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La queen is a board game for two players. The game consists of moving the pieces diagonally across the black squares (or white in some variants) of a board of 64 or 100 squares. If someone does not kill (capture), he will lose that piece when playing, contrary to the mandatory intention to capture (eat) the opposing player's pieces, by stepping over said pieces.

There are several modalities, with different boards and number of pieces. The international version, also called "Polish checkers", is regulated by the Fédération Mondiale du Jeu de Dames (FMJD) and is played on a 10×10 square board with two players, each with 20 pieces (one player has of black pieces and the other of white pieces).

Normal pieces move 1 square diagonally, and if they reach the edge of the enemy zone they become "checkers", which can be moved diagonally to any side as many squares as desired, then it is when moving around first time in the next turn it will not be able to move, however the checkers can be eaten by the enemy.

Other rules:

  • A player should not move the same piece more than twice in a row to the same places.

A player must always move his pieces and not put them aside for more than 5 turns How to draw (draw)?

  • It can be packed if all the pieces are blocked together.
  • If both players stay with a single chip.
  • If the departure extends over time (if the departure is very long).


Checkers is a game for two people on a board of 64 squares of 8×8 cells (the same one used to play chess). The board is placed so that each player has a white square at the bottom right.

Each player has 12 pieces of the same color (some white and the other black) that at the beginning of the game are placed on the black squares of the three rows closest to him. The object of the game of checkers is to capture the opponent's checkers or to corner them so that the only moves they can make are those that lead to their capture (except Russian checkers, the poddavki variant, in which you win who runs out of tiles or the ones they have are blocked).

Played in alternating turns. Whoever has the light (white) chips begins to play. In his turn, each player moves his own piece.

Pieces move (when not eating) one position forwards backwards diagonally to the right or left, to an adjacent empty position.

When eating the opponent's pieces, several can be eaten in the same turn diagonally to the right and left, forwards and backwards. Blowing (or eating) is not mandatory, it is a decision of the player on duty.

Game Over

A game of checkers ends when one of two situations is reached:

  • Lose who's left without pieces on the board.
  • If the player is wrong 3 times, he loses.
  • If when a player's turn arrives, it cannot move since all the pieces that remain at stake are blocked, three rules are distinguished, depending on the style practiced:
  • When a player retains only one chip he can make an extra move after moving his chip.
    • Tables.
    • He loses the next move.
    • Win whoever else has. The same number of pieces wins who more queens/damas have and, if this also gets worse, the game ends in tables.
  • The player who has very few pieces can withdraw from the game.
  • Chancho: when in a player's turn he no longer has spaces to move his chips and thus loses the game.

The game can also end in a draw (draw) if both players are left with a very small number of pieces, such that no matter how many moves they make, the game will not be resolved. The queen/queen always has priority to eat before any other tile. Also the queen only moves one square after each capture. A normal piece can capture the final queen.

Mathematical resolution of the game

On July 20, 2007, in an article published in Science magazine, the mathematical resolution for the game of checkers was found, resulting in a draw. That is, if both opponents always play the perfect game based on the complete and perfect analysis, a draw is guaranteed.

Chinook is the name of the software created by Jonathan Schaeffer, the first program that first played checkers at the tournament level, eventually beating the world champion of the time, Don Lafferty, who finally settled the development of the game towards the draw inevitably.

In this case, it was a game of checkers with 12+12 chips. Chinook was never used for the international 20+20 checkers game which is as complicated a game as chess.


Checkers (United States) / Drafts (England) / English checkers (Hispanic America)

  • The pieces are usually red or black, and white or ivory from the other side.
  • Black or red (dark) begin. The pawns ("men" in English) advance a picture at once, always diagonally and cannot go back.
  • The ladies move only one box at a time (Greek Lady), both back and forth and always diagonally.
  • The capture is mandatory. If there is a possibility to eat several pieces on different sides, the player can "eat" the way he wants, either by quantity or by quality.
  • You win the game when the opponent has removed all the pieces on the board. But if a player has pieces on the board and is left without movement, then he immediately loses the game. This is known by the name of: "Hold".

