Lie group

is an example of Lie homeomorph group to bull.

In mathematics, a Lie group (named after Sophus Lie) is a real or complex differentiable manifold that is also a group such that the group operations (multiplication and inversion) are differentiable or analytical functions, as the case may be. Lie groups are important in mathematical analysis, physics, and geometry because they serve to describe the symmetry of analytic structures. They were introduced by Sophus Lie in 1870 to study symmetries of differential equations.

While the Euclidean space Rn is a real Lie group (with ordinary addition of vectors as a group operation), more typical examples are some groups of invertible matrices (with matrix multiplication as an operation), for example the SO(3) group of all rotations in 3-dimensional space. See below for a more complete list of examples.

Types of Lie groups

Lie groups are classified with respect to their algebraic properties (simple, semi-simple, solvable, nilpotent, abelian), their connectedness (connected or not connected) and their compactness.

Homomorphisms and isomorphisms

If G and H are Lie groups (both real or complex), then a morphism of Lie groups f : GH is a group homomorphism that is also a differentiable or analytic function. (It can be shown that it is equivalent to requiring only that it be a continuous function.) The composition of two such homomorphisms is again a homomorphism, and the class of all Lie groups (real or complex), together with these morphisms, forms a category. Two Lie groups are said to be isomorphic if there is a bijective homomorphism between them whose inverse is also a homomorphism.

The Lie algebra associated with a Lie group

To each Lie group, we can associate a Lie algebra that fully captures the local structure of the group. This is done as follows. A vector field in a Lie group G is said to be left invariant if it verifies the following. Define Lg(x) = gx, where g, x are in G. Then the vector field X is left invariant if, for any differentiable or analytic function f: GF (here F is the field R or C), X(f Lg)=(X f)Lg , for all g in G.

The set of all vector fields in a differential variety is a Lie algebra over Fwhere the product is Lie's corchete. In a group of Lie, invariant vector fields on the left form a sub-algebra, the Lie algebra associated with G, usually denoted by a g Gothic (). This Lie algebra g is finite-dimensional (has the same dimension as the variety G) which makes it susceptible to classification attempts. Sorting g, one can also get a closer approach to the Lie group G. The theory of representation of Lie's simple groups is the best and most important example.

Each homomorphism f: GH of Lie groups induces a homomorphism between the corresponding Lie algebras g and h. The association G|- > g is a functor.

Each vector v in g determines a flow line c: RG whose derivative at every point is given by the left-invariant vector field corresponding to v

and which has the property

for all s and t. The operation on the right hand side is group multiplication on G. The formal similarity of this formula with the one valid for the exponential function justifies the definition


This exponential function is an application of the Lie algebra g on the Lie group G. This exponential function is a generalization of the exponential function for real numbers (since R is the Lie algebra of the Lie group of positive real numbers with the usual multiplication), for complex numbers (since that C is the Lie algebra of the Lie group of nonzero complex numbers with the usual multiplication) and for matrices (since M(n, R) with commutator is the Lie algebra of the Lie group GL(n, R) of all invertible matrices).

The exponential gives a diffeomorphism between a neighborhood of 0 in g and a neighborhood of e in G. Because the exponential function is surjective in some neighborhood N of e, it is common to call the elements of Lie algebra infinitesimal generators of the group G. In fact, the subgroup of G generated by N will be the entire group G (assuming G is connected).

The exponential function and the Lie algebra determine the local group structure of each connected Lie group, due to the Campbell-Hausdorff formula: there exists a neighborhood U of the zero element of g, such that for u, v in U we have

where the omitted terms are known and involve Lie brackets of four or more elements. In case u and v commute, this formula reduces to the familiar power law exp(v) exp(u) = exp(u + v).

The global structure of a Lie group is not fully determined, in general, by its Lie algebra; see the table below for examples of various Lie groups sharing the same Lie algebra. We can however say that a connected Lie group is simple, semisimple, solvable, nilpotent, or abelian if and only if its Lie algebra has the corresponding property.

If we require the Lie group to be simply connected, then the global structure is determined by its Lie algebra: for every Lie algebra g is finite dimensional over F there is a unique (unless isomorphic) simply connected Lie group G whose Lie algebra is g. On the other hand, each homomorphism between the Lie algebras comes from a unique homomorphism between the corresponding simply connected Lie groups.

