List of Gothic kings


The list of the Visigothic kings is a topic in the history of education in Spain. It refers to the chronologically ordered list of thirty-three kings of the Visigothic kingdom (5th to 8th centuries), proposed as a memory test.

Progressive pedagogy used this example as proof of how traditional pedagogy reduced the contents of the History subject to the uncritical enumeration of names, data and dates; denying the usefulness of pure and hard memorization and reaching its complete ridicule.

RodrigoWitizaÉgicaErvigioWamba (rey)RecesvintoChindasvintoTulgaChintilaSisenandoSuintilaRecaredo IISisebutoGundemaroWitericoLiuva IIRecaredo ILeovigildoLiuva IAtanagildoAgila ITeudiseloTeudisAmalaricoGesaleicoAlarico IIEuricoTeodoricoTurismundoTeodoredoWaliaSigericoAtaúlfo

In the usual conformation of the list, discontinuities and overlaps are avoided. The list began with Ataúlfo, who was the first Visigothic king to have a relationship with the then Roman provinces of Hispania, which had been the object of Germanic invasions since 409, and over which the Visigothic kingdom was not established in a more stable way. Toledo until the VI century, instead of Athanaric, considered the first king of the Gothic people around the year 300. And it concluded with Rodrigo, considering that he had lost the kingdom.

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