Spanish Checkers

  • With the board in the same position, the pieces go in the white boxes. They can only capture diagonally ahead and back is called multiple motion.
  • If a player can't move, he's lost.
  • Officially, one can blow only if the person moves instead of eating
  1. The game of ladies is developed on a 64-box board (8x8), white and black colored alternately (classical book) with the right lower ladder of white color.
  2. The board should be flat and non-shimmering surface, divided into eight equal parts in height and width (8x8) whose intersections give rise to the 64 boxes of the board.
  3. The pieces, called pawns, can be made of wood, plastic, bone or ivory, 12 for each side, white and black.
  4. It is played on the white boxes of the board, leaving the large diagonal or main diagonal to the right of the player (lower right corner of the board).
  5. The board is numbered as follows: It is always counted from top down and left to right and only the white boxes are numbered. Thus the first white box in the first row will be number 1 and the last white box in the last row will be number 32. This number will be used to represent games, positions, studies and in general everything related to the nomenclature of the game.
  6. The 12 white pawns are placed on boxes 1 to 12 on the board and the 12 blacks on boxes 21 to 32.
  7. Each color is driven by a player. The first move must always be made by the player with the white chips.
  8. The movements of the pawns are in diagonal, a single box and in the sense of progress, that is, to the opponent field.
  9. The movements are performed alternately, one by player.
  10. "Fuck, playful piece." If you touch a piece, it should be played if the movement is possible.
  11. If a pawn reaches the base line of the opposite (1-4 white, 29-32 black), it becomes a lady, crowning it with another pawn.
  12. The lady also moves diagonally, but forward and back, and can go through any number of boxes if they are free.
  13. The lady can't jump two pawns together or a pawn of her color. In case of pawn of another color see capture of pieces.
  14. If a pawn is in the diagonal box adjacent to another on the contrary being the later empty and in play shift, you can jump over it to the empty box, removing it from the board.
  15. If after a jump, the pawn arrives at a box in the same conditions as the previous one, it can continue to jump and so all the times in which this is possible (multi-capture).
  16. If a lady is in turn and on the same diagonal with an opposite piece after which there are empty boxes, she can jump to any empty box.
  17. If after the previous jump is made again in another diagonal with opposing piece in the same conditions, you will be able to continue the jumps as often as possible (multiple captures).
  18. In multiple catches, in the same diagonal you can jump twice above the same piece.
  19. A capture movement does not end until all possible jumps are finished. Only then can the captured pieces be removed from the board.
  20. The capture is not optional but if the opponent does not notice the capture and plays another piece, the other player must remove the piece he could capture and follow with his normal move, this is known colloquial mind as "soplar".
  21. In the event of competition, if a game shows that from a certain movement the rules have been violated, it must be repeated from the infractor or annulled movement, according to the jury appointed to the effect.
  22. Amount Law: It is mandatory to capture as many pieces as possible.
  23. Quality Law: A equal number of pieces to be captured, it is mandatory to capture those of higher quality, lady before pawn.
  24. A game is considered lost when a player:
    1. Lose all your pieces.
    2. It has pieces, but touching it in turn has no movement possible (c).
    3. Drop the line.
    4. In competition, exceed the expected time without making the number of agreed moves.
    5. In competition, if so decided by the jury or judge of this by not complying with any of the rules of the game or tournament.
  25. A game is considered packed when:
    1. Players agree.
    2. When it exceeds the number of games planned for finals that should be won in a maximum of moves.
    3. When the same position is given three times, the same player being the one who is in the game turn and thus reclaims.
  26. Movement limit:
    1. Forzosa (3 ladies with main diagonal against a lady): Maximum 12 plays (24 moves) including the final capture movement.
    2. Draw of pawn (2 ladies with d.p. and a pawn in box 2, against a lady and pawn in box 9; on the contrary for the blacks): Maximum 32 plays (64 moves) until you win the game, convert the pawn or capture the opposite pawn.
  27. In competition, any dispute or controversy about the application of these rules will be resolved by the jury appointed for that purpose. Example of the Quality Law: the black pawn should eat the pawn and the white lady, instead of the 2 white pawns.

-Every time a queen kills a pawn it will be placed on the square after the one used by the pawn

Russian Checkers / Shashki

Russian checkers are the same as the pool checkers with the difference that if in the middle of a capture you reach the last row, you crown and continue the capture as a queen and White begins. It is played in parts of the former Soviet Union and in Israel they have different gameplay.