List of some real Lie groups and their Lie algebras

group of Lie description Comments Lie algebra description dim/R
euclid space with addendum abelian, simply related, not compact Lie's bracket is zeron
non-nul real numbers with multiplication abelian, not related, not compactLie's bracket is zero1
positive real numbers with multiplication abelian, simply related, not compact Lie's bracket is zero 1
complex numbers of absolute value 1 with multiplication abelian, related, not simply related, compact Lie's bracket is zero 1
nil quaternions with multiplication related, simply related, not compact quaternions, with the Lie corchete given by the switch 4
module 1 quaternions with multiplication, 3-sphere simply related, compact, simple and semi-simple, isomorph to and 3- real readers, with the Lie bracket the vector product; isomorph to the quaternions with real part zero, with the Lie bracket given by the switch also isomorph to the and 3
linear general group: real matrices n- by-n invertible non-related, non-compact real matrices n- by-n, with the Lie bracket given by the switcher
real matrices n- by-n with positive determinant non-compactreal matrices n- by-n, with the Lie bracket given by the switcher
special linear group: real matrices n- by-n with determinant 1 related, not compact and simple if nreal matrices n- by-n, with trace 0, with the Lie bracket given by the switch n2-1
orthogonal group: real matrices n- by-n orthogonal non-related, compact real matrices n- by-n, antisymmetrics, with the Lie bracket given by the switcher; isomorph to and with the vector product n(n-1)/2
special orthogonal group: real matrices n- by-n orthogonals with determining 1 related, compact, not simply related n1, semisimple, yes n=3 or n ≥5 simple real matrices n- by-n, antisymmetrics, with the Lie bracket given by the switch n(n-1)/2
group of thorns simply related, compact, semisimple, if n=3 or n ≥5 simple real matrices n- by-n, antisymmetrics, with the Lie bracket given by the switch n(n-1)/2
real sympathetic group: real sympathetic matrices not compact, simple and semisimple real matrices that satisfy JA + ATJ = 0 where J is the standard anti-simetric matrix n(22)n + 1)
simplectic group: unitary matrices n- by-n Quaternionics compact, simply related, simple and semisimple if nsquare cuaternionic matrices A satisfying A = −A, with the Lie bracket given by the switcher n(22)n + 1)
unit group: complex arrays n- by-n unitarian isomorph to S1 for n=1, not simply related to n.compact. Note: this No. is a group/algebra of Lie complex complex matrices n- by-n, that they fulfill A =A, with the Lie bracket given by the switcher n(n-1)/2n2
special unit group: complex arrays n- by-n unit with determinant 1 simply related, compact and n ≥2, simple and semisimple. Note: this No. is a group/algebra of Lie complex complex matrices , that they fulfill A =A with trace 0, with the Lie bracket given by the switch n2-1

List of some complex Lie groups and their Lie algebras

group of Lie description Comments Lie algebra description dim/C
Cneuclid space with addendum abelian, simply related, not compact CnLie's bracket is zeron
C×complex non-numerous numbers with multiplication abelian, related, not simply related, not compactCLie's bracket is zero1
GL(n, C) general linear group: complex arrays n- by-n inversible simply related, not compactM(n, C) complex matrices n- by-n, with the Lie bracket given by the switcher n2
SL(n, C) complex special linear group: complex arrays n- by-n with determinant 1 simple and semisimple, simply related if n1, not compact sl(n, C) complex matrices n- by-n, with trace 0, with the Lie bracket given by the switch n2-1
O(n, C) orthogonal group: complex matrices n- by-n orthogonal non-related n▪ compact so.(n, C) complex matrices n- by-n, antisymmetrics, with the Lie bracket given by the switch n(n-1)/2
SO(n, C) special orthogonal group: complex matrices n- by-n orthogonals with determining 1 related, non-compact, not simply related nn=3 or n ≥5 simple and semisimple so.(n, C) complex matrices n- by-n, antisymmetrics, with the Lie bracket given by the switch n(n-1)/2
Sp(22)n, C) simplectic group: complex simplicity matrices not compact, simple and semisimple sp(22)n, C) complex matrices that satisfy JA + ATJ = 0 where J is the standard anti-simetric matrix n(22)n + 1)

List of some infinite-dimensional Lie groups

group of Lie description Comments Lie algebra description dim/R
Difeomorphisms of not abeliano
utility in general relativity
Vector fields on
Difeomorphisms of
that keep the volume
not abeliano
usefulness in hydrodynamics
Vector fields on
with null divergence

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