

In nautical terms, length is the dimension of a ship taken along the axis from bow to stern; It can also be an element parallel to said axis (for example, the length of the hatch), or more simply: its total length.

This distance is measured parallel to the design water line, between two planes perpendicular to the bay line; one plane passes through the most protruding part aft of the craft and the other through the most protruding part forward of the craft.

Includes all structural or integral parts such as bows or sterns, bulwarks and hull-deck connections. The bow pulpit is excluded, in which case, the reference plane passes through the intersection point of the deck with the stem. Likewise, all removable parts that can be detachable in a non-destructive way and without affecting the structural integrity of the boat are excluded.


The ship theory distinguishes between:

  • Floating range is the length of the longitudinal axis of the plane of floating considered. The floating range is related to the navigation capabilities of the ship. In particular, it determines the maximum speed that can reach a ship with a displacement helmet. (ing. LWL: Length Water Line.
  • Slora between perpendicular is the distance between the proa perpendicular (Ppr) and the perpendicular of popa (Ppp). (ing. LBP: Length Between Perpendiculars).
  • Maximum range is the distance between the perpendiculars to the maximum float, drawn by the most outgoing points in the bow and in the stern,
  • Total range is the one taken between the two most extreme points of the ship. The total length is used for civil effects (insurance premium calculation, etc.) and to determine the space required to lure into a dock and other similar applications. (ing. LOA: Length Over All).

All longitudinal measurements on board are called length, therefore we speak of the length of a hatch or hold, etc.

Different ridges in a ship.

Consulted bibliography

  • Elements of Naval Architecture. Editorial bookshop Alsina Buenos Aires 1986. ISBN 950-553-026-9 (page 2).
  • Theory of the Ship. Cesáreo Díaz Fernández Barcelona 1972 B 43259 1972 (pag 5).

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