

Links is an open source web browser in text mode —and graphic from its version 2 in terminal mode—.

First versions of Links

The original project was to create a web browser similar to Lynx but with more features.

Mikuláš Patočka, explained that he preferred to ignore Lynx and develop a separate browser because, due to the way it was developed, Lynx is unable to perform multiple connections—this would impede Links' ability to download files at the same time as browse the internet.

Unlike Lynx, Links supports HTML tables and frames, and allows horizontal scrolling. In addition, it is compatible with color and monochrome terminals and includes a drop-down menu system.

Since version 0.98 no new features are added to this browser. Later versions are released only to fix bugs.

Link 2

In the year 2000 Mikuláš Patočka joins Karel Kulhavý, Petr Kulhavý and Martin Pergel, colleagues at Charles University in Prague, and they form Twibright Labs. Together they continue the development of Links, adding support for graphic image formats, antialiasing text and JavaScript.

Graphical mode works even on UNIX systems without X Window or any other window manager, using SVGALib or the system graphics processing unit's framebuffer.

Features of both versions

  • Marker.
  • Discharge manager.
  • Support for FTP.
  • SSL support.

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