
  • Cabo do Mundo (1999):
  • XV Anniversary (2001)
  • Spiral (2002)
  • Hai a Paraiso (2004)
  • Saudade (2005): he recovers poems by García Lorca dedicated to Buenos Aires, a pandeirada dedicated to Che Guevara, poems dedicated to migrants, and he has the collaboration of Pablo Milanés, Emilio Cao, Lila Downs and Adriana Varela. The addition of Sara Vidal as a vocalist of the group, replacing Rosa Cedrón, is noteworthy.
  • Camiños da fin da terra (2007): Disco that came out for sale in late October 2007, with 14 songs about the sensations of sea, land and beauty.
  • Ao Vivo! (2009): first live album, recorded at the Teatro Colón de La Coruña on 22 and 23 January 2009. They collaborate Luz Casal, Pedro Guerra, Diana Navarro and Ismael Serrano. Published as CD+DVD, including a documentary about the group.
  • Solstice (2010): 15 songs where traditional profane court music is mixed with medieval Galician music of marked religious character. Sara Vidal's voice alternates with the collaborations of Pat Kilbride, Miro Casabella, Diana Navarro and Xulia Cea.
  • Mar Maior (2012): Highlights the incorporation of Paula Rey as the new vocalist of the group, replacing Sara Vidal. The album maintains the binomial between traditional Galician music and medieval Galaico-Portuguese music, adding to the concept the link between Galicia and Ireland through Leabhar Gabhála Éireannthe book of the invasions of Ireland, also rescuing Irish texts and melodies.
  • Sons da lubre nas noites de luar (2012): Collection box with 3CD+DVD, which contains 45 songs as a selection of the most significant of its repertoire, seven video clips and a live engraved concert in the Praza da Quintana de Santiago de Compostela on July 31, 2012.
  • Breoghán Tower (2014): Live recording at the Palace of the Opera of La Coruña with the Symphony Orchestra of Galicia.
  • Extra Mundi (2015): Apart from the usual Galician folk and Celtic air melodies, the group explores the rest of territories and cultures of the Iberian peninsula through traditional songs of Asturias, Castilla, Catalonia or the Basque Country. Paula Rey sings in 5 different languages, and it is very remarkable the vocal collaboration of the Coral de Ruada in several of the pieces.
  • XXX Anniversary (2016): Special selection of topics that celebrate the 30 years of group history. Includes 4 rewrapped and reverted topics.
  • Ribeira sacra (2018): Disco dedicated to the Ribeira Sacra ourensana region, which collects traditional songs and sounds typical of the area, as well as own compositions inspired by this territory. Collaborate Víctor Manuel, SES, Coral de Ruada, Nani García, Marisa Valle Roso, Juan A. Antepazo de Astarot. In this recording they are incorporated into the formation Irma Macías (voz) and Brais Maceiras (acordeón).
  • Vieiras and Vieiros. Historias de Peregrinos (2020): Disco dedicated to the Camino de Santiago. On April 27, an advance of the album was released with the songs Benvido and Mártiros e o Vákner. In the song Benvido participates Miguel Rios.
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