

The term limit can refer, in this encyclopedia:

In mathematics

  • a limit;
  • Al limit of a function;
  • Al limit of a succession;
  • Al limit of a network;
  • Al limit of a succession of sets;
  • a Banach limit;
  • a limit (categories theory);

In physics

  • Al Chandrasekhar limit;
  • Al elastic limit;
  • Al limit Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin;

In astronomy

  • Al Roche limit, the minimum distance that can withstand an object that orbits a massive body without beginning to disintegrate, due to the tide forces;

On sexuality

  • Al limitwithin the framework of sadomasochism, the borders of a session.

In philosophy

  • Al concept of limit developed by Eugenio Trías in his philosophy of the limit: being, is to be of the limit.

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