A variant of Russian checkers in which, using the same rules, the objective is inverted: whoever manages to run out of pieces or have the ones they have blocked wins. Generally, these lose/win versions are practiced in almost all checkers games, but they are not considered more than a simple amusement. However, in Russia this variant not only has its own name, but also enjoys prestige and championships are held in the same way as with the Shashki variant.

Game of column ladies

Queens of Column

The game of column checkers (rooks, posts, multi-storied checkers, tours, "columns", "column checkers" and even "Chinese checkers" 34;, English: column drafts, Russian towers) is a variant of checkers, known in Russia since the 17th century XIX, in which the game is carried out according to the usual rules for checkers, but with the difference that the struck checker is not removed from the playing field, and is collected under of the striking figure (a queen or a rook). Rooks move along the board, "obeying" to the top table. By taking the tower from her, only the top part of the screen is removed. If a check of a different color than the shot is found under the top as a result of the battle, the tower becomes the opponent's tower. The rules of the moves of simple checkers and checkers correspond to the rules of Russian checkers. Based on Russian checkers, but according to the rules of English checkers, world chess champion Emanuel Lasker developed the "Laska" and in 1911 he published the description of it. Lasker showed that rooks can only be "double-layered": that is, there can be no alternation of colors. He also showed that during the game, the number of game figures either remains constant or decreases. Column checkers are a curious object for mathematical sciences: combinators, theories of zero-sum pairs games, etc. Gambling and analytical interest are also column layups and two-way column checkers.

Turkish Checkers

“Turkish checkers”, originally named “dama”, are played in the same areas as Russian checkers and in Turkey. It is the most different of all the variants.

The board is eight by eight squares. Each player has sixteen pieces, which are initially placed in the second and third row closest to each other.

  • The pieces move orthogonally, a forward position or to the sides, not backwards.
  • It is caught jumping, either sideways or forward.
  • Captures are chained. As they are captured, the captured pieces are removed.
  • When a piece reaches the last row it crowns queen.
  • Queens move any number of empty positions forward, back or side.
  • Queens capture the same as normal pieces, but they can capture pieces separated from them by a line of empty boxes and go to stop any last box of the captured piece, following a line of empty boxes.
  • Capture is mandatory. You need to capture the maximum number of pieces.
  • Win those who capture all the pieces on the contrary, immobilize it or leave it with one piece against, at least, a queen.

Chinese Checkers

This is a peculiar variant of checkers. It is played between 2, 4 or 6 players, each with a different color. The board is also squared (in the case of 6 players, the board is hexagonal), but with many more squares.

Each player starts the game with their pieces in the region of one of the vertices of the board and their objective is to move all their pieces to the region of the opposite vertex.

The movement of the pieces is as follows: each turn the player moves a single piece, either by moving the piece to an adjacent empty square, or by jumping over other pieces, either his or another player's. The jump can be made as long as the final square where the piece goes is empty, and just like conventional checkers, multiple jumps can be made. In this game, pieces are not eaten, they are simply moved by jumping over each other. It is interesting to carry out movements of several jumps, because this way the pieces arrive before the opposite vertex.

The player who places all his pieces in the opposite vertex region first wins.

No player can permanently place pieces in the opposite region until they have removed all their pieces from their own region.

Myths about checkers

  • Ladies are not a chess variant, even though both games can be played on the same board, they are completely different games.
  • The Chinese ladies (whose name was given to them to make it more exotic; and who are not even from China, but are actually a German version of another American table game called halma) have no relation to the game ladies. In addition, both parts (or chips), as well as their rules, are completely different.
  • The ladies have no relation to the backgammon, game in which the same chips are used as in the ladies, with the difference that it is played with 15 chips and 3 dice, and occasionally also with two cubiletes, and the crown has to be placed in the square that follows after eating a chip and cannot be moved anymore.

Related Games

  • Classics:
    • Chess
    • Alquerque (origin of the ladies, by merging the alquerque with the chess board)
    • Surakarta
    • Fanorona
  • Modern:
    • Freeze
    • Epaminondas
    • Spot
    • Neutron
    • Lasca
    • Dameo
  • Other abstract board games:
    • Go
    • Backgammon
    • Rithmomachia
    • Mand
    • Monopoly
    • Ludo